Shoes? We’re throwing shoes now? Seriously? Shoes? Really? Fucking shoes?
By the way, this whole footwear chucking incident gives George W. Bush the chance to show off one of his best attributes:
He’s spry.
Did you see him dodge that shit? Bush is the fuckin’ mack-daddy of dodging shit. If you can’t hit a guy from 10 feet out with your Adidas trainers, you need to pack it the fuck in.
I have to say, this incident proves there has been at least some progress in Iraq. If somebody had tried that shit when Saddam was in power, that reporter would be dog food right now. I’m talking some serious flys walking across eyeballs shit. Fucking six feet under.
So, that’s an improvement.
In that part of the world this is this ultimate in hurled insults. The symbolic logic, I think, is connected to the thought of one person being beneath another, so unworthy of consideration that he’s being walked on. I think.
What #1 said. Seriously.
Hell, even without that context, if it weren’t high illegal I’d chuck a shoe at him. Bitch.
This reveals that Bush has “Spider Sense”
Bush did duck, shuck and jive. A real man, however, would have caught that shoe with one hand and hurled it right back at the shoe-ter.
The shoe thrower was ‘detained’ shortly after the incident and was last seen being beaten and kicked by security guards.
WOW! That’s a big improvement over Saddam!
I just love the assumption that this guy will get away with this. I think not.
That’s why we need the million shoe march on Washington to emphasize the point.
It was clearly apparent that from his reaction, he is well practiced at dodging items thrown at him. Anyone with sports skills would have tried to catch the object or deflect it, much like the Iraqi leader did with the second shoe. Bush though had no interest in trying to do anything else but get out of the way. Such exquisite reactive skill for a man his age (and i am his age) comes only from lots and lots of lifetime practice. Must say something about the throwing arms of his mother, his wife, and his daughters.
Did you see him dodge that shit? Bush is the fuckin’ mack-daddy of dodging shit.
That monkey learned at the feet of Atwater and Rove.
Like Bush, or not, he’s still the goddamned President of the United States – at least for another month. Respect the office, even if not the man.
Damned by God he most undoubtedly is.
Very doubtful that it’s your call to make, sport.
Ekim, how would you know? Are you a lefty Jesus lover?
It’s worth pointing out that the fact it was a shoe is of paricular. In Arab culture, showing someone the bottom of your shoe is a sign of deep disrespect. It’s like giving someone the finger, but much worse. Throwing a shoe would be like if you could somehow remove your middle finger, spit on it, throw it at someone, and then piss on whatever bruise night form. Think about when the stAtue of Saddam fell. Iraqis took off their shoes and used the soles to beAt on the felled statue. You all may have already known all of that, but I thought it was pointing out that you don’t throw a shoe out of anger or agression, you throw it out of the most profound kind of disrespect.
Bush is smart enough to know not to catch
that smelly ass goat herder shoe. Probably
had goat shit on em. Steve would like it.
Yeah. Apparently the poor guy is being beaten and tortured right not. He’ll probs be dead from a “heart attack” tomorrow. Big improvement over Saddam.
I keep having the same thought, “WHERE THE FUCK WAS THE SECRET SERVICE???????” Don’t get me wrong I hate Bush as much as the next guy but come on you have brought him to the part of the world that he is liked the least (and that is saying something) and the secret service is so slow that SOMEONE CAN THROW SOMETHING AT THE PRESIDENT AND THEY DO NOTHING!!!!!
@2 ben, i’d chuck a shoe at you and your relatives in israel
@15, I was wondering the same thing. It’s not just that someone can throw something at Bush (the guy seems to have had that shoe ready) but then he reaches down and removes his other shoe and throws that one as well.
If you look at the video, someone who looks like security is about 2 chair rows away after the second shoe is thrown.
But none of the Secret Service rush in to take a shoe for Bush or anything. It’s like they got a memo to ignore it, it would just be a shoe.
I wonder if it was legal to throw shoes at a president: Would he be inclined to do a better job?
FYI – some folks at Democratic Underground have started a campaign to show solidarity with the Iraqi journalist (who now has broken ribs, bruises and a broken arm). They suggest that people send shoes to Mr. Bush at the Whitehouse, or toss some pairs over the Whitehouse fence. ;-)