Rep. Mark Souder (R-IN) and his congressional aide Tracy Jackson discuss the virtues of abstinence-only sex education, and what makes this video unintentionally hilarious, instead of, you know, just plan boring, is that Rep. Souder, one of those “family values Republicans,” just resigned after it was revealed that he and Jackson were having an affair.
I guess he should’ve known better, but as Woody Allen famously said, “The heart wants what the heart wants…” or more accurately, the penis. Kinda demonstrates in a nutshell the problem with abstinence-only sex education. I mean, if a pudgy, middle-aged, holy roller with a family and a political career to protect, can’t abstain from sex outside of marriage, what can we honestly expect of a hormone-enraged teenager?
In his resignation statement, Souder complains about “the poisonous environment of Washington D.C.,” but in the end, the thing that poisoned both his career and his marriage was his own hypocrisy.
off topic.
why aren’t we blasting BP for focusing on getting the oil instead of stopping the spill?
this is a very skinny pipeline that goes up thru thousands of feet of earth, under the sea.
A submarine with its conventional torpedos could likely blast at the site where the pipe comes out of the ground and make bazillions of tons of rock or dirt or clay, whatever it it, collapse and shut off the spigot of gushing oil.
I also suspect we could pour a bazillion tons of quick setting concrete on top of the whole area even if we have to cover an areas the size ofa foot ball field. Or twenty of them.
But then BP couldn’t get the oil or make $$$$. And all prior costs are a write off.
Why in heck are we tolerating this?
Why is Obama not taking over this project?
What is our government for?
BP is for profit and they are following the rules we have given them, pretty clearly. They make about $24 billion a year. I’d like to see the DOJ file an injunction against them to get a judge to order them to stop the spillpronto or else post a bond for $50 billion to cover all claims or better yet, revoke their corporate license they’re clearly abusing it and maintaining an ongoing public nuisance/toxic crime/fraud/racketeering enterprise.
The video has already been taken down.
Lots-O-Folks are bird dogging the BP disaster. It looks to me like BP needs to get its charter yanked.
Goldy, that video has been yanked as well.
Lee @2,
Well then, it’s a good think I scraped the video from YouTube and uploaded it my own account, just in case.
Video is back up for the moment.
I’m pretty sure this video on abstinence was really just an elaborate act of foreplay designed to lessen their own self-loathing over what they both knew was about to happen….
According to Associate Professor A. Ian Glendon from the School of Psychology, Griffith University (Australia):
Sounds like some Congressman needs to grow up a little, or that his mental development is likely permanently retarded.
Just as an afterthought…
I’d do her.
But if we don’t TEACH teenagers about birth control and sex, they won’t have sex. People only have sex because the liberal government teaches them about it (according to the anti-reality bat shit crazy Republicans). Of course, now that I think about it, reality is always the exact opposite of whatever the nutball Republicans preach. So I’m guessing that we DON’T teach cats, dogs, rabbits, deer or raccoon’s about sex, and they seem to still do it. It’s like…huh…we’ll do it ANYWAY, and teaching about how to do it safely is just common sense rational thinking. Rational thinking, there’s a new idea.
We could base public policy in the year 2010 on rational thinking…or we could run in fear of the magical invisible sky god (which we can’t see, hear or measure, and is real, but EVERY other magical sky god of EVERY other country and culture in history is fake, ours is the only real one, obviously). Grow up people.
I’ve noticed that with respect to ministers, they often preach most vehemently against the sins for which they feel the most guilt.
As for Jackson, she’s rather cute, in a “girl from the office next door” sort of way. She doesn’t appear to be a homely girl who would be flattered by his attentions, or a slut determined to achieve fame and notariety by bedding a prominant politician. You’ve got to wonder what she saw in him to risk her own career, as well. I wonder who blew the wistle on them?
5: I’ll agree with you on that. Torpedoes aren’t really designed for that sort of work.
9: And oddly enough, studies have shown that abstinence-only sex-ed has absolutely no effect on teen-pregnancy rates.
Souder says: “Abstinence for you, extramarital sex with a hot young babe for me.”
@11…I think Bad Polluter has been watching too many movies.
Actually, they tend to make the teen pregnancy rate go up.
Surprising for Heterosexual Behavior and Morals.
Just another right wing hypocrite…..
@15….YES, too bad is cant be a barney frank and run a homosexual prostitution service from his condo….
Boy she must have been desperate to sleep with that douche bag, even homos have better taste.
News reports are saying that it was an “anonymous tip” made multiple times. First it was to Souder’s opponants in the primary campaign (who declined to act on the tips), and then after he won the primary, to Souder’s senior staff and the House Minority Leader.
The second round of tips resulted in a “must investigate” situation. House ethics rules after the recent dust-up concerning a Democratic House member made it clear that staff members have to report even their own employer if he/she violates House ethics rules. The House minority leader rather promptly confronted Souder, resulting in his announcement the next day.
Of course, if she hadn’t held a position in his office, it wouldn’t have been a potential ethics complaint. Adultery may be immoral, but not an ethics violation in and of itself (good news for many Congressmen of both parties).
An interesting aspect is that the tipster had specific information that the Congressman and his aid met at specific remote locations in parks for their trysts. Obviously, someone very close to the Souder or his aid was the tipster. Maybe even the wife? I’d suspect a primary opponant who was running an active investigation diggin for dirt on his opponant, but if that was the case, why wouldn’t they use it once they got it?
What the hell did that gal see in him? I guess that given her Republicanism, she even lacks taste in men.
Republican Souder did the right thing and resigned. Democrat Blumenthal, whose disgrace is far worse, defended his lie about serving in-theater in Viet Nam as part of his honorable “service”. Fucking puke Democrat. Oops! Puke and Democrat are redundant-sorry.