The rumors from Washington are that Rep. Dave Reichert (WA-8) is absolutely miserable, being a bit player in a fractious, fractured, and demoralized minority party. Perhaps Reichert has aspirations for bigger and better things…
Are you guys still grumbling about Reichert getting re-elected last November? Isn’t about time to move on to something else, such as the election that’s gonna happen in 17 months?
It’s the perfect ticket. Think about it…Rudy would never lose a shoe again.
I ‘spect Reichert realizes that many of the candidates for Prexy would hurt local candidates like himself. Guiliani is a good choice for him.
More intriguing is what is CG angling for? Secty of Commerce?
Ambassador to China? Who is the painted lady?
Now that is a wierd idea….
Reichert for veep??????????????
Stranger things have happened. But RG will need a veep who is a fundie. I understand that DR believes in evolution!
As I see it the GOP will have two very different challenges. The easy challenge is getting a Prexy elected., This easy because it is a long shopt and likley will not happen. The more difficult challenge is containing the loses. Assuming they lose in 08, how much do they lose? Losing the White House is bad, but losses in the House and Senate are worse and hard to reverse because of the changes wrought by the Publican Congress. If the Prexy candidate offends the conservative religous vote, states like Kansas, Georgia, etc, could go blue!
If I were RG and I were the candidate, I would consider:
a. Huckabee
b. Michael S. Steele
c. J.C. Watts Jr
d. Condi Rice
The middle two of this list could do serious damage to the Democratic ticket. Both are very attractive and, if BO is not the cnadidate, a lot of AA will either be alientated and not vote or might vote for a Michael Steel or JCW. Steele is certainlky angling for such a job.
My prediction is that whoever the Prexy candidate, that Watts or Steele will be veep.
There are other Black Publicans who could energize the base AND steel AA votes … I can even imagine Clarence Thomas!
When I said I was in favor of a Guiliani–Reichert ticket, I didn’t mean I would vote for such a ticket. It’s more like, putting Reichert on the ticket almost makes a libertarian ticket viable. Almost.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Giuiliani? Isn’t he the posturing pseudo-hero who denied medical benefits to thousands of 9/11 volunteers who helped dig through the rubble for survivors, and are now suffering health problems from exposure to toxic dust and fumes?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans to 9/11 volunteers: The fact you’re too poor to your medical bills yourselves proves you’re immoral.
Roger Rabbitspews:
to pay
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 The only thing CG is angling for is another term as governor, won on her own. She doesn’t need anyone else’s coattails.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Good! Throwing your vote away on a minor-party candidate is the best thing you can do for your country.
@4 Woger Wabbit
Gregoire is ambitious. Id Hillary or Obama is the candydate, watch for CG to hang on real tightly.
Don Joespews:
The only problem with a Guiliani–Reichert is, how do we sing I Shot the Sheriff when the Sheriff is the deputy?
Plenty of blame to go around here.
Trying to spin this as a RG issue is bogus.
Right Stuffspews:
@10 See above
Substitue Democrats however, especially Schumer, Clinton..
Right Stuffspews:
Reichert as VP? Nah.
Hey I heard a rumor about an Obama/Powell ticket…
That would certainly throw a monkey wrench into the political works…
If I were one of Guillani’s opponents I would send out lots of bulk mail with that picture of him in drag with the word “PRESIDENTIAL?” under it in large black font.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 Methinks you don’t know this lady very well.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 Just as stoopid, too. Maybe stoopider. Hey Redneck!!! Pay your fucking gambling debt!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 You’re right. It isn’t just a Rudy Giuliani issue — it’s also a George Pataki and George W. Bush issue. Whoooo controlled the state and federal agencies responsible for helping these people? Whoooo ran the state and federal governments after 9/11? Not Democrats.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Whooo is trying to help 9/11 rescue workers now? Not Republicans.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
Clearly, Giuliani has a great attraction for the Corporatist Oligarchic Regressive axis. He has all the authoritarian, regressive tendencies already. . .and wears them on his sleeve. Anyone backing Giuliani is backing a naked grab for power, the unitary executive as already forged by our current preznit. If “Rotten Rudy” becomes prez, expect everything we got with the chimpster, in spades, redoubled, and then extended, with Scaylea and Robertson looking on like doting grandfathers. . . .
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
“The HairCut” likes this possibility. . .for damn sure you better not give the finger to one of this Nazgul’s henchman.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
On the plus side, this just might be what it takes to put Darcy over the top. . . . . .
Rompin Rudy and Rubber Stamp Dave make a cute couple.
I don’t th8ink the woman is Mrs. Reichert. After considerable research on the web, I have posted her real identity on my blog. SeattleJew
Charlie Smithspews:
I love thinking about what all the right-wing preachers would tell their congregations if Rudi is the nominee:
“All that stuff about adultery and divorce, well, that’s not as important as being against abortion. Oh, he is? Well, not being against abortion isn’t as important as being agin corruption! Oh, he’s not?”
Even better would be a Rudi-Newt ticket. At least noboby ever saw Rudi getting blowjobs from prospective wives in the Wal-Mart parking lot in Atlanta.
Thanks Goldy, for running my photo. Don’t I look hot here getting on the plane with Reichert? If elected,together, we will bring beauty to the Whitehouse while continuing George W. Bush’s policy of taking freedom to the world. We will bring ’em on. Freedom will continue to march. We will fight ’em over there so we don’t have to fight ’em here. But the first thing I’ll do is jail and torture the anti-fur folks. And then I’ll paint the Whitehouse pink! All waterboards will now be offered to the CIA in pink as will fingernail pulling pliers. Torture can be a beautiful thing! That is as long as it’s done with good old Christian Republican values.
Are you guys still grumbling about Reichert getting re-elected last November? Isn’t about time to move on to something else, such as the election that’s gonna happen in 17 months?
Ummm…it IS about the election in 17 months. I’m big-time in favor of a Guiliani–Reichert ticket.
It’s the perfect ticket. Think about it…Rudy would never lose a shoe again.
I ‘spect Reichert realizes that many of the candidates for Prexy would hurt local candidates like himself. Guiliani is a good choice for him.
More intriguing is what is CG angling for? Secty of Commerce?
Ambassador to China? Who is the painted lady?
Now that is a wierd idea….
Reichert for veep??????????????
Stranger things have happened. But RG will need a veep who is a fundie. I understand that DR believes in evolution!
As I see it the GOP will have two very different challenges. The easy challenge is getting a Prexy elected., This easy because it is a long shopt and likley will not happen. The more difficult challenge is containing the loses. Assuming they lose in 08, how much do they lose? Losing the White House is bad, but losses in the House and Senate are worse and hard to reverse because of the changes wrought by the Publican Congress. If the Prexy candidate offends the conservative religous vote, states like Kansas, Georgia, etc, could go blue!
If I were RG and I were the candidate, I would consider:
a. Huckabee
b. Michael S. Steele
c. J.C. Watts Jr
d. Condi Rice
The middle two of this list could do serious damage to the Democratic ticket. Both are very attractive and, if BO is not the cnadidate, a lot of AA will either be alientated and not vote or might vote for a Michael Steel or JCW. Steele is certainlky angling for such a job.
My prediction is that whoever the Prexy candidate, that Watts or Steele will be veep.
There are other Black Publicans who could energize the base AND steel AA votes … I can even imagine Clarence Thomas!
Take a look at the list
Ummmmm Darryl – I’m gonna vote for the Libertarian candidate.
Ummmm Darryl – I won’t vote for a Democrat or a Republican in 2008. Fair enough?
Libertarian @ 6
“I’m gonna vote for the Libertarian candidate.”
Umm…No shit?
When I said I was in favor of a Guiliani–Reichert ticket, I didn’t mean I would vote for such a ticket. It’s more like, putting Reichert on the ticket almost makes a libertarian ticket viable. Almost.
Giuiliani? Isn’t he the posturing pseudo-hero who denied medical benefits to thousands of 9/11 volunteers who helped dig through the rubble for survivors, and are now suffering health problems from exposure to toxic dust and fumes?
Republicans to 9/11 volunteers: The fact you’re too poor to your medical bills yourselves proves you’re immoral.
to pay
@4 The only thing CG is angling for is another term as governor, won on her own. She doesn’t need anyone else’s coattails.
@6 Good! Throwing your vote away on a minor-party candidate is the best thing you can do for your country.
@4 Woger Wabbit
Gregoire is ambitious. Id Hillary or Obama is the candydate, watch for CG to hang on real tightly.
The only problem with a Guiliani–Reichert is, how do we sing I Shot the Sheriff when the Sheriff is the deputy?
Plenty of blame to go around here.
Trying to spin this as a RG issue is bogus.
@10 See above
Substitue Democrats however, especially Schumer, Clinton..
Reichert as VP? Nah.
Hey I heard a rumor about an Obama/Powell ticket…
That would certainly throw a monkey wrench into the political works…
If I were one of Guillani’s opponents I would send out lots of bulk mail with that picture of him in drag with the word “PRESIDENTIAL?” under it in large black font.
@14 Methinks you don’t know this lady very well.
@16 Just as stoopid, too. Maybe stoopider. Hey Redneck!!! Pay your fucking gambling debt!
@17 You’re right. It isn’t just a Rudy Giuliani issue — it’s also a George Pataki and George W. Bush issue. Whoooo controlled the state and federal agencies responsible for helping these people? Whoooo ran the state and federal governments after 9/11? Not Democrats.
Whooo is trying to help 9/11 rescue workers now? Not Republicans.
Clearly, Giuliani has a great attraction for the Corporatist Oligarchic Regressive axis. He has all the authoritarian, regressive tendencies already. . .and wears them on his sleeve. Anyone backing Giuliani is backing a naked grab for power, the unitary executive as already forged by our current preznit. If “Rotten Rudy” becomes prez, expect everything we got with the chimpster, in spades, redoubled, and then extended, with Scaylea and Robertson looking on like doting grandfathers. . . .
“The HairCut” likes this possibility. . .for damn sure you better not give the finger to one of this Nazgul’s henchman.
On the plus side, this just might be what it takes to put Darcy over the top. . . . . .
I have to admit that photo is pretty darn funny.
Rompin Rudy and Rubber Stamp Dave make a cute couple.
I don’t th8ink the woman is Mrs. Reichert. After considerable research on the web, I have posted her real identity on my blog. SeattleJew
I love thinking about what all the right-wing preachers would tell their congregations if Rudi is the nominee:
“All that stuff about adultery and divorce, well, that’s not as important as being against abortion. Oh, he is? Well, not being against abortion isn’t as important as being agin corruption! Oh, he’s not?”
Even better would be a Rudi-Newt ticket. At least noboby ever saw Rudi getting blowjobs from prospective wives in the Wal-Mart parking lot in Atlanta.
Thanks Goldy, for running my photo. Don’t I look hot here getting on the plane with Reichert? If elected,together, we will bring beauty to the Whitehouse while continuing George W. Bush’s policy of taking freedom to the world. We will bring ’em on. Freedom will continue to march. We will fight ’em over there so we don’t have to fight ’em here. But the first thing I’ll do is jail and torture the anti-fur folks. And then I’ll paint the Whitehouse pink! All waterboards will now be offered to the CIA in pink as will fingernail pulling pliers. Torture can be a beautiful thing! That is as long as it’s done with good old Christian Republican values.