I’m filling in all week for Frank Shiers, Monday through Friday, from 9PM to 1AM on Newsradio 710-KIRO.
We’ll be covering the Minneapolis bridge collapse all night long, with frequent updates from CBS News. Also joining me in studio will be two first time candidates, Keri Andrews, running for Bellevue City Council, and Maureen Judge, running for Mercer Island City Council. (And yeah… Maureen is my ex-wife.)
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Question is that state ran by a bunch of Democrats? Now did they barrow the same engineers that this state used to determine if the Alaska Way Viaduct is safe even dropping five inches after the quake a few years? Do all you folks in Seattle believe that that structural is still safe to ride on or under?
On this, Klake, we agree. I avoided the Viaduct after the earthquake. I personally believe they are playing with our lives in allowing it to be used.
Tell me you all won’t be thinking about the bridge collapse tomorrow as you cross the ship canal bridge on I-5 tomorrow.
I don’t want to trivialize a death, but it is amazing that so far the death toll is at 7, By the grace of God……
My Left Foot says:
Tell me you all won’t be thinking about the bridge collapse tomorrow as you cross the ship canal bridge on I-5 tomorrow
One should never take thirty years to plan a highway project. Then delay the project because you want someone else to pay for the project. The money spent planning would complete what the taxpayers wanted in the first place. Let’s let political hacks do the planning and you will get nothing for your money. Tomorrow when you use this state highways, that there is nothing in the plans but light rail to no where, and bicycles for Seattle. After the quake my friend who works for WSDOT said that the AWV was only suppose to survive two years before it was to be replace with a new structure. Well folks it still up and will fall during the next quake. Your friendly government at work and you get to pay the tab more than once.
by the grace of God, 7 people died??? Good God, good boy, sit, here here is a bone.
Folks why does states with complete Democrat control have such poor info structure and always planning to fix them at a future date? When is the state of Washington time to have a major bridge collapse?
The Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (DFL) is a major political party in the US state of Minnesota. It was created on April 15, 1944 when the Minnesota Democratic Party and Farmer-Labor Party merged. Hubert Humphrey was instrumental in this merger. The party is affiliated with the national Democratic Party. The nickname “DFLers” is often used in Minnesota by both members and non-members of the party as an alternative to “Democrats”.
SeattleJew at 5:
Any fucking moe-ron would realize that I left out “ONLY’ or “JUST”.
Then again, you are not just any fucking moe-ron. You are in a class all by yourself. Fuck you!
Using the words “only” and “just” in counting deaths seems wrong too. Every life, which is the point of my post, is important and valuable. Again, fuck you.
I am not polite, I don’t have to be polite. If you don’t like, fuck yourself.
SeattleJew at 5:
You know, I went back and reread my post. I did not make a mistake. You interpreted it the way you wanted to. You really are a confused old Jew. ( you are older that me, you wear your Jew badge on your sleeve, so “old Jew” is appropriate. Before you go off on an anti-semitic rant: everyone here knows I am Jewish too).
Carl; SeattleJew is on your side.
Waaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa!
KLake: Regarding the bridge collapse, apparently first reports are coming in that MinnDOT was underfunded and they were trying raise gas taxes by 10 cents to pay for highway infrastructure. The guvnur rejected the tax.
My Left FooT
The practice of thankijng the Deity for not doing more harm remains me of steppin fetch it. Those who believe in a God and want to believe in that deity being good have a problem similar to that of slaves who loved tghe massah bwecause he was good to them.
I have no problem with folks who want to beleive in less than omnipotent Deiities or Deities who are not all that nice. Zeus and Baal both seem more bel4eiveable to me than some Deity whom I would thank for saving lives after a
mireacleevent he allowed has occurred.Actually I have a favorite Deity you might try. His nake is WShaddai. El Shaddai was ohne of the names of hashem before we decided there was one supreme Deity with no name. I ask this nioce fellow for help in finding parking spaces! Usually works! Try him, say I sent you.
goldy, do you report all this in kind contribution stuff to the election authorities? basically 23/7 stuff for Darcy
Leaving the deity aside, the 100% obsession with the bridge disaster is excessive. There ahs beenn non coverage of anything else.
So, to be helpful t readers of HA, here is a news sumary of the last 24 hours:
Horseshit: All the News that did not fit.
1. Hamas and Fatah leaders admit to being closet lovers. Both are in exile in San Francisco. The Sudi and Iranian governments have approached Israel with a proposal to collaborate in cleansing the Palestinain people of the abomination of homosexuality.
2. Alberto Gonzales has admitted to being an illegal alien. Senate committee has requested documentation of his role in writing the BUsh immigration amnesty proposal.
3. Huge deposits of oil have been discovered at Hunts Point and Medina, wealthy neighborhoods near Seattle. Estimates are that there is enough oil beneath the wealthy neighborhood to fule the world for 1000 years. Neighbors, led by Malinda Gates, have requested assistance from the Sierra Club in making this areq a natural reserve.
I don’t think Goldy has to do that as long as you are here to keep it fair and balanced.
Tim Pawlenty Publican gov of MN was responsible for the last three bridge inspections of 35W. When you let a Publican steal office – you get death and destruction. Nuff said.
RightEqualsStupid says:
Tim Pawlenty Publican gov of MN was responsible for the last three bridge inspections of 35W. When you let a Publican steal office – you get death and destruction. Nuff said.
Yeah, thanks for clearing that one up. Do you really expect people to take anything you say seriously when you make idiot statements like that you illiterate child?
Have another beer.
Being liberal does not exclude me from using well known sayings to convey a point. Whether I believe in a higher power, which I do, or not makes not a wit of difference. I was simply trying to convey my thought that it could have/should have been much worse. By the grace of God, protected by the hand of God, or just plain dumb luck….we should all be amazed at what could have been a disaster with much greater loss of life.
My left foot.
First, and most importantly, I certainly apologize for any aspersion on you. I strongly support the right to faith and object when either side makes faith a false issue.
My comment was really not meant for you but as a riff at the usual willingness of believers in almost anything to exempt their belief system from blame when things screw up. Everyone does this* but it is especially galling to me when believers in the Deity want me to accept the need for their God w/o questioning
His,HerIts morality.So, my apologies for a dart, your post was simply a stimulus for release of a dart that had been loaded into the blowpipe for a longtime. I should have thought more carefully about where it could land.
SJ owes you a beer.
*soon every Reprican may be saying GWB is not a real Reprican.
I know how you f’ing liberals think: If George, the Butcher can spend a trillion dollars (on a credit card) blowing up bridges in Iraq, why can’t he spend that at home on ours? He can. No thanks. With his focus and abilities, the result would be the same. ron from bonney lake. (Hi, Katie!)
Why is every local matter now a federal matter? Let MN fix their bridge.
I still recall the warnings against “creeping socialism”….this is one example of what has happened. We introduce the Interstate highways and despite the bridge having local inspections, local use, etc, its somehow GWB’s problem
Missed Radio Goldstein, thank God, and hope fervently that he didn’t exploit a tragedy to make a cheap political point, the only kind of point that Goldstein makes.
Who says it is George’s problem? It si a national issue, we all live in this place and the Prubrican anti-tax position has created a maintainance issue.
wrong, i don’t live in Utah and so its not my problem regarding their
pizza cheese choices
day care hours of operation
wage levels
house colors (made that one up)