Tomorrow, as the Washington Post‘s Colby Itkowitz reports, Rand Paul fans will celebrate their dear leader’s presidential announcement by hosting karaoke fundraiser parties in almost every state in the union. You can find a list of every Stand with Rand #LibertyKaraoke event on this Eventbrite page. The Seattle Stand with Rand #LibertyKaraoke will take place at Capitol Hill’s wondrous Rock Box karaoke bar tomorrow night at 6 pm. As someone on the event’s Facebook page writes, “JUST OVER 24 HOURS UNTIL LIBERTY BOOMS!!!”
What should you sing at #LibertyKaraoke parties? Organizer Matt Hurtt explained to Itkowitz:
There’s no official liberty song list, though Hurtt’s personal favorite is Bob Dylan’s “Subterranean Homesick Blues.” He often changes the lyrics in one stanza to: “The phone’s wiretapped anyway, Maggie says that many say/ They must bust in early May, orders from the NSA.”
The parties are intended to dispel the stereotype that political fundraisers are for “stuffy old people” at hundreds of dollars a pop, he said.
Uh. Okay. But what songs should organizers sing to identify Rand Paul’s anti-choice beliefs? Maybe “The Lady Is a Tramp?” Which song would best exemplify Paul’s anti-gay-marriage stance? Probably “Going to the Chapel,” only with the whole room joyfully shouting “NOT” before every line of the chorus. Obviously, someone should sing that old John McCain classic “Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran” to symbolize Paul’s belief that we need to increase military spending and go to war all over the Middle East. What a fun time #LibertyKaraoke will be for the handful of delusional white men who show up! I bet a stirring conversation about 9/11 Truth will break out at the Rock Box tomorrow night, too. They’ll for sure get to the bottom of the mysteries of Building 7 with all that brain power in one room!
See, the problem is that Rand Paul is trying to run his campaign as though he’s got a shot with the cool libertarian-leaning tech-minded youth vote, but that train left the station a long time ago. Paul has cozied up to the neocon right over the last few months, and in so doing, he’s distanced himself from the libertarian civil liberty platform that won him youthful attention in the first place. These karaoke parties are about as fanciful (and effectual) as the Ron Paul blimp.
I can’t speak for the “cool libertarian-leaning tech-minded youth vote,” but as an old-time liberal, I want larger Social Security checks, not smaller ones.
There’s a reason they call him “schroedinger’s candidate”. He changes course more often than a sailboat at the duck dodge on Lake Union.
Privacy – He says that he wants to dismantle the entire NSA, but then he had to go on record and vote to reform it and instead, he punted.
Legalizing Dope – Aqua Buddha is opposed, which is pretty much anti-libertarian.
Defense Spending – he was against it before he was for increasing it.
Drones – Gee, that 13-hour filibuster he references was back when he was principally against the use of drones, domestically and abroad. He is now in favor of drones domestically and abroad. Besides border security, he has also suggested that Police use drones to hunt down and kill bank robbers.
Marriage Equality – He finds it personally offensive, and has suggested beastiality is next.
Personhood – he is the sponsor of a federal personhood bill that would effectively ban all abortion, no exceptions.
Schroedinger’s candidate recently said
“I’m not a libertarian. I’m a libertarian Republican. I’m a constitutional conservative.”
Probably the most truthful he’s ever been.
No, no going because I don’t want to be around so many closeted drunk white people carrying guns.
The Tea Party folks are Republicans pretending they are Libertarians. If they were Libertarians, they’d be in favor of ending the War on Drugs and ending our overseas empire. I don’t see much of those goals in the Tea Party.
There doesn’t seem to be anything disriminatory about this, so why isn’t it politcally correct when it is acceptable for some to treat gay people worse?
Doesn’t the constitution protect them to do this? So why isn’t this acceptable?
@4 and Rand seems to be pretending to be a libertarian.
So, whether you call yourself Republican or Libertarian, bottom line is that you are all a bunch of fuckwads.
@6 Rand is an opportunist who wants a better job than the one he has. He’ll say anything to get elected to that job.
@5 There’s no law against being a racist, and the First Amendment protects racist speech. But there’s no constitutional right to be a Clemson student.
@5 I definitely consider a “Cripmas party” mocking black people as gang members as racist. There’s no law against being a racist, and the First Amendment protects racist speech. But there’s no constitutional right to be a Clemson student or fraternity member. The university and the fraternity’s national organization have every legal and moral right to exclude racists from their school and organization.