I’ll be on KUOW’s The Conversation this afternoon at about 1:20PM for our weekly “Beat the Press” segment. Topics of discussion will include those dangerous harmless Arab European terrorists tourists planning to blow up take snapshots of the WA state ferries, and Hillary Clinton’s big win loss in the Indiana primary.
And tomorrow morning I’ll be filling in for Dave Ross during the final two hours of his show, 10AM to noon on 710-KIRO.
Damn. Another Terrorist Red Alert fizzles out in a damp rain. The GOPers just can’t catch a break. Must be because God hates ’em.
1 Naaaah. In the overall scheme of things, that one is less than a tiny yellow spot in a snowdrift.
God yawned, if She did anything at all.
Told ya so. Yesterday, at 7:51 AM, I made a prediction that the new fake Myanmar death toll number would go up to 50,000 by Friday, when at the time I made that prediction, the stated number of current deaths was 21,000. Man, did I underestimate this one….
Screaming headline right now at CNN.com….
“Cyclone death toll jumps to 100,000.”
100,000 dead, huh? How are they making these estimates? Why haven’t I seen even one dead body yet?
New pridiction: Fake death toll to reach 150,000 by Saturday.
My question is, anyone seen even one body yet?
@ 3 Troll doesn’t see dead people.
@3 TROLL – do we have to “see” the bodies of the dead to believe this really happened?
If you need to see it that bad:
Beware….it is very heart wrenching!
I am sure Troll doesn’t believe that any troops have died in Iraq because he hasn’t seen a single body yet.
That must be why the Bush Admin doesn’t allow cameras at the funerals. Morons like Troll will assume they aren’t really dead until he can see them with his own soulless eyes.
Troll logic: I didn’t see the bodies so:
Katrina never happened
the holocaust never happened
WWII never happened
Iraq never happened
the Indonesian Tsunami never happened
Guess you have no video link…fool!
For those playing along at home after the fact here’s a link to the show with media player times:
0:00 to 17:22: To publish or not to publish? The managing editors for the Seattle Times and PI talk about their different decisions on running photos of suspected terrorists provided by the FBI.
17:22 to 37:57
Last night the political pundits called Barack Obama’s strong showing in the North Carolina and Indiana primaries decisive. “We know who the nominee is,” intoned Tim Russert. What do you think of the election news coverage?
Correctnotright logic:
If they tell me there are 100,000 dead people, I’m going to believe them. I believe what I’m told, even where there isn’t any proof.