In defending Dave Reichert’s abusive franking practices, the typical Republican defense is to roll their eyes, shrug their shoulders and say “everybody does it.” But not everybody does, and of those who do, few abuse the privilege to the extent of Reichert. And almost nobody uses taxpayer money to lie to taxpayers the way Reichert does in his franked mail cum campaign brochures.
Take for example Reichert’s recent taxpayer-funded campaign mailer constituent communication. In this one, Reichert touts his “bold” earmark reform… which basically consists of “not seeking congressional earmarks this year.”
“It is time to change the way things are done in Congress,” Reichert spends your money telling you, which is why he supports “a moratorium on earmarks, which have led to wasteful spending of your money.”
And yet, just two years ago, Reichert dropped a big chunk of taxpayer change on a piece of franked mail with the headline “Congressman Dave Reichert: Working for You,” and featuring a map bragging about all the pork he claimed to have have brought home to his district.
So one piece of franked mail touts his opposition to wasteful earmarks, while another brags about his profligate use of the tool. That’s the kind of rank hypocrisy Reichert shouldn’t be able to get away with, unless… you know… our local media lets him.
(Chortle!) I love it when politician hypocrisy get skewered by the facts. Nice photo references. It was funny when the Hillary in Bosnia video came out, both versions, and funny when Reichert is shown bringing home the pork.
Republicans are against government spending – except when it benefits them. Old story – full of GOP hypocrites. We all know how it ends.
Yep, it’s been awfully funny, hearing the GOP complain about earmarks starting THIS YEAR. Before that, when Republicans controlled Congress, they just shrugged and ignored the subject (when they weren’t bragging about it locally). But suddenly, they are against earmarks, but only because the Democrats are in charge of Congress.
Oh, and the reference to “change” is an attempt to co-opt the Democratic advantage. Polls have shown that voters hate their current situation (brought about by Republican incompetence in government), and will vote for “change”. Therefore the Repubicans have been using the word a lot over the past few months – both as a way to obscure who it was that got us into this mess, to deflate the impact of the Democratic message, and to co-opt it for their own benefit with respect to voters who don’t particularly pay attention to politics.
Of course, notice that Reichart doesn’t really promise not to do any earmarks. He tried to get on the Ways & Means Committee for that very purpose. It just says he “supports a moratorium”, which he knows very well will not pass. It’s a statement with no substance, implying a promise not made, to do something which he will never have to do.
Kind of like saying, “I’ve got mine, so I can do without asking for more – for now.”
Congressman Reichart supports a moratorium on earmarks for however long it takes for his party to come back into power.
Of course, many folks see “earmarks” as meaning “expensive stuff in other districts“. The same thing in their own home distict is defined as “important local projects“.
Hey Surreal Mark,
Still want to talk about those Obama earmarks?
That s(t)inking GOP ship…
Is there even one good reason for anybody but the party faithful to vote Republican this year?
I’m still waiting for somebody to tell me what Reichart has accomplished in his three and a half years in Congress. Give me a convincing reason to vote for him!
All I hear is name-calling of the opposition. It’s as if the floor is so low, they have to try to push Darcy into the cellar before they can argue that Reichart is above her (figuratively).
Look, I am willing to admit that, hypothetically, a person with multiple years of government service at a fairly high local level (Reichart in 2004) can be just as good or better of a Congressman as a person with a college and a law degree and management experience in a very large company (Burner 2008). A college and law degree, while certainly helpfull, isn’t the end-all when it comes to political and governmental office.
But once we get beyond hypotheticals, we have to look at what has happened since 2004, when Reichart was elected on the coattails of George W. Bush and the Green River Killer. What has Reichart accomplished in two terms as representative? If nothing significant, then it’s time to give somebody else a chance.
“George W. Bush and the Green River Killer.”
Now, there’s a fine pair of individuals to hang your career on.
Not once has ANY right wing nutjob, on ANY HA thread related to Big Hair Davie EVER given any information or indication of why ANYONE should vote for DAVIE. Not once. The inbred righties will attack Darcy because a woman in power makes them quiver – but they can’t tell you why you should vote for Dave (did I mention I was King County Sheriff)) Reichart!
He earmarked $350K for Laser Floyd? Now that is funny.
Hopefully Goldy’s sniveling temper tantrum about this moot item is drawing to conclusion. Notice he doesn’t call for an end to the practice, just merely singles out one congressperson that just happens to have an opponent for the congressonal seat that Goldy has had his pom poms out for 5+ years now. How transparent can one get?
Until you can say “illegal Franking Practices” , you might as well just put your big girl panties on and deal with it.
Besides, the taxpayer funded process of franking mail is down since its hay day of the 1970’s and 80’s.