In a surprise announcement on Saturday evening, Congressman Dave Reichert declared that he has switched political parties. “The time is right for me to switch to the Democrat Par…I mean, the Democratic Party,” said Riechert who represents Washington’s 8th congressional district. “This is a move I’ve considered seriously since early last November, when I suddenly realized my independent-minded values were more in line with those of the Democrats. As my critics have pointed out, I’ve increasingly become indecisive, and that is a reflection of the inner conflict.”
When asked why he waited nearly six months to make the change, Reichert responded, “I was waiting for the right time. Today is Joel Connelly’s birthday, and I guess I saved it as a birthday surprise for him.” Also, my investigations of global warming are now complete. I’m convinced that Al Gore is right—we really do need to be manufacturing and dropping giant ice cubes into the ocean.”
Reichert’s former spokesperson Kimberly Cadena resigned last week fueling speculation that the Congressman might be considering a jump to the Democratic party. Reichert announced that Cadena will be replaced by Sandeep Kaushik, currently the part-time Deputy Communications Director for King County Executive Ron Sims.
When asked about the reaction of his former Republican colleagues Reichert replied, “Let me make one thing perfectly clear. I’ve stared down the barrel of a loaded pistol and saw my name inscribed on the tip of the bullet…you can believe I can stare into the eyes of any disgruntled Republican colleague without flinching.”
Reichert told reporters that his first priority as a new Democrat will be to “figure out how they want me to vote.” Reichert also expected he might be called upon to personally provide security for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-08). “I moonlighted a bit as a Republican in protecting her footwear. Now, if she wants me to, I’ll be acting more as a personal sheriff for the Speaker. And let me be clear, here, that school bus drivers are on notice—you respect the Speaker because this sheriff is watching.”
Rep. Pelosi was not available for comment.
And happy April Fool’s Day to you, too.
In the bars last night, it was all the buzz, Dave R. previously know as the Sheriff announced his is gay and wants the nickname, Silver Fox in his new drag career.
Not even remotely believeable, try again next year after putting some thought into it.
Really great AFD jokes, have people blowing coffee over the keyboard, making phone calls to confirm, etc. I knew what this was at the headline.
Republicans believe that the President has the power to imprison American citizens without any opportunity for review of any kind.
Patriotic Americans, on the other hand, do not.
Maybe he wants Nancy Pelosi to play with his big shiny gun. Lets just hope it doesn’t go off accidently and get on her dress lol. Mickey
I’m really a closet Democrat, but I must hide my deep, dark secret in shame. That’s why I am so shrill in beating up on Democrats and glorifying Republicans. I figure that if I do it loudly enough no one will suspect my true feelings.
Are you moonbats really so fucking stoopid that you think this is a good idea?
And who thinks the $250/week would last long? Right out of the marxist playbook… first establish the “entitlement” and then just argue about the amount. In a few years, it would easily go up to $2000/week.
Let’s stop licking around the edges on this issue. Why don’t we just say that raising chirrens is a full time job that benefits society and that mothers shouldn’t have to be bothered at all with this nasty business of paying bills. Shouldn’t “the government” just take care of ALL their expenses?
I’ve got news for ya. There is no such thing as an “entitlement”. You fucking freeloaders out have no fucking right to force me to pay for your choices. I don’t give a fuck how you live your life, but pay your own fucking bills.
And the fact that you don’t care how the fuck we live our lives explains why you come on here spewing bile and bullshit????
You’re more than just an APRIL fool. You’ll sing a different tune when YOU get pregnant.
Well, I guess Voice of Chalk Scratching couldn’t post for 4/1/07 “Mr Stupid and Mr Coward renounce their idiocy”.
Here we go. GOP thinking.
The Publican party is against taxes, yet, they want to spend tax money to stop abortion. And since they’re against taxes, they want to avoid paying taxes to help all those babies born when there are no abortions. They want to collect tax money to pay for a war for oil and health care for Iraq, but not in America. They are against the government using tax money to pay for stem cell research that might save life, but they’re okay with spending tax money to execute people in prison.
You gotta love Publican thinking – if you can call it that.
You fucking freeloaders
By the way, I’m gay.
@3 Republicans tell AFD jokes 365 days a year — and act serious. Beyond lame.
A released former Gitmo detainee described his detention as akin to brainwashing. “You are asked the same questions hundreds of times,” he said, adding, “Allegations are made against you that are laughably untrue, but you have no chance to prove them wrong. There is no trial, no fair legal process.” He was imprisoned 5 years after being arrested for possessing a battery charger.
Here is what the rightys don’t get: Most of the “suspected terrorists” they’ve jailed, interrogated, tortured, and murdered are completely innocent. You can’t expect idiots who couldn’t pass a fifth-grade civics quiz to arrest the right people ….
Top Bush Aide Leaves the Reservation
A top Bush-Cheney campaign strategist has publicly announced his support for George W. Bush was a mistake.
Bush Re-Nominates 3 Anti-Environment Appointees
“By Judy Pasternak
“Los Angeles Times
“WASHINGTON — The White House has renominated three people for top jobs affecting the environment who previously were blocked in Congress because of their pro-industry views.
“If necessary, said industry lobbyists and Republican aides in Congress, Bush intends to skirt the Senate approval process by making recess appointments to put the three nominees in the posts.
“All three have ties to industries that face costly Environmental Protection Agency restrictions, and all three previously have bypassed or questioned EPA’s scientific process.
“They are William Wehrum, who would head the air office of the EPA; Alex Beehler, to be the EPA’s inspector general; and Susan Dudley, who would become White House regulations czar.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for rest of article and/or copyright info see
Personally, I think Congress should eliminate funding for the White House phone and electric bills. Pulling the plug on the phones and lights should put a stop to this shit.
Here’s another idea: No congressional recess. Keep ’em in session until the next president is sworn in.
Seattle Times Editorial Calls for Gonzales Ouster
“U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales ought to resign now. The nation’s chief law-enforcement officer has been exposed as a liar about a matter of high importance, and that finishes him.”
The Fishwrapper is calling it exactly the same way I’ve been calling it from Day One:
“The scandal here is the intended use of federal power to benefit one party’s politicians — in [McKay’s] case, in state elections. That is not acceptable in a constitutional republic — and an official who tries to cover it up with obfuscation is ethically unfit to hold office.”
Ah, that is a good one. A liberal,leech,guvmint hack lawyer calling for the resignation of the AG. These donks are at their best on April fools day. hehehehe
Memo to Seattle Times: If you believe, as I do, that partisans who pervert federal law enforcement power to interfere with elections are “ethically unfit to hold office,” why stop with Gonzales? Do you think he dreamed this up by himself? Shouldn’t Rove be fired? Shouldn’t Congress appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Bush’s role in this?
On the Fishwrapper’s letters page, the rightwing hatemongers are still at it:
“The Democrat cut-and-run pronouncements have, without a doubt, emboldened the enemy without and the now-strident enemy within. Captured communications from Iraq as well as daily broadcasts and Internet postings from our enemies call the Democrat victory at the polls last November their victory. Anti-American protesters in Seattle and Portland seditiously burned and trampled our flag and, shockingly, even burned a U.S. soldier in effigy. This clearly demonstrates that the Islamo-fascist enemies have captured the hearts and minds of the liberal left.
“In my own neighborhood recently, a community presentation of U.S. flags and a nonpolitical “Thanks for Your Service” banner was torn down and thrown into a muddy ditch.
“This is the Democrat legacy which, if not treason, is then sedition and if the Democrats don’t nip this monster in the bud right now, it’s going to tear our community apart.
“Newspapers and politicians have dissented from every war we have ever fought, including our own Revolution; and we tolerate this. This despicable trend will not be tolerated and I call on our community to support and defend our troops even if you can’t see the virtue of the mission they are called upon to do.
— Steve Marquis, Fall City”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Mr. Marquis, I’m going to tell you straight: You’re a liar. A hateful, disgusting liar. And should I ever meet you on the street, and you make remarks like that to my face, I might have to do something about it.*
* Hey, just kidding! Ann Coulter joke, you know … ?
After Bush has retired to his Paraguayan refuge, beyond the reach of U.S. subpoenaes, and the dust has settled on his disastrous presidency, future historians will remember the Bush era primarily for the shrill nastiness of the rightwing hatemongers.
Although I’ve stated this fact many times on HA’s boards, it bears repetition: The soldier-effigy burning was carried out by anarchists, not “liberals” or “Democrats” — the same anarchists responsible for the WTO demonstration violence in Seattle — and anarchists are not “leftists,” they are penultimate rightwingers who believe in no government at all.
As for the “Thanks for Your Service” banner, it wouldn’t surprise me if Mr. Marquis is simply fabricating that claim, but even if it happened, he doesn’t know who did it. Most likely kids getting into the mischief that kids everywhere get into; but if not kids, quite possibly rightwing provocateurs trying to manufacture a headline. The lying propagandists of the right are not above that sort of thing, as we’ve seen time and again. Mr. Marquis lays this at the door of “Democrats” without a shred of evidence to back him up; he bases this charge on nothing more substantial than his own blind, irrational, partisan hate. Fuck you, Mr. Marquis — crawl back into the hole you slithered out of. You, sir, are no patriot. You are a lying slime trail.
@22 Dan — I’d just like to call your attention to 3 simple points which, despite their simplicity, apparently fly over your intellect:
1. I don’t work for the Seattle Times;
2. I don’t have posting privileges on the Seattle Times editorial page;
3. I didn’t write the editorial — the Seattle Times editorial staff did.
Thanks for the attribution — I’m flattered — but I don’t deserve the credit you give me.
@22 I’ve been calling for Gonzales’ ouster for some time, but that doesn’t matter — nobody listens to me. But when a Republican rag like the Fishwrapper is calling for Gonzales’ ouster, you should be worried Dufus — very worried.
The rats are leaving the sinking Bush-Rove ship.
Click here for artist’s rendering of GOP:
Doofus @22 I realize it’s getting tougher every day to be a wingnut troll and Bush apologist, Doofus. I feel for ya, man. Really, I do. If I were you, I’d be tempted to throw myself on a train track or something.*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter April 1st joke.
Just to clarify, what I’m kidding about @32 is feeling for Doofus. Frankly … I don’t give a shit what that turd does. He can jump off the Eiffel Tower for all I care!
@33 Just kidding! April Fool, ya know?
wow! This thread is already up to 35 posts! That’s more than the sucky little jihad blog gets all month!
@7 “There is no such thing as an ‘entitlement'”
Sure there is. Exhibit A: Your paycheck …
Redneck doesn’t even know what an “entitlement” is. None of the wingnuts do. The term doesn’t mean you automatically get money or benefits from the government. It means that when the government does promise benefits to individuals, those benefits will be paid or provided to everyone who satisfies the stated eligibility criteria, and can’t be taken away without due process of law.
Let’s use veterans benefits as an example. Veterans benefits are an entitlement. Let’s say the eligibility criteria for VA medical care are that you suffered a service-connected illness, injury, or wound; or that you’ve reached a certain age and your income is below a certain level.
Now let’s say you go to the VA to apply for VA medical benefits based on age and income. The VA denies your application on the grounds (a) you’re not a veteran, (b) you’re not old enough, (c) you have too much income, and (d) you didn’t vote for Bush. What the term “entitlement” means is that you are now entitled to a hearing, and to present evidence of your military service, age, income, and to argue that who you voted for is irrelevant and not a legal basis to determine your eligibility; and you are entitled to a decision on the evidence and arguments thus presented, written in conformity with the applicable statutes and regulations, which is legally binding on the VA and enforceable in the courts.
That’s what an “entitlement” is, Redneck. The essence of the term is “due process of law,” a concept which I realize is far beyond your understanding. So, it’s not surprising that you’re clueless about what “entitlement” means.
“Entitlement” is a disease… a mental disorder whereby fucking losers like you think that somebody else should pick up the tab for your lifetime of stoopid fucking choices.
In economic parlance, it’s called “externalizing costs”.
Ok, Mr. Redneck.
My “stoopid fucking choice“, as you put it so eloquently, was to sign a contract with the United States government, known as a DD Form 2N. An enlistment contract. Personally, I thought it was a pretty good choice, but apparently you Republicans disagree.
I then made the additional “stoopid fucking choice” (again, your words) to reenlist several times, with a total of over twenty years active service.
At the beginning of that service, and at each reenlistment, I was told that I would be “entitled” to certain benefits if I fullfilled my contract.
I was told that part of the reason my active duty pay (especially at senior paygrades) was lower than my civilian counterparts was that I would receive “deferred compensation” in the form of a retirement check and medical benefits.
Now you’re telling me that because I expect the government to fulfill its part of the bargain, I’m a “fucking loser” with a mental disorder.
I suppose that you may even have a point, so long as Republicans are in office. Their track record about keeping promises to the troops is astonishingly bad. Once a military member is no longer directly in the line of fire, the Republicans have no further use for us, and are perfectly willing to break those promises made to us.
So, Mr. Redneck. Believing the United States government will keep its promises is a “stoopid fucking choice“?
Only if we leave you Republicans in charge of it. Your words say exactly what you Republicans actually think about the troops. Apparently to you, we’re just “stoopid” cannon fodder, to be thrown away as soon as you’re done with us.
Charlie Wrangell might be right. . .Matthew Dowd, one of the chief architects of the “flip-flopper” attack on John Kerry appears to have “flip-flopped” himself, and is now opposed to Bush’s policies in Iraq. . .partly as a result of his son being posted to Iraq by the Army.
I have no problem with retired military people getting retirement benefits. That’s part of the deal.
But that’s not what I was talking about @7. The girlz in the legislature want to give single mothers paid time off every time they choooose to breed. The girlz apparently feel “entitled” to have somebody else do their work and pay them at the same time. Rifuckingdickless…
Mark the Retarded Redneck: Got a deal for ya, good buddy. You could work off your debt to Goldy by taking a stroll, along with Seantor McCain, through one of those “safe” neighborhoods in Baghdad.
Either that, or just pay your debt. . .until then STFU!.
Hillary Shatters Fundraising Records
“WASHINGTON (April 1) – Shattering previous records, Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton collected $26 million for her presidential campaign during the first three months of the year and transferred an additional $10 million from her Senate fundraising account, aides said Sunday. “
To put this $26 million in perspective, the previous record (held by Al Gore) was under $9 million for a comparable period.
Barack Obama’s campaign said it had 83,000 donors but has not yet released first-quarter dollar figures. The Edwards campaign likely has raised more than $7.5 million in this reporting period.
@38 Just what I expected from you, Redneck. Why do you hate our veterans? You’re one sick puppy.
Mark…you claim to be a civil engineer. What’s an example of your work? “Galloping Gertie”, perhaps?
For the record, I’ve never considered my enlistment as a “stoopid choice.” They were drafting fathers when I enlisted; and because I volunteered, somebody else didn’t have to go. It had nothing to do with supporting, or not supporting, the war or the incumbent president’s policies; because I enlisted, some dad got to stay home and be a father to his kid.
The fact Redneck thinks that was a “stoopid choice” says nothing about my character … and everything about his character.
Barelli – I see where you were going. Right out of the playbook. My bad for not seeing it immediately.
You’re trying to equate fulfilling terms of a contract with an “entitlement”. I know the next move… something about a “social contract”.
Go ahead…
The Sunday Times-Intelligencer has an article speculating that a possible outcome of the JOA wrangling might be an Internet-only Pea-Eye. Does this carry with it the prospect that Joel Connelly would become the Northwest’s answer to Joe Bageant?
Seriously, Joel, if this is indeed your b’day, hope you’re having a truly fine one.
It so happens I don’t get free VA medical care. I buy retiree health insurance — and pay full price for it, there’s no taxpayer subsidy, not a penny. If my income was about $500 a year less, I would qualify for VA medical care. When I returned home from Vietnam, I believed with certitude that I would always have medical care for the rest of my life, no matter how poor I was, because that was a promise by our government that I could rely on come what may. It never occurred to me that some of my fellow citizens might stoop low enough to take that away from our veterans, including me. They’re called “Republicans.” People without honor, without respect for our troops, losers with nothing going for them — ’nuff said.
Truth is, I would qualify for VA medical care if Bush hadn’t raised the income threshold. That’s called “cutting benefits.” Republicans call it “supporting the troops.” Don’t kid yourself — they’re lying. They don’t support our veterans, or our troops, with anything but hot air.
Whatdoyawannabet that Redneck never enlisted, never served, was not a troop, is not a veteran? It’s just as well. A guy who would welsh on a $100 bet is not someone you want to be in a foxhole with when shit hits the fan.
Republican motto: “Dishonor for a dollar.”
@42 “The girlz in the legislature want to give single mothers paid time off every time they choooose to breed.”
So? The Republicans down in Texas want to pay girls $500 to have babies, so it must be a good idea!
It’s a good thing Redneck was born with a penis instead of a vagina because, frankly, I don’t think he’s tough enough to deliver a baby.
He’d die from his first bout of morning sickness!
@46 “Mark…you claim to be a civil engineer. What’s an example of your work? “Galloping Gertie”, perhaps?”
I don’t think so. I doubt they trust him with anything bigger than culverts.
Click here for photo of Redneck’s masterpiece:
Notice how he cleverly sloped the culvert downhill so the water would actually come out! It took Redneck only 15 years and 500 failures to figure out that shit won’t go uphill.
@48 Here’s an explanation of the “social contract” even you can understand, Redneck: Pay your gambling debt or go swimming with cement flippers.
@60 Just kidding! April fool! Ann coulter joke, ya know?
Click here for photo of Redneck’s engineering degree:
The Bush administration has been trying to play a bit fast and loose with my medical as well. They want to hike the cost, and have been talking about reducing benefits, all in the name of “cutting entitlements”.,00.html
It died in the last Congress, as even the Republicans couldn’t stomach the idea of cutting promised benefits in the middle of a war, and so far the administration hasn’t tried again.
#40 You are absolutely correct. The Repugnicans have no concern at all for veterans or those currently serving in the armed forces.
This week’s issue of Bidness Week has an article about “The Greening of Murkan Campuses. Buncha kids talking about The New Religion of Global Warming and their great gawd Algore.
I was in Barnes and Noble coupla days ago, and ran across a book for HS students in Advanced Placement Environmental Science. Cover said it contained sample test qweshuns. I had to pick it up.
First page I flipped to had the following “question”. “Automobile companies make obscene profits from selling large vehicles that burn excessive amounts of fossil fuels. Each one of these vehicles produce tons of greenhouse gases. This is an example of:
1) A positive reinforcing loop
2) A negative reinforcing loop
3) Out of control capitalism
4) Blah blah blah…
This isn’t education. This is brainwashing. To answer the question means you have to accept the ludicrous premises of cars producing “greenhouse gases” and “global warming”. The marxists who wrote the “question” also make clear their hate for free markets and people making free choices.
You fucking people ought to be ashamed of yourselves for brainwashing innocent kids into believing this shit.
@65 Oh shut up. Your problem is you don’t when to shut the fuck up.
Roger at #66
“Oh shut up. Your problem is you don’t when to shut the fuck up”
So says the person who has made 41 of the previous 66 comments…
Whyizzit that none of you moonbats are bitching about gas being 3 bucks a gallon and the 50 cent per gallon increase since moonbats took over gummint?
Where the fuck is LiarfuckingCantwell? Shouldn’t she be holding hearings into gouging? And why isn’t Dimwit talking about “obscene profits”
Sure seems odd…
Roger Rabbit says:
Although I’ve stated this fact many times on HA’s boards, it bears repetition: The soldier-effigy burning was carried out by anarchists, not “liberals” or “Democrats” — the same anarchists responsible for the WTO demonstration violence in Seattle — and anarchists are not “leftists,” they are penultimate rightwingers who believe in no government at all.
04/01/2007 at 12:44 pm
Nice April Fools Joke!
No need for Bullhitttium commentary ala PelletHead; Puddy makes it clear. These are PelletHead’s people plain and simple!
Maybe you moonbats can help me unnerstand sumfin here…
Harvey Milk and the rest of the buttfuckers in SF decided to ban plastic bags at the grocery store and mandate paper instead.
I remember back inna 80s when plastic bags came in vogue. The tree huggers were behind it to reduce the number of trees that had ta get murdered to make bags.
I don’t get it: Are plastic bags good ’cause they reduce tree murders or bad ’cause erl used to make ’em?
Speaking of Rising Gas Prices:
I predicted after Feb 7th the price of Gas would skyrocket. Why? Nancy Pelosi. She made some commie comments about the eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil gassssssssssssssss companies and how her latest legislation would force them to modify their business dealings. When would it take place. After Feb 7th. Well Moonbat!s you can thank Nancy Pelosi for your almost $3/gallon prices.
Yep, give it to Moonbat!s and watch it fall apart.
I wonder why Hilary is mute on the gas issue? Remember when she was in the minority she wanted to raise gas taxes by $20Billion? Oh… you libtards forgot those words? Not Puddy! Remember Universal Health Care? She wants it again but a better version.
Just think you nutjobs – Hilary will take you all to the governmental cleaners. Elect her and just give her your wallet! No April Fools joke there!
I remember the pukings of Moonbat!s.
@67 The difference is that I pay my debts.
@68 “Whyizzit that none of you moonbats are bitching about gas being 3 bucks a gallon”
Because I enjoy watching you commute on roller skates while my oil stock doubles.
@69 Puddinghead, opinions are like assholes — everyone’s got one, except you seem to be gifted with two of each.
re 65: The Soviet Union and modern day Russia support YOUR view on global warming.
That being the case, what the hell are you talking about?
Puddy, unless I’m mistaken, it is the oil companies and Bush’s gaming of the strategic reserves that are responsible for the rise in gas prices.
Show me one thing that indicates it’s Nancy Pelosi’s fault.
Do you have a screw loose?
HL 78 – Data please.
Didn’t think so.
Dumfucking shit…
Hey Loocy – I think you stepped on your dick. I thought it was because of “checkers”.
…the oil industry is a zero sum game ( like checkers )
Commentby headless lucy— 4/9/06@ 2:56 pm
Now it’s the SPR? WTF??? Which is it?
I make all this stuff up and try to get away with it by being an a**. And thanks to all you pansies, it works most of the time~
Half breed – WTF are you talking about? Are you saying supply and demand has something to do with gas prices? Dumfuckingshit…
Don’t you know that gas prices are set by the Halliburon cabal chaired by Cheney who takes orders from Rove.
Sheesh, I thought everybody knew that…
Redneck @: 68, 70, 79, 80:
You might have said something interesting, but I don’t read posts from someone who is both a liar and a welscher.
re 79: If I give you data you’ll impeach the source.
There is no dialogueing with you. I can only work tirelessly for your political demise.
And we are having some success with that.
Ask Gonzalez.
re 84: … data please.
The truth about Reichrt
He has not switched parties. He will rwplace Fred Thompsen on Law and Order.
Gov Gregoire has announced that she will replace Mr. Richert with a Republican, out of respect for the voters. Jean Enersen, long a closet Republican, has agreed to the new position. Jennifer Dunn, Ms. Enerson’s long time mistress, has announced that she is very happy now that Ms. Emerson will be fully outed.
David Goldstein is rumored to be in line to replace Ms. Enerson as King TV’s primary Anchor-personality.
Is the Left turning right or is the Right turning Left? It’s really hard to tell who’s who and what they stand for anymore.
Another conservative has a change of heart?!
Former Clinton inquisitor Bob Barr leaves the Republican Party and voted for the Patriot Act!!!?
Its interesting that during the Clinton administration, Rep. Bob Barr of Georgia was one of the most visible, hard-core Republicans in the country. In 1998, this arch-conservative noisemaker was the key driver and house manager of President Clinton’s impeachment trial. But since leaving Congress in 2003, Barr has become a vocal critic of the constitutionally questionable policies of Clinton’s Republican successor, George W. Bush.
In 2004, he declined to support Bush’s reelection, and in late 2006 he formally left the GOP to take a leadership position in the Libertarian Party. Two weeks ago, Barr and several other conservative heavyweights announced the founding of the American Freedom Agenda, a group opposed to what it sees as assaults on civil liberties in post-9/11 America. And in another break with his past, last week Barr, an anti-drug warrior who once led a congressional effort to block medical marijuana use in the District of Columbia, announced that he is joining the pro-legalization Marijuana Policy Project as a lobbyist.
Hmmmmmm, what the hell is going on here?!