Is state Sen. Don Benton, R-Vancouver, turning his back on Padawan protégé and House candidate Joseph James in the 17th LD?
So hard to learn how to deceive without getting caught red handed, it is. Yes, hmmm.
by Jon DeVore — ,
Is state Sen. Don Benton, R-Vancouver, turning his back on Padawan protégé and House candidate Joseph James in the 17th LD?
So hard to learn how to deceive without getting caught red handed, it is. Yes, hmmm.
A bit off topic, except that it goes along with the whole “sinking ship” thing:
From Sports by Brooks, a national sports blog:
A video clip of the incident is imbeded in the story:
Caribou Barbie Mentions Phillies, Gets Booed
Great catch Jon.
@1 See, that’s why you do research. ‘Course if you do too much research you might find out that evolution is real and that you 16 year old daughter might need to know how babies are really made.
Considering recent events, it seems fitting that most of the people in the Know Nothing party of the 1850’s became Republicans.
I’d agree that the entire McCain campaign seems to be lacking in research skills. Otherwise, you would think they would know that the so-called “terrorist” McCain and Palin cry that Obama was palling around with in Chicago is the same one whom runs a foundation which a McCain-run committee gave thousands of dollars of support. Or that “Carribou Barbie” had some defects as a potential runing mate.