So, I kept up the Sunday “Bible Study” posts after moving to Slog, partially out of habit, and partially just to keep my fingers in the muck that is HA, but if you couldn’t tell by my late postings these past couple weeks, I’m getting a little tired of the schtick.
The original idea was this: Goldy quotes offensive/bizarre/awful Bible verse entirely out of context—you know, just like the Bible thumpers often do—and then righties get all angry at Goldy for posting Bible verse out of context… even though I did so without comment. Predictable, yeah. But surprisingly amusing, and occasionally fascinating.
But now it just feels repetitive. (That said, I’m seriously considering recycling some of the “best of” Bible verses over at Slog, mostly out of laziness.)
Anyway, if folks really want this feature to continue, I might oblige, or perhaps the current HA crew might consider taking it over. Or if you think it’s time to nail this particular joke to the cross, I don’t think I’d disagree. Either way, let me know in the comment thread.
God aside, you seem to have a better familiarity of the book than some if us heathens, and I for one find it educational. The Good book indeed.
And Goldie, didn’t you meantion something about writing a post about the the future of this place in your post-Slog life? Whatever happened to that? Certainly Darryl and Carl have maintained, but what’s the vision, Mr Founder?
Exposing the hypocrisy of self-proclaimed “Christians” is one a blogger’s higher callings. Keep it up!
How about a verse or two from the Koran each week?
Christianity is a fine thing — love thy neighbor as thyself, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, etc. Too bad nobody practices it.
@3 That’s a good idea. Let’s get some multiculturalism going here. It’s educational, and as an added benefit, it’ll really stir up the righties!
I say drop it.
It’s not like the conservatives will miraculously realize their selfish positions are not what Jesus would do, and/or realize their hypocrisy of saying they follow the bible, but only the parts that further their agendas and willfully dismiss the rest, and be different.
It’s been good entertaining fun. Thanks for doing it Goldy.
Totally your call.
The prophet Goldstein has been corrupted by Manon.
I am that I am, still.
Though quite different in intent, over at The AVE, we have a regular Sunday Sermon .. “Sunday Revelations.”
Here is the link.
Sunday Revelations are a bit more eclectic than Goldy’s focus on the Roman Bibles. On Sunday we range from the Bagvada Gita to the Book of Mormon and from snark to admiration.
BTW, God does approve Goldstein’s and the Ave’s effort to make more aware of the importance of divine revelation. While She had not told me this, I have faith in Her good judgment, or in His if that may be the case.
I do not know if God will choose to appear on The AVE, but He,She or It, as well as all other Deities, Demigod. Genies and Spirits are welcome.
“I am that I am, still.”
Well, if you’re Am that you’re Am, then the “still” strikes me as rather superfluous, and possibly even human. Could it be that you are not God after all?
Alas, since we puny humans cannot know the mind of God (or anybody else’s for that matter), why bother?
Spike it, Goldy. Let’s move on.
I hope you’ll continue Bible Study, Goldy.
Scripture, dogma and hypocrisy can never receive enough mock.
The discussion here is always entertaining and often educational and there is nothing quite like it anywhere else.
I am an equal opportunity religionist mocker. The xtrians just seem to beg for it.
I’m a multicuturalist: bring on the eclectic.
It might also be good to bang on the local idiots (like Casey Treat or Hutcherson, etc.).
The teahadists and others have injected their superstitions into politics. Like it or not (I don’t), religion is politics, politics is religion. It’d be a shame if we lost this venue to point that out.
Could change it up.
How ’bout selected quotes from the Teahadists other bible, The Wealth of Nations?
Or bizarre quotes from the Book of St. Ronnie?
I’m addicted to the Bible Study posts. Please continue.
yep, so why not go through all the religions. Each week a different one. Christian, Muslim, Judasim, etc…That what you can live up to your multiculturalsim you proclam. But maybe, just maybe, it’s so much easier to just “make fun” of Christians. You are like a bully after school, making fun of kids who either can’t fight back or you are not afraid off….but you wouldn’t dare touch anyone who might give you a fat lip. Quite pathetic.
All religions were just made up as we went along. The early religions of our hunter-gatherer ancestors are as valid as any of the Abrahamic faiths.
Did you read Vonnegut’s “Cat’s Cradle?” There was a religion called “Bokanon” in that book, and Bokanon’s main tenet was, “This religion, like all religions, is a pack of lies.” {My apologies to Kurt Vonnegut (a great author) for any inaccuracies in my quotes and spellings.}
Don’t take religion too seriously, no matter what religion it is. Follow the Golden Rule, and you’ve pretty much got what religion has to offer.
If you get HBO, “Game of Thrones” is premiering in two weeks. It’s the first book in George R. R. Martin’s seven-book series called “The Song of Fire and Ice.” Those books have some interesting religions in them. I recommend them to those who like stuff like Tolkien and C. S. Lewis wrote. A word of caution, however: the Martin’s books are for adults, not kids!
#15: That’s not really the point though. I am wondering why our esteemed Mr. Goldstein can only “make fun” of Christinity, but stays far away from making fun of Islam or others. Maybe he’s afraid ?
cowardly lying douche @18:
Goldy tees up a verse. He has never contributed to the actual mocking that follows. That’s our job.
We get it, Goldy hates Christianity, and simultaneously displays his little-dicked, sexually depraved Jewish inferiority complex for all the world to see. Gets old real fast, even a stoner like Lee and his minions can see that. How about poking fun at Islam? Or Buddhism? Or Judaism? Just sayin’. Enjoy the rest of the weekend Libtards. :)
Goldy is no fool – he knows that if he starts an HA Koran Study thread, he would putting the safety of his daughter and himself at risk from the nutball muslims that meander about.
Need proof? Just look at the Dutch cartoonist – or more recently, just look how those stone age retards react when someone burns one of their books half a world away….
@15 I don’t make fun of Christianity. I make fun of people who call themselves Christians but behave like assholes. Can you give me one good reason why I shouldn’t?
Christianity is the dominent theology in THIS country, hence it is the most ripe for questioning. Note, however that the Old Testiment is also a foundational document for Judaism (TJ @ 20) and to al lessor extent Islam.
@21 Goldy and his daughter are already at risk from the nutball Christofascists who are lurking hereabouts.
You cowrdly chickenshits hate Muslims so much start your own fucking blog and you can bash Islam all you want. You and your hero terry Jones.
25: not sure if you should take your meds or if you should take less of those…
Where do we say anything about hating islam. Ah yes, it’s an easy way for you to deflect…don’t look at the issue, just insult people. Way to go.
But if our esteemed Mr. Goldstein would have some balls, he would address all religions. And show consistency and integrity. But as long as he only “worries” about Christinity, he’s not true to his “own words”.
And Roger, do you really want to tell me that Goldstein is afraid of his life from people on this board (if so…see above re meds).
Shhesh, you guys are pathetic
@26 Perhaps you’ve forgotten the incident where Seattle police showed up on Goldy’s doorstep because some lying asshole filed a false report against him.
Generally speaking, you can’t be a Republican and a Christian at the same time.
I am wondering why our esteemed Mr. Goldstein can only “make fun” of Christinity
That’ the point. Goldy posts the quote without commentary. You don’t seem to get this any more than you can actually spell.
@26: So tell, us. When did you stop “actually hating” Islam?
Roger @3:
Christianity is about the public humiliation, ghastly torture, and senseless murder of an eccentric preacher. And the subsequent transformation of his story into a political and cultural structure that allowed a small number of charlatans to live quite well by extorting enormous amounts of money and services from the underclass under the constant threat of eternal damnation for about 2,000 years now.
There’s nothing fine or noble or even innovative about it. Those notions to which you refer are hardly exclusive to Christianity and in fact predated it by quite some time.
As for continuing the weekly posts and discussions, I vote yea.
It is quite amusing to watch those few brave souls attempt to defend such piffle in an openly hostile environment. Unlike the non-believer, this is something they have seldom had to endure.
the progressive leftists are full of nothing but bigotry and hate.
its what the progressivism is all about.
Where lies the bigotry and hate Max? Perhaps you could be more specific?
I really hope you can continue the Bible study, Goldy – I find it quite interesting.
@15,18 and where ever else you posted:
Do you walk into Ice Cream stores and complain because they don’t sell lutefisk? Peruse a selection at a music shop and bitch because they don’t have toenail clippers? Go to the library and whine about how they won’t rent you a car? Probably not.
Then why do you come to a thread entitled “HA Bible Study” and complain because it’s about the Bible?
just read your own posts, uncle twitz….if you cant see your own bigotry, then you are truly blind and its no use having a discussion with you.
maxie is a pencil-dick putz.
Go on maxie…show off what you got. Let’s see the litany of left-wing hate.
As a doubting Christian (faith, after all, is something other than knowledge), I’d like you to keep it up. We do get to see, sometimes, posts from the fundamentalist, lunatic right. That helps to center some of us.
I needn’t read them Max, I wrote them. And I know what I said and meant.
It isn’t bigotry to dislike someone for cause Max.
If I’ve written something that isn’t true Max, perhaps you can enlighten me.
I’m just catching up on this discussion…I vote keep it going.
I think we’re all here for the discussions of politics and government, and how we as a society distribute power and wealth, how we take care of the unfortunate, how we organize ourselves to do great things, and how we as a group smack down the sociopaths among us that tend to call themselves Republicans.
The dominant mythological system in this country is certainly the many strains of ‘Christianity’, and this mythology imbues many peoples’ sense of self and political identity and decision making. More to the point, the yahoos dressed in 18th century garb screaming to ‘take their country back’, and the political animals pandering to and manipulating them, all wrap themselves in American flags and ostentatiously tote Bibles and claim God’s approval.
Whatever one can say about any good that can be attributed to religious belief or faith systems, there’s no disentangling embrace of religion (in the case of the U.S. that would be Christianity) with political manipulation, tribal politics, scapegoating, xenophobia and the relentless bait-and-switch that we observe over and over, watching those focused on religion-inspired culture wars being rolled again and again by those looking to make dollars, billions and trillions of dollars.
The ability to get people to vote against their best interests, economically and socially, because of overriding culture and ‘moral’ issues, is the foundation of modern conservatism.
I see two big benefits from HA’s hosting of discussions about various Bible verses, particularly those highlighting the bloodthirsty and the nonsensical. The first is more theoretical – if we as a nation (and ultimately as a species) are going to make rational, data-based decisions collectively within the framework of a shared morality (do not kill, do not steal, treat others well, etc), we need to both understand the data (that is, ‘God’s’ promise not to send another flood does not enter into a discussion of climate change, but analysis of surface temperature and sea levels do) and understand the basis of the morality – part of which is that simply allying with the Christian ‘team’ does not make you inherently moral or good, (and in fact that ‘team’ has committed many blunders and evils in its past), but that your adherence in your actions to a few fairly simple rules does.
The other benefit to these discussions derives from the reflexive association many people in this country hold with Christianity. Again, whatever good might derive from it notwithstanding, many many people associate themselves with Christianity reflexively – they were born in it, or their neighbors do it, or they were taught it in school – whatever, most people do not make a real conscious adult choice in the matter. By wrapping themselves in a veneer of Christianity, the Republicans access a powerful tribal connection and exploit this to tremendous advantage.
Our discussions bringing light to less savory aspects of the Christian tradition are a provocation to critical thought.
Discussing the rapes, murders, wars, jealousies, betrayals, smallness and short-sightedness, moral compromises and all the warts and failings and sheer physical impossibilities and myths contained in the Bible as presently configured undermines the power of that reflexive association, and by extension that power that the right manipulates.
Notice how some of the resident righties on this thread bleat about anti-christian bigotry and insults. Playing the victim is at the core of conservatism, and playing the martyr is one of the highest expressions of victimhood. The radical Islamists do it too, of course – one of the many parallels between the two streams of fundamentalist idiocy. The righties here also demand that other religions be subject to the scrutiny that is applied to Christianity – this is another expression of victimhood, in this case a way of pivoting and demanding an attack on one of their favorite enemies – pretty slick actually.
Of course, the discussion here is not about the silliness of religion in general (though that might be worthwhile) it is about US politics and society and power and the way that this thing called “Christianity” is deployed by those seeking power. It is a weapon, pure and simple, and the bad guys are using it.
It is not Anti Christian to post passages from the holy book to illustrate how our current conservative Christians ignore passages of the bible they find inconvenient to their agenda. There are passages that clearly state liberal ideas that are opposite of to their conservative ideology. There are passage that are very inconvenient to our modern day lifestyle. There are more passage in the bible about adultery and divorce than there are about homosexuality, but no where do our conservative revile and shun David Vitter or Newt Gincrich and Sarah Palin’s daughter.
I think Islam has an inferiority complex about itself. After all, it is the Johnny-come-lately of the Abrahamic religions, so there’s a certain amount of anxiety about that. They’re extremely sensitive to criticism because Islam is lacking the “legitimacy” that Judaism and Christianity have. Unfortunately, their religion allows for some pretty dramatic acts in defense of that religion.
That’s why, if I was Goldy, I wouldn’t criticize Islam at all. Goldy is a more or less public figure, easy to find and easy for some offended Muslim to commit a violent act against him. Better to keep quiet about Islam and make fun of Christianity. There are lots of opportunities to poke fun at Christians, and they seem to take it fairly well as compared to Muslims. Jews are also better at taking criticism than Muslims. I guess, with maturity, any religion can take a little fun-poking!!
No matter what your faith is or isn’t, don’t take it too seriously. There are lots of different paths out there.
I will never tire of HA Bible Study. At one time I was studying to be a biblical scholar so it’s right up my alley.
Blue @ 41
The study referenced in the article you posted resulted in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (the largest Lutheran body in this country) deciding to ordain practicing gay pastors, so long as they are in a committed relationship. That is essentially the same standard the ELCA applies to unmarried heterosexual pastors. The decision, of course, was not without controversy and some churches left the synod. On the whole, I thought even though it was the right decision, it still took some balls to make it.
More bullshit from the pitifully stupid Wingnut troll brigade.
Let’s analyze, shall we?
At 18, the perpetually unenlightened “dutch” spews:
Out of left field, the permanent peanut gallery dweller, TJ @20, spews:
And, piping up @ 21, is the likely winner of the Dimmest Bulb of the Week award, HA’s very own Bitter Max:
The problem with these three total Retards, is that they spew without doing homework. They are, apparently, incapable of doing the research necessary to support their idiotic stereotypes. So they just spew in ignorance.
Using the HA search tool with just the word “Cartoon” would have falsified their ignorant beliefs in about 10 seconds:
In which Goldy draws Muhammad
by Goldy, 07/13/2010, 1:06 PM
And here it is again!
Perhaps the folks at Crosscut should spend more time reading HA?
by Goldy, 08/30/2010, 10:55 AM
I like the feature, if only to spur on the ridiculous commentary from the “religious Right” that exposes them for the ignorant, petty, small-minded bigots they are. Watching their tiny little heads spin as they try to shrug off a Bible verse that doesn’t fit in with their political orthodoxy provides all sorts of entertainment.
Most of us here get the joke–and the joke is on the hypocrites. We know that any real Christian is never going to be offended by a quote from their holy book, even one they don’t understand.
Keep the feature going, please.
David Boaz made a pretty profound statement on Stossel’s show concerning the Religious Right. He said something to the effect that since God doens’t appear on television, Huckabee has elected himself to speak for God in God’s absence.
I think a lot of these Christian zealots really and truly believe they know what God is thinking and want to share these thought with all of the rest of us. Here’s my advice, Religious Right: Put a sock in it!
Good job Darwhile, you found the ONLY goldy vs islam thread.
now go grade some papers….
BetaMax @ 48,
And you’re innumerate too! That was two threads, ya fracken dumbshit!
Please accept my gratitude for your endlessly enlightening comments. I am smarter, a deeper thinker, because of your thoughtful posts.
My pleasure, Proud Communist.