The Sierra Club has released their report card for Washington state’s congressional representatives:
- Jay Inslee (D-01), A+
- Rick Larsen (D-02), A
- Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-03), F
- Doc Hastings (R-04), F
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-05), F
- Norm Dicks (D-06), A+
- Jim McDermott (D-07), A+
- Dave Reichert (R-08), C
- Adam Smith (D-09), A+
Notice a pattern?
The best of the Republicans, Reichert, who was once taped confessing to pro-environmental votes as a way take environmentalists “out of the game”, only gets away with a C—and that’s based on his voting record.
The bottom line: Republicans are really, really bad for the environment.
Yay, Dems.
They need to invent an F- grade for Hastings.
@1 Yes, there should be a separate grade for ethics, and Doc “Rug Sweeper” Hastings would get an F on that one as well. The only reason I wouldn’t give him an F- is because his main occupation as chair of the House Ethics Committee was sweeping other Republicans’ crimes under the rug instead of his own. He was the GOPers’ “see no evil, hear no evil” Go-To guy — they went to him after doing evil.
Duh. Agenda, much?
#3 Polly need a cracker to go with whining and cheese?
Why do Republicans hate trees, clean air, and clean water? Why do they fear nature? Is there something dark in their core that causes them to hate the natural world that God created?
“Why do Republicans hate trees, clean air, and clean water?”
Clean water too? These days, that one in particular doesn’t go over too well with me.
All those Republicans love Koch brothers money. They’d take it in a heartbeat.
And this is what the Koch brothers want in return for that money:
Check out the water in that video. I thought this country was way past that kind of shit. Apparently not.
TDR (R) established National Parks and National Forests.
Ike (R) passed the first national clean air standards.
The Clean Water Act of 1972 was vetoed by President Richard Nixon on October 17, 1972. I think I found where the Republicans went astray.
Nixon’s veto was overrode the next day.
I wish we had republicans like Ike and TDR. Those Republicans don’t exist in public, though they may be numerous out in the rank and file.
But today’s leadership republicans? They are just rank.
Hell, Nixon was better than the current crop of fools, buffoons, and sycophants that compose the GOP leadership.
I think that you can squarely blame evangelical Christianity for the current Republican opposition to clean air, water, and anything approaching sustainability. It’s that whole manifest destiny crap that these christians believe in. Man’s supremacy over all, and especially nature. Moreover, their fixation on hastening the end of the world for that rapture hooey. And we shouldn’t forget that family value GREED.
Not a one of them would be troubled by a the Ohio river on fire from chemical pollution, a landscape of toxic tailing ponds, or the destruction of the salmon population in Bristol Bay AK in favor of gold.
Theodore Roosevelt would be skewered by these republicans for being socialist. They are proud to be superstitious boobs.
# 11: I heard a pretty good sermon by a lay preacher at an Evangelical gathering about how taking care of the environment was “good stewardship” of the gifts God has given for us to manage. It was politely received by teh group.
I don’t think the Evangelicals had that much to do with it – their emphasis is on other issues.
There is also a significant “outdoor” faction of the Republican Party who hunt, fish, and backpack, and they don’t particularly like the encroachment of polution in otherwise pristine areas.
What seems to be controlling the Republicans is the financial arm of the Republican Party, which likes to cloak it’s “rape and plunder” philosophy in terms like “liberty” and “western self-sufficiency”, and the like.