Publicola announces the Friday Jolt winner of the day:
Anyone who’s thinking of running against US Rep. Dave Reichert.
US Rep. Dave Reichert tainted his reputation as a green Republican—one of the Democrats’ big problems when taking him on—by voting for a coal bill today that will weaken coal ash regulations and take the EPA completely out of the picture.
Reichert goes from a pale green to ashen….
Why don’t you give credit to, which broke the story on Reichert? It has been referenced all afternoon on
Friday Jolt: Cantwell Money, Reichert Misstep
By Afternoon Jolt at 5:45 pm
Reichert changes color
by Darryl, 10/14/2011, 6:04 PM
Looks like Joel got the scoop!
Nice jobs by Sheriff Hairspray…why doesn’t he give an opponent even MORE ammunition.
(now here comes puddypussy and emperor max-minidick and everett and the rest with thousands of words about why they feed coal ash to their babies)
..why doesn’t he give an opponent even MORE ammunition.
Well, yesterday he voted on a bill to allow hospitals to refuse treatment (possible abortion)to pregnant women who may be facing death because of bleeding or other condtions. The bill will never pass the senate and the president said he would veto it. So taxpaper money was needlessly used for a bill that was inhumane to pregnant women.
@3 I’m pretty sure their intention was to feed coal ash to our babies, but then, what don’t they fuck up?
If anyone doubted that he was an ash-hole… (Rimshot!)
It looks like Reichart feels he might as well drop the pretense in light of re-districting. Either he thinks his Congressional district will be sufficiently “red” that he has to cater to the radical Republicans more than keep up the “moderate pretense, or he’s thinking of collecting his double-dip pension (Sherriff’s Dept. & Congress) and retiring. I doubt the latter, because he’s probably getting very hefty campaign contributions from the coal interests for his recent votes.