Rep. Dave Reichert is, perhaps, best known for compulsively talking about his bravery. He has, after all, stared down the business end of a loaded gun…or some such thing.
When it comes to politics…not so much.
Yesterday The Atlantic took up the apparent decline in town hall style meetings on the heels of the 2009 teabagger-infused raucous town hall season.
During this year’s recess many congresscritters are replacing town hall meetings with other forms of constituent contact like individual meetings, themed meetings, and small venues. These alternatives tend to make constituent contact more difficult, but…
Congressional aides insisted that their events are well publicized through e-mail, website announcements, or alerts in local newspapers. They cited scheduling issues as the top reason for announcing an event on short notice.
There are notable exceptions (emphasis added):
But not all members make their schedules public. The office of Rep. Dave Reichert, (R-Wash.) declined to release his schedule of events.
“Aside from various other tours and visits in the community, we are currently planning his tele-town hall schedule,” spokesman Charles McCray wrote in an e-mail. More than 200 protesters gathered outside Reichert’s office on Thursday, the third such incident this month.
Oh, great. Reichert is afraid of his constituents and the national press has picked up on it.
Thanks for embarrassing us…fucking coward.
You idiots really should do a little research before shooting off your fat mouths. Here’s some embarrassments by the cowards in the Demo-Rat party….. NAME THAT PARTY: NORTHWEST POLITICIANS AVOIDING AUGUST TOWNHALLS WITH VOTERS…
Cantwell’s Office – “Not scheduled at this point”… Inslee’s Office: “Not actually sure”… Larsen’s Office: None scheduled due to concerns over Gabby Gifford shooting… Murray’s Office: “Not this month… too busy”…
Choke on it, ‘progressives’.
Tele-Town Hall Meetings are a sham that have seen increasing use by members of the WA Legislature (particularly the Republicans, but also some Democrats) for the past few years.
They frame them as ‘cost effective’ and ‘convenient’ – but they’re really just a way to look accountable to constituents while hiding behind a moderator who sets the agenda and screens the questions.
Some of them incorporate a ‘push poll’ into the ‘meeting’ to demonstrate proof of ‘public support’ – of course, there’s no way to hear any opposition or see protest signs.
Afterwards, the legislator in question can brag about the ‘hundreds’ of people who called in – knowing full well that there’s no way for anyone to fact-check their numbers.
Jordan Schrader, a reporter at the News Tribune in Tacoma, is especially lazy about covering this issue. Schrader promotes these ‘meetings’ by pasting the announcements that are sent out by legislators, but never does any follow-up.
Meanwhile, legislators who are hiding from their constituents end up getting a free pass on ‘accessibility.’
re 1: Refusing to reveal your schedule of events is very different from having nothing scheduled at the moment.
Republicans are generally not worried about crazy and/or ignorantly passionate Democrats assassinating them — because liberal Democrats are thoughtful, peaceful, and informed people who don’t go around shooting politicians.
It’s no big deal, Darryl. All the GOP congress critters are doing it now — most famously Rep. Paul Ryan, whose constituents must pay $15 admission to get into his “public” events. It only means the party that ran America’s credit rating into the ground has figured out how unpopular they are.;newest=1
Orb @ 1,
Still fucking nuts, huh Orb? Inslee has had public appearances ALL OVER THE FUCKING PLACE!
It might help to wipe that elephant shit off of your glasses….
I like the way this guy is moving up the shithead depth chart.
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I wonder if that’s a message to the House GOPers from God? You know, something to get their attention, when 500-point Dow declines didn’t? If they ignore this, I wonder what’s next?
When the shaking started, people in Texas probably thought it was a Rick Perry press conference.
Next time you hear some wingnut ranting about “bloated state government” and asking “where are the cuts?” send him this Seattle Times article.
# 4: When I first heard that Paul Ryan was charging admission, I just said “it figures – money has always bought access to the candidates, this just makes it clear how little it takes to buy him”.
But then I thought about it a little more, and I realized how deceptive this tactic really is.
In the first place, the local Republican party can hand out tickets for free to anybody it wants to, in advance of the event. That way they just flash their tickets at the door, nobody knows how they got them or whether they paid for them or not. He now has a room full of supporters.
Then to keep everyone else out, they can keep the venue small, and after all the free tickets are distributed, claim it is “sold out” when ordinary constituants try to buy a ticket.
Finally, there is the issue of the news media. If he applies the $15 charge to the news media, many of the traditional media will refuse to pay, citing a long-standing policy against “paying for stories”. Yea, I know, but this isn’t TMZ we are talking about here. If anybody else does get in with a camera, they can point to conditions on their ticket stubs which say “photography or audio or visual recording is prohibited as a condition of entry”. But they can have their own cameras present, and after editing they can release footage of adoring crowds encouraging him to “keep up the good work”, or some such nonsense – all while claiming he is open to discussions with the public.
One of these days the Republicans should publish their playbook. It would be sold on the same shelf as Machiavelli’s “The Prince”. (For those of you don’t understand the reference, look it up).
Remind me – what exactly has Dave Reichart done, anyway, other than be a puppet to vote whichever way the Republican whip tells him to vote (with an occassional deviation to appeal to northwest issues, as long as his vote doesn’t really effect the outcome).
@12 Or they can do like the Bushies and just arrest anyone who looks like they don’t fit in with their crowd.
SuperSteve @ 2,
“Tele-Town Hall Meetings are a sham that have seen increasing use by members of the WA Legislature (particularly the Republicans, but also some Democrats) for the past few years.”
I’ve participated in a couple of Patty Murray’s conference call meetings. Clearly, these events don’t have the energy and feeling of connection that comes with in-person events. But they most certainly are not a sham.
What I liked is that (1) I didn’t have to transport myself to another city or county to participate and (2) I put the speaker phone on and muted the mic, and was able to be productive–working in my shop during one and blogging during another.
And, when it come right down to it, I don’t really give a fuck how many people “attended.” I’m not even sure why it matters whether 50 people or 500 people participated…or why a campaign would even bother lying about the numbers.
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so cmon darryle, care to tell us the the times and places of all these Inslee pubic appearances?
is this how you grade papers too? is this how you treat students who ask you to back up your claims with facts and backup?
What @ 17,
Google is your friend, asswipe. I charge more than you can afford for doing contract research….
Hmm… look what 10 seconds of research will get ya.
Dated of course, but what do you expect for 10 seconds of free labor. But, hey, at least he held them.
See, you really do get what you pay for.
your a punk and a wannabe.
you get called out to back up your claims and your response is “go google it”.
wow…just wow.
and spare me the “you cant afford it”…I could shit enough cash to buy your house and everything you own.
you might be able to impress a few young freshman and sophomores, but your act doesnt do shit for me…if you were all that you would playing with us big boys in the real world, not hiding away like a girl doing “research” that nobody gives a fuck about and contributes nothing.
sorry squirt, I aint buying your fake bullshit.
you’ve been served.
@22 Any fool can make money if he’s dishonest enough.
Geez trolls, the subject of the post is Reichert and his record of “bravery”. Everyone remember how bolted out of his limo in full dress uniform to make an arrest at WTO? His famous “caught on film” interrogation (again in formal dress uniform) of Gary Ridgway, the high school dropout who eluded him for 25 years?
Yet somehow he can’t don a suit and tie and face his own constituents.
Uhh.. Disconnect anyone?
Including lawyers and “judges”, right roger?
you would know…..
headless “irv kupicet” lucy, WRONG AGAIN!
Jared Loughner is a confirmed libtardo DUMMOCRAPTIC loon who tried to off Gabby Giffords. Gabby wasn’t libtardo enough for Jared! But he did kill the little girl and the Republican judge!
Another EPIC FAIL on your part!
Poor Puddy – still telling the big LIE…Loughner was certainly a crazy with right wing rants….and he shot a democratic congresswoman because….he was a democrat?
How stoopid are you Puddy?
Why do you LIE so much?
Is it to justify your support for the very rich and your hate for the poor, the diabled and the disadvantaged?
You claim to be a Christian, but you love the rich, hate the poor, the elderly and the sick.
You claim to give to charities – but given how much you lie, who could possibly believe anything you say?
@25 Most lawyers and judges I’ve known are honest and honorable people. Bankers? That’s a different story.
@27 I don’t even pay any attention to that loon most of the time. He’s like a raven that ingested LSD-laced pesticide.
In your case correctnotright you haven’t been paying attention. I placed on this blog his web links, his books and his atheist thoughts.
Stay stupid, you do a wonderful job.
Ummm it was someone on your side the DUMMOCRAPTS are the rich ones. So you just DAMNED yourself. Who are the richest in the House and Senate… 7of the top 10 are DUMMOCRAPTS! – Your life must suck with so many comments but no facts.
So you’ll meet me next week at the Union Gospel Mission? Apparently misogynist rujax couldn’t make it in July! – Your life must suck with so many comments but no facts.
It doesn’t matter what you think, it’s what I get back each year from the Feds due to my charitable giving. – Your life must really suck with so many comments but no facts.
As a man who parades on blogs as a rabbit, you have real credibility.
how come professor darwhyle cant back up his Jay Inslee claims?
could it be that they were false?
In Walla Walla, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodges (R) only publicized her coffee via her Facebook page and in an email. Shouldn’t be surprised that it wasn’t so much a coffee with Rep. McMorris Rodgers, but a coffee with FRIENDS of Cathy. One big love-fest. Yuk.
still no back up from darwhyle…..
looks to me like our prof got caught in a lie.
Bartertown… Dave Reichert supporting Heterosexual Marriage – What does the American Anthropological Association (AAA) really say?
Here is an Anthropology member with a different take.
Hmmm it seem, anthropologically of course, David Reichert is 100% in line with historical anthropological society norms!
So why have events where libtardo loons would come, scream in his face, call him a fascist when history is on his side? They didn’t vote for him in the first place!
LMAO!! I remember when CNR claimed that Puddydope doesn’t lie.
We set him straight him on that.
PuddySilly bathes in and spews LIES every day of his miserable life.
@32 I’ve always admitted I’m not really a rabbit, but I have yet to see you admit you’re really a cockroach hiding under the kitchen sink.
arschloch you dope… you are the chicken who won’t come to a Drunk Libtard meeting so we can compare W2s and settle this once and for all. Mine will have many entries while yours will be a white sheet, blank and devoid of characters!
Except everyone knows you are the loon with the miserable life.
It’s you who loves class warfare.
It’s you who sucks off your wife’s SEIU tit.
It’s you who is home all day perusing left wrong whack job sites!
It’s you who is a yellow dog DUMMOCRAPT.
It’s you who tried to get people to dumbly follow John Deadwards.
ROTFLMBBAO and your lunacy!
Oh how are the left wrong LIES coming?
Let’s see you called me a raven and a cockroach. What’s common there…? Both are black.
Nothing racist is it old senile Roger Dumb Rabbit eh?
39 – More lies. Thanks for making my point dope.
Hey puddydope,
Remembered that time you lied to Darryl?
You live for LIES you dope. Don’t try to hide it.
Yeah so here we go…
It’s you who loves class warfare.
It’s you who sucks off your wife’s SEIU tit.
It’s you who is home all day perusing left wrong whack job sites! Daily Kooks, TPM Remember that well known competition where you couldn’t stay away from Kooks for 24 hours then you said something on the order of “When did I say I was playing?”
It’s you who is a yellow dog DUMMOCRAPT. Wanted John Deadwards voted for Obummer
It’s you who tried to get people to dumbly follow John Deadwards.
ROTFLMBBAO and your lunacy! Look at all dem arschloch LIES!
Such a home based loser!
@41, this is about you arschloch and how you hate 24×7 and how you are/were:
a loon
lover of class warfare.
sucks off your wife’s SEIU tit.
at home all day perusing left wrong whack job sites!
a yellow dog DUMMOCRAPT.
wanting to get people to dumbly follow John Deadwards.
All that and I don’t need no crazed databaze!
ROTFLMBBAO! You make my point each day you visit the crazed databaze. I pull the chain you visit with another tired link of your “junkshot”.
You leave junk and it’s never the winning shot!
So Puddymoron did you go to DL and apologize to Darryl for lying to him?
A “man” would do that.
Oh and a “man” wouldn’t stab a friend in the back.
You did that to GBS. All in the service of your degnerate cause of right wing bullshit.
Why would I want to meet such a “man” at a DL or any place for that matter?
Life is too short.
YLB is so dense he couldnt see through Edwards BS until the shit hit the fan.
everybody knew that scumbags as a phony bag of shit.
wonder how many loads YLB’s jizz-rag took while he dreamed of Edwards.
46 – A lot of people supported Edwards.
Goldy supported him too. You come here to his website every day to spew your crap. You have discriminating taste.
In the end Edwards did us all a favor by quitting when the momentum was shifting strongly towards Obama.
End of story.. Nice try asswipe.