Oh man is this refreshing. Just look at what White House Communications Director Anita Dunn had to say about Fox News in an interview on CNN this morning.
Fox News “is more a wing of the Republican Party” than an objective news organization.
“The reality of it is that Fox News often operates almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party.”
Fox News is “opinion journalism masquerading as news.”
“They’re widely viewed as part of the Republican Party. Take their talking points, put ’em on the air.”
“If you were a Fox News viewer in the fall election, what you would have seen would have been that the biggest stories and the biggest threats facing America were a guy named Bill Ayers and something called ACORN.”
“Let’s not pretend they’re a news network the way CNN is.”
No, let’s not pretend.
Personally, I don’t see anything wrong with “opinion journalism” — I guess that’s sorta what I practice. But unlike FOX News, I’m honest about it.
The difference between me and Faux Noise junkies is that I read something besides Horsesass. In fact, I read a lot of publications with a conservative bias, which includes practically all of the major business and investing magazines, as well as right-leaning news sources. Pssst — the dirty little secret of today’s GOPers is they’re not conservatives — they’re the ultimate big-government guys.
I don’t know what I’d do without Faux News.
It makes discrediting the right wing soooooo easy!
But unlike FOX News, I’m honest about it.
That’s always been my opinion. I would have NO problem with Fox News, if they would just man up and be #$#%ing honest about what they are, instead peddling this “fair and balanced” crap. “We’re Republicans. Suck it.”
Thats why FOX NEWS is number one(1) and by a mile. They’re not quite as obvious in their beliefs as the ENTIRE remainder of the media is a bunch of tards, and tards pay attention to nothing so there you have it. FOX NEWS #1 HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH (Gman is a fudgepacker)
4 – The better Faux News does at attracting kooks and nutcases who can’t take their eyeballs off it and concentrates their insanity through teabagging, lying about death panels, and birther conspiracies – the more Republicans LOSE!
This has been nothing but good for the progressive agenda.
Oh, please! Same goes on the other side for NBC, MSNBC, and CNN. Give me a break, but thanks for the laughs lefty hypocrits!
As far as White House Communications Director Anita Dunn trying to downplay and ignore the corrupt criminal organization ACORN, nice try but no sale bitch. Better luck next time!
(Flushing sounds)
ACORN circling the bowl….
re 6: Right out of Chairman Rove’s Little Red Book.
If you can’t refute the other side’s point, accuse them of the same thing — and hope to hell no one asks you for some examples.
@4 There was a time when Goebbels was #1 in Germany. That didn’t make him honest, wise, or right.
@6 Oh please yourself! Comparing Fox to NBC, MSNBC, or CNN is like comparing a comic book to literature.
@6 (continued) You just can’t stand groups like ACORN, labor unions, or anyone else who helps the little guy, can you? You rightwing fucks are like bullies everywhere — you run the first time someone with balls shows up.
It’s too funny. ACORN is going to be signing up poor people to vote in 2010, 2012 – indefinitely..
The right wing has accomplished nothing through their attacks. Poor people aren’t going to advance in this country unless they are organized and politically active.
And it doesn’t matter if the organizing is from ACORN or any other outfit. Poor people need education, health care and other forms of assistance like anybody else and they’re tired of getting the shaft for the last 30 years from right wingers.
Oh my gosh – that’s hilarious.
That’s a good one to use against the Pooper, Klynical, Stupes or any other talking points spewing right wing robot.
re 12: Well, they were always spouting about something being ‘right out of the liberal playbook’. (I could only imagine John Madden pointing excitedly at the lines and arrows and expostulating on our next play — right from the book).
Chairman Rove’s Little Red Bookseemed to be a juxtaposition they would hate — assuming that they knew of Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book and din’t think I was talking about a womwn’s magazine.
@11 I started out poor, and it galls the shit out of wingers that I became an attorney, judge, and stock investor. Success stories like mine don’t fit into their ideology of hereditary privilege.
12, 13 — It’s a nice fit, because today’s neo-cons are ex-commies who were throwing trashcans through plate glass in federal buildings back in the sixties. You don’t even have to change very many words to convert Mao’s Little Red Book into Rove’s Little Red Book.
14 A judge with a ponytail! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
Thanks for the continuing laughs, especially from HA’s favorite retired courthouse janitor, the almighty senile Roger Rodent.
P.S. Why’d you change your screename YLB arschloch? Get your feelings hurt being called out for the worthless chronically unemployed moocher you are? Poor baby. Your little stalker eye avatar remains. Good luck!
MSNBC “is more an arm of the Obama administration” than an objective news organization.
“The reality of it is that MSNBC often operates almost as either the research arm or the defensive arm of the Democratic Party.”
MSNBC is “opinion journalism masquerading as news.”
“They’re widely viewed as part of the Democratic Party. Take their talking points, put ‘em on the air.”
“If you were an MSNBC viewer since Obama was elected, what you would have seen would have been that the biggest stories and the biggest threats facing America were a guy named Glenn Beck and something called Tea Parties.”
“Let’s not pretend they’re a news network the way CNN is.”
Well, I’ll give her credit for that statement. This is a news network that decides it is important to fact check a SNL comedy skit.
Fox spreads their opinion the way CNN, MSNBC and the other news networks do. And they do it with the highest ratings. This admin needs to grow thicker skin.
@16 Great Mother Rabbit Spirit you are a dumbshit! Long ears, yes; longhair, no.
@17 The only way they’d let you in a courthouse is in handcuffs.
Righties get their TV news from a station owned by a creepy old Australian and their newspaper of record is owned by a Korean theocrat who was jailed by the Japanese for fleecing widows and orphans.
Any claim of equivalency between Fox News and MSNBC is a false comparison.
The only thing Fox News can be compared to would be Pravda.
@19 “This admin needs to grow thicker skin.”
No, they need to call liars and bullshit by their real names, and this is a good start.
“The first duty of free men is to call things by their right name.”
I read this statement years ago, and while I’m not 100% positive I’ve got the attribution right, I think these words were written by General William R. Peers in his report of the official investigation of the My Lai massacre.
@18, anita dumb: MSNBC does not pretend to be a “news” network. FOX does. So you whole point falls to pieces under the weight of actual facts, self imposed internal contradictions, blatant hypocricy, and sheer unvarnished ignorance.
How does it feel to be a moron?
@25 Remember this iconic photo of a true-blue wingnut? http://www.nerve.com/CS/blogs/...../moran.jpg
I would offer up the Obama campaign and Admin’s willingness to take on Fox as evidence of their thick skin.
Heh. Right out of Chairman Rove’s little red book of feckless right wing smears.
Served him well in 2006/2008.
Mark asked,
The one with Koro disease farts
Someone smearing you with the truth? Someone smearing you with your admission of joblessness? Right out of Rove’s red book? Man you are an arschloch!
29 – Stupes, when your kind is scraping the bottom of the barrel you have nothing left but personal attacks.
You never had an argument. You brought nothing to the table but right wing bullshit.
And you’ve done nothing but lose!
Keep up the fine work fool. I’ll be here to laugh at your silly ass when you lose yet again. Count on it!
But how will you respond? Again with sayings from the little red book of Chairman Rove.
Awwww poor poor arschloch.
He who sits all day in front of his computer with his “puns intended” attacking anyone who “isn’t progressive enough” for him.
He who sits all day in front of his computer with his simian callings of anyone who worked in the GWB administration.
He who sits all day in front of his computer with searching for the latest in left-wing whackamole sites so he can try and rewrite it on HA and look erudite. No rujax, this is not my new word this week fool.
He who sits all day in front of his computer and admitted he was between jobs and wore it as a badge of honor. Why? Because he could use it as his hatchet against conservatives.
And now you are having issues with personal attacks when you are one of the biggest personal attackers here?
He who bragged about his big project, using his political enemies commentary on HA against them. Only thing he’s done is fail chronologically.
See ya tool!
What a loony toon!
I have many more really good plays — many of them right out of the Liberal Playbook.
I’m glad that PuddWaxx changed the SHOCKED tagline on his moniker.
That was really aggravatingly stupid, but I was afraid to mention it for fear he’d never change it.
Thanks, YLB.
And, by the way, the Waxxed Wunder is an axolotl.
Hey arschloch, wanna see your compendium of name calling on HA over the years again hata?
That’s nice headless @32&33.
after the ass-kicking and embarrassment that YLB took last week, I am surprised he even posts here any longer.
36 – Hehhehhe… Not going anywhere fiend.
34 – zzzzZZZzzz. zzzzZZZzzz… Do your worst moron!
31 – Feckless….
Again keep up the feckless personal attacks.. I’ll be around to see y’all foiled yet again. Your numbers are growing smaller, your crowd is becoming ever more crazy and prone to violence.
You will fail, we’ll all be laughing at you and you’ll deserve it.
ylb arschloch the hateful name morphing moron (HNMM) continues to dish it but can’t take it. ylb arschloch puts his ASS out to kick so we all step up and plant our boot in his ASS!
See his responses to 31 & 34?
Looks like Congress gonna give you some more of my tax $$$ by extending benefits. Now Puddy has no issues with deserving peoples but all you do all day is bitch and moan, bitch and moan, bitch and moan. Such a bitching and moaning little man.
Useless tool!
38 – In your dreams fool..
Whatever you’ve done, the bullshit you’ve copied and pasted here, the names you’ve called, the lies you’ve told, the personal attacks – you’ve accomplished NOTHING but losing!
I suppose you’re addicted to all that, that’s why you keep doing it.
So someone’s gotta be here to laugh at you. That’s where I and my other friends come in.
We’re not going anywhere fiend.
Obama is so thin skined he can’t take another
point of view? Or is fox getting into what he
has in his “hen house”? NEVER have I ever heard of a PRESIDENT of these UNITED STATES
trying to shut down the air waves. Who does
he think he is? We don’t have rulers or kings
in this country. We have free speech?
This is the second time he has hit on Fox, no,
its the third. This man is going to far. Those of you who thinks this is funny, remember, we will have another President and
he may just do the same to you…..I WANT NO
ONE having this amount of POWER over ANYTHING.
Heh.. Do tell teabagger, do tell..
21. Roger Rabbit queefs:
@17 ‘The only way they’d let you in a courthouse is in handcuffs’
C’mon, that’s all you got? I’m sure in your 30 year career as the head Courthouse Janitor, you’ve seen many people in handcuffs. I was not among them. Nice try Rodent, you’re always good for a laugh.
“Fox News is “opinion journalism masquerading as news.”
So, what would MSNBC be, exactly? A paragon of balanced reporting??
” NEVER have I ever heard of a PRESIDENT of these UNITED STATES
trying to shut down the air waves.”
Well, Harry Truman really hated a journalist named Drew Pearson back in the late forties and early fifties. Truman went out of this way to attack Pearson for calling to everyone’s attention that Truman wasn’t blessed with divine intelligence or grace.
40 j
Funny. Yes, this president has the power to decide to which networks he will grant interviews. Surely one man should never hold this much raw power!
AS I said, funny. Dick Cheney gave exclusive interviews to Fox News only, beginning a year or so after the disastrous invasion of Iraq. Fox News was granted explusive insider access to the White House, and Fox News and right-wing bloggers has exclusive events hrown for tham at the White House. So don’t bother threatening us with “the next Republican president will stiff every media outlet except Fox.” Ooh, scary.
And when witll that next Republican president be? At the rate the party is lurching to the right, possibly never. There may be no Republican Party of note in a few years.
43 PI
MSNBC has news and a number of political commennters.
Fox News has only political comment, occasionally dressed up to resemble news. They routinely identify scandal-plagued republicans as Democrats onscreen. They routinely circulate already-discredited factual untruths as news.
These two networks are not the same.
Aw, Fox News is mad at the White House for not returning their calls. I’m so sorry for them. Not.
Why would Fox News want to cover a president with a well-known propensity for encouraging kids to do well in school?
To honestly believe that MSNBC is any less biased or political, shows a real lack of brain power.
Fox leans heavily right, just as MSNBC leans heavily left. MSNBC’s entire primetime lineup is left wing with Olbermann and Maddow leaning far left. Hell Olbermann never brings on anyone with an opposing viewpoint.
MSNBC like FOX is mostly straight news until primetime, MSNBC’s news is with a left wing slant, FOX’s with a right wing slant.
For the most part, they are opposite sides of the same coin, though I would argue MSNBC has a bit more bias, in that they often have segments during their news hours in which both sides are not presented and FOX 99% of the time presents both sides.
You people are just bitter that FOX wipes the floor with the other networks ratings.
@49 Your assertion that MSNBC is equally biased as Fox News is blatant nonsense.
@50…spoken like a true partisan dog…
party first! nation last!
@49 “You people are just bitter that FOX wipes the floor with the other networks ratings.”
No, my friend. You know nothing. Naturally, you see us as “bitter” because to you rightwing idiots everything is emotional. You have no rational thought process at all; you make all your decisions in your gut. And that’s why you’re … wrong about everything, and do everything wrong.
Knee-jerk visceral reactions are simply no substitute for rational thinking.
Our concerns about the gullibility of imbeciles who believe the crap they hear on Fox are formulated on a rational plane. We compare real facts with the propaganda spewed by Fox and ask ourselves, “Holy Great Mother Rabbit Spirit, how could anyone believe that bullshit?!!”
On the rational plane of thinking, we worry about the welfare of you gullible fucks who swallow the rightwing garbage. It’s like watching someone shoot his own balls off and you think, “Omigod that’s gotta HURT!!!” But, on a rational level, we fear for our country more than anything else. Because with fools like you running around voting for people like Bush, Rossi, Hutchison, et al., none of us are safe. The survival of the Constitution is in doubt.* Even the Republic could fall.
So you see, my friend, those of us capable of rational thinking have legitimate concerns about the carnage being created by you America-hating rightwing fascist numbskulls. Even taking into consideration your manifest stupidity, it looks like deliberate treason to us. Bitter? No, we’re not bitter! We’re clear-headed rationalists who know a fucking disaster when we see one. And the Republican Party is the greatest unnatural disaster ever to hit America, even worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11.
@51 How dare you insult me by calling me a “partisan dog”! I’m a partisan rabbit.
Retarded Idiot @51 (continued): You need help!
Dog: http://www.rightwingnews.com/g.....tongue.jpg
Rabbit: http://merrimerri.files.wordpr.....rabbit.jpg
There, does that pound some sense into your thick head?
@51 (continued) You should talk! For 8 years, Bush and the GOP put their party first and our nation last in everything they did. For a wingnut like you to spout crapola like this is beyond hypocritical, it’s laughable. You’re a fucking joke!
Another stupid answer from the Feral Dumb Bunny. The Nielsen ratings show Fox News kicking all other cable news channels ASS and the Feral Dumb Bunny writes
No wonder you are a leftist loon Feral Dumb Bunny!
the bunny hates America, but he loves the Democratic Party….
I also think he has a man-crush on gman.
Have you watched a Fox News program? They reported the truth on Van Jones, who resigned. Why did he resign? Fox reported the undercover videos of ACORN. ACORN is now under fire and fundings stopped. Why? Because Fox reported lies? So Van Jones and ACORN were liars? Fox lied about their actions? Or did the Obama admin cave to the truth? Do some fact checking before you call the number one rated news channel a liar that reports the facts of the workings of this admin and their cronies.
Oh yeah…ACORN.
Do some fact checking on Halliburton why don’t you.
Where is the NINE BILLION DOLLARS the cheney/bush administration LOST in Iraq?
What the fuck is with ACORN?
@59….uummm, start with voter fraud…the list starts there.
Anita Dunn looks like a talking mushroom.
Because of this I will disregard anything she has to say.
That was just too easy!
**Yes boys and girls, I learned this from the progressives**
@56 “The Nielsen ratings show Fox News kicking all other cable news channels ASS”
Yes, but the election results show voters kicking Fox News morons’ asses!
@57 One out of three ain’t that bad for a wingnut moron.
For me, posting on HA isn’t a hobby, it’s a religious mission. I’m doing God’s work in saving my beloved America from Republicans who are Satan’s servants.
@58 Why don’t YOU do some fact-checking on ACORN before shooting from the lip? ALL the allegations you wingnuts have flung into the troposphere are against INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEES who acted contrary to organizational policies. Not a single one of those allegations is against the organization itself. To say ACORN is guilty because they employed some bad eggs would be the same as saying Boeing is a criminal organization because a couple of their ex-employees went to jail for contracting fraud. You are truly an ignorant moron who blows thin smoke out of his ass about things you haven’t bothered to research and therefore know literally nothing about.
Rascally Rodent @ 64
“….Republicans who are Satan’s servants.”
I’ve heard the exact opposite from some peeps posting here.
So it it:
Toe May Toe
Toe Ma Toe?
@60 ACORN committed no voting fraud. A few rogue temp workers did, but ACORN didn’t. In fact, in many of those cases it was ACORN that contacted authorities and turned those people in.
@66 I think it’s pretty clear who the warmongers, torturers, thieves, liars, adulterers, and draft evaders are.
That’s called market consolidation. The middle and the left get their news from and watch a much broader selection a much broader selection of shows than the right does.
Oops, bad editing and it’s too late for me to touch that up.
ACORN is a corrupt organization. You do the fact-checking. Start here: Louisiana’s attorney general has broadened the scope of an investigation of ACORN to include a possible embezzlement of $5 million a decade ago within the community organization, five times more than previously reported. What about ACORN’s Housing Corporation’s criminal-enabling home loan program for illegal aliens? What about whistleblower Anita MonCrief, formerly of ACORN affiliate Project Vote, who worked extensively with a New York Times reporter on several investigative pieces exposing the financial shenanigans in the ACORN web of money-shuffling, non-profit, tax-exempt affiliates? 11 people hired to register potential voters in Miami-Dade County before last year’s presidential election were being sought for falsifying hundreds of voter registration cards. Oh yeah, just a few bad apples that are encouraged to embezzle, falsify records, hide monies, and violate the codes of nonpartisian activities. Judge the organization by the employees they hire and how they train them.
Its OK to have a criminal organization like ACORN as long as they help bring in votes for the Democratic party.
The party of Trafficant!
word to the 3rd row………