Rep. Dave Reichert is in trouble, and he knows it. He hit the airwaves this week with his first TV spot, and surprise: it’s an attack ad against Darcy Burner.
You can smell the desperation coming from the Reichert camp, but that’s not all that stinks. Darryl over at Hominid Views does a great job picking apart the lies in Reichert’s ad, and in the process he stumbles across a really huge political no-no.
Take a look at this screen shot from Reichert’s ad:
“Burner’s charges hurt by ‘inaccuracies'”
Now go try and Google that quote. You won’t find it online. You won’t find it in the print edition either. It doesn’t exist.
Sure, there is a fairly even-handed article by Jonathan Martin in the 9/24/06 edition of the Seattle Times, critiquing ads by both the candidates. And it does contain the word “inaccuracies,” as in:
Ads against both candidates contain inaccuracies.
But you won’t find the words “charges” or “hurt,” in or out of sequence, let alone the quoted phrase. Reichert just plum made it up.
Notice from the screen shot that Reichert was careful to place the word ‘inaccuracies’ in single quotes, which I suppose was some sort of sneaky effort to defend himself against charges like the one I’m raising. But by surrounding the entire phrase in double-quotes, the ad clearly implies that the phrase was an exact quote from the Seattle Times. And as far as we can tell, it wasn’t.
It is one thing for Reichert and his cronies to make up lies about Darcy Burner — we all expected him to do that. But you just don’t make up quotes and put them into the mouths of newspaper reporters and editorial boards. There are very few rules that govern the ethics of political advertising, but this is one a candidate should never violate.
Reichert has embarrassed himself. He has embarrassed the Times. And I fully expect the Times to demand that he pull or fix the ad.
And come election day, I hope voters remember what Reichert says at the end of the ad: “I’m Dave Reichert, and I approve this message.”
The Times‘ David Postman reports that Reichert will fix his ad. He quotes Reichert campaign spokesperson Kimberly Cadena:
The Reichert campaign made a mistake with the punctuation in its ad. We are fixing the punctuation to accurately describe what was in the Seattle Times article.
Oh… it was just a punctuation mistake. So, I suppose that means they’re just going to pull the quotation marks off the larger, fictional quote, and put them around the word “inaccuracies,” thus transforming a total fabrication into something that’s merely intentionally misleading.
I mean, let’s get real. Single word quotations are the stuff that ad copy for bad movies are made of. Which, come to think of it, is a pretty apt analogy for Dave Reichert.
The Democrat response to NK nukes; 1, blame Bush for the failed Clinton appeasement; 2, call for more appeasement.
Why can’t we negotiate with North Korea?
They’re no threat. All they have are one failed long-range missile launch and one failed nuclear test to their name. All they want is a piece of paper that says the Korean War is over, and maybe a little trade. In return I think they would they give up or lock up their nukes and allow IAEA inspectors.
Commentby Daddy Love— 10/10/06@ 2:17 pm
The results of Clinton’s appeasement; NK nukes. Clinton traded millions in aid money for a worthless piece of paper instead of taking tough action. Now the bill is coming due.
The Wingut response to North Korea:
1) Blame Clinton for Bush’s incompetence for the last six years;
2) Blame the Democrats and continue to do nothing.
Speaking of Right Wing Lies. Anonymous posted the following from Insight:
The Supreme Court plans to hear a suit to reverse the landmark abortion US case, Doe v. Bolton, from the case?s original plaintiff, who claims the facts of the original case were fraudulent and she was misrepresented by attorneys.
As usual, the wingnuts were wrong:
The Supreme Court on Tuesday turned aside the case of Sandra Cano, one of the women behind the legalization of abortion, who had sought to reverse the victory she won 33 years ago.
Oh God Clownstein, now I know your side is desperate. If you are arguing such minutae, it is obvious even you realize that the your inexperienced, naitonal security challenged candidate has lost the election.
I hereby predict that in a fair election contest in which Democrats do not mysteriously “find” ballots, Burner will be a burnout.
I recommend she start with Dog Catcher next time. Then when you show up at her events, she can claim an accomplishment.
re2: If Clintonian “appeasement” is the problem then why did the House pass a bi-partisan bill that states that a special negotiator needs to be appointed ( the choice is the same guy that negotiated the Clinton Standoff) and that the current administration is to have NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF THE NEGOTIATIONS. That’s as close as you get in America to a vote of NO CONFIDENCE.
Not even a Republican is willing to put their lives in the hands of the Bushian Retards.
David, you have not referred to tonight’s debate between Burner & Reichert in Bellevue. Are you going? Or are you going to pound a few? (By the way, last Saturday night, the Silvertips defeated the Thunderbirds, 3-0.)
re 5: If Reichert were dogcatcher he would catch the dogs and release them for the next ten years.
Is there an honest Republican politician left in this country? Are there any limits to what Republican incumbents will do to retain their power in Congress? Reichert is a pathetic excuse for a Congressman. He offers nothing–no leadership, no ideas, no integrity. The American people should expect something from those who hold office. Reichert brings nothing to the table. His entire career appears to be characterized by self-aggrandizement and self-promotion. I’m sure his grandchildren love him, but that hardly qualifies him to be one of but 435 members of the House of Representatives. Darcy Burner has an intellect. I can’t say that for Reichert.
Don’t you think it was irresponsible of Donald Rumsfeld to sell nuclear technology to N.Korea?
I do.
Darcy Burner favors taking the money back from Iraq war companies that have ripped us off. That REALLY gets the righty pogo sticks hopping.
PHOENIX-The state will ask a justice of the nation’s high court to let county election officials require voters to produce identification for next month’s general election. Attorney General Terry Goddard said Tuesday legal papers will be given to Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, possibly by the end of the week, asking him to void an order by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals barring the state from enforcing the voter ID provisions of Proposition 200 while a legal challenge to them works its way through federal court. [………Voter ID: Democrats lose. It’s that simple.]
How Dems handle sex abuse by Democrats:
Michael M. Bates
October 3, 2006
Excerpts from the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct report are enough to turn your stomach.
“The page testified that . . . (the Congressman) invited him to travel abroad during the August recess. The page agreed, and the two took a 2 1/2 week trip together abroad. According to the page’s testimony, they engaged in sexual activity every two or three days during this trip.
“The page was 17 years old during the time he testified that he had a sexual relationship with (the Congressman); the relationship may have begun when the page was 16. . .
“Two other former pages, both male, have stated under oath that (the Congressman) made sexual advances to them . . . while they were serving as House pages. One was 16 or 17 years old at the time of the alleged incident; the other was 17. . . .
Moreover, two former supervisors of the pages in the House admitted to investigators that, years earlier, they’d been warned about the Congressman’s conduct. One claimed he hadn’t pursued the matter because he “wasn’t sure whether or not he (the page) had mistaken a friendly gesture for an advance or not.”
According to the other supervisor, he did nothing “because I didn’t feel I had any means of doing anything more, either through the chain of command that I worked for or through any other set of circumstances, and that the best thing was that everyone be warned of it and stay clear.”
There were suspicions that the cover-up possibly went all the way to the Speaker of the House’s office. A year before action was taken, a Congresswoman had called for an independent investigator to look into allegations of drug and sex abuse by House members. The Speaker declined, saying that “If the Congress cannot conduct an honest and comprehensive probe of these charges and punish those found guilty of these illegal acts, then the Congress has no right to make the laws that govern this nation.”
The Congressman who took the young male page overseas wasn’t the reprehensible Mark Foley. It was the reprehensible Gerry Studds, a Massachusetts Democrat who was censured by the House of Representatives in 1983 for his sexual misconduct. The Speaker of the House back then was Tip O’Neill, another Massachusetts Democrat.
Studds should have been removed by Congress and referred for criminal prosecution. He wasn’t.
On the day Studds was censured so too was Illinois Republican Dan Crane, who’d had sex with a 17-year-old female page. Saying that we pay for our sins in life, Crane very emotionally apologized for his transgression.
Censure requires that the Congressman come to the well of the House while the Speaker reads the censuring resolution aloud. Crane faced his colleagues; Studds stood with his back to them.
Studds was defiant in other ways. He “regretted” what happened, but showed little remorse. After being shoved out of the closet, he announced he was a gay American. The Democrat garnered support from homosexual activists, some of who were angry that his “private life” was being exposed.
How private is one’s life when 17- and possibly 16-year-olds are involved? They’re not adults. Except possibly in the mind of Studds, who said on the House floor:
“I repeat that in my judgment the mutually voluntary, private relationship between adults, which occurred 10 years ago, should not by any conceivable standard of fairness, rationality, rule or law warrant the attention or action of the House of Representatives of the United States.”
Unlike Foley, Studds didn’t resign. When asked if he would continue in Congress, he laughed, “Of course.” He was greeted with standing ovations when he returned to his district.
Studds did have to give up a subcommittee chairmanship. Still, California Congresswoman (now Senator) Barbara Boxer declared that she continued to look to him as the unofficial chairman of the subcommittee.
He was re-elected six times after his censure. When he decided to call it quits, President Clinton personally called him and asked him to reconsider.
In some jurisdictions, Studds would have gone to jail for statutory rape. In Washington it’s a little different. He went on to collect his more than $90,000 first-year pension.
I’m not suggesting that Mark Foley should have toughed it out like Studds did. Sure, at least at this point it doesn’t appear that his offenses came close to matching those of Gallivantin’ Gerry. Nevertheless, Foley should have resigned and so should anyone else — Republican or Democrat — who was aware of his sordid instant messages to children and did nothing to protect them.
Quite clearly, this isn’t the first time such a scandal has erupted in Congress. Maybe it’ll be handled better this time.
Democrats, including the senior insufferable windbag from Illinois, Dick Durbin, are doing their best to make the Foley scandal a major election issue, suggesting that they’ve suddenly become the party of morality. Not many people will fall for that twaddle.
This Michael M. Bates column appeared in the October 5, 2006 Reporter Newspapers.Source:
It’s mid-October in Michigan, so why not a snowstorm? The western portion of the Upper Peninsula may get walloped with up to 13 inches of snow by Wednesday night, according the National Weather Service in White Lake Township. A winter storm watch has been issued for Wednesday afternoon through Thursday morning in the western U.P., which includes Ironwood, Ontonagon, Hancock, Copper Harbor and Kenton. [……….Move the snow storm to Democrat Detroit to reduce crime.]
Speech @5,
Minutae? He lied. He fabricated a quote. And then he put it on TV. He’s telling voters that the Seattle Times said something very specific about Burner, when they didn’t at all. He lied. And he’s using the Times for cover.
And you don’t care.
That says a lot about you, your candidate, your party and what you all stand for.
“The real threat to U.S. military power is nuclear proliferation, because if every little country has nuclear weapons it becomes very tricky for the United States to engage in military action.”
Immanuel Wallerstein
Democrat concern for kids; the Dems knew and covered it up until election eve:
Many questions raised in Foley frenzy
By Patrick J. Buchanan
There are other questions. As it was a Democrat front group, CREW, that sent the instant messages to the FBI in July, were not Democrats aware Foley was prowling the page dorm, and did they not remain silent, preferring to await the politically propitious moment to release the IMs?
Is the Democrats’ concern for the “children” genuine, or did they leave the pages vulnerable until they could drop their stink bomb on Foley and the House Republicans, five weeks before the election? Source:
Reichert is a piece of slime. Since he has done nothing he can be proud of, he can only attack Darcy. Since she has not made any mistakes, he has to lie about her.
Republican politics. Lies, and smear jobs. All they can do.
No wonder Americans are getting ready to cut them loose. Forever.
Reichert, I hope the Times sues you for libel.
It figures. Reichart gets caught in a lie in the middle of his political campaign. Since such ads at this stage of the campaign are abviously vetted and tested, it really is an intentional lie, not just an oversight.
But the Republicans on this board instead want to try to blame Clinton for the N. Korea Nukes. (Uh, its been six years, folks, since Clinton was in office!)
AmericaFirst even tries to blame the Democrats for the Foley scandal, arguing that the “must have” known about it earlier, but kept quiet until now for political purposes! It’s just too funny for words. According to him, don’t blame the Republican pervert who grooms underage pages with explicit e-mails, don’t blame the Republican leadership that is in charge of Congress or their own party, but instead argue that SOMEHOW (for reasons not yet specified, citing evidence not yet discovered) its the DEMOCRATS fault!!!!!
They are getting pretty desperate.
re17: That dog don’t hunt. CREW delivered the goods to the FBI and they failed to move on it.
What if the Dems. had announced the whole mess in July? You’d be saying they should have reportrd it to authorities and not impede their investigation.
But the larger issue is : Why do you and your cohorts cast about for ways to blame everyone else for your own self-created problems? That is not taking “personal responsibility”, is it?
Or is taking personal responsibility only for the rest of the world, not you and your fractious ilk?
There are other questions. As it was a Democrat front group, CREW, that sent the instant messages to the FBI in July, were not Democrats aware Foley was prowling the page dorm, and did they not remain silent, preferring to await the politically propitious moment to release the IMs?
You do see the problem with Mr. Buchanan’s logic (and yours by association). CREW did not sit on the story until October, they handed everything over to the FBI in July. Note, the House Republican Leadership, when they became aware of the same emails a year ago, didn’t even do that. They did, however, hand the whole thing over to their elections comittee.
Also, while CREW may be leftist, they are not a “Democratic Front Group” in any way, unless you now want to start referring to yourself as a Republican front.
Throw as much mud as you want, but whatever CREW’s motives are (and it is well noted that you have no facts that support you), they do not excuse the coverup by the House Republican leadership for at least a year, if not several years, of Foley’s behavior.
Nancy Pelosi on child sex abuse; she marches with child molesters, as long as they’re Democrats. Typical lib phoney:
Harry Hay was a fierce advocate of man/boy love. While The Chronicle simply ignored Harry’s views, the North American Man/Boy Love Association was only too delighted to put up a collection of Harry’s views on the need for young boys to have older men as sexual partners. Here’s just a sample taken from a talk at a New York University forum sponsored by a campus gay group in 1983.
Said Harry: “Because if the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world.”
In short, San Francisco’s beloved Harry Hay was a vigorous and well-known advocate of older men having sex with young boys. He was a fearless and quite famous advocate for Congressman Mark Foley’s behavior.
Which makes one curious about the presence of marcher number 34 in the 2001 Pride Parade. Marching a mere three spots away from the famous Harry Hay, no doubt waving and smiling to the crowd, was, as the Chronicle logged her in the Official Guide and Program Parade Lineup: “U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi.”
That would be now Democratic leader of the U.S. Congress and the candidate of the Democratic Party to be the next Speaker of the House of Representatives, the official third in line to be President of the United States.Source:By Jeffrey Lord
Hey, has anybody else noticed that McGAvick roadside ads are blue in King County and south Snohomish County, but turn red again once you get into Marysville?
McGavick continues to hope that just enough voters are confused, and think he is the Democrat. That’s why he changes the color of his signs, and advertises about how he is needed to “clean up the mess in Congress”.
It really says something about your candidacy when you have to count on voters being confused about which party you belong to in order to have the remotest chance of winning.
So RubberStampReichert is a liar? We already knew that. He has an (R) after his name. It’s in their genes.
You are citing Pat Buchanan as an authority? The desperation of Republicans is truly boggling. The Republican attempt to stain the Democrats with what is plainly a Republican scandal would be funny if you lapdogs didn’t believe your own nonsense. The Republicans can’t lead, they can’t govern. That’s what comes from an antigovernment ideology, which you folks spew like a mantra. This issue was the House leadership’s responsibility to address. The House leadership, at all relevant times, has been Republican. This puppy is yours, so you need to clean up the shit on the floor.
You seem to know a lot about NAMBLA. Do you know my old friend JCH? He loves to make Atlas Shrug! [hehe]
You do see the problem with Mr. Buchanan’s logic (and yours by association). CREW did not sit on the story until October, they handed everything over to the FBI in July. Note, the House Republican Leadership, when they became aware of the same emails a year ago, didn’t even do that. They did, however, hand the whole thing over to their elections comittee.
Commentby JDB— 10/10/06@ 4:20 pm
“they handed everything over to the FBI in July;” Not true, they disclosed the non-graphic portions but redacted the rest. CREW held back the graphic material from the FBI in order to spring it on election eve.
AmericaFirst: Angry 14-year-old repressed homosexual lashing out at everyone lest they see him for what he is. Dude, the sooner you embrace your Foleyism, the happier you’ll be.
Not that anyone’s going to read this since it’s after the usual mess of trollfuck slag, but…it seemed to me that the Reichert spot that ran last night also contradicts the article in Sunday’s Times. That one called Sheriff Dave’s credentials into question.
Okay, we’ve been waiting for Rove’s promised “October Surprise”, and the month is one-third gone. Bush gave a week’s worth of speeches attempting to convince folks that only the Republican party could be trusted with America’s security, followed by the N. Korean nuclear test over the weekend. Problem for Bush was that the Foley scandal knocked his message off the news cycle.
So I have to ask: was the N. Korean test Rove’s promised “October Suprise” which was supposed to save the Republican Party? Is that why the Republicans are all over the news, desperatly trying to gain some traction by attempting to blame this on Clinton?
As an electoral strategy, reminds me a bit of a bottle rocket. “Fizz,,,,,,, POP!”, then tattered pieces drift to the ground.
Hey Goldy, just a heads up. I got push pulled a few days ago. Some guy calling from “1-111-111-1111” (ha) asked me who’d I’d vote for in my local election. I said Rodney Tom. He said “Would you still vote for him if you knew he had the worst legislative record ever?” (he actually said something to that effect) I said Screw off and hung up.
And nice catch on the ad. Lazy fuckers are even starting to phone in their corruption.
Not true. The only redacted the information that showed who their source was. Ask Bob Novak about that.
And the FBI could not investigate? That is their job?
Still, I note that you ignore the most important thing, that the House Republican Leadership had this information at least a year ahead of time, and they didn’t even bother the FBI with it. This story is about that coverup, no matter how hard you try to make it about something else. Why do you want to protect those who protect molesters amerikkkafirst?
House Race Summary for Oct. 10:
Since our update last week, we have five new national polls on the generic House vote—the new Gallup poll plus surveys from ABC News/Washington Post, CBS/NY Times, CNN/ORC, and Newsweek—and four of the five show some improvement in the Democratic margin. Our chart shows a sharp upward movement in the last-five-poll average of the Democratic margin from roughly 10 percentage points two weeks ago to almost 17 points today.
Is it any wonder why the wingnuts are going nuts around here? I think we can safely say that we will not hear a truthful statement out of any of them for the next four weeks.
I’ve argued for a long time that we need to call the Republicans on every lie they broadcast. Run ads demonstrating the lie, and make them eat their own (well, you know). But I confess, now that its October and they are getting desperate, its hard to keep up with all the lies.
The Reichart ad was full of them.
The McGAvick ad was also. Cantwell doesn’t want to come down from the mountain and throw mud (she doesn’t have to, she just about has it sewn up). But that doesn’t keep us from pointing out, once again, that McGavick is a liar. Cantwell did not “vote against Washington families”, she co-sponsored a bill to restore the sales tax deduction. Cantwell did not vote to “give social security benefits to illegals”, she voted that taxpayers who become citizes can get benefits for taxes they paid all those years.
FascistFirst – what you’re saying about CREW is probably BS like most if not all of what you spew but let say it’s true for a second.
So freaking what. A 50+ year old man for YEARS preyed on young kids. Senior Republicans knew about it and looked the other way to keep this rubberstamping pervert in the fold.
You’re excusing the inexcusable and defending the indefensible. Your bullshit is not going to fly.
The question for the day: Do the Republicans have anything other than lies to run on?
Your capacity to overlook the obvious is breathtaking: “CREW held back the graphic material from the FBI.” Last I heard, FBI stood for the Federal Bureau of INVESTIGATION. That means, presumably, that they do some investigating. Are you saying that the FBI can be thrown off the scent by a little redacting? Good lord, man, your blindness to your party’s fault’s is almost amusing.
While we are at it, lets remind voters that McGavick wants to create a new federal buracracy to decide which handful of mutual funds from which we can choose to invest our (proposed) private social security accounts.
Gee, a Republican wants yet another federal government agency? I guess its alright if the purpose is to pick between Haliburton or Safeco as the primary recipient of our retirement savings. If you liked the way Haliburton manages the Iraq contracts, you will love that one. By the way, the price of gas in Kuwait is under a dollar. Halliburton is taking that same gas and selling it in Kuwait to the U.S. Government for several dollars a gallon. Republican efficiency, I guess?????
Of course, the existing social security system doesn’t need any reform as long as the federal government is operating on a minimal deficit, or if immigrants paying into the system can never collect benefits from it.
32,Not true. The only redacted the information that showed who their source was. Ask Bob Novak about that.
Commentby JDB— 10/10/06@ 4:38 pm
I don’t believe it. What is your source for this?
americafirst: how old ru?
He can’t wait until he’s a Junior next year so he can apply for a House page position. As you’re now out of the House, do you have any sort of “private intern” position he might apply for if he gets aced out of a pageship? I’m sure your needs haven’t much changed just because you no longer have an official position.
Talk about a Scary Movie, I just about laughed my ass off on this one. Hats off to this Zucker on this gem!
Drudge you report this as no other will! Ha Ha
Happy Halloween folks!
Your capacity to overlook the obvious is breathtaking: �CREW held back the graphic material from the FBI.� Last I heard, FBI stood for the Federal Bureau of INVESTIGATION. That means, presumably, that they do some investigating. Are you saying that the FBI can be thrown off the scent by a little redacting? Good lord, man, your blindness to your party�s fault�s is almost amusing.
Commentby proud leftist� 10/10/06@ 4:49 pm
Another “proud” moonbat. Try to focus; when CREW redacted the graphic portions the FBI didn’t have any evidence of a federal crime. The redacted release to the FBI was for cover; CREW held back the graphic portions for political use later.
Sorry I don’t do Drudge im afraid of catching something nasty and incurable. :-(
I herd Drugged I mean Drudge was another one of them Gay Preeverts….
The liberals are coming to get you. After we sodomize you, we’re going to make you have an abortion, even if you’re a male. Don’t turn to law enforcement, we control those guys, just like we control the media, and everything else that counts in this country. Lock your doors and look over your shoulder, the liberal conspiracy is coming your way. There’s nowhere for you to run. You are a paranoid motherfucker.
Sheesh it takes 20 minutes of commercials before a baseball game can get started now huh.
proud leftist: oh yes i believe in providing opportunities for our male youth of ages 16-18. americafirst has the “right” attitude but he must meet the age requirement.
Well I have been starting to get ready for the war on Christmas early this year. I am shooting for a 100 stolen plastic baby Jesus to throw on the bon fire Xmas eve at Midnight of course..
The Christans must pay for stealing your pagon hollidays
30 “Okay, we’ve been waiting for Rove’s promised “October Surprise”, and the month is one-third gone.”
The most likely bet at this point is that Saint King Dumbfuck is going to respond to North Korea’s nuclear test by attacking Iran.
CREW only had the so-called “overly friendly” e-mails that Fox, The Miami Herald and other news organizations also got and decided not to report. The ones where Foley asked for a picture and what the former page wanted for his birthday. The graphic IM’s didn’t show up until after ABC decided to post the “overly friendly” e-mails, and The Hill has reported the source of those was a Republican staffer. What is your source that CREW redacted graphic material and not just the identity of their source?
I herd the Eisonhower battle group is steaming towards the Persian gulf right now
Gawd Baseball is boring
US Forces deployed to Persian Gulf to Attack Iran: Contact Congress Today
by Steven D
Tue Oct 3rd, 2006 at 09:24:14 AM EST
London Yank has a recommended diary up at Daily Kos, 6,500 Sailors Go To War – Massive US and Allied Naval Deployment about the additional deployment of US forces to the Middle East in preparation for a possible (probable?) attack on Iran. She cites this report from Global research. It points out that not only has an additional US Carrier Task Force (the USS Eisenhower, et al.) been ordered to the Persian Gulf, but also another group of US warships, US Expeditionary Strike Group 5, bearing 6500 Marines also have been dispatched from their home port in San Diego to the Middle East:
there is your “October Surprise”,
TheDeadlyShoe @ 31
Yep…I got that push poll, too. I wrote about it here.
U.S. sends warships to Persian Gulf (Radio Havana) September 26, 2006
Washington (RHC) — Major media sources are reporting advance deployments of U.S. warships and weapons toward the Persian Gulf — pointing to what appears to be preparations for launching a premptive military strike against the Islamic Republic of Iran. According to reports from various sources, the Pentagon has moved up the deployment of a major “strike group” of ships, including the nuclear aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower as well as a cruiser, destroyer, frigate, submarine escort and supply ship, to head for the Persian Gulf, just off Iran’s western coast.
another sorce on it
CREW only had the so-called �overly friendly� e-mails that Fox, The Miami Herald and other news organizations also got and decided not to report. The ones where Foley asked for a picture and what the former page wanted for his birthday. The graphic IM�s didn�t show up until after ABC decided to post the �overly friendly� e-mails, and The Hill has reported the source of those was a Republican staffer. What is your source that CREW redacted graphic material and not just the identity of their source?
Commentby wayne� 10/10/06@ 5:34 pm
Source is CBS quote of FBI and CREW. If the FBI had the graphic materials they would have investigated. CREW are covering up, but don’t count on it working:
The Justice Department told CBSNews that in July, when Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) provided the “innocuous” e-mails to the FBI, they were heavily redacted. CREW adamantly denies that and says they provided an FBI agent with complete, unredacted e-mails.
The Justice Department also said that the FBI asked CREW to go back to its source and ask for more information so it could follow up, but CREW refused. That’s why the FBI, Justice said, did nothing further at that time. CREW says the FBI made no such follow-up requests for more information at any time. An FBI agent did place one clarifying phone call on the day CREW turned over the e-mails to double-check that Mark Foley was the congressman involved, CREW said.
Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this story failed to present CREW’s account. That was a mistake for which we apologize.
�MMVI, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Ah thanks Darryl, that’s the one alright and you got the wording correct. ;)
U.S. sends warships to Persian Gulf (Radio Havana) September 26, 2006
Washington (RHC) � Major media sources are reporting advance deployments of U.S. warships and weapons toward the Persian Gulf � pointing to what appears to be preparations for launching a premptive military strike against the Islamic Republic of Iran. According to reports from various sources, the Pentagon has moved up the deployment of a major �strike group� of ships, including the nuclear aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower as well as a cruiser, destroyer, frigate, submarine escort and supply ship, to head for the Persian Gulf, just off Iran�s western coast.
Commentby The Socialist� 10/10/06@ 5:50 pm
Rodent, you forgot to screw up the spelling in “Socialist” posts. I prefer the new Socialist, so I hope you drop the spelling horseshit.
BTW, bomb Iran, bomb NK, let’s have a real October surprise.
Reichert’s ad bears the unmistakable stamp of his “attack” consultant Bruce Boram – a man so crooked he has to screw on his argyles.
You can be sure that once the Times responds appropriately, Reichert will claim not to have known about the “mis-quote” (otherwise known as a lie) and will announce that the consultant hired to produce the ad has left the campaign. But that’s okay, ’cause Dudley’s had him on the payroll for months now just waiting to drop this sort of a turd into the campaign. My guess is that an internal poll prompted them to run the ad sooner than planned.
If you hire a known liar to tell lies for you, doesn’t that make you a liar?
Watch it here!
2 AF
“The results of Clinton’s appeasement; NK nukes. Clinton traded millions in aid money for a worthless piece of paper instead of taking tough action.”
Provably wrong. I know you’re an idiot, but hold on until the end of this one. You probably think that even though we reneged on our part of the Agreed Framework, the North KLoreans were slimy little snakes because they said they were enriching uranium prior to 2002. Let’s agree that they were.
They were only enriching uranium. It’s a long, slow process, and they would never have been able to create a nuclear device by 2006 using it.
So in 2002 Bush “took tough action:” He called them names (“Axis of Evil”) and suspended the oil shipments we had been sending (late) to them, and made it clear that we would not normalize relations, even though the Republican Congress had been informally blocking that since 1994.
Their response? Four years ago, its 8,000 fuel rods were padlocked under international inspection. Now, they’ve been reprocessed into bomb-grade plutonium.
Yeah, that “tough action” works real well.
But this administration WANTS these kinds of pivotal, edge-nearign events, to push us into the war that they think is the only response that matters. And their being wrong again and again doesn’t seem to phase you true believers. Daddy-lovers. Daddy will protect you.
By the way, speaking of “tough actions,” in 2004, Bush let Assistant Secretary of State James Kelly put a proposal on the table for North Korea—a proposal that reportedly originated with South Korea—that amounts to the following: North Korea has three months to commit to dismantling its nuclear weapons program. Once it makes this declaration, the United States will provisionally pledge not to invade its territory or topple its regime. At the same time, South Korea, Japan, China, and Russia will start sending North Korea an enormous amount of fuel oil each month. A timetable marking subsequent steps, including the dropping of economic sanctions, will culminate with North Korea actually dismantling its nuclear facilities and shipping its plutonium abroad to be destroyed.
We have a name for that proposal. It was originally called the Agreed Framework, and Clinton sucessfully negotiated it with NK in 1994. You do have to add two light-water reactors for the resemblance to be complete. No wonder Clinton got the job done. They DO have things they want.
Bush, on the other hand, because he was insulting and stiffing NK while they reprocessed their plutonium after 2002, suffered the indignity of having his proposal rejected. Not good enough. Weak. Ineffective. Incompetent.
27 AF
CREW had e-mails in July. Hastert knew in November 2005. All he did as cover up and leave the House pages t be preyed upon.
Reichert, you are so busted.
What a human waste.
Since Darcy smashes you on ever single issue, the only thing you can do is lie to her, and maybe convince people that are really stupid that your lies are true.
Your whole party is built on lies. You lie to the Religious Right, the Farmers, and the workers. Saying giveing billionares tax cuts will help them. What a load of crap. How about giving the working class the tax breaks, and let the people with more money than they know what to do with, pay their fair share.
Tax wealth, not work. How about that?
80% of the stock in the stock market is owned by 20% of the people. 50% is owned by 2% of the people. I could care less what the dow is doing. I care more about the 20 million AMERICAN CHILDREN that don’t get enough to eat……
Time for bastille day…… Just let them keep their heads this time….
44 AF
“The redacted release to the FBI was for cover; CREW held back the graphic portions for political use later.”
WRONG. ABC got their material from a Republican.
I feel so sorry for republicans they remind me of old nazis after ww2 that still try to convise you Hitler was really a great guy
New CBS News/New York Times poll showed 79% of respondents think Republican leaders were more concerned with politics than the well-being of the teenage pages who received lewd messages from former Republican Rep. Mark Foley of Florida.
You have to hand it to the Dems in going with the only stategy that would work for them. Everyone know that the dems cant run on real issues.
#70 “I feel so sorry for republicans they remind me of old nazis after ww2 that still try to convise you Hitler was really a great guy”
And like the Japanese who still refuse to admit the Rape of Nanking, and who sometimes murder politicians and reporters who bring up the subject.
Dan- should the Republicans run on theisr success in Iraq, their control of the deficit, or their success in containing N. Korea’s nuclear program. THey attacked the only one of the “axis of evil” without a nuclear program.
Yeah, run on that.
“The issue is … whether we want to live in a free society or whether we want to live under what amounts to a form of self-imposed totalitarianism, with the bewildered herd marginalized, directed elsewhere, terrified, screaming patriotic slogans, fearing for their lives and admiring with awe the leader who saved them from destruction, while the educated masses goose-step on command and repeat the slogans they’re supposed to repeat and the society deteriorates at home. We end up serving as a mercenary enforcer state, hoping that others are going to pay us to smash up the world. Those are the choices That’s the choice that you have to face. The answer to those questions is very much in the hands of people like you and me.”
Noam Chomsky from the book, Media Control, 2002
Vote for Darcy Burner. Make a difference for the good.
“Thanks for pointing that out. Let’s keep all them “foriegners” and dark skinned people from voting.”
Commentby Doctor Maf54 Kennedy, ESQ.— […………………………….Spell much, Maf54? Another public school “minority pass” student?]
Bush, on the other hand, because he was insulting and stiffing NK while they reprocessed their plutonium after 2002, suffered the indignity of having his proposal rejected. Not good enough. Weak. Ineffective. Incompetent.
Commentby Daddy Love� 10/10/06@ 7:36 pm
Bush was weak also, but at least he stopped the NK welfare Clinton paid. Which is worse, paying millions for a worthless agreement, or paying nothing to them for nothing?
“You dumbshit Dems like Carter and Clinton sure are suckers, want to buy some more skyhooks?” Kim Jong-Il.
“The redacted release to the FBI was for cover; CREW held back the graphic portions for political use later.”
WRONG. ABC got their material from a Republican.
Commentby Daddy Love— 10/10/06@ 7:52 pm
Bullshit, how do you know where ABC got the info?
“The point of public relations slogans like “Support our troops” is that they don’t mean anything… That’s the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody’s going to be against, and everybody’s going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn’t mean anything. Its crucial value is that it diverts your attention from a question that does mean something: Do you support our policy? That’s the one you’re not allowed to talk about.”
Noam Chomsky
Vote for Darcy Burner, not for Rubberstamp Reichert!!!
Cut the crap, Americafirst. Republicans in high places knew of Folley’s flirtations with pages for years. They withheld action to preserve the seat, regardless of affect on the pages. They deserve what they’re getting. It’s a bullshit diversion to point the finger at Democrats for when they broke the story in light of the republican coverup.
Terrorism [from U.S. Codes and Army manuals]
“the calculated use of violence or the threat of violence to attain goals that are political, religious or ideological in nature…through intimidation, coercion or instilling fear.”
Shock and Awe…….. Orange Alerts…………Lies
Vote for Darcy Burner, not the Republican Terrorists.
And while you’re cutting the crap, about North Korea. What the hell has Bush been doing the past SIX YEARS? It would be one thing if they got their nukes early in his first term. He has had time, and has been ineffectual.
The following is from a letter in the Seattle Times from 4/10/2006. The letter was written by Don Sly of Seattle:
Editor, The Times:
” Because our fractured society doesn’t confront the, “hordes of illegal immigrants … running amok in our streets”, letter writer Warren Wilson [ April 2nd ] of Kirkland is moved to ask: “Have we become a nation of sniveling cowards?”
Actually, illegal immigrants have made us a nation of sniveling hypocrites. On two fronts.
First, we bleat how the “illegal hordes” are needed to do work Americans don’t want to do. This is total garbage. Listen. In my checkered career as an industrial chemist I have at times been up to my ankles inraw sewage. But, I was happy for the work because I was paid a living wage. There is no work Americans won’t do: THERE ARE ,HOWEVER, SALARIES THAT DEGRADE THE HUMAN SPIRIT and Americans rightly refuse to prostitute themselves to make some employer rich for a minimum wage.
Second, instead of crouching in the hedges and bushes of a deserted border, the Minutemen types would be better to deploy themselves within the boardrooms of the corporations that use immigrant labor to avoid paying Americans a living wage. The problem for the Minutemen is that they would target not illegal immigrants,but illegal employers : that is: their fellow Republicans.
And when is that going to happen? Not any time soon.
I love Noam Chomsky
Grover Norquist, whose corrupt ties to “Casino Jack” Abramoff and Tom DeLay become more apparent daily, has a Wednesday Morning Group of 80 billionaires that meet once a week to set the media’s agenda for that week and, since the 1994 Republican takeover of Congress, to actually write ( for their own benefit of course ) the laws of the nation.
Norquist, a chubby “inherited-wealth boy” from Boston, learned his attitude toward taxes at his rich daddy’s knee. According to Norquist himself, when he was but a tyke, his father would give him an ice-cream cone and with each bite instruct little Grover to imagine it as a GOVERNMENT TAX. Little Grover learned his lesson well and learned to hate taxes, for, if there were no “taxes” he could forever possess a useless, melted ice-cream cone!
Really, I don’t think Grover or his Dad were capable of that amount of forethought.
The Ballad of James Tobin: Innocent Beleagured Republican –NOT!!
sung to the tune of, Ghost Riders in the Sky:
In New Hampshire Justice was a probin’
And they found out about James Tobin.
Seems that James had jammed the phones
Tryin’to keep the Democrats home.
Their bogus scheme it was uncovered.
“I didn’t do nothin’ “, Tobin blubbered.
James’s calls went to Mehlmans phone
But Mehlman dropped James like a doo-doo scone.
Now Tobin lies convicted in jail.
For jammin’ phones he was nailed.
James Tobins iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnn
the POKEY>>>>>>>>>>> Rideout>>>>>>>>>>>>
Seattle times should be suing the campaign for the innacuracy.
And then at the end of the little right wing hit job of a political commercial they pan to a concerned black woman’s face and she’s frowning with concern and says: ” I didn’t know that.” Then they come in for a close shot of Sherrif Dave’s serious mien and glowing silver halo intoning the words:”I’m Dave Reichert and I’m a huge DILDO!”
Awright! Take two! Who wrote that on the cue card?”
I was going to let the failure to show up at Danny’s go, but since you have been so vocal today, I have changed my mind.
Unless, and until, you can keep your word, you have no business posting here. You are all mouth, no backbone. Gee, just like Bush and Foley and Reichert.
I lost a day of vacation with my wife in order to keep my word. All a man really has is his word.
Funny how that works.
The latest moonbat lie:
Don’t you think it was irresponsible of Donald Rumsfeld to sell nuclear technology to N.Korea? I do. Commentby headless lucy— 10/10/06@ 3:23 pm
Prove Donald Rumsfeld signed the delivery order! Otherwise STFU!
Just thought I’d send along another little bit of debunking. It seems that Mr. McGavick is claiming that Ms. Cantwell is voting to give Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants.
According to (an outfit that has called both parties to task for “embellishing” facts in campaign ads)
“The charge is a mischaracterization of part of the immigration bill that passed the Senate last May with a healthy bi-partisan majority, 62-36. Among hundreds of provisions in the bill is one that would allow naturalized immigrants to count taxes paid while they were still illegal towards their Social Security accounts – if and when they become citizens.”
Apparently this is a recurring campaign theme in a number of races around the country. I guess Mike! is just going along with his party, against the interests of Washingtonians. Didn’t he say something about honesty in his campaign?
All Reichert, Mc Dickbreath, and the rest of the Republican traitors can do is lie about what the democrats will do. Talk about trash.
Hey GOP. America is onto you. Your party is going down in flames.
Good Riddance.
You know what hairspray Dave? Darcy has more class.
I wonder if the Darcy Burner Campaign, or the Seattle Times will be sueing you, and the NRCC for lying, libel, and slander.
Darcy Burner favors taking the money back from Iraq war companies that have ripped us off. That REALLY gets the righty pogo sticks hopping. Commentby headless lucy— 10/10/06@ 3:25 pm
Darcy Burner will get out her knee pads and kiss Pelosi’s ass and rim job John Murtha. She will tow the party line. We already know from Investors Business Daily what Pelosi will do. Raise your taxes. So will Burner by default.
So Hairspray Dave. While your buddie Foley was trying to talk the underwear off of 16 year olds, with the approval of the House leadership, where were you.
Were you using your extensive background in police work to bring a child abuser to justice? I think not…..
Ignoring evidence is your strong suit…..
You are citing Pat Buchanan as an authority? The desperation of Republicans is truly boggling. The Republican attempt to stain the Democrats with what is plainly a Republican scandal would be funny if you lapdogs didn’t believe your own nonsense. The Republicans can’t lead, they can’t govern. That’s what comes from an antigovernment ideology, which you folks spew like a mantra. This issue was the House leadership’s responsibility to address. The House leadership, at all relevant times, has been Republican. This puppy is yours, so you need to clean up the shit on the floor. Commentby proud leftist— 10/10/06@ 4:25 pm
You quote Goldie, Kos, Alter, Wonkette, Media MAtters etc.
Geneva – Hollywood star Angelina Jolie on Tuesday accused the West of cold-heartedness and hypocrisy in trying to shut out migrants, including refugees, from Africa and other hotspots. More than 7,000 people have died trying to get into Europe over the past decade, according to Jolie, whose comments appeared in the magazine ”Refugees,” published by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), for whom she is a goodwill ambassador. [……….Could they all come and live with Angelina and Brad?…………..hehe, JCH]
We’ll fill Rhode Island with the first billion refugees, then start filling Connecticut with the next billiion.
And AJ can adopt a few thousand more third-world babies, one for each country in Africa, S. America and Asia. Hey collect the whole set!
1. Why is the “party of accountability” always pointing fingers all the time…? (Does this mean Republicans can only ac-count with their fingers…?)
2. Why does the “party of family values” try to gloss over a homosexual pederast? (At list Clinton-Monica was heterosexual and LEGAL.)
3. Why does the “anti-gay party” have so many gays in it? (How can you be “against” homosexuality and yet give them great jobs with inside access to federal power? I wish they were against ME like that. I could use the promotion.)
4. How can the “party of limited government” be so well-applauded for obliterating checks and balances? The “big gov’t, commie liberals” never tried to erase habeus corpus.
I could go on all day, but the point is made: GOP = hypocrites.
you know, I see people still fighting over how the Dems “waited” to release this info to influence an election….hmmm…seems like a good idea, wonder where that came from? Oh, yeah, Karl Rove. Anyway, if Republicans informed of this had dealt with it when the situation presented itself originally (a year or more ago, depending on the story) these sexually-harrassed children would never have had to shop this crap around looking for protection! Blind-loyalty Republicans and organizewd religion are the biggest threat to this country. Don’t forget about Karma.
“We already know from Investors Business Daily what Pelosi will do.”
Wow. You’ve gone op-ed crazy. Opinions are not facts, even if they are Investor’s Business Daily. Or yours.
78 AF
The source for ABC was a Republican. If you read at all you’d know it. Here’s one source reporting it.
77 AF
But let’s review the facts of Clinton’s “falure” one more time.
“Failure” =1994-2002 — Era of Clinton ‘Agreed Framework’: No plutonium production. All existing plutonium under international inspection. No bomb.
“Success” = 2002-2006 — Bush Policy Era: Active plutonium production. No international inspections of plutonium stocks. Nuclear warhead detonated.
Face it. Bush ditched an imperfect but working policy. They replaced it with nothing. Now North Korea is a nuclear state.
All i hear in this “Clinton caused the NK test” bullshit is another in the long, LONG string of excuses for Bush’s incompetence.
So Bahrain eliminated electronic voting because it is so easily hacked that they felt they had to eliminate it to restore confidence in the system.
Maybe instead of “exporting” democracy to the Middle East, we should import some?
Bush’s abject failure in NK should alert us that his “don’t talk to them” policy is probably going to hand us similar failures with Iran. Weak. Ineffective. Incompetent.
Aw, I guess the Foley thing was really just Republicans all the way down the line. Sorry, no Democratic “October Surprse” conspiracy.
I’m sure there are still vast untapped worlds of lunacy for you all to uncover…
Bush supporters mocked John Kerry for arguing that nuclear proliferation, rather than IslamahomoMexifascist terror, was the most serious problem facing the world.
How now?
Good freak’n god. How can you folks have any discussion w/ the volume of Troll trash and lies dumped on these pages. Amerikafirst, JCH, Mike Webb STFU. It always amazes me that dumb asses such as yourselves can spew BS and be proven wrong again and agian and just keep coming back for more. Will nothing sway you to recognize reality. It is obviously pointless to refute anything you retch up onto people here. You just ignore and move onto the next line of BS. Anyone so delusional and detached from reality is either mind nubmingly stupid or receiving some kind of compensation for beating a dead horse. Wake UP! How often to Right Wing Psychophants need to be proven wrong before they start to think and question objectively.
OOh, big bad North Korea sets off another failed test, and Republicans cower under the bed bleating “Clinton did it.”
Confident people are not afraid to negotiate. The fearful only want to lash out.
Republicans will use blame to avoid personal accountability and who would bother to vote for anyone that rarely accepts responsibility for their actions?
Considering no one has yet to invent a time machine, the only way to change the situation is in the present moment. If you don’t really plan to do anything, then blame is the slacker’s way of dealing with it.
Notice how the beginning of this topic is largely to deflect and blame others. My 2 year old does the same thing, cause he lacks the mental capacity to problem solve and take care of himself.
Our resident wingnuts really have no shame, do they.
Get a backbone, righties. Stop blaming everyone else for the failures and venality of your pet pols. Bush GOP = failed crooks.
The devil may have made them do it, if so, they can all go to the devil.
re 111: “Psychophants” Good one! It’s fun to get them running to the dictionary. I can see it now.
Did you mean: “Sycophants”?
How many members of the Bush administration does it take to change a light bulb?
1. One to deny that a light bulb needs to be changed;
2. One to attack the patriotism of anyone who says the light bulb needs to be changed;
3. One to blame Clinton for burning out the light bulb;
4. One to arrange the invasion of a country rumored to have a secret stockpile of light bulbs;
5. One to give a billion dollar no-bid contract to Halliburton for the new light bulb;
6. One to arrange a photograph of Bush, dressed as a janitor, standing on a stepladder under the banner: Light Bulb Change Accomplished;
7. One administration insider to resign and write a book documenting in detail how Bush was literally in the dark;
8. One to viciously smear #7;
9. One surrogate to campaign on TV and at rallies on how George Bush has had a strong light-bulb-changing policy all along;
10. And finally one to confuse Americans about the difference between screwing a light bulb and screwing the country.
Leftists would like us to believe all the problems with N. Korea are due to Bush. John McCain nails it here:
McCain criticizes Clinton on N. Korea By SARAH KARUSH, Associated Press Writer
Wed Oct 11, 1:48 AM ET
SOUTHFIELD, Mich. – Republican Sen. John McCain on Tuesday accused former President Clinton, the husband of his potential 2008 White House rival, of failing to act in the 1990s to stop North Korea from developing nuclear weapons.
“I would remind Senator (Hillary) Clinton and other Democrats critical of the Bush administration’s policies that the framework agreement her husband’s administration negotiated was a failure,” McCain said at a news conference after a campaign appearance for Republican Senate candidate Mike Bouchard.
“The Koreans received millions and millions in energy assistance. They’ve diverted millions of dollars of food assistance to their military,” he said.
Democrats have argued President Clinton presented his successor with a framework for dealing with North Korea and the Republican fumbled the opportunity. In October 2000, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright made a groundbreaking visit to Pyongyang to explore a missile deal with Chairman Kim Jong Il. There was even talk of a visit by President Clinton.
Reports this week suggesting North Korea tested a nuclear device prompted a number of Democrats to criticize Bush, arguing that he focused on Iraq, a country without weapons of mass destruction, while ignoring legitimate threats from Pyongyang.
The criticism took a presidential campaign turn on Tuesday as McCain, the Arizona senator considered the Republican front-runner for the party nod, assailed Clinton’s husband and mentioned her by name. The New York senator is considered her party’s leading candidate in 2008.
Madelene Albright “toasts” Jong Il!!!
Shows how effective “negotiating” is, huh.
Developing weapons right under Clinton’s big honkin’ scnoz!
The egg timer is running this morning, but I’d like to ask our righty friends:
What is the right thing to do with NK?
Difficulty: Glass parking lot scenarios have ZERO political support with our Asian allies.
So by that standard you can say anything in quotes, like
“Dave Reichert is a facist criminal asshole ” ” – Seattle Times
and the ” quotes are what the Times said. That is, nothing about it.
I read McCain’s comments. Long on blame, short on solutions. Conspicously missing is comment on anything the current administration has done right.
So, while McCain and Bush cronies are blaming N. Korean nukes on “Clinton Appeasement”, and the wingnuts here are advocating a strong military response,
Apparantly the Bush administration has finally been briefed by those in the Pentagon who actually know a thing or two about warfare, and were advised that the U.S. has virtually no military options against N. Korea. A nuclear strike would not remove the leadership (they’ve been building bunkers in rock for 50 years now), and nuclear fallout would hit S. Korea, China, Russia, and Japan (depending upon which way the wind blew). A non-nuclear attack would likely result in N. Korean heavy artillary pounding Seoul, which is only about 25 miles away, and which is protected from air attack by hardened bunkers in the mountains. Finally, our military is currently in no shape at all to conduct a war in N. Korea, being stretched to its limits in Iraq and Afganistan, and only a reinstated draft and two years of training time would put enough troops in uniform to fight three wars at the same time.
So now Rice and Bush are “re-assuring” N. Korea that the U.S. will not invade.
So, is the Bush administration appeasing N. Korea?
the failed Clinton appeasement
As in the policy that kept N. Korea from having the bomb? As opposed to Bush’s non-appeasement that failed?
Grow up. If you’re not interested in facts, stop wasting bandwidth.
headless lucy @115, I think ‘psychophants’ is the contraction of ‘Psychotic Elephants’
Army: Troops to stay in Iraq until 2010
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Army has plans that would keep the current level of troops in Iraq – about 15 brigades – through 2010, the top Army officer said Wednesday.
@ 125:
At that rate, based on historical averages for troops killed and wounded Bush’s lies will have cost 6,250 dead soldiers and over 50,000 wounded and more than one Trillion dollars in treasure.
Is that really supporting the troops.
You cannot support the troops and support conservatism at the same time. You are either with the troops or agains them. Pick a side.
Bush just had a press conference during which he boasted that he has now sucessfully brought more partenrs to the “table” of our failed negotiations with NK. Heckuva job, Bushie!
BTW, 122 rhp, do you have a source for your “no military options ” NK story? I mean, I know it’s true and I’m looking, but I like to go with hard sources.
What the Republicans fail to recognize about the public’s perception blaming every major policy failure this administration has caused on President Clinton is that the public realizes that this president is nearly 6 YEARS into his presidency — not 6 months.
It’s completely irrational and illogical to believe that Clinton’s policies failed to protect us at this point in Bush’s presidency. The underlying questions then becomes, if it were so obvious that what Clinton was doing was ineffective, then what did Bush do to change the policy that produced a better outcome?
North Korea becoming a nuclear state and threatening the United States is proof positive that the Republican leadership failed miserably to defend America. The “Axis of Evil” speech proves this administration recognized the grave dangers of North Korea (and Iran) obtaining nuclear weapons and failed to execute an effective policy that could have prevented a rouge nation obtaining nuclear weapons.
Now the Iranians are watching to see how we’ll deal with this problem. And, if we don’t effectively deal with NK now, Iran will feel it can go nuclear too.
This is a modern version of the October Missile Crisis, the difference being JFK was an intelligent leader and a brilliant statesman and proved it with his leadership to end the standoff in America’s favor.
Bush is proving his failure at the CEO level all over again. Unfortunately, this time the stakes aren’t some busted oil company that the bin Laden family will bail out.
We’re on our own and Bush’s leadership is causing America’s credibility to circle the proverbial drain.
Voting Republican is voting to assure a nuclear attack on the Untied States. If Republicans maintain control of government, we will be hit, and hit hard, by terrorists getting nuclear weapons from North Korea.
Aw, those damn George-Soros-funded Democrats at ABC News are now reporting that a former page who was 17 at the time claims that in 2000, Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) tried to pay the teens a nighttime visit at teh page dorm, but was “shooed away” by a staff supervisor at the dorm.
The pages were having an informal “mixer” party in their dorm at the Tip O’Neil building behind the Capitol, and “Rep. Foley [arrived] in his blue Series 3 BMW convertible about 9:30 at night,” the former page said. The former page, who spoke to ABC News on the condition he not be identified, said he then began receiving instant messages and e-mails from Foley. “The talk would quickly turn sexual,” he said. He says Foley requested that he send photos of himself performing sexual acts.
125 GBS
Another thing the public understands perfectly well&30151;it’s of a piece with the energetic Republican blame-shifting and finger-pointing in the Foley case, the Republican blame-shifting and finger-pointing in the federal Katrina response, and on down the line. The party of “personal responsibility” absolutely refuses to live up to their own avowed principles, so they look to be lying hypocrites.
MWS: Rumsfeld was on the BoD. He’s not only morally responsible for the actions of the entire company, but legally liable as well.
Re: Goldy’s update of this post…
Maybe the original ad was punctuated by Reichert. He comes across as not the sharpest tool in the shed.
I’m begining to think that the entire Republican Party is gay.
Did y’all know Dennis Hastert lives with his chief of staff and his deputy chief of staff?
What the Republicans fail to recognize about the public’s perception blaming every major policy failure this administration has caused on President Clinton is that the public realizes that this president is nearly 6 YEARS into his presidency – not 6 months.
Yeah but think of it the way they must: a “do-nothing” President can hardly be blamed for anything. Are they upset that he managed to accomplish things and effect change despite the Congress gridlock of the mid 1990s?
I’m wondering now if the huge percentage voters who stay at home are fiscally conservative, personally responsible righties who are busy applying for immigration visas to other countries.
Daddy Love @ 122, rhp @ 124:
I mentioned this in another thread, but it got buried.
One big issue with military options is that any attack on N. Korea which decapitated or debilitated the leadership would result in a massive exodus of people from the North to nearby neighbors, namely China, Japan, and the South.
There are many opinions as to how to handle North Korea, but there is no political support for a regime change solution.
South Korea has a sophisticated intelligence service and a bad-ass military in their own right. If anyone thought decapitating the North would solve anything, it would have been done already. Instead, the past two Korean administrations have pursued a fairly active policy of engaging the North.
What else is this flying hair do gonna say? He can’t tell the truth. He can’t admit he’s Bush’s butt boy. He’s got to lie. All republicans have got to lie.
the failed Clinton appeasement
As in the policy that kept N. Korea from having the bomb? As opposed to Bush’s non-appeasement that failed?
Grow up. If you’re not interested in facts, stop wasting bandwidth.
Commentby Grand Moff Texan— 10/11/06@ 8:39 am
Like to welcome the Grand Moff Texan to these here parts.
I’ve enjoyed your stuff at “other locations”.
Good to have you here!!!!
312 jsa
Like your posts, by the way.
One might wonder WHY we are not pursuing a path that would lead to the peaceful reunion of N and S Korea.
Daddy Love, The black momba is your friend. Yes, you can hold him!!!
Daddy Love @ 135,
Everyone would like peaceful reunification.
There are two fundemental problems:
The first is that North Korea is so broken right now that nobody wants it. After looking at the cost of German unification, South Korea concluded that they simply couldn’t afford to absorb the North the way West Germany absorbed the East. The North has no functioning industrial infrastructure, little working agriculture, and starvation has grown so bad that aid workers are talking about a generation of cretins (essentially the kids are so poorly fed their brains never develop).
The second problem is that Kim Jong-Il (the leader of North Korea) has been unreceptive to opening the country up to economic development. Rumor has it he’s been to China several times to see what 25 years of “capitalist roader” development has accomplished there. If this has had any effect on the North’s own economic development plans, nobody is aware of it.
The result of the South Korean “sunshine policy” has been the transfer of food and fuel oil to keep a flood of refugees from pouring South and East, but little else. A special economic zone (ala Shenzhen) has been in the works, but progress has been slow, and cooperation from the North to allow this to go ahead has been fitful.
you thinnk Burner will be fixing the problems in her ads? Or will you hypocrites give her a pass because she is your side?
136 JCH
It’s “mamba.”
And you’re a pants-wetting little pussy who is scared of one of the poorest and weakest nations on earth, and thinks that the rest of America should be like you.
re138: Can you point with pride to anything your party has done the past six years?
re 138: Or ever?
Just as an FYI for further research on North Korea, and other topics related to Asia, the Far Eastern Economic Review is an excellent primary source in English.
Their website can be found here
Most of their archives are available only to subscribers, but the ProQuest database has searchable text from 1987 to the present day.
Seattle Public Library cardholders can find access here
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“The black mombais your friend. Yes, you can hold him!!!
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ— 10/11/06@ 12:02 pm”
“MOMBA” What the fuck, PENN STATE grad?!?!?
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
haaa haaa haaa haaa
haaa haaa haaa haaa
haaa haaa haaa haaa
haaa haaa haaa haaa
haaa haaa haaa haaa
JCH puts his foot, I mean “his cock in his mouth” moments.
Plus we’ll be better positioned in the 2008 presidential election by rebalancing the electroal college votes. [????]
Commentby GBS [………….Democrat New York, Democrat PA, Democrat Michigan are losing [“electroal” ?] electorial votes, and the Republican South is gaining votes. Not only can’t you spell, but you have made another dumb ass mistake. JCH]
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 10/6/06@ 1:35 pm
[“electroal” [?] electorial………….”Patya” Beach ? Classic uneducated dumb ass loser greened eyed “progressive” Democrat . GBS, You were a busted loser in the Navy, and I have no doubt you are a busted loser in life. I OWN you!
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 10/6/06@ 2:18 pm
Uh, JCH, before you start calling people on their spelling……
… it’s electoral, not electorial.
Just thought you should know before you spout off again.
Commentby treasonous pickle— 10/6/06@ 3:06 pm
And this classic. JCH mourns the loss of the 9/11 terrorists!
To bad the Moslim terrorists died on the 9/11 planes. [to bad?? How about “too bad,” JCH? It just keeps getting better for me!]
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 10/6/06@ 3:47 pm
And now we can add black “momba” to the list.
Who has the ‘conn’ at GQ, Mr. “LT USN”?
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Oh, that’s right, you don’t know, JCH!!!
Get used to “Speaker Pelosi.”
Get used to articles of impeachment against Bush.
Get used to being irrelevant
146 GBS
I’m not so sure about articles of impeachment, but am willing to see where the evidence leads once real investigations take place.
DL 149:
OK, a fair discovery process, articles of Impeachment, then we’ll remove him from office.
How’s that?
ST. LOUIS – Election officials say hundreds of potentially bogus registration cards, including ones for dead and underage people, were submitted by a branch of a national group that has been criticized in the past for similar offenses. At least 1,500 potentially fraudulent registration cards were turned in by the St. Louis branch of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN……[“Mother Fuck…Hows can that bees? We bees votin Democrat in East St. Louis!”]
attenuate Conner chimpanzee percents mnemonically plead?comeback
Wiltshire.Emery diagrams?verifies!dodged petted.- Tons of interesdting stuff!!!
inlay expunged.abandoned encircle persuasions.stimulating.dislocated
exempting!leftovers semester!curtailed Bonham despair markers