I don’t mean to rub it in too much to my friends in the environmental community, but following up on yesterday’s piece about Rep. Dave Reichert’s embarrassing leaked audio, I just can’t help but post a copy of this invitation to a Reichert fundraiser held this March, hosted by Washington Conservation Voters executive director Kurt Fritts and a bevy of WCV board members.
Reichert is heard on tape bragging to a closed-door gathering of Republican PCOs about how he’s cynically taken the environmental community “out of the game” in his “50/50 district” with a few well placed, pandering votes, but in fact, he’s being all too modest. Far from kneecapping him, like enviros did to Rep. Pombo in California, the WCV actually held Reichert a fundraiser. And for what? A 64 percent rating on the League of Conservation Voters National Scorecard?
64 percent. Last time I checked, 64 percent was a “D” grade.
Now I’m not questioning the intentions of the WCV folks who attended that funder (well, maybe Bruce Agnew’s), but come on… that’s one helluva curve. Reichert does barely enough to get a passing grade, then brags to Republican PCOs about how he’s duped you… and you give him money!
Me, on the other hand, I passionately and genuinely defend your issues, and yet I don’t think I’ve seen a single WCV board member contribute to my fundraiser.
Huh. So how cynical do I have to be in order to earn your financial support?
Wait. What? Reichert doing a fundraiser in Seattle? Seattle?!?!?
Where is the outrage from the looney-tune Wingnuts asking why he can’t raise money in his own district?
You can add Tagney-Jones to the list of enviros — previous director of WCV.
Interesting that there are a bunch of discovery Institute creeps in that list as well.
Not surprising, I guess, all of them essentially whores to power and “access”
I guess our local enviro establishment is as corrupt and in bed with the enemy as are many of the national orgs.
# 1: The Washington Athletic Club is another name for “West Bellevue”. It’s a pretty safe, conservative location – almost as safe as the Ranier club.
As a private club, it meets his requirements to ensure that only those who have invitations/tickets wont’ get past the front door to disturb the event. Reichart wouldn’t want to actually meet his constituants unless they were carefully screened in advance. The $250 “minimum suggested donation” keeps the rabble out.
So how cynical do I have to be in order to earn your financial support?
As cynical as Dr. Dre?
I like the WAC, though. Years and years ago I held my wedding rehearsal dinner there. They were super-competent and gave us a fabulous experience.
Those bastards.
Yes RHP, because democrats dont ever have fundraisers at private clubs with minimum donation amounts…never ever…
keep your partisan glasses on there big fella, they make you sound smarter every day….
*rolls eyes*
WCV’s an environmental group? How could they be an environmental group when their board members are all up in Reichert’s girdle?
I don’t know about the WCV, but this got another donation out of me! Keep up the good work!
Darcy Burner has a degree in economics from Harvard University, and anyone who says differently has a finger up his ass.
Darci Burner is a two time loser…and anyone who says differently has a finger up his ass…
@10….the Seattle Times doesnt seem to think she does……
oops…looks like a harvard prof doesnt think she has a degree in economics either….maybe its our own goebbels rabbit who has a paw up his ass..
David Goldstein at Horse’s Ass, a big backer of Burner, phoned Harry Lewis, the Harvard professor and ex-dean quoted in the Times story, to see if his words were in any way misconstrued by the paper’s reporter. According to Lewis, they were. Lewis said Burner fulfilled part of Harvard’s Computer Science degree requirements by “specializing in economics,” while adding that “the way Darcy is describing herself is accurate.” Huh? Was the Times wrong? According to Heffter, no. She writes that when Lewis was asked whether having an emphasis in economics is the same as a degree in economics, as Burner had claimed, he said, “No … it’s a concentration within a degree.”
Goebbels Rabbit is just like his namesake…a lying propagandist who thinks that if he tells a lie often enough, it will magically become the truth…..
@12: Wow, I ‘m impressed Dre. I didn’t think you could actually read.
Actually, when you read the article (read: it is what educated people actually do) it does say that she had a concentration in economics, which at Harvard is essentially a minor in that area. So her degreee is in computer science with a minor in economics.
Which brings us back to LYING Dave Reichert – the original topic of this post.
Reichert has LIED about his votes and his moderate record and has FOOLED the environmental community into thinking he is pro-environment and he admits it on tape.
Of course, Dre LIKES the way that Reichert LIES – so he/she little third grade level fool only gets upset when there is a perceived lie (not an actual one) by a democrat.
Hmm, just a little bias there?
As an enviro who lives in the 8th district, this really irritates me. WCV is supposed to support candidates who stand up for environmental protections, not those who take one good vote and tow the party line. Shame on WCV and the rest of the enviros supporting such a sham of an enviro candidate!
@15…which is still not a degree in economics, no matter how you dress it up.
she took 5 econ courses…wow.
I took 5 engineering courses for my non-engineering major…I guess according to your logic, I have a degree in engineering.
Hey Steve, get me my stamp!
nice try, but TEH FAIL..
oh, and btw fucktard, I didnt bring up Darci Burner, Goebbels Rabbit did – I was just correcting him…which needs to be done often.
Not a lot of average people at an event that starts at $250 and tops at $1000/ticket either.
@16…of course Reichert lies(he is a politician), and if you bothered to pull your head out of your ass, you would have noticed that I commented as such in the other Reichert thread.
A degree is a piece of paper with the stamp of a credible institution that certifies that an individual has completed a satisfactory course of study and mastery of subject matter per the requirements of the issuing institution.
If Darcy Burner has such a piece of paper with the word “economics” on it then she has a degree in economics.
And since the issuing institution is Harvard and by dint of having worked at Lotus, Asymetrix and Microsoft – I’d say her understanding of econ is better than the average right wing jerk.
Or in the case of the bigot – BELOW AVERAGE.
@19…how much were Gregoire’s tickets?
@21… apparently you didnt read the times article.
find a job yet Bleeder?
getting your wife to walk Pac Highway in order to pay the bills is about as much economics as you understand.
more chocolaty goodness….
Harry Lewis, a Harvard computer science professor and former dean of the school, confirmed that Burner did study economics at Harvard.
“She doesn’t have a degree in economics,” he said. “It’s a specialty within the computer science degree that she has.”
oops, still no degree…..lol
Burner, who is challenging Republican Congressman Dave Reichert in the 8th Congressional District, provided to The Seattle Times copies of her academic record that shows she took five economic courses.
wow, 5 whole courses…who knew those harvard degrees were so easy to get!
@10. Roger Rabbit farts:
‘Darcy Burner has a degree in economics from Harvard University, and anyone who says differently has a finger up his ass.’
Ah, yes Rodent. Weaseled your way out of taking your O.C.D. pills and out of that special jacket with no arms again, eh? Just because you tell a lie over and over again does not make it true. Let’s review on twice-beaten ditzy Darcy Burnout in addition to “Dr. Dre’s” above link again for old times sake and a hearty chuckle. Have another smoke Rodent, take a deep breath (without hacking and coughing) and enjoy:
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9Be11uRoQM
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnhybrxEEVw
And BTW Goldy, just because you can’t afford to go to any fundraisers, whether the be for the D’s or the R’s, does not mean you have to be so blatantly obvious in your jealousy thereof and whine about it here. Perhaps you can have another “fundraiser” so you don’t have to pay for said things by working for a paycheck? Good luck!
Good day all.
23 – Find a life yet bigot?
LOW LIFE is better than none I suppose..
My favorite Riechert votes are when he votes against something (procedural, with the stonewalling republicans) and then votes for it in theactual vote to go down on record as FOR something, when (in fact) he was against it on the key vote and only voted for it after his side had already lost.
Or this LIE from the congressional site (that Reichert since took down):
Rep. Dave Reichert’s official Congressional biography, makes the front page of the Seattle Times:
Oh, in case you missed it Mr. AA failed to correct his own inflated resume:
@27..find a job ya lazy fuck….
This Harry Lewis?
Darcy who?
Yeah, Congressman Reichert is so wrong that he cleaned her clock not once, but twice. I mean, he’s so weak that he won and held his seat during the Blue wave of 2006-2008.
Tenderhands YLBleeder attempts to sidetrack, but it doesnt work.
She still doesnt have a degree(just like you), no matter what you type.
done. owned. fin.
That’s a variation of “catch and release” only that sounds more like “fumble and release”.
And you don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground but I’m belaboring the obvious.
Dino Rossi is a two time loser…and anyone who says differently has a finger up his ass…
YLB, what is your degree in? Strictly curious.
Dude, watch and listen carefully to what he said in that campaign spot.
“I want to set the record straight”
“good solid background in economics”
What didn’t he say?
I mean, if you’re going to set the record straight about her claim of “Economics Degree from Harvard”, then set the record straight. He listed his credentials no problem. what he can’t say, because it’s untrue, is that she has a degree in economics.
Sorry but this campaign ad was just a lame attempt to spin her “mis-spoken” words….
36 – Capitalize your “M” and I’ll tell you.
Wow that’s twice on the heels of a bigot comment in as many days…
37 – Like I could care what you think..
In any case, I’ve lost quite a bit of regard for the folks in the 8th who could twice pick such an embarrassment over someone who clearly could represent their interests over those of the miserable bunch who have run this country into the ditch.
He means that the real Michael on here signs in with a capitalized M. Please stop pretending to be me (even if it was unintended).
39 – excuse me, capitalize your “m”..
So bigot, is this guy huddled with you at your monitor?
41 – It was intended..
Thanks Michael – good to see you here.
The real Michael signs in with a capital M? It was a serious question.
Tenderhands YLBleeder tries to post a video to back up his assertion that Darcy has a degree, and it backfires on him…
fucking PRICELESS!
44 – Read my blog. Judge for yourself.
Then call up Stefan Sharkansky – he’ll play the panpipe and lead you off the short pier into Greenlake..
Maybe he isn’t huddled at the monitor! Let’s say two browser instances both trained on this thread. Or..
Two cubes – a pathway apart?? Am I close?
Yep, they did. Twice.
All during the blue wave and “hope and change”.
Looks like CS, maybe. Hard to tell. I was being perfectly serious.
48 – And as Goldy has shown, quite a few of them were “taken off the table”.
what a joke!
51 – Guess the words were too big for you.
Feel sorry for you bigot. (hmm. NOT) At least your cubie was halfway “serious”..
Hell even DEADLY serious.
Dude, you are an obsessive freak with the info for HA….why dont you put all that geeky effort into getting a job? No wonder you dont drive anywhere, your on the computer day and night. nice father figure.
you really need some mental help…call up gman, maybe he can suggest a counselor for you.
Is Dr. Dre still trying to deflect away from Reichart’s admitted deceptions by parsing Darci Burner’s words in the last election? Gee, that was a couple of years ago. For someone who complains about Goldy writing blog articles about whether or not Rossi will run against Patty Murray, he sure seems fixated on the last election!
As for the “degree” issue, if you check my undergraduate degree, it simply says “Bachelor of Arts with High Honors”. It says nothing about my major or minors. You would have to check my transcript for that info.
So according to Dr. Dre, I don’t have a degree in my primary subject of study, even though I met all the requirements and was officially recognized as such by the University I attended.
I also could have gotten credit for two minors, except that at the time it required an additional fee to be paid to the University several months before graduation. Since I was then living off a food & gas budget of some $10.00 per week, that was a luxury I couldn’t afford.
YLB, I looked at your blog some more. What is it that you’re tracking, exactly? All serious.
53 – Why don’t you follow your cubie “michael” into the Greenlake drink..
Lots of orangies did that back in June of 2005. And they were led to the slaughter in Nov 2005, Nov 2006 and Nov 2008. This November they may win a few skirmishes but AFAICT they will still lose the battle. In 2012 they’ll lose the war.
Join them. It’s what all the kewl right wing kids are doing.
@54….RHP, please try and keep up with the class. this is the second time today I have had to straighten you out.
I didnt bring up darcy the liar, Goebbels Rabbit did – out of the blue
I already commented on Reicherts lie and called him out on it. He is a lying sack of poo, just like 96% of the rest of the politicians.
As far as the degree goes, apparently you know more than the people at Harvard do about what qualifies as a degree. Last I checked, an economics degree requires more than 5 econ courses – and Harvard agrees.
FACT: Darcy the liar said she had an Economics Degree.
FACT: She does not posses a degree in economics.
Those FACTS are not in dispute, no matter how much her supporters want to spin it. You guys sure learned your Clinton Lessons well: what is the definition of “is”? No matter how much you spin, and no matter how much goldy rubs his little wiggler to darcy campaign photos, the fact remains she has no degree in economics.
end of story.
55 – Stay tuned.
@56..why dont you gargle gmans nuts…
ok, looks like you have something brewing. Do you do contract programming?
60 – pffft.. None of your business.
I’ll leave you two “wingmen” alone now.
Goldy: You don’t have to be more cynical (is that even possible?). You have to wield power. Reichert is a Congressman. You are a blogger. Do the math.
I am on the WCV board. Even though I chose not to participate in this fundraiser, I understand and respect many of the folks who did. It is important that the environmental community try to be bi-partison, even though the leadership of the Republican Party makes that very difficult. You may disagree with their approach, but I would wager they are far more involved and invested in the real work of environmental politics than most of the folks on this website.
I do want to call out for particular attention the so-called “Liberal Scientist” for remarks that are totally unjustified (yet apt, I guess, given the name of this webpage). If you’re man (or wo-man) enough to identify yourself, I suggest you actually talk to some of these folks. It’s very easy to be fast and loose with your opinions(“whores”? “corrupt”?) when you can do so anonymously. You may not agree with this particular decision (neither did I), but I would not be so quick to judge if I were you.
@61 I’ll leave you two “wingmen” alone now.
Two wingmen? I don’t think I’ve ever seen this before.
There is quite a high degree of irony in Dr. Dre’s suggesting that someone else should “get a job.” Given the constant flow of shit here from his keyboard throughout working hours, he must either (a) be unemployed, or (b) fuck around all day at work. This leads to an important question: which comes first, hypocrisy or wingnuttia?
I appreciate Bill Pope’s comments, but I wish he was just a little disappointed at the raw opportunism and cynicism demonstrated so baldly by Rep. Reichert.
Instead, he just sort of accepts that that’s the way it is in Republican circles and, in the spirit of bi-partisanship, we have to go along and pretend that Reichert’s fraud is something real, something that should be respected. Give me a break!
Has anyone noticed that none of Reichert’s “good” votes is ever decisive? He only votes for environmental legislation when it doesn’t matter, when it’s going to pass anyway.
With Republicans gaming the system like this, and otherwise smart voters going along with it, no wonder the progessive agenda is in such trouble.
@65…I am just finishing up a 3 week vacation.
thanks for caring though. :)
64 – Uh? Top Gun? The old coors light commercial?
Where’s your Murkan cultural literacy?
Maybe the bigot can fill you in.
To a 42-year Environmental Voter from a 56 year old Environmental Voter:
If I’m on this forum, do I really have to bemoan Reichert’s voting record? It’s obvious he’s not a true environmentalist, but wake up and smell the coffee! Of course he’s a raw opportunist! In Republican political circles Reichert is as “green” as anyone, but you ask do I “accept” it? Is that really within our power? Am I suppose to wring my hands and whine and complain?
I am actively working to get Suzan DelBene elected. That’s my best response to Reichert’s weak environmental record.
You are encouraging him, Bill.
About your opinion about Republicans, I would wager they are far more involved and invested in the real work of environmental politics than most of the folks on this website., that may be true by virtue of how many Republicans comment here.
Back to Goldy’s point, 64%, Bill, your organization is endorsing, encouraging, and supporting, 64%.
@57. Dr. Dre spews:
FACT: Darcy the liar said she had an Economics Degree.
FACT: She does not posses a degree in economics.
FACT .. you are FOS. I have a Bachelor’s from Harvard College, my major was biology. However, I also completed requirements in another area.
While we are at it, later I earned a Phd in Pathology. However, on my way to that degree I also learned enough photography that the State of California gave me a certificate saying I had the right to teach that subject in their colleges.
Other Professors of photography I worked with had their degrees in Biochemistry. The new Director of NCI has his degree in History .. as well as a Nobel Prize in Biology.
The sad thing is that you are too dumb to understand academic credentials beyond high school .. well other than trade school.
end of story.
But, sticking your name on the letter head of a Reichert fund raiser put on by friends of Reichert is PARTISAN behavior done on behalf of a congressman with a deplorable and duplicitous environmental record.
Bill Pope-
I don’t doubt WCV board members are very dedicated people. But what good is a WCV endorsement if all a candidate has to do to win it is take one or two “good” votes? We need representatives who will do more than just vote the right way when it is politically expedient to do so. Plus, why do we expect less from Republicans? Would a democrat with a D grade get your endorsement? C’mon guys, make the work for their enviro cred!
Gotta love how the trolls, who always complain about how Goldy never calls out lefties when they act like hypocrites, are completely silent when Goldy calls out a big chunk of the board of WCV.
A simple thank you would be nice.
A big bunch of the first environmentalists WERE Republicans. IKE passed the first national air pollution laws. Dan Evans did good environmental work, so on and so forth…
Sorry I got here late, but I just couldn’t resist correcting that twit Mark1.
Rabbits are not rodents, they’re lagomorphs.
@ Bill Pope above.
I take issue with your questioning whether the terms ‘whore’ and ‘corrupt’ are appropriate as I used them – to describe people cozying up to Reichert and helping him raise money. AND associating with the Discovery Institute crowd while doing so.
Yes, they are strong and deeply critical and uncomfortable to hear. And I stand by them.
The Republican Party has been an unmitigated plague on the environment, and Rep. Reichert (R-Hairspray) has been one of their useful idiots. And Goldy’s reporting illustrates the contempt with which he holds local environmental organizations and activists. I suppose that would include you as well.
I object to people purporting to – and perhaps indeed doing – work to protect the environment getting in bed with the very people that are working against this agenda. We see it in the national organizations (see NARAL and PP backing Lieberman over Lamont), and here we see it locally. It doesn’t work. Or I guess it does if the agenda is getting close to power simply for the “access”. In this particular case, in what set of circumstances can anyone ever rationally expect Reichert to do anything substantive that would go against his party’s core anti-environmental posture in any consistent and meaningful way? I don’t think that set of conditions occurs in this universe.
And the Discovery Institute? That collection of anti-science wankers is dedicated to the stupid-ifying of America through its efforts at injecting “creation science” (in the guise of “intelligent design” of course) into our schools, and by implication, our children’s brains.
So, people I’m supposed to take seriously and respect as environmental stewards are sharing the sponsorship of a fund-raiser for a dim-bulb, back bench Republican Congressmember (who is affirmatively contemptuous of environmental orgs) with a bunch of anti-science creationist whack-jobs? Spare me. My comments stand.
@71…SJ, nice irrelevant post. She still has no degree in economics from harvard. What you studied is irrelevant.
@76..perhaps you should inform Goebbels Rabbit of that..he often refers to himself as a rodent.
just keeping it real….
suzan delbene is going to turn her waterfront mansion into a park if she wins the 8th district battle of the less worse. that’s environmentalism you can believe in.
Checkout #63.
Are we going to see you adding your name to a fund raiser for Patty Murray so that you can be more bipartisan?
To everyone who has mistaken WCV with some random individuals who are associated with WCV….they are not the same. WCV has not endorsed Reichert, nor will it. Nor have I, nor will I.
To Mr. Liberal Scientist (who hides behind his pseudonym), have the courage to stand up for your convictions by identifying yourself. You want to call those people “whores”? Do it out in the open. Otherwise it’s just noise.
I’ll take that as a “no” then. Which is a sensible thing. Unlike a few members of the board of WCV who, insensibly, seem to think that helping get a guy who will vote against you at every turn is a sensible thing to do.
I’ve been involved as an enviro “activist” for a decade now. While I certainly wouldn’t personally vote for Reichart based on his anti-hoice and other positions, you have to appreciate that he took some tough flak from his base for several of the green votes. There are a TON of R’s that have a lifetime WCV score of 0, 10, and 20. In fact looking at the scorecard, I don’t even see any R that has a score higher than Reicharts. WCV’s goal is to encourage more green voting from all parties. If you are a pragmatist, as I am, you begin to realize that working across the aisle is a good thing. Yes, a 64 score for a Democrat would be a D. But for a Republican, 64% is pretty close to an A. As to whether someone has to be a “true believer” on an issue vs. represent his constituency, I think that’s asking a lot from a politician. If you look at the vote Reichart took on the climate bill (one of only 8 R’s in the country to vote for it), and helping to secure Big Sky (he really was key), he delivered when he had to on several key issues.
@84…..ummm, ok. I am not part of the Bill Pope exchange…why are you including me in it?
As a random individual who is associated with WCV myself, I’d appreciate it if a big chunk of the board would stop working to get anti-environmental voters re-elected.
As a random individual who is associated with WCV I’d also suggest that the folks that Goldy is pointing to are more than just random individual members.
Please reread what I posted @72
The folks that Goldy pointed out need to be the ones explaining their actions, not you.
Goldy, maybe you could do them a solid and let them write a post or two?
Because this thread is about WCV! Don’t want to talk WCV, take it some where else.
Which is why you work with everyone who’s in office, not just your little click of folks. But, what these folks are doing are working to help get someone with a crap eco-record re-elected. Yes work with him while he’s in office, but also work to get someone better than him into that office.
Show him that his anti-environmental voting record can hurt him on election day. What WCV is showing him is that he can do whatever he wants and they’ll rollover and still stand up with him and help him get elected.
Why is Seattle so full of ball-less-wonders?
Sounds like you need to pony up!
Great post. Environmentalism used to have some bipartisan appeal. Witness the Nixonians, for instance. The contemporary GOP, however, is so damned evil on the environment that environmental organizations should never hold a fundraiser for someone running for Congress who is a member of that party. Period. I don’t know if I’ve ever given money to the WCV. I sure as hell know I’m not likely to do so in the future. Reichert is an idiot. Not a bad guy, I’m sure, but he is an idiot. He has no place in the halls of Congress. No environmentalist would vote for him.
@73 (8th District enviro)
Actually, I agree with you. I would not raise funds for Reichert myself, but I do understand the argument that bipartisan environmental groups should support credible efforts by Republicans to be green. I don’t personally think that Reichert deserves this recognition, but it’s a judgment call.
What I can’t stand are the sanctimonious jerks who just throw stones from the sidelines (sometimes hidden behind their pseudonyms) and make no attempts at constructive engagement. The people that Mr. Liberal Scientist calls “whores” and “corrupt” are decent, conscientious, hard working people who are trying to achieve the best environmental outcomes in a highly imperfect system. (If he would just “out” himself, I would be glad to introduce him to these “whores” and he might find that they’re actually pretty decent people who share many of the same goals.)
I’ve also seen some criticism of Suzan Delbene because of her wealth, but those who are critical should meet her first and then decide. I think she is a genuine and caring person. I think she would be a great representative for the 8th.
Just another example of how WCV is pure greenwashing..
Despite Mr. Pope’s various further comments, I stand firmly on my original comment @66. But I do appreciate that you are supporting Suzan DelBene, in opposition to your WCV board colleagues.
For Washington Conservation Voters to stand behind and endorse and support Cong. Reichert, with his contempt for the environmental movement now exposed, is ridiculous and ultimately self-defeating.
I will never again pay any attention to anything they say or do.
That’s “Dr.” Liberal Scientist to you, bub.
To quote you:
I do understand the argument that bipartisan environmental groups should support credible efforts by Republicans to be green.
That’s the problem – I see no evidence for such mythical “credible efforts by Republicans”. I see WAY too much pixie dust of bipartisanship. It does not work, and it undermines the stated goal of environmental groups, and others, that engage in the practice. And it betrays the political objectives of the people that send money to WCV and NARAL and Sierra Club and others that have clearly become part of the Establishment, and in so doing become part of, and defenders of, the status quo.
I’m sorry I’ve offended you. However, I find your offer to introduce me to your decent conscientious and hard-working friends telling. How do you know I don’t already know them? Why do I need you to introduce me to the cool kids? I find it arrogant, and emblematic of the very issue we all discuss, that you would presume that some pseudonymous HA rabble rouser doesn’t personally know any of these fine environmentalists shilling for Reichert, shoulder to shoulder with the DI twits.
Acerbic pseudonymous commentary is well established in American political discourse. I find your foot-stamping demands that I identify myself beside the point.
@96: Sorry Bill Pope, finding credible republicans who support environmental issues is a very tough job and a good idea.
However, it is VERY clear that Reichert is NOT a credible environmentalist and he has TAKEN ADVANTAGE of your group.
The WCV now looks like a bunch of saps who have been taken for a ride. A few well placed votes that mean nothing and support for Wild Sky Wildernaess (that was already a done deal according to Reichert himself) and suddenly Reichert qualifies as an environmentalist?
His real feelings were caught on tape and now you guys just look like dumb SUCKAS. It calls into question the integrity and intelligence of the WCV. If they can be duped this easily, maybe they need new members, new leadership and a more active research branch.
@96: Liberal scientist/Bill Pope
I agree with liberal scientist, WCV should be ashamed of themselves for falling all over Reichert. A false environmentalist (Reichert) is far worse that a republican who is honest and says they don’t care about the environment.
Oh, and by the way Bill – I am also a a Dr. and citizen scientist who is actively engaged in environmental efforts including hands-on beach clean ups and water testing.
So I also do not want to meet the sell-outs who decided Reichert was worthy of anything but our contempt
Thanks CNR.
On the more minor issue, it’s not that I don’t want to meet Bill Popes colleagues, it’s that he presumes that I don’t already know them.
I find that quite elitist, arrogant, and condescending. AND an illustration of the problem – somehow we’re supposed to defer to our betters to make these decisions – when in fact they’re getting in bed with the people that we clearly oppose.
I’m still a little blow away that the WCV board doesn’t know the difference between partisan and bipartisan behavior.
Perhaps “Bipartisan,” that magical state revered by David Broder, the Village in DC more broadly, and certainly elements of the activist class locally, should better be termed “Insiderism.”
I think it comes down to power and position, and the people who want to sidle up to it no matter who the object of their desire is, Democrat or Republican, environmentalist or big business.
And, not unlike an abuse victim still trapped in the abusive relationship, they continue to make excuses for the abuser, in this case Rep. Hairspray, even as he contemptuously mocks them to his (real) friends. Pathetic.
Mr. Liberal Scientist, perhaps you do know the folks you call “whores’, but I doubt it (unless you’re a particularly mean-spirited person). I agree that Reichert is no environmentalist and we should not support him, but I don’t believe that calling those who may disagree with you “whores” is very productive. I also don’t think you would do so if you knew them.
Sue said: “While I certainly wouldn’t personally vote for Reichart based on his anti-hoice and other positions, you have to appreciate that he took some tough flak from his base for several of the green votes. ”
In the 8th district, he has to create some semblence of voting for environmental issues occassionally. That was the whole point of the Reichart revelations, where he admitted that he only voted for environmental issues when it was politically necessary for him to do so, not because he thought they were a good idea. Unless compelled to do so, he assured his compatriots he would vote against environmental issues every time.
That’s not exactly the “tough flak from his base”, based on a couragious stand on principle. He should get no credit for that.
Well, there’s two things you and I agree on.