Young Turks: Wife Beating Advice from Pat Robertson
Colbert Report: God’s Message to Pat Robertson
Dada: ♫ A Friend Of Pat Robertson ♬:
Colbert Report: Pat Robertson’s romance advice
SNL: Church Chat—Satan
Daily Show: Now That’s What I Call Yikes with Pat Robertson
Garfunkel and Oates: ♫ Sex with Ducks ♬
Dire Straights: ♫ Ticket to heaven ♬
Anderson Cooper’s RidicuList: Pat Robertson’s opinions on marriage
Jon Stewart: Moment of Zen with Pat Robertson
Kenny White: ♫ Pat Robertson ♬
The Late Show: Moses Updates The Ten Commandments
Jon Stewart: It’s Pat!
Rich people think because they have money they can do whatever they like. After all, they can afford lawyers, so they can always buy their way out of consequences for their behavior.
I’d rather forget Pat Robertson. He was in it for the money, of course. Now he’s trying to push that camel through the needle’s eye.
I only want to remember that he won the ’88 Washington and Nevada primaries.
Foreshadowing the immense cost that conservative populist extremism would eventually levy on the national Republican party.
That was their first opportunity to pivot. Bush knew it too. He resisted bringing those people into the administration. But he had no choice.
Pat? Dead?
No mo’ SS checks for that miserable asswipe..
Following from the silly babble of teh widbee kreepshit…
This news is
for my kids..
Trump is indicted.
Now what remains to be learned are which of his shitty lickspittles are going down with him.
And what evidence has been presented to the grand jury in voting a true bill.
@ 1
Rich people think because they have money they can do whatever they like.
Not. a. millionaire.
@ 5
This news is
for my kids..
As good as was the death of RBG. As with the leader of The 700 Club, just another senile shell of its former self, pushing up daisies. One less mouth sucking at the government teat is what Queen YLB is trying to say. She just doesn’t have the presence of mind to realize that as many, if not more, Democrats meet their maker as Republicans who do so.
Since we’re talkin’ about dead people:
The Durkan Kill Zone was a stupid idea. Seattle is a city filled with stupid people.
That and just plain fucking Good News!
Hey, G-clown, is this still a heterosexual Neanderthal killing?
If only the dude had been a chick with a dick in high school, he’d have sports trophies stolen from real women and less of a sense of failure. He wouldn’t be any more female, but hey, lying to themselves that it was Trump’s fault is how libbies got through Trump’s presidency when #CrookedHillary failed.
Dear sir(s) and madam(s),
Please inform your client that this morning in The United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, United States Attorneys presented to a grand jury impaneled there a case for his indictment on criminal charges for violations of 18 U.S.C. §§ 793, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2071, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1519 and 18 U.S.C. §§ 1924.
Following that presentation the grand jury completed deliberations and voted a True Bill of indictment charging your client with criminal violations on all the named counts.
United States Attorney John L. Smith, Special Counsel assigned, and total fucking bad ass
@ 3
I only want to remember that he won the ’88 Washington and Nevada primaries.
Foreshadowing the immense cost that conservative populist extremism would eventually levy on the national Republican party.
OOH. Can we do JJ, now, and delve into the immense cost that kowtowing to a minority has levied on inner city minority residents?
That Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus creates Good News too.
Happy Federal Indictment Day to all who celebrate!
Speaking of the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus……we have another winner today!
Call 1-666-YOU-DEAD
Ladies you are being Groomed, but you have choices…..don’t make bad ones.
There’s still time to book tickets.
Asshole is scheduled to appear for arraignment Tuesday.
Call 1-666-YOU-DEAD
Here’s another…….this is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, wayyyyyyyyyyy, wayyyyyyyayayayayayayay way toooooooooo toooooo often.
Own it. It’s the Sanctity of Heterosexaul Marriage. The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
Costing the taxpayers more than Social Security. But hey that’s ok, cause we The Supremes.
I too am ashamed that she is a lawyer.
The cope is strong with this one.
@18 maybe she would have preferred to be a failed doctor turned radiologist?
This is Russia stuff….yeah, their best freind and ally.
@19 truly getting scary.
They play the victim, and then they build on victimizing. They will falsely persecute people, they already do.
Fear politics. Stoking the fire.
Grab your guns boys!
Quite a few are already posting “2nd Amendment solutions”.
Of course, these are also the ones who are going to require EMTs and lift equipment if they are to ever make it out of their mom’s basement to implement those “solutions”.
As good as was the death of RBG
babble, babble, babble, blah, blah, blah.. that’s all it can think of to say.. why??
translation: its fatuous highness (kreepshit) thinks it and every klownservatic asswipe out there will live forever..
and in its mean spirited idiocy forgot a basic fact: the young by definition OUTLIVE the OLD..
For every LOW 4 FIGURE MONTHLY SS CHECK kreepshit dances here to, we’ll celebrate a host of expiring klownservatics that by kreepshit’s own babbling can only be
for my kids..
Twice impeached, twice indicted and counting, probably more state and federal charges coming.
And Republican idiots still support this guy. There’s a lot of mental illness in our country …
@ 18
I too am ashamed that she is a lawyer.
And about Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s daily written malpractice you are shamed speechless.
@5 “Now what remains to be learned are which of his shitty lickspittles are going down with him.”
The ones without cooperation agreements, if there are any.
@6 A million dollars isn’t rich. It buys you a 100-year-old working-class bungalow in Seattle with maybe enough left over for a late-model SUV.
@7 “as many, if not more, Democrats meet their maker as Republicans”
Well yes, because there’s more of them.
@8 What’s the “special relationship” between SPD and the plaintiffs that created an enforceable legal duty to provide them with police services or protect them?
@10 That’s one case. I’ll bet there isn’t enough room in your comment to list all the straight people who stab their parents to death. We’d probably have a lot less of this if everyone was trans. Who knows, growing tits might even mellow you a little bit.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit found it noteworthy that AT&T enjoyed a 6% one-day gain in share price earlier this year (and since has slumped about 15%).
Today, Tesla jumped 5% when the market wasn’t even open.
Seems that GM is running scared now that Ford has contracted with Tesla for charging access, and is now doing the same thing.
Would it be overkill if I pointed out that TSLA shares jumped 4.5% while the market was open today, for a total Thursday gain of $22.50/share? That’s 10% in one day, if you’re Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit and keep daily score while claiming to invest on a 10-year time frame. Sure you do.
Whatever am I going to do with all of this money TSLA shares are stuffing into my portfolio?
This is kind of an interesting case on the subject of municipalities having no legal duty to provide police services or protect their residents absent a “special relationship.”
In this case, a mother obtained a TRO against her ex-husband, and when he took off with their children, she called the cops but they couldn’t be bothered until he showed up at the police station with the children’s dead bodies and open fired on the cops in the station house. The USSC, in an opinion by Scalia, J., held she couldn’t sue the city or police department because she had no “property interest” in receiving police services.
There’s a slew of similar cases in the lawbooks. A city like Seattle doesn’t have to police its precincts, SPD doesn’t have to come when you call, and there’s no legal liability for ignoring your desperate, pleading 911 calls for help. So get a fucking gun like everyone else. Liberals must arm!
This is for the greedy racist incel.
Middle Age Riot
SUPER DUPER MEGA FUN FACT: Sleepy Joe Biden has never been indicted.
Confidential to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit*:
(* and other failed geriatric investors like him, who can’t afford to continue gambling with their rapidly dwindling portfolio)
I think more federal charges could be coming for Trump.
Smith is still deep into an investigation of the J6 Terror Attack organizers. But those would have to be separate, unrelated charges in a different venue.
Which raises interesting possibilities for the DOJ to obtain Trump’s cooperation against his co-conspirators after he is convicted on these charges.
I would consider trading Trump down from 18 to 6 in exchange for giving up his co-conspirators in the House and Senate a very excellent deal. Even 6 years inside Trump will come out a ruined man, if he can survive. And he likes “deals”.
@35 “trading Trump down from 18 to 6 in exchange”
Not necessary. Trump has no loyalty to anyone but himself. He’d give them up for free, just to have company in prison.
I’d personally enjoy seeing him come out alive in 6.
That’s long enough to essentially destroy him politically and otherwise.
Six years without access to his normal routines of makeup, hair, Ritalin, semaglutide, insulin, naps, hormones, and dietary supplements, and reduced to eating nothing but sodium and preservative laced, high starch, BOP low-bidder food, in combination with his lifestyle habits, he’ll probably be another fifty pounds overweight, recovering from his second stroke, speaking with a distinctive slur, and requiring assistance to stand and walk.
I think we all deserve to see that.
2)In Apple TV’s For All Mankind, he won the GOP Nomination, but lost, to Gary Hart. That was still in 88. The affect the Soviet moon landing in Season 1 had on the presidential timeline, was Nixon was a one term. Senator Kennedy chose not to go to that party. Great show, but it uses too much AI.
Only 21% of Republican voters polled responded that a criminal conviction under the Espionage Act would disqualify Trump from being president. 👍👍👍
@ 39
The list of things that #CrookedHillary did and didn’t get charged for really watered down the seriousness of Espionage Act violations.
Of course, Hillary did it to hide her nefarious behavior from the public, while Trump did it as part of braggadocio.
Hillary did it to hide her nefarious behavior
This goes well w/ lube..
Trump did it as part of braggadocio.
Heh.. hardly…
more lube w/ that “bragg” shit too…
Whar Sweaty Pink Meatball???
Do you even fuck, bro?
Trump and Trump meat puppets enjoyed unrestricted control over federal law enforcement and the DOJ for four years. Get hard. Or get out of line.
Not even filing charges? No charges? Why the fuck not???
Trump’s new attorney is Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Appears to me, if the reports we’ve seen about the indictments are true, that Smith has pretty effectively blunted this line of defense.
The intent requirements for the sections charged make the defendant’s reasons for removing classified materials irrelevant.
If what I read is accurate, he’s being charged with unlawfully retaining classified materials after he had been lawfully ordered to return them, lying about the retention, lying and other affirmative actions to obstruct investigators, and attempting to interfere with one or both of the two grand juries.
The intent requirements for the section on retention require the prosecutor to show evidence that the defendant knew the materials retained were responsive to a lawful order to return them. By bragging, Trump established that element for his prosecutors.
This is of course, another humiliating #owngoal. By now even a troll as profoundly stupid as this one should have observed this pattern repeating itself among Republicans.
Reading now.
@43. There is no timeline that Rabbit would defend trump. That’s like saying there is a timeline where the greedy racist incel would not lie and denigrate a liberal woman.
✅ Trump University Settlement
❎ Mueller Investigation
✅ Ukraine Impeachment
✅ Jan 6th Impeachment
✅ Rape Civil Judgement
✅ NY Fraud Charges
✅ Espionage Charges 👈WE ARE HERE
⬜ Jan 6th Charges
⬜ Georgia Election Charges
⬜ Fugitive in Russia
30 Counts.
Fuck. Wow. Ugly.
If the totally UNJUST WOKE government could indict President Trump for stealing hundreds of highly classified defense secrets, taking them to be scattered all round his private sex club in Florida, storing some of them in a shower, spilling them on the floor, stacking them so high they fall over in an avalanche, showing them to friends and acquaintances, retaining them long after he knew he was supposed to return them, urging his attorney to lie to the government about them, urging his attorney to hide or destroy some of them, conspiring with one of his employees to hide them from that attorney, hide them from the government, lie to the government about them, and attempt to persuade witnesses to lie to the government about them THEN YOU COULD BE NEXT!
I stand corrected.
37 counts. A remarkably dense indictment. A remarkable contrast to the HuhrDuhrham silliness, densely packed with a stunning account of criminality and criminal conduct. Shocking in fact. When I first saw the page count I assumed only a few criminal counts. I’m actually going back to recount where and how the government specifically describes each criminal act. And it really is all there. Just entirely devoid of any puffery, or even argumentation. A lot of facts. All of them very, very incriminating.
Good reading to me at least. A disturbing look into Trump’s “Beautiful Mind”*, and how Trump deals with people and challenges (not well, it would appear).
*The sheer, overwhelming volume of paper in boxes hastily packed up and shipped to MaL in the final days came to be derisively referred to by Trump staff as “the Beautiful Mind paper boxes”.
Oh, yeah. His lawyers quit this morning.
ABC News reports Trump’s criminal case has been assigned to Judge Aileen Cannon.
@51 Contrary to Doctor Dumbfuck’s speculation, I’m not being recruited to replace them, but if I am, I will take the case only on condition he pleads guilty, in order to limit my representation to sentencing.
As any lawyer representing a guilty defendant would do, I will fulfill my professional obligations by trying to get him the lightest possible sentence. I will ask Judge Cannon to sentence him to home detention and community service (picking up beach litter). I feel confident there’s zero chance she will give him prison time.
I believe he’s being arraigned before Judge Cannon.
I don’t believe the process has reached the stage where it is assigned to a trial judge. But it certainly could wind up being her.
Penalty calculations for the 37 counts begin with ranges around 10 years for each count. Your move should be to leverage cooperation in exchange for dropping some of the charges and then a favorable recommendation.
Discretionary “reduced sentencing” doesn’t really exist in the federal system. But a favorable recommendation from the government is brought into the formula for calculating the sentence.
Discovery lies ahead. And if things proceed as they have, Team Treason will employ discovery to muddy the waters, misrepresenting the evidence, leaking falsified versions, etc. But looking only at the indictment and the statements in contains, it does appear that the documentary evidence and eye witness statements establish the alleged violations. I know he’s going to demand to go to trial. But I’m still struggling to wrap my head around that. He should be negotiating his ass off right now. And instead he’s back to square one interviewing for new attorneys.
And that’s another #owngoal
@55 “Discretionary “reduced sentencing” doesn’t really exist in the federal system.”
Despite that, it likely does in Judge Cannon’s court, but it might not even get to sentencing if she grants the inevitable pro se motion to dismiss his guilty plea.
Sen. Marco “Mental Midget” Rubio said “the indictment will ‘harm’ the country” and predicted “a significant plurality of Americans, significant percentage, are going to say, ‘that’s political.’”
Ladies and gentlemen, reality is whatever Republicans say it is. Trump won? Check. Elections aren’t secure? Check. Jack Smith is on a witch hunt? Check. Covid vaccines implant microchips? Check. We don’t give a shit anymore what they think? Check. They’ve left the reservation, and we don’t care what fantasy world they end up in.
Paybacks and vicious – vicious now and vicious in the near future.
Right is right snd wrong is wrong.
But I guess that’s not what the GOP Pukes are about.
Against Freedom…..check
Against Democracy…..check
Against Equality……..check
Against Justice……check
If this was occurring to Obama……the GOP would have called for a hanging…..but now? No fucking way…’s bad for the Country. Fuck you!
And little Midget knows how to guide the sheep.