Gabrielle Giffords, a Democratic congresswoman from Arizona, was shot today at a public event outside a grocery store.
A spokesman for the Pima County sheriff says that at least 12 people were shot. The Tucson Citizen reports that Rep. Giffords was “shot point blank in the head.”
New reports now say that Gifford is dead, and her district director and two other staffers were also shot, all three in critical condition.
There are a lot of lessons to learn from this tragedy, but one, unfortunately, is that assassination can be a very effective political tool.
NPR is now reporting six seven dead.
SarahPAC hits a target:
There are now conflicting reports, with at least one news outlet reporting that Giffords is not dead, but still in surgery. So I’m going to stop updating for now, and save it for a subsequent post.
Some folks in the comment threads caution me that I shouldn’t be jumping to conclusions, but as I’ve frequently written on the subject, words have consequences, and when it comes toviolent, right-wing, eliminationist rhetoric, one must accept that those consequences might ultimately include violence.
So when Giffords own Republican opponent uses rhetoric like this and holds a symbolic campaign event like that, well, what did he expect?
I’m just sayin’.
Not a lot of detail yet, but some 2+2:
This is horrible and my thoughts and prayers are with her family and those in critical condition.
Also, let’s not jump to conclusions about the motives of the person who did this. Until more is known, we have no idea if this was politically motivated or if he is just some crazy person going after someone in the public eye.
Yes, let’s see what this is all about before we start shooting our mouths off with speculations.
Ok, more description of the shooter, from the HuffPo link:
Let’s draw lots of conclusions according to our preconceived notions before the facts are known.
Passionate @2,
Bullshit. Giffords was assassinated, and we shouldn’t sugar coat it. Whatever the circumstances, this shooting is the inevitable result of the violent, hateful rhetoric the right has been targeting at Democrats for years.
Goldy – you are so FULL of shit. Name me one Republican who has advocated assassination. Just one.
Live stream here: KOLD-TV
They report that Representative Giffords is still in surgery, info obtained from the hospital.
And if a Republican gets shot by a “gunman” then Republicans can say the exact same thing just switch the names of the parties around and you’ve got what both parties have been doing to eachother since their inception, so quit whining, this is just the darker side of this incompetent 2 party system that has installed itself and its members as smarter than the people and above the people.
Known facts:
The rhetoric and actions of the right-wing/Teahaddist/Palinist movement are suffused with guns and images of guns and violence.
Rep. Giffords ‘targeted’ for political attack and the imagery is of telescopic sight crosshairs.
Rep. Giffords murdered/assassinated by person wielding gun.
Whether the assassin was directly motivated by Palin’s imagery or not, or was just a nutcase, it is undeniable that guns and violence and “second amendment remedies” are part of the Teahaddist toolkit for their will to power, and this illustrates that images and innuendo of violence have no place in our political discourse.
Oh, and Rep. Giffords murdered/assassinated by person wielding gun.
Maybe it’s time for those of us on the left to buy guns and know how to use them.
@10 – I fail to see what this assassination has to do with my gun rights. Of course you lefties will always use incidents like this to abolish the 2nd amendment. We all know how much you hate America.
OK, just what the fuck is Sharon Angle’s “second amendment remedy” if not a call for assassination?
Just what is the implicit message of Palin’s crosshairs?
@5: Fine, but if this turns out to be another right-media addled fanatic, don’t let your preconceived notions separate and except this from what it is.
Would you be so good as to explain the phrase “A well regulated militia”
Crusader @7,
But don’t be stupid. When they paint us as the enemy of America and the friend of terrorists, when they accuse us of treason or worse, they are knowingly fomenting violence.
Goldy – you are full of shit and are fermenting violence among lefties against conservatives. Look at your violent rhetoric!
Exactly right.
This is the dark heart of the Western Taliban. Beautiful and horrible in its simplicity: Derive power from selling fear and hate. Whip that product into a corrosive froth. Sit back and count the bodies.
To reiterate, as of 11:46am PST reports of Giffords death are being retracted by news sources.
She is in surgery at University Medical Center in Tucson.
PS. to Goldy — your blog’s clock is way, way, way off.
This is the kind of violent, over the top rhetoric that Goldy encourages on this blog.
I posted this on the open thread, though the Giffords discussion is here now:
Diary at Dk about Giffords Republican opponent from last November.
You tell me what he’s selling.
I’ve said words to that effect many many times here and I stand by them.
They were not incited or encouraged by Goldy at all – in fact I am hard pressed to remember a direct exchange I have ever had with Goldy.
Anyway, it appears that Giffords was shot, apparently not in the head, and is still alive, in the hospital, having surgery:
@22 well that’s nice of you to absolve Goldy of responsibility but this his HIS blog and he spews this violent rhetoric every day.
You dont know dick about this shooting…
stop running off at the mouth.
I wonder if you will post a retraction when we find that this had nothing to do with an assasination.
seems like you are already licking Dan Thavages ballsack before the first check has cleared.
Anyway, it appears that Giffords was shot, apparently not in the head, and is still alive, in the hospital, having surgery:
I would still love your explanation, re:your gun rights, as to what is meant by the phrase “A well regulated militia”
I would also love to hear your explanation of what you suppose Sharon Angle meant when she referred to “second amendment remedies”
I would love to hear your thoughts as to why Palin chose gun sight crosshairs to identify her political opponents.
PIO at the hospital says she’s still alive and in surgery.
MSNBC also reporting, via the Pima County Sheriff whose SWAT surgeon is at the hospital, that she is still alive but “in very critical condition” with a point blank gunshot wound to the head.
No assumptions, sure. But I have the sickening feeling I know exactly how this story will play out. The gunman will have been whipped up into a froth by the right wing chamber (as with the Knoxville & Bay Area shootings), whose leading lights (Rush, Beck, et al) will evince horror – horror! – at the shooting while denying any responsibility at all and maintaining that the liberals are the ones doing real violence – to the constitution, of course – and therefore were asking for it. For bonus points, they’ll maintain (as with the Austin IRS guy) that the gunman was really a liberal, too.
I hope I’m wrong. I’m not optimistic. How many ever-more-thrilling sequels does this movie have to have before people have the basic plot figured out?
As for the various trolls trying to pull false equivalency bullshit: name one liberal political or media figure in recent years who’s even indirectly advocated violence against his or her opponents, or one conservative who’s been victimized by it. You can’t. There are loonies all around the fringes of the political spectrum, but the literal calls to arms are all on one side. This shooting matches the pattern. Goldy is right to call this an assassination, and we’ll find out the motives soon enough.
@11 Rich,
There are many of us to the left of Fox News with guns. We just do not say stupid shit like “second ammendment remedies” (Sharon Angle) or give demonstrations on TV of stupidity with weapons like Sarah Palin did.
Agreed with Geov, with Crusader already illustrating well the rationalization cycle on violence.
Yes Sharon Angle’s “2nd Amendment solutions” BS rhetoric was completely inflammatory and disgusting. She should have been condemned by the national GOP but she was not.
The target list is not that inflammatory. Yes, use of the crosshairs was not a wise decision and can be misconstrued, especially by people that need mental health. Perhaps they should have used an “X” instead?
But come on folks, I’ve worked on plenty of Democratic campaigns and we have our own target lists. Rep. Reichert, for instance, is always on our target lists.
Clearly the attempted assassination of a Democratic Congress woman who literally had a target painted on her is only a weird coincidence.
Only a hyperventilating liberal would speculate that the would be assassin of this elected representative was highly motivated by the incessant violent propaganda and fear mongering of Fox News and the
RepublicanBolshevik Party.Because political gun violence in Pima County Arizona has never happened before. Just ask Shawna Forde.
Richard @23 and @26…
Part right. She was shot in the head. All reports except the one you link to (and CBS is silent on that aspect) confirm that fact. In addition, it is clear that her head wound is extremely critical. The only backtracking is on the reports of her death (thankfully).
Wow..thats a first….the Republicans are now the new Bolshevic Communists?
Who in AZ would be motivated to shoot a Democratic Congresswoman married to a NASA Astronaut????
Some little boy frustrated maybe that he didn’t grow up to be President of the United States?
Crusader @24,
Eat me. I have NEVER called for violence. Though keep it up, and I might be tempted.
You can get streaming live coverage on KOLD-13, the CBS news affiliate in Tucson:
Or on Channel 9, ABC affiliate:
(Not sure where they came up with their call sign!)
cmon dude, you are hardly an intimidating figure…..nor an influential one.
Everyone needs to calm the fuck down until the facts come out.
Indeed, sir.
Like I said on the other thread…
Beware when the Western Taliban burn down the Reichstag, er Capitol, and blames the Left.
maybe it was guy fawkes?
But, we should hold off a little bit until a little more is known. There’s plenty of time to point out the rights connections to violent speech and actions down the road.
It’s you that’s hysterical everytime the right wing is caught with their pants down in promoting or committing violent acts.
But then you’re still wetting yourself over WTO.
To the “Okay, just one more” update, just saw across Twitter that Palin’s organization is starting to scrub her Web site, and the crosshairs graphic in the post above was removed.
Looking forward to the revisionist history.
I’m guessing she’s dead. But, at this point it’s just a guess.
STFU you nutless POS.
I can see why you stay in the basement…because coming out of it would result in you getting your ass kicked.
No matter what the motivation…the shooter deserves the death penalty.
no mercy for killers or rapists.
@6 @25 @Everybody
The fact is that we have no idea who the shooter is or why he did what he did.
Until the police investigate, we are only guessing.
The Republicans (especially the Tea Partiers) need to tone down their rhetoric. We can all agree on that.
I have worked on the staff of several elected officials, including Gray Davis while he was CA governor. I can tell you first hand that there are a lot of fucking crazy people out there — some of them are politically motivated, more than that are just plain nuts and become dangerously infatuated by people who are famous.
John Hinkley Jr tried to assassinate Reagan in order to impress Jodie Foster.
Everyone needs to remember that.
My thoughts are with Giffords, her family and her staff.
46 – Yawwwwwnnn. You’re an authoritarian POS who’s been handing out orders in this thread.
When a guy goes unhinged and shoots some some people like that guy in Florida and it comes out that he leaned left – it’s ok to crow about it.
But when the shoe’s on the other foot like it appears here?
It nothing but STFU from stooges like you.
Is Palin’s organization really doing that?
That is really a stupid move on their part, since every page of their website must be cached and archived a 1000 times.
It makes them look guilty.
Stupid move if they are indeed doing that.
here’s the thing folks — everything on the internet is saved and is out there. If you are worried about something you create on the internet, don’t create it in the first place.
So what about those who incited, pimp? Bachmann wanting her supporters to be “armed and dangerous”? Angle’s “second amendment solutions”? How are those statements anything short of encouraging others to gun viloence?
@35. your wife’s pimp on 01/08/2011 at 11:44 am,
“Wow..thats a first….the Republicans are now the new Bolshevic Communists? hmm.”
It may be the first time you’ve heard it, but it does not diminish the accuracy of the observation that the Republican Party is the American version of the Bolsheviks.
See what YelllowPup posted @44?
Down the memory hole is how Bolsheviks roll. The
RepublicanParty pulled a memory hole stunt on the first day it had the gavel in the House.Every
RepublicanBolshevik in the House voted for this.Bolsheviks like uncomfortable or difficult things to be sanitized out of existence. Thus if you can’t defeat Giffords in a free & fair election, attempt to assassinate her.
violence, not viloence
Early reports are that the AZ shooting suspect in custody is a 21 year old male. That fact should be enough to dump a lot of speculation about motive. Let’s wait and see here, perhaps a terrorist act?
I have now read several reports that the shooter is “an afghan war vet” Tim McVeigh was a Gulf War vet, if I recall correctly.
I wonder if this incident ends up being the Tea Party’s Oklahoma City moment?
That thought is probably what caused Crusader to go into such a tizzy…
TPM Confirms: Federal Judge Shot At Incident In Arizona
Must have been an activist judge.
@50: Sorry, slightly mistranslated what I read. Lots of folks reporting that Palin’s org just took down the whole site. There are lots of cached copies of the graphic being reposted.
The HuffPo article now has condolence statements from Obama, Boehner, and Palin.
Flashback: Giffords Opponent Had M16 Shooting Event, ‘Help Remove Gabrielle Giffords From Office’
Clearly a coincidence. It would be unreasonable to speculate.
sarah pac crosshairs, shoot an m16 with your candidate, 2nd amendment solutions. the right wing is full of nutjobs and lunatics.
55 – That’s the way it goes indeed. A “lefty” guy like Obama, as corporate and Republican friendly as he is, gets into the White House and it leads to right wing violence. Couple that with the color of his skin and it’s only a matter of time before some head case goes off.
It’s probably unfair to hang this on the Teahadists but there’s no doubt some racist and violent elements are attracted to it in order to sanitize their image.
So if the image of crosshairs over Giffords location in Arizona had nothing to do with the shooting, why did Palin remove it from her website? It’s political free speech right? Palin’s 2012 prospects are now swirling down the drain.
Hey Goldy – since you’re so quick to speculate about the motive behind this shooting, maybe you should speculate on Rep. Giffords’ mental capacity to be a competent US Representative going forward? You didn’t hesitate to do so when Reichert suffered a head injury.
You’re a joke…………..
See. Once you become “was a liberal” we can all agree violence in politics is wrong.
Shit. She’s a blue dog who is all for putting troops on the border and resisted calls for boycotting AZ businesses over their ugly immigration law.
But she did vote for the Health Care bill and that motivated vandalism of her Tuscon office.
And it’s a damn shame if that simple vote motivated anything uglier.
Oh my. This will make Puddybud and the rest of the unhinged right wing nutjobs happy. I’m going to quote The MURDOCH POST:
Read more:
Doc at hospital says she is out of surgery and he is optomistic.
Goldy, I am thinking you should pull your “Shot Dead” banner about now.
Hospital’s neurosurgeon says Giffords is critical, shot through the head, but responding to commands. One child is dead at that hospital.
Ok here might be the shooter’s youtube account:
Pretty creepy stuff.
It’s just amazing how fast this information is spreading through google, twitter, etc.
Pic of the shooter and his gun:
We need to build a fucking fence around Arizona.
WTF are you talking about basement boy…what guy in florida?
and spineless fish like you need an authoritarian barking orders to you…otherwise you just end up spending your life in a basement living in the blogosphere while your wife runs the show and raises the kids
oh wait….
try being a man for a change and take care of your responsibilities instead of asking others to take care of them for you.
74 – Heh. Shows how ignorant you are. Puddybud was crowing up and down the threads about that guy in Florida.
I ignore ALL ORDERS from right wing garbage like you.
The Communist Manifesto is one of the favorite books of suspected shooter Jared Lee Loughner:
Uh, school board shooter, about a month ago?
@74 your wife’s pimp on 01/08/2011 at 12:57 pm,
Clearly from your moniker and your comments you’d be an outstanding parent raising kids; far superior to any woman or fish. No basement blogger you.
Well myspace took the shooter’s page down but from little we know he leaned right wing: fixated on currency, mind-control.
A paranoid Ron-ulan maybe..
and if the shooter is a vet – that is relevant HOW?
I remember Puddy going on about that – but I didn’t see him put forward any evidence except that the shooter got pissed about economic inequality and learned about it from Media Matters – which of course Pud ran with screaming “George Soros!! George Soros!!! Puppetmaster!!!! Geeeeoooorrrrgggeee Sssooorrrooossssss!!!!”
76 – And Mein Kampf..
is my name puddy?
and the garbage around here is you and your jobless lifestyle.
LOL @ the froth going on here now….
time to go watch the Seahawks..
80 – He could have PTSD you ignorant moron. McVeigh was a Gulf War vet.
You’re in the red zone on the stupid meter this thread.
I went to Bachmann and Angle’s sites and asked if they still stood by their statements.
Let’s flood them. Others?
The suspect has a bizarre mishmash of economic and constitutional theory that seems to be at his core.
I don’t think he had a conventional ideology that fits neatly on the left-right scale. His monetary policy seems to be based on everyone minting their own personal currency. He is also very upset at his local community college.
Here’s Pammy “Victory Mosque!! Jihad!!” Geller covering her ass too…
He’s a ‘certified nut’ according to Pammy.
Remarkable are the peddlers of violence and fear and hate, the people all too ready to tell you who is going to kill you in your bed, trying their damdest to disown this guy in particular. Political hate speech? Eliminationism? Not so much.
Might be a good time to brush up on Dave Niewert’s work. His website here.
wow…”he could have”…..fuck, “he could have” lots of shit going on.
once again, we see the leftist progressive hate for the armed forces and its members already seeping to the surface.
lefty playbook 101: always find a way to make the military look bad.
nice to see some playbooks never change.
84 – That’s the SEATTLE Seahawks to you hater.
you mean the team who’s HQ is IN KIRKLAND…
you really live in a strange world YLB.
Heh. The SEATTLE Seahawks who PLAY at QWEST Field in SEATTLE.
Not the goat pen in “Cascadia County” you knee-jerk hater.
The guy’s ramblings seem to fit a Jesse Ventura foil hat type more than anything.
92 – Just responding in kind to your knee jerk hatreds you dope.
you really are a child.
no wonder your wife has to run the show…you simply are not capable to do it.
keep hating on that military basement boy.
This (by way of digby) is a bit off topic, though speaks to interfaith and political tolerance, and is really quite beautiful. An excerpt:
96 – zzzz… Your record here speaks for itself. You know what it is: homophobia, bigotry, knee jerk hatred of Seattle which is a bizarre form of tribalism.
You change your handle all the time to disguise yourself but your spew gives you away every time.
Keep up the bad work so we can all laugh at you.
Jared Lee Loughner did volunteer at the Tucson Festival of Books:;photo=8
My hats off to the docs and the EMS folks in Tucson.
Teahadist is now the only appropriate name for these people. They are terrorists, as sure as the people who attacked us on 9/11. Sarah Palin telling her loyalists to ‘target’ Democrats with crosshairs placed on their residence.
Bill O’Reilly saying that if someone kills an abortion doctor he would understand why.
Teabagger is too friendly a term for these people.
For those of you bitching and moaning that we should ‘wait and see what this was all about,’ start telling your teahadist leaders that you are tired of their race-baiting, violence inducing tactics and maybe you will have some credibility.
Granted, not every tea party member is in this group, but their leadership is. Just as I would say that Ahmadinejad has culpability for senseless violence against Jews based on his statements, the tea party leaders (Fox News commentators, Sarah Palin, etc.) have culpability for this.
99 – Great find Richard. On the surface he looks like a decent all-american kid but whatever got in his head to try to murder a centrist Democratic Congresswoman?
And at least 3 other people are dead, right?
We’ll see.
102 – just something that somebody else had pointed out somewhere else.
Looks like federal judge John Roll got killed in the shooting. Not sure what he was doing at the event. The official announcement by Giffords’ office does not mention that the judge would be present:
Looking at the guy’s video and YouTube profile, he seems more like a nutter than a Teahadist per se. Among other signs: he lists both the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf as among his favorite books. That’s one confused mofo.
His actions still could have been inspired by the current political climate and rhetoric, but his ideology (a new currency? “conscience dreaming”?) seems way out there.
Normal, healthy, people don’t commit acts like this one. However, you take a person that’s a bit unstable, and put them on a heavy diet of violent rhetoric and you wind up with a political shooting on your hands. Teddy Roosevelt and President McKinley were shot by anarchists under similar conditions to what the righties are whipping up today.
you motherfuck goldberg, you fucking kike. you know palin was talking about voting, you cocksucker
Just McKinley.
@104, 105
Those Youtube videos were quite weird – but laced with “your own currency”, and gold standard – very libertarian sorts of views. On a captured MySpace page was a pic of a handgun – which seems to suggest some identification with guns, as opposed to merely owning and enjoying them. Also on his favorite books list was ‘We the Living” – Ayn Rand.
Whether he was a certifiable Tap Party member or not, that is not necessarily the point. The Teahaddists/Western Taliban have whipped up the rhetoric of eliminationism and violence to the point that these sorts of “second amendment remedies” are legitimized and made less taboo as a part of our political life.
We need to be out in front on this – putting Palin and Bachmann and Angle, Oreilly and Hannity back on their heels – make them defend their reprehensible statements that legitimize this carnage.
I would have thought the murderer was a crazy wingnut teabagger too, but he’s certainly all over the map as you point out. In addition, the guy hates God and was pissed off because the Bible was discussed at military recruiting. He sounds like left/right/left/right kook. Appears both sides have something in common with this moron.
A 21-22 yr old can be considered delayed adolescence not really comprehending the future. He is facing untold misery and essentially his life is over before it began. Very dangerous to have young people involved with hate groups.
Get out of here, you subhuman piece of shit.
Cue Puddy to claim that the guy was a leftist in 1, 2, 3…
I’m sixty-five and have never met a left-wing gun-nut.
@106 Speaking of hate groups…your use of an ethnic slur shows a lack of imagination and intelligence, dickhead.
Apparently, John Flammang, they guy who who TDR was advised to do so by William McKinley, who came to him in a dream, not by anarchists. I did not know this.
@ 104 Geov
My mom is a psychologist. I’ve talked to her a bit about this shooting and have spent a good couple of hours watching the whole thing unfold. They don’t have internet access where they are so I’ve been doing the third-hand info thing for her.
I read some of the stuff off the mans youtube videos, and my thoughts were that the man was likely schizophrenic, and her answer was that most real schizos just don’t have the intellectual organization to act out this way. They just cannot plan things in advance and carry those plans out.
But one thing she did say was that when psychologists are doing an “intake” interview on a suspected schizo, one of the standard questions that is a prime indicator is: “Do you dream while you are awake?”
A primary indication of Schizophrenia is they cannot differentiate between dreaming and wakefulness. They wake up from REM sleep,and cannot tell that they are awake, nor can they understand that they were dreaming. Likewise, they cannot differentiate between dreams and the common basic short term fantasies or daydreams, the internal thought distractions that everyone engages in while they are conducting themselves during the course of a normal day. There is no boundary between the two. No conscious differentiation of what they are thinking internally, and what they are perceiving through their eyes and ears. So they learn to distrust their conciousness, and often refuse to allow themselves to sleep for very long.
The reality is, sane, somewhat normal people cannot begin to comprehend that.
I have a schizophrenic friend. I haven’t seen him in 20 years but it was obvious that there was some serious mis-perceptions happening there. He tried to communicate them to me, but the basic software he was working with was so flawed that it was impossible for me to understand. He was a really cool dude until he lost his mind.
This Jared character is crazy as a rat in a coffee can. Whether or not he was a “teahadist” or a Randroid or whatever, he was nuts. Bookoo dinky-dau.
I’ve met more than a few folks on the left with quite a few guns, but the over the top paranoia/religious-sexual object gun thing is a creature of the right.
Why is Goldy so mad about this?
They’re simply doing what he’s long advocated — bringing guns into a political debate
Get out of here, you subhuman piece of shit.
oh, ok proudleftiust. do you want to go on record as saying you thiunk sarah palin meant assination? you are the subHUMAn piece of shit. you fucking cocksucking motherfucker
MOT, go away, this is an adult conversation.
I am considered to the left of many. I voted for Obama, supported Obamacar with the public option even though I have one of those gold plated plans, did not want the Bush tax cuts even though I would benefit from it, I support raising capital gains tax to that of income even though it will hit me personally.
I have 35 or so firearms. Several of them are the evil “assault weapon” that many on the left hate so much. I have a CPL and have had one for 30 years. I am more responsible with my firearms than the government is with our military.
I heard about the shooting today from Jay Inslee who keynoted the Environmental Leg Workshop.
He spent the 1st part doing (choked up) a little eulogy for Giffords. He said she was a great partner on renewable energy among other things.
He gave a great speech.
I got to talk with him after and you could see that this had affected him a lot.
He had a police (at least two officers and what appeared to be some plain clothes) escort. I imagine they all do, now.
@124 RR Anderson, take it down please.
Goldy, you should have learned your lesson after your post about the census worker in KY. You must be doing plyometrics the way you leap to conclusions.
What an utter joke. Right now it’s looking like this guy is more or less another Monfort. A loon, who to the extent that he can be ID’ed politically, is on the left side of the spectrum.
And it turns out that Democrats had several ‘bullseye’ type maps of their own, one can be seen here.
Bet you won’t be posting that map on your homepage anytime soon.
too many crazy peole with guns and not enough TEA crazies refudiating ‘2nd amendment remedies’
Sarah Palin = accessory to murder
Crusader and manoftruth = apologists for murder
Ain’t no other way to say it.
The man has a way with words — Alan Grayson on “Gabby”:
I have guns also, and a pistol permit, but don’t fetishizes firearms. IMHO handguns should be a LOT more expensive and have the crap regulated out of them. A lot of gun nuts are just apolitical nuts.
MOT, go away, this is an adult conversation.
please, deathfrogg. so you agree with the posters who are saying sarah palin called for her assasination? well, what about obama and bill ayers? you have a university employing a person who sed to set off bombs.
give me a break
1. MOT is a bigotted, antisemitic fool
2. Palin did have a web site with targest and spoke of reloading
3. Bachmann did urge supporters to be armed and dangerous
4. Angle did advocate secondamendment solutions
5. See number 1
#130 Bert
“A lot of gun nuts are just apolitical nuts.”
Got any data to support that? Must gun owner types I know are pretty quiet about their politics and gun ownership. The loud ones onthe left and right get all the attention. KOS is raving about how could one allow concealed carry. If this guy is planning on breaking the law by killing people does one really think banning concealed carry is going to help? That is idiocy of the left. Idiocy of the right can be merely explained by Sharon Angle any time she speaks (Second Amendment remedies, etc).
Say what you will about guns, but a handgun only has one purpose, and that purpose is to kill human beings. As such, it is a magnet for evil.
I’m just joining this thread because Mrs. Rabbit and I were at a sports bar watching the Seahawks defeat the reigning Super Bowl champs. (We don’t have a working TV down in this hole.)
The United States of America officially became a third world country today.
Next up: Rightwing dictators clinging to power by kidnapping their opponents’ campaign workers and burying them in mass graves.
@ 134
Not specifically true. I have brought down two rather large whitetails with my .44 revolver.
Any of you rightwing whackjobs wanna bet money the shooter was not a rightwing whackjob?
@7 “Goldy – you are so FULL of shit. Name me one Republican who has advocated assassination. Just one.”
THIS guy came awful close.
And then, let’s not forget our own homegrown whackjob, who publicly endorsed killing innocent Americans so Republicans can win more elections.
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
Crusader, let’s call a spade a spade. People like you who try to pretend, in the aftermath of this tragedy, that the rightwing movement you support hasn’t been calling for political violence aren’t just full of shit. You’re fucking liars.
@133 I don’t know of any loudmouth gun owners on the left, but there’s plenty loudmouth gun owners on the right.
Lib Unscientist is a blind mofo!
Puddy posted the links and words from his Facebook page.
Again this fool is 100% moronic!
#134 Baxter,
“but a handgun only has one purpose, and that purpose is to kill human beings”
Bollocks. I carry a large handgun to go along with our bear spray when we feel it is prudent. There are also lots of handguns that are entirely unsuitable for combat. That argument is just another example of the anti gun crowd like “pistol grips on semi auto rifles are for spraying” (per Diane Feinstein).
I have fired lots of rounds through my handguns and have yet to even point one at a human. I hope to keep it that way.
@131 Palin knew exactly what she was doing when she threw red meat into this mob.
@142 I’ve pointed handguns at human beings three times, but that was when I lived in a bad neighborhood, and I don’t have to do that anymore because I live in a better neighborhood now.
The beauty of a handgun is that even stupid people comprehend what you’re trying to tell them.
#140 Roger,
I wasn’t clear…I meant the loudmouth ANTI gun nuts on the left. The gun owners of the left are not loud at all…..or they become labeled righties (like what happens to me here) if someone disagrees. Many here on HA cannot understand the a progressive may in fact be a gun owner too.
@128 I agree with you. Rhetoric has consequences. Of course, Palin and her ilk, and our trolls who fawn over them, will never own up to their responsibility for the violent acts that inevitably follow violent rhetoric. So it’s up to us liberals to “man” them up. Preferably in a dark alley if we can catch them …*
* Just kidding! Wingnut joke! All wingnuts know we liberals are a bunch of timid pussies who can be pushed around at their pleasure.
@146 “Many here on HA cannot understand the a progressive may in fact be a gun owner too.”
I’ve made it as clear as I possibly can that I’ve got a gun and will use it if any righties come for me with rendition or extermination on their minds.
Of course that’s the point Lib Unscientist. That’s what gets all the HA progressives slobbering over their keyboards posting useless comments here.
Maybe he’s another Clay Duke!
Useless huh? How’s this for useless?
or this one:
More useless chronological failure from the dumb brick ylb.
You crack Puddy up! Everyone is discussing if this moron is a Tea Party member (which we’ll eventually see) and you do what?
Idiotic lunacy! Lights out moron!
Remember ylb Clay Duke… one of yours. Good thing his aim was off!
Lee isn’t going to like to hear this:
The suspect’s exact motivation was not clear, but a former classmate described Loughner as a pot-smoking loner who had rambling beliefs about the world. The Army said he tried to enlist in December 2008 but was rejected for reasons the military did not provide.
Oh my Richard say it ain’t so!
#148 Roger,
Animals (I presume rabbits count) are not renditioned. They go to rendering plants.
No bunnies in Gitmo that I know of and Wikileaks has had nothing to say about it so it must be true.
Just trying to clear that up.
152 – So you’re defending that crap as “useful” huh?
You’re a total moron Puddybud.
In this case, the Duke case and the Ft Hood shooter ideology was incidental you fool!
All three were mentally unbalanced!
Kind of reminds me of someone I know who spews a lot of crazy bullshit in these comment threads!
BTW: On a side note Ms. Giffords was one of the people that Keith Olbermann gave money too resulting in his suspension.
Oh my dumb brick ylb… Why is it always about you moron? You have a narcissistic complex. Look at me, look at me! ylb the schmuck!
Clay Duke is a clone of you. Loved Media Morons. Hasan listened to a whack job. Just like you!
I’m amazed at how the conservatives are doing their best to pretend that the words they use, didn’t have ANYTHING to do with this.
You know if this happened to a republican they would be up at arms to send every out spoken liberal like Olbermann into concentration camps.
My first post ever to a blog …..
Roger rabbit – I have been reading your posts on here for quite awhile and want to tell you that you are truly serving the public good. Your well reasoned, fact based arguments are refreshing and remind me that not all people are willing to be swept up in the latest bullshit politics.
Keep it comin.
Comments from various site:
If he had got Pelosi or Reid I would have taken an early withdrawel from my 401(k) and donate it to his defense fund
This is simply stating facts. For months TP “leaders” (Palin, Angle, Beck, Rush, etc) were calling for “second amendment remedies”, “if not ballots, then bullets” etc. You cannot seed hatred, call others “communists” and not expect some nut to take this seriously. If anyone – it is you who should sit this one out.
wonder how Rep. Giffords will feel about gun laws if she survives…….
As predicted, Pud (is that short for pudendum?) brings up the Panama City shooter, Clay Duke.
A very very large difference between that event and this one: Clay Duke, reputed to be very facile with guns, shot no one but himself.
You betcha Lib Unscientist. There was original thought Clay Duke was a Tea Party person just like the discussion over Jared Lougher right now. As the information appeared from CREDIBLE sources we learned about Clay Duke just as we’re learning more and more about Lougher’s true attributes.
Poor poor Lib Unscientist. FACTS smack him silly!
From the hannity site. This stuff is fascinating
Yo Pud, did Clay Duke kill anyone but himself, despite having ample opportunity?
Gabrielle Gifford and the Federal Judge had it coming. Congress and our political “machine” is turning this country to crap. Inflation by unregulated FED, BAILOUTS, Tax cuts for the RICH, soldiers (middle class/poor) killed for lies that are based on corporations and the rich wanting oil holdings in the middle east, Wikileaks showing the evil nature of our government like spying, public and federal employees earning more than private, the Chinese, Russians and previously many of the Middle East dropped the US dollar, mainstream news like CNN, MSNBC avoid topics like these in mainstream media, this young man was brave.
As for the one victim a 10 year old child, I do not condone hurting a child, ever, but things are going to get worse before getting better, if possible at this point. For those about to take on the WRONGDOERS, I understand but please watch out for the children. As adults, we all got it coming, like in the movie Unforgiven. Americans are not like the French, we do not make large demonstrations. Instead we stew, and we see what is going on, we are not as stupid as many of the rich would like to believe. When we fire back, you will know it in a crazed rampage. Americans know where the rich live, Congressmen and other State and Federal workers hang out, and we even know how to hide. We will leak CORPORATE SECRETS and take the world down with us. All it takes is vandalism to public property, avoiding paying taxes and using only cash, or in these extreme cases shootings, bombings and even anthrax, to even the playing field. Now I suggest that those in “Power” wake up and give the regular citizen back what is theirs or I fear there will be hell to pay here in America. What do they have to lose at this point. The shooter of Gabrielle Gifford was in his 20s with his whole life ahead of him. He gave it up because the world pushed hard enough to make him push back. I am leaving this lunatic asylum as soon as I get situated in another country. The corruption between the sheeple or corrupt controlling rich is a war I do not plan to stick around and watch play out. I kind of figured that Arizona or Texas would be a likely first of eruption. I also figured a problem might be around the corner with all the dead birds and fish, HA, HA, HA.
Peace Out
Its good that your leaving the country lksdjf “human trash” lkdsl because your one fucked up sick demented asshole.
Oh Lib Unscientist,
Clay Duke was a bad shot! Still doesn’t excuse his liberalism was his mental disorder!
Heh. Yeah YLB guesses YLB would sound more “balanced” if YLB would only refer to YLB in the third person like some other silly schmuck in these comment threads. LMAO!
You would actually be funny if you were not so sad. It’s not brave to run into a group of people you don’t know and start firing a gun, it’s pathetic and useless, performed by a worthless human being.
If you honestly think that people in the public sector should earn crap for wages, maybe you should look in the mirror and realize that they should get paid extra for having to deal with people like yourself.
“As adults, we all have it coming”? Please get some help…
Again the databaze keepa hasn’t answered the question!
guns have always been political tools.
I can make a list of recent apolitical gun nuts but that would be anecdotal, and not definitive or vaguely scientific. I wrote of my personal experience, however if you insist:
The DC sniper
The I-5 sniper
Son of Sam
The Green River Killer
etc, etc, etc.
Like I said, nuts.
…the puddybitch is just a freak.
Thanks dumb cinder block! Since you are the King Freak that’s “touching”. Remember Zomblog.
interesting statement coming from someone who takes pleasure in vandalizing local churches..and then bragging about it on a blog.
Because the lefties are as pure as the driven snow.
Fucking hypocrite assholes.
Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday’s Arizona shooting, attended a high school that is part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers and funded by President Obama
Fucking hypocrite assholes.
Interesting stuff on other sites
What do these comments mean?
“Get rid of the guy. Impeach him, censure him, assass!nate him.” – Rep. James Hansen (R-UT), talking about President Clinton, as reported by journalist Steve Miner of KSUB radio who overheard his conversation, 11-01-98
“We’re going to keep building the party until we’re hunting Democrats with dogs.” – Senator Phil Gramm (R-TX), Mother Jones, 08-95
“I’m thinking of k|ll|ng Michael Moore, and I’m wondering if I can k|ll him myself or if I would need to hire somebody.”
–Glenn Beck
“My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building.” – Ann Coulter, New York Observer, 08-26-02
When in the past half century has someone on the left been given a high-paid slot on national radio or TV and then used it to advocate violent acts against the government or public officials?
And when in the past half century has a murderer or would-be murderer attributed their inspiration to listening to such a high-paid leftist on radio or TV?
@180 Here’s a timeline summary with links of the rise in right-wing violence and rhetoric.
@178 and 179
Go fuck yourself.
“The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.” –President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia
Fucking hypocrite assholes.
Complete and total brain dead right-wing hoseshit.
You sir, are a 24 carat moronic asshole.
You’re welcome, you sick fuck.
The pudybitch is our very own Ted Kaczynski.
Lucky us.
“I’d like to give a shout out to Howard Kurtz, writer for the Daily Beast. This assumed liberal is taking a stand against other liberals to tell them how freakin’ STUPID it is to point fingers and place blame on anyone but the shooter” – Chicks on The Right
LOOK IN THE MIRROR Fucking hypocrite assholes.
Where was your phony outrage at Ft Hood? Where was you outrage at John Hinckley, Jr?
LOOK IN THE MIRROR Fucking hypocrite assholes.
Where was your phony outrage at guns pointed at GW Bush’s head?
LOOK IN THE MIRROR Fucking hypocrite assholes.
EVERY instance of violence has been perpetrated BY the left: fingers bitten off; Ft Hood; Senior citizens shoved and pushed; union thugs; burning flags; WTO… the list is endless.
LOOK IN THE MIRROR Fucking hypocrite assholes.
YOU perpetrate this. YOUR ideology perpetrates this. AND even uglier, you celebrate this for political purposes.
“An extreme, left-wing Democrat group calling itself 21st Century Democrats has had the gall to send out an email blast using as a fundraising tool Saturday’s criminal shooting of Representative Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona.”
“In 2009 21st Century Democrats joined the Service Employees International Union, The Daily Kos and others in a new political action committee (PAC) called Accountability Now PAC.
Will 21st Century Democrats quit this PAC now that it has become aware that Markos Moulitsas used the same “violent imagery” and “targeting” rhetoric against Gabrielle Giffords? Will this purported “grassroots” groups founded by powerful members of Congress avoid charges of hypocrisy and stand on its supposed principle?”
LOOK IN THE MIRROR Fucking hypocrite assholes.
When all the facts have been presented. This is a liberal idiot. Conservatives overall do not use force except to protect themselves or their families. Guns used by Conservatives are for self Defense. Just as the Constitution provides for it.
Liberals overall use guns and violence to force society to do thier will. Look at the EU all the violence those so called peaceful liberals do when they have cuts coming their way. Liberals destroy. Conservatives build. conservatives are the people you want to have as friends if things go bad. Because they have a heart. Something liberals do not have except with other people money
LOOK IN THE MIRROR Fucking hypocrite assholes.
Barack Obama in July 2008: If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”
Democrat Representative Pete Stark, speaking to a Republican: You think you are big enough to make me, you little wimp? Come on. Come over here and make me, I dare you. You little fruitcake.
National Public Radio legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg: [I]f there is retributive justice [Sen. Jesse Helms] will get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will get it.
Washington Post syndicated columnist Richard Cohen: For hypocrisy, for sheer gall, [Newt] Gingrich should be hanged.
Actor Alec Baldwin on Conan O’Brien: [I]f we were in other countries, we would all right now, all of us together, all of us together would go down to Washington and we would stone Henry Hyde to death! We would stone him to death! [crowd cheers] Wait! Shut up! Shut up! No shut up! I’m not finished. We would stone Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and we’d kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families.
Comedian Chris Rock: If President Clinton would pardon me I would whip Starr’s ass right now. I will get a crew from Brooklyn and we will stomp him like, like, we’re Savion Glover. We’ll stomp him like it’s bringing da noise.
Director Spike Lee on Charlton Heston: Shoot him with a .44 caliber Bulldog.
James Carville on Ken Starr: He’s one more mistake away from not having any kneecaps.
Paul Krugman, December 17, 2009: A message to progressives: By all means, hang Senator Joe Lieberman in effigy.
Let’s not forget THEY DID hang Sarah Palin in effigy.
And a MOVIE about how to assasinate G. W Bush
LOOK IN THE MIRROR Fucking hypocrite assholes.
And remember, if/when any prominent conservative is attacked each and every one of YOU will be blamed.
Nothing is beneath you creeps.
LOOK IN THE MIRROR Fucking hypocrite assholes.
** Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
** Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
** Obama : “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
** Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
** Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
** Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
** Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”
** Obama to democrats: “I’m itching for a fight
When John F. Kennedy was assassinated, one of the first thoughts of many was that it was an ultra-right winger who did. Turned out to be a Karl Marx fan.
When Congresswoman Giffords was shot, immediately the media wanted to discuss heated rhetoric and the tea parties. Turned out the shooter is a Karl Marx fan.
Prior to Ronald Reagan’s attempted assassination, many lefties were very vocal that they hoped he’d be assassinated or die because of his age because he’d otherwise start a nuclear war with the Soviets.
When Hinckley attempted to assassinate Reagan, there was no discussion the media about left-wing rhetoric or attempts to blame the left. –
The Daily Kos put a bulls-eye on the back of Congresswoman Giffords and other Blue Dog democrats in a story on June 25, 2008 asking, “Who [sic] to primary? Well, I’d argue that we can narrow the target list by looking at those Democrats who sold out the Constitution last week. I’ve bolded members of the Blue Dogs for added emphasis.” Congresswoman Giffords’ name was among those bolded. The author goes on to state that “Not all of these people will get or even deserve primaries, but this vote certainly puts a bulls eye on their district.”
Are the writers and readers of the Daily Kos now guilty of murder? – Sally Zelikovsky,
And how completely inconvenient for you hypocrites that a CATHOLIC REPUBLICAN APPOINTED JUDGE was actually killed.
LOOK IN THE MIRROR Fucking hypocrite assholes.
Yeah because there has not been any angry rhetoric from the left. You guys are angels. But please keep this going, because as more evidence comes out the Loughner is a lone kook, it really makes Goldy look lame.
“They need to deftly pin this on the tea partiers,” said the Democrat. “Just like the Clinton White House deftly pinned the Oklahoma City bombing on the militia and anti-government people.” – By JONATHAN MARTIN & BEN SMITH & ALEXANDER BURNS,
It looks like the trolls are in freak mode again, with comments reeking of guilt. No surprise, really, seeing as how they have the blood of a nine year old girl on their hands.
The blood doesn’t wash off too easy, does it? Go ahead and lather with false equivalencies all you want. It’ll do you no good.
Well put Steve, as usual.
They’re coming out from the under the rocks and behind the walls.
These are the faces of the right-wing hate.
It’s all on you…you trolls…paid or not.
YOU started this. The blood is on YOUR hands.
@197. Steve spews: It looks like the trolls are in freak mode again.
No kidding. The extremists are grasping at any straws to justify that they are not in any way responsible, that nothing they are saying had any influence on this man. You know if a republican had been shot, they would have been demanding that Olbermann and Maddow be yanked off the air.
How come ONLY the right gets to be violent, and use violent language and imagery and expects a free pass for it?
When Bush said “Bring it on” to the terrorists, and the left criticized him, the right went ballistic that nobody is allowed to criticize the prez.
Yet when Obama said “It’s time to Fight for it (probably for health care).” to supporters, THAT’s used by the local trolls as the false equivalent to justify a conservative paranoid nut job shooting politicians that didn’t agree with him.
The blood doesn’t wash off too easy, does it? Go ahead and lather with false equivalencies all you want. It’ll do you no good.
50+ million dead babies
The blood doesn’t wash off too easy, does it? Go ahead and lather with false equivalencies all you want. It’ll do you no good.
The Jews
The blood doesn’t wash off too easy, does it? Go ahead and lather with false equivalencies all you want. It’ll do you no good.
The blood doesn’t wash off too easy, does it? Go ahead and lather with false equivalencies all you want. It’ll do you no good.
So let me get this straight. If your compatriot Kos blogs that Gabrielle Giffords is one of the reps with a bullseye on her district, then that’s OK, but if Sarah Palin uses similar targeting rhetoric, then that’s not OK?
OK, you progs just keep digging yourselves in to a hole. Thanks.
Ft Hood
The blood doesn’t wash off too easy, does it? Go ahead and lather with false equivalencies all you want. It’ll do you no good.
So you…as a “mother” think that killing a nine year old girl to advance your anti worker anti Obama anti democracy agenda is ok.
What kind of sick sick sick individual are you?
You’re in the mirror “mirror man”…you can’t escape this anymore.
You are complicit.
You are guilty.
There’s a special place in hell for you assholes.
@200, 201 and 203 What’s the matter, wingnut? Is the blood of a little girl that’s on your hands haunting you?
“The Jews”
You were better off when you were trying to save your pathetic soul with false equivalencies.
You have the blood of a nine year old girl on your hands, wingnut. Go ahead and make your dumbfuck comments. Post a hundred times. It doesn’t matter. That little girl’s blood will stay with you for the rest of your miserable, wretched life.
That’s a logical fallacy called a Red Herring when you switch the topic. The topic is that Kos’ used similar rhetoric, so why don’t you hold him to the same standard as Palin?
heh- Maybe I should cut these wingnut freaks some slack. Not only do they have the massive guilt of seeing the blood of a little girl stain their hands, their Fearless Leader’s -that is, the gal who can’t shoot straight- show has been canceled. This is like a double suck day for the freakazoids.
@209 “The topic is”
Lady, the topic of this and every HA thread is how much you dumbfuck freaks suck. I suggest that you get with the program.
The false equivalencies these assholes invoke are simply stunning.
If the Republicans and their “shock troops” didn’t have hate and fear…they would have nothing.
They have no ideas.
They have no vision.
They have no credible and thoughtful leaders.
That is a fucking right-wing noise machine lie…
…and you can not prove it.
@207 I was reading about that elsewhere. Post a comment that Palin’s handlers don’t like and it’ll disappear within a few moments. Apparently the Palin crowd is good with a comment celebrating the death of a little girl.
Topics in the right wing echo chamber of the hannity forums.
Should Arizona shooter be made an example of why pot should be illegal?
Fort Hood: “Lets not jump to conclusions.” Tucson: “Right Wing rhetoric to blame.”
Classmate: Loughner was a “Left wing pot head”, “quite Liberal”
Now is NOT the time for Conservative to “ratchet down the rhetoric”
Did this shooter get his inspiration from our president?
Should liberal groups and the liberal media be blamed for John Hinckley JR?
How come ONLY the right gets to be violent, and use violent language and imagery and expects a free pass for it?
It’s right in Kos’ post. Read it for yourself. I posted the link above, here it is again if you ignored it the last time.
You seem pretty angry Rujax. And you imagine posting a link to something Kos wrote as part of some vast right wing conspiracy. Maybe you need to take some time away from this blog.
You’re fucking kidding, right?
That’s all??? That’s it???
That’s hardly a smoking gun smart girl.
Oh yeah…I am angry. Ever since I had the temerity to protest an immoral war in Southeast Asia, I like many many more who wokr for justice and equality have been labeled hate filled and Un-American…meanwhile our leaders the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and his brother Bobby are assassinated to yawns by the right.
Danm straight I’m fucking angry…and I blame you.
@216 My, but you’re desperate to wash the blood of a little girl from your hands. I hate being the one to pop your bubble, lady, but your false equivalencies just don’t cut it.
@216 Wow. Is that the best you got of out of context theater?
@217 “Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and his brother Bobby are assassinated to yawns by the right”
I was in class when our teacher announced that JFK had just been assassinated. The budding little wingnut sitting next to me muttered to himself, “Good!” He’s probably a fucking full-fledged teabagger by now, feeling nothing when he sees how the blood of a little girl has stained his hands.
@219 Pathetic, isn’t it?
Speaks for itself.
@217 “I’m fucking angry”
Yeah, I hear you. I’m fucking angry too. Even more so after reading the comments posted by these miserable wretches. But please realize that they’re here for one reason – to attempt to wash the blood from their hands. Well, it ain’t gonna happen. They’re going to have to live with this the rest of their damned lives.
Fucking Kent State all over again.
Oh. The right is sooooo reasonable.
You bet.
Lots and lots of Kent States. Someone went to the trouble of inventorying them. If you’re angry now, read this and save it somewhere for when you read the next whiny equivocating bitch trying to dodge responsibility.
This list (with links) starts at the point SCOTUS affirmed an individual right:
Insurrection Timeline
Check out the video.
Here you go “mom”, “mirror” you’re legal.
Seek help.
You first.
These pathetic lefties really hate to lose an election, don’t they?
Now that the facts of this atheist, Communist Manifesto reading 9/11 truther is getting out we’ll be waiting for retractions/apologies.
Just as soon as they finish raising money on the backs of an injured Congressman, a dead child and a dead federal judge.
Keep it up children. Your frothing nonsense just puts the STAKE IN THE HEART of Obama’s re-election.
Oh my God! Hate Speech! Inflammatory rhetoric! Control the internet!
61 year old Woman Wrestled Fresh Ammo Clip
The Giffords shooting’s gay, Hispanic hero
So in part, the conservative whack job was thwarted by a older woman and young gay Hispanic man.
That should make the conservatives heads explode.
Poor Puddy.
Imagine that!
The question of the hour is ‘Does Rujax actually know he is batshit insane and which conservative do we expect him to target’?
And poor insane Rujax – about that inconvenient photo of the Kos target map…?
Meds must have half kicked in and the sudden crickets chirping are really just the snores of the batshit insane Rujax.
Show me where I’m wrong asshole.
Show me where none of the things I linked to never happened.
Show me where there has EVER been a voice from Fox or anywhere on the right telling anybody to “tone it down”.
Attack me all you want, man.
I’m right…you know it…blood is on YOUR hands.
Push enough buttons and sooner or later someone will respond.
Denial is a hallmark of insanity Rujax.
Who’s your target?
Where’s your altar?
Can you link us to some of your OTHER incoherent rantings?
Show me where none of the things I linked to never happened.
Show us where you decried the behavior on the left. Show us where you called Kos and Goldie and MoveOn and the books and movies and lefty bigmouths calling for the death of Bush, Palin, Reichert, Rossi, Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Malkin, Reagan … ANY conservative who doesn’t toe your perverted lefty ideology. Show us your outrage when Obama calls for violence on his “enemies”. Show us your outrage that he called FELLOW AMERICANS “enemies”.
Crickets chirping.
Fucking insane hypocrite.
Post your pic Rujax so we know it’s you when a CONSERVATIVE is murdered.
Oh wait. One was.
No button pushing here,
So who do you freaks want to kill?
NOW…the real insanity reveals itself.
Projecting much “mirror” or “max rockatansky” or whatever you’re calling yourself this week.
You won’t show me evidence because you have none.
I DARE you to list threats of violence from the sites you cited. There will be NOTHING that will compare to the vitriol spewed from the likes of Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Sharron Angle (remember the “Second Amendmant Solutions”??), Michelle Bachmann, Red State, World Net Daily and the rest of your fellow travelers.
You are just a fucking wingnut lying sack.
So maxeee…looks like you’ve lost Scarborough and Buchanon.
You killers won’t last long at this rate.
hey dummy, he isnt max.. run along and vandalize another church…it seems the only thing you are good at.
hey dummy part 2…..he isnt max
get your shit straight for a change, retard.
I guess even a batshit insane rujax can get a gun in Arizona. Gov Brewer beware: batshit insane Rujax is on the loose.
ATTENTION FBI -watch for the purchase of airline tickets by batshit insane rujax
Hey batshit – go use your “free healthcare” to get that long overdue lobotomy.
’cause YOU are???
You can go fuck yourself too.
God I love it when batshit insane rujax thinks (hyperbole! – we all know he doesn’t/can’t)he’s proving something important by citing places like Think Progress (oxymoron there!) Salon, Daily Kos and the Stranger.
Truly, you need that lobotomy… and a fucking clue.
So where is the erudite refutation fucktard???
You can’t show me where I was wrong can you?
You got nothing asshole…nothing.
Fish or cut bait.
Show us where you decried the behavior on the left. Show us where you called Kos and Goldie and MoveOn and the books and movies and lefty bigmouths calling for the death of Bush, Palin, Reichert, Rossi, Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Malkin, Reagan … ANY conservative who doesn’t toe your perverted lefty ideology. Show us your outrage when Obama calls for violence on his “enemies”. Show us your outrage that he called FELLOW AMERICANS “enemies”.
Crickets chirping.
Fucking insane hypocrite.
like YLBasement, Rujaxoff’s life is totally immersed in the blogosphere.
sad….pathetic really.
Little batshit insane boy, go ask mama for a double does of your Ritalyn. Ask for bus fare. Get on the short bus. Head to Harborview. And beg – on your knobby little knees – for that lobotomy.
Rujax life is totally immersed in lefty lies from his internet addiction and his head totally up the HORSESASS of far left, America hating, violence baiting websites (see who he quotes for proof). If he had the wherewithal to get into/attend community college, he’d be the one they’d fear.
“..he isnt max”
I didn’t think so myself. I like Max’s style. I can appreciate where he’s coming from, although, heh- that’s raised a few eyebrows from my friends on the left. This mirror guy? Eh, not so much.
At dinner with Proud Leftist, Roger and Zotz…
Proud Leftist, “Max, Steve? Max??”
Steve, “Yeah, he’s OK. He reminds me of a lot of my friends.”
I don’t choose my friends based on their politics.
“I don’t choose my friends based on their politics.”
My dear Ms. Wingnut can attest to that.
Put down the Bill O’Lielly talking points an prove right where I’m wrong.
“I don’t choose my friends based on their politics.”
amen brotha.
politics is all bullshit anyway. the politicians are crooks.
and then we have the people who make money(or at least try to) off of the divisiveness of the nation..those people would include rush, beck, olberman, madcow, schultz, and goldy.
NONE of them have any interest in this nation being healthy – their profit center is based upon people being at each others throats, rather than try to find common ground and actually try and make the nation better.
thats why people like rush, beck, schultz, goldy(dont let it get to your head goldy, you are hardly in the same league), all get the same amount of respect from me…which is about the same amount of respect I give to cat shit.
and steve, we are playing golf this spring…count on it.
and one last thing:
@257 I’m looking forward to it
Bow down to Wa…
Oh, hell.
Wipe your chin, rujax. All your frothing and mouth breathing has caused some pretty disgusting drool.
My job here is done for now. Rampant rabid lefty hypocrisy has been exposed and dissected,
When the truth is fleshed out and left is again disgraced with their lies – as we all know it will be – I’ll be back to check for retractions and apologies.
In the meantime brave Conservatives, stay LOCKED AND LOADED. rujax is dangerously insane. If there is any hint he bought a ticket to Arizona CALL THE FBI
thats not drool on rujaxoff’s chin……
BlueJohn you are a dipSHIT! Bush didn’t say Bring it own DUMNBOCRATS.
Yet as Susan posted above all of Odumba’s comments which you BlewJohn excuses!
** Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
** Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
** Obama : “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
** Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
** Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
** Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
** Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”
** Obama to democrats: “I’m itching for a fight
BlewJohn see #263.
You prove my point.
How come ONLY the right gets to be violent, and use violent language and imagery and expects a free pass?
When dems fight back, when dems use the language of republicans, they get slammed for it, they get called angry. And the choice of words is mild in comparison.
Conservatives say Kill, Liberals say Fight. But I doubt you are willing to see the difference.
BlueJohn Puddy didn’t prove your point. The leftist slobbering MSM has attacked Palin and Beck since 2008 and they gave a pass to Odumba’s comments. Find one liberal slobbering MSM puke who decried Odumba’s vitriol when it was immediately said not two or three days later when they were pilloried over Odumba’s comments and their lack of response!
Wrong again! Conservatives offered prayers for the victims. Progressives resorted to the blame game!
Yup, I was right. You are unable and unwilling.
Puddy proved you wrong above. Of course Puddy is unwilling to jump on your poor correlation and commentary. So the question is worthless. ** Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”. Why would you bring a gun to a knife fight BlewJohn?
Oh really BlewJohn?
Kill Bush first picture
Kill Bush second picture
Kill Bush third picture
Hang Bush fourth picture
Death is the cure fifth picture
Shoot Bush sixth picture
Bullet in head seventh picture
Death to Bush in eighth picture
Death to Bush ninth picture…
Get it BlewJohn!
Bush behedded in tenth picture
Bush guillotine in eleventh picture
Smite Bush in thirteenth picture
Hanging Bush in fifteenth picture
Get it BlewJohn?
you refuse to accept any responsibility that the hate speech of the right has any influence on the situation, it’s like trying to reason with a TV program.
So how do we mitigate this kind of problem?
Maybe he’s just a lone crazy. What can we as a society do to help the mentally ill among us?
Will you join in demanding increased mental health care treatment, even if doing so raises taxes, (some of which will be paid by the rich)?
Amazing the incendiary rhetoric coming from the lefty commenters here. Above Rujax says it’s open hunting season and declares me legal? What’s that supposed to mean? To me Rujax’ rhetoric seems a lot like Loughner. And Rujax even admits a lot of anger and vitriol. Isn’t that exactly what he’s claiming is coming from the right? Funny that.
Two more links that show the folly of this whole lefty meme.
1. CBS Poll out today showing most American’s don’t by the lefty meme that rhetoric is linked to Tuscon. We’ve seen this all before. Columbine, Sparkman, guy who flew the small plane into the building, etc. Every time the left goes off and blames this on the right, and every time the facts show lone wolf crazy. 57% of Americans don’t buy the lie. And it would probably be greater if many Americans were not getting their news from CBS, NBC, ABC, etc. that keep repeating the meme.
2. To reasonable people, based on his own words, Loughner looks more like a lefty than a righty.
For starters, he is a truther.
But please guys, keep digging, it only helps our side.
Maybe if we spent some of all that wasted government money on mental health care instead of welfare programs for perfectly capable people, we could treat people like Loughner before they go off? But then you guys could not hand out special treatment to minority groups and unions in exchange for votes.
You guys are good, I have to give you that. You all distort absolutely everything into being the liberals fault.
This guy shoots a liberal congressman and it’s not influenced by conservative hate speech, it’s liberals fault because he’s a “liberal” too.
Mental health slashed and gutted starting with Reagan on, in the name of tax cuts, and it’s liberals fault there isn’t funding for mental health, because liberals think there should be increased unemployment insurance where there are 5 people looking for every 1 job.
Deflect, distort, lie. I am impressed.
You know what’s amazing smart girl, is that I never said anything of the sort.
You’re realy good at twisting and lying aren’t you. Key righty qualifications. Good Job!
Oh…and the puddybitch seems to think that obscure pictures mocking Bush are the same as O’Reilly and Beck and Savage and the rest calling for murder of congesspersons, assassinations of public figures they don’t agree with and violent overthrow of the elected government.
How WILL you be judged, Mister Puddybuddy? It’s March 11th you know.
“For starters, he is a truther.”
Oh my! A truther! Throw in some Jihadist-commie-fascism and that’ll seal the deal for sure.
I’d suggest that Seattlemom double her meds dosage but from the other thread we can see what a fail that’s been with Puddy.
Uhhh…your guys don’t think we need mental heath services, smart girl…they were the ones who cut those services.
I’m done with this thread.
The conservative’s hate speech is like a factory pumping out plutonium dust day in and day out into the valley and then denying they had anything to do with it, when cancers start to spike.