For those of you who, like me, miss my weekend radio gig (and especially for those few of you who have made it clear that you definitely do not), I am pleased to announce that I will be back on 710-KIRO, if only temporarily, filling in for Dave Ross for most of the next two weeks. So tune in 9AM to Noon, February 25th through the 29th, and again March 3rd through the 6th, as I bring my drive time propaganda to the masses while wiping my liberal stink all over Dori’s microphone.
Sure, I’d prefer my own show, but if they’re still letting me sit in for Dave, I suppose I must not suck all that much after all.
Congrats. Will tune in when I can.
Clueless Idiot: You don’t have a job, you sit at the feet of mommy so that will be all 3 hours. Unless, of course, you turn your dial from The Truth (KTTH) over to KIRO.
Congrats Goldy. Maybe you can talk about republican scandal number 282,222…
ANOTHER republican crook. Jeesh – can’t these idiots find ONE halfway honest motherfucker to represent their side?
you turn your dial from The Truth (KTTH)
That wingnut bullshit is only for losers like you Stupes.
3 – Excellent find.
See Stupes – your ugly, corrupt party is FINISHED!!
Just when KRO was getting good again!
I love that new evening show .. what is it called, “”two Good To Be On The Air/” It shows how much harm the libtards have done to our eduction system.
Puttin Goldie back on Dave Ross? I can see it now, Goldy will invite some left wing Jewish guy who wants to talk about how Barack Obama is the real meaning of Christmas!
One tjing you can be sure of, he won’t have any Republicans on the show. Esp. Dino! Boy that would be a wipe-out!
The gppf thing about this is that Goldy will say dumb things and we can all call KIRO to complain!
Yeah, goodbye ugly, corrupt GOP. Now say hello to the ugly, corrupt GOP-lite.
Yeah, congrats Goldy. Even though I often don’t see eye to eye with you, I always learn something.
Idea. Why not call your new temporary show TLTL. You know TBTL? Too Beautiful To Live? Well, you’ll be TLTL. Too Liberal To Last. J/K. Good luck!
Goldy have you thought of creating a regular podcast? Some of them become bigger than most radio shows.
@3 Bye Bye GOP
The indicted asshat, Renzi, is McCain’s Arizona campaign Co-Chairman.
Just another goper indicted for extortion, wire fraud, money laundering and other charges.
Welcome back goldy! I think you need to try to have a deeper voice to emulate Dave…
Hey – get Dino Rossi on as a guest and let him squirm in the wind….
Rick Renzi: another GOP congresscritter (ex) goes down and the US Assistant Attorneys scandal gets another belt notch for illegal republican cover-ups.
where are the republican trolls? Seem like every other day there is a new republican tainted by corruption.
Oh – and check out McCains closest advisors – almost all of them are or have been coporate multinational lobbyists.
The headline: The anti-lobbyist advised by lobbyists – guess he takes to heart Lao Tsu’s advice, Keep your freinds close and your enemies closer…but it doesn’t say to keep them as your advisors…
That sound you hear was Mark Gardner’s head exploding.
Glad to hear you’re back, Goldy. I’ll be tuning in from work.
@12: I don’t think there would be much of a sound if Mark Gardners head exploded – more like a micro sound. Can a sound have negative decibels?
I need to ask Mark that question – at least it is better than his question about how global warming won’t cause a rise in the sea level – you see Mark thinks he knows more than the actual scientists who work on these problems.
Of course – Mark knows next to nothing about science – and that small amount of knowledge is what makes him dangerously stupid.
Check him out along with other great literary talents like Lou (Bring back DDT) Guzzo or “Professor” Manweller – who thinks bipartisanship is good as long as the democrats go along with right wing republican corruption.
All of this and more at the aptly named website – all the right wing hypocrisy and loonacy you ever wanted in one succinct website.
Sounds good to me. Please tell me you’re not going to continue with Ross’s Obama bashing.
Ross thinks he’s so clever. It’s obvious he’s not voting for Obama, but he lies about it. He says he hasn’t made up his mind. Liar! Be honest, Ross, if you’re a Clinton fan, say so!
The first three topics Goldy should do:
1) If you flew through one of those big, white, puffy clouds, would you get wet?
2) Why does canned air for your keyboard cost so much?
3) At what age does having a Myspace page get creepy?
He’s bashing Obama right now. Claiming that Obama’s supporters booed Hillary’s Xerox comment last night because they were raised on sensitivity training. WTF?
Hey Goldy, if you have Melissa Line on, at least confront her about her pro Hillary bias. Ross just lets her bash Obama endlessly.
Dave Ross is a typical superficial deep voiced talking head.
He is smarter than some, but basically he plays his audience form the left about as well as MOnsoon does from the right.
I guess this will mean you have to press the “yes” button when you make your weekly unemployment claim phone call to the question “did you work for any employer”. Hell, at least it beats the $446 weekly check for sitting on your ass typing away your nonsense. BTW – did you make your 3 job search contacts? I hear McDonalds is hiring.
Notice how the traitor at @18 seems intimately familiar with the workings of the unemployment line? Typical republican – hates big government – unless it means getting his OWN check.
From today’s Very interesting. Hillary plagiarizes Bill? So would that then be called Experience you can Xerox?
“Clinton faces claims of borrowed language
Posted: 11:25 AM ET
(CNN) – Hillary Clinton – whose campaign has spent the past several days pointing to instances of borrowed language in the speeches of rival Barack Obama – is being accused of lifting words from one very familiar politician: her own husband, former President Bill Clinton.
During Thursday night’s CNN Democratic debate, Clinton looked to highlight occasions when lines used by Obama have resembled those delivered by his friend and adviser, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick.
Clinton’s closing answer, which brought the audience to its feet, highlighted her personal struggles and the difficulties facing ordinary Americans: “You know, the hits I’ve taken in life are nothing compared to what goes on every single day in the lives of people across our country.”
Shortly after she delivered her closing remark, a reader of Joshua Micah Marshall’s Talking Points Memo Web site noted that the line seemed to bear a resemblance to one her husband was quoted as delivering during his 1992 campaign.
“The hits that I took in this election are nothing compared to the hits the people of this state and this country have been taking for a long time,” her husband was quoted as saying in an article by Anna Quindlen in the New York Times in that November of that year.
Last night, Hillary Clinton also said: “You know, whatever happens, we’re going to be fine. You know, we have strong support from our families and our friends. I just hope that we’ll be able to say the same thing about the American people. And that’s what this election should be about.”
The Obama campaign immediately began circulating a similar comment delivered by former presidential candidate John Edwards. “What’s not at stake are any of us. All of us are going to be just fine no matter what happens in this election. But what’s at stake is whether America is going to be fine,” Edwards said during a December debate in Iowa.”
Congrats Goldy-
I am a firm believer that giving you the mike will help folks realize the lunacy of the fringe lunatic left.
Please talk about the state of our State Budget…and don’t forget the $5 BILLION underfunded State Retirement Fund @ 6/30/07 with $37 BILLION invested in equities that have dropped 10% or more in value since 6/30/07.
Oh and for that matter, take a look at the return generated (or lost) by other State Funds invested in equities.
I suppose it’s easier to ignore the undesirable consequences of Seattle Progressivism and instead talk about hope, change & a new beginning.
19 – I know how it works because I was on unemployment for a month about 3.5 years ago when the company I worked for got acquired and they laid off most of the corporate staff. It happens. What was I to do, turn down the money my former employer was paying into the unemployment system?
the state of our State Budget…
CynicalLoser – I thought you bailed on this state. If that’s true:
PISS OFF! It’s not your state anymore.
Poor guy. Couldn’t handle paying a little more for gas in exchange for improved roads and highways.
re 16: People who like Obama you call, ‘Obama supporters’. People who like Hillary you dun as having a ‘bias’.
What gives?
@24, no, people who like Obama are Obama supporters, and people who like Hillary Clinton are latently racist.
Well#25 you nailed headless Lucy@24 perfectly 24/7
@24 “People who like Obama you call, ‘Obama supporters’. People who like Hillary you dun as having a ‘bias’. What gives?”
Dave Ross and Melissa Line are both liars, as they continue to claim objectivity. The Obama supporters I referenced obviously have made no such claim.
Of course the 16%ers gave Harry Reid a pass on his $1.1MM land deal when he “amended” his ethics reports.
Typical, typical.
Obama cultists are called “Obamorons” or more precisely “Oba-Morons”!!
And YLB–
Like many Washingtonians, I am fortunate to also live other places too. I still own several homes, rental properties & building lots in Washington. I probably pay way more in taxes than you do. My combined property taxes are around $25,000.
Seems like you are the freeloader huh!
Mr Cynical: That’s a lot of taxes. I have to go for a while but this is true:
Clueless Idiot (YLB) sits at home with momma, picking his buggers while he scratches his balls typing away on his ‘puter trying to look all smart. If you put that tax information in an Excel Spreadsheet he’d be lost. Give him the SQL command Create Table … and he’d try to sit down at it and ask momma where’s de grub.
He don’t pay taxes cuz there is nothing between the ears to allow him become productive in society.
Clueless Idiot walks into a mall after momma lets go of his hand and he wanders around aimlessly. He wears a T-Shit with the arrow pointing up towards his head saying “I’m with Stupid”.
So the daily Republican data feed to the news networks, (but first via Fox News, Limbaugh, & O’Riley), is that the NYT’s article about McCain will backfire, causing the “real conservatives” to rally around McCain.
That’s okay. I hope both of them hug & kiss & have hot makeup sex. The rest of us can go back to ignoring them.
Perhaps they should be declared an enthreatened species? If so, the Democrats might be compelled to limit their campaigning, in order to give them some time to begin a new breeding program.
Hey Goldy!
Ratings…it’s all about ratings; if you get the numbers, the bucks flow.
But how? In your case, that will be tough since my guess is that most of the KIRO listening audience ain’t all that keen on an all The Darcy all the time programming format. So…some suggestions to attract a broader, more demographically significant and affluent audience, which the HA Happy Hooligans certainly are not:
– Contests…run some listener contests with give-aways. How about a 10th-caller getting your personal copy of Das Kapital with all your hand-written annotations? Maybe your unwashed, sweat-stained Che Guevara t-shirt? You know, the one you got in the close-out bin at Wal-Mart!
– Monson does this thing with haikus, so how about you do something with limericks?
A lefty ol’ coot named Goldy,
His “thinking” and socks both moldy.
He rarely makes sense,
‘Cause he’s terminally dense
Even most Dems have so told me.
Or how about one about a side-kick of yours? You know, a Sancho Panza to your Don Quixote?
There’s this HA poster named Goev,
Funkiest name west o’ Le Havre.
Goldy will eternally cherish,
the writing of this fellow, Parrish,
The only quality HA’ll have.
– Trips…you can put together one of those escorted tours so popular on radio shows. 11-days and 10-nights shouldering weapons alongside the al-Aqsa Martyrs brigade in Gaza and the West Bank. Only $2,700 per person, rancid meals and third-class accommodations included. Taxes, tips, and souvenirs extra, though you can keep all the shell casings you expend.
– On-site promotions…”Hey, this is Goldy down here at ABC Motors in Fife, where I’ll be for the next two hours signing autographs, givin’ way HA Happy HooliHot swag, talkin’ little politics, and kickin’ back with all you listeners! Joinin’ me is my fav’ squeeze, The Darcy, in her latest skimp-o-ramic bee-keen-eeeeeeeeee from the Barely Covers Resort Wear shop that’s conveniently located next to Rick’s topless lounge in beautiful downtown Lake City. Me and The Darcy would love to have ya drop on by – maybe check out some new wheels here at ABC where my good pals Slip and Vince are just waitin’ to get you into somethin’ green and progressive with L-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-W down, and EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-ZZZZZZZZZZ-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE sub-prime payments – We finance in-house where your bad credit is our good fortune! We be rockin’ for the next couple hours with hotdogs, sodas, and balloons for the kiddies! Don’t delay, check us out today! And bring your #%^&*$^()#!~&%^$% checkbook!”
– In-studio demos…Ratings go through the roof when a talk show host announces he’ll do something like get tazed or drunk on the radio. Maybe you could do both? Question is, though, would anyone be able to tell the difference? Aside from the screams when a Seattle cop ratcheted his tazer up to the Ol’ Sparky setting and forgets how long before safe exposure turns lethal. At least it would be a Seattle radio first! A Goldy refined in fire!
– Cooking tips…Always a winner! Don’t you think the Puget Sound listening audience is agog, simply agog, at the prospect of learning how to mix up HA Happy HooliHumus? Or your patented Scrooge-like gruel? Just how many recipes for crow do you have, BTW???
Just some friendly neighborhood suggestions from someone who cares and wants to see you succeed…or is that secede? I can never keep the two straight! Maybe you could succeed by seceding? Worked for the Kosovars…or do you support the Serbs? Can we get that on the record, please?
The Piper
Mr Cynical @ 21
That is what you get when state government doesn’t have an effective funding source. If we want progressive state programs, we need a progressive state income tax.
You’re super awesome Mr. Cynical.
Piper Scott @ 32
Maybe Goldy could be “fair and balanced”, and invite prominent Republicans, such as Mark Foley and Rick Renzi, to give their opinions and answer questions from listeners.
@32, how about this idea for a talk show topic … and I’m halfway serious … “What are the most progressive/liberal songs of all time? Then Goldy plays some clips from his list, then he takes calls from listeners with their suggestions. It’s sort of a Dori thing to do.
Just off the top of my head, songs like Imagine, Fight the Power, Blowin’ in the Wind, and One Toke Over the Line might be good choices.
No need to be fair and balanced Goldy – Faux News has made that term meaningless.
Congrats, Goldy. With luck you’ll make it out of PermaTemp Hell™ and come back on the air as a regular soon.
Good to see the news is causing the WingNutz to twist and shout.
Richard @ 33–
I understand your point about funding…
However the problem in Washington State is not about Funding…it’s about SPENDING.
We have a SPENDING problem.
Just look at the State Employee #’s, benefits etc.
Just look at the mismanaged DSHS.
Just look at the mismanaged DOT and State Ferry System.
We pay plenty of taxes under any form of taxation.
Are you implying a system where with taxes the sky is the limit?? I think not but…
We need folks to challenge how the money HAS BEEN and IS BEING spent in Washington State Government.
PS–What is the cost of regulations in Washington State?
Each regulation. Start there and ask what is really necessary and what has evolved due to out of control bureaucracies.
Perhaps Goldy can bend over and promote a Pin-The-Tail on the Horses Ass contest.
30 – And you’re a losing shithead Stupes. You call us “16%ers” yet you support Obama who is rated the most liberal Senator – ahead of both Hillary and Ted Kennedy!
Here’s the proof:
Everywhere you turn you lose. You can’t go to McCain because he opposes torture and he voted against the Dumbya tax cuts – the ultimate betrayal according to Limblow and other idiots you worship.
You’re a lost little man.
How does it feel? Imagine that – you’re going to vote for the most liberal U.S. Senator for Prez!!!
re 39: You don’t care about taxes and overspending. You just want to fire up the credulous to vote Republican.
Hence, the well chosen moniker: Mr. Cynical.
You are a racist. You unmasked yourself by what you said.
Mr Cynical @ 39
I understand you may not like government PROGRAMS. But aren’t you really complaining about MANAGEMENT of government programs? And how can you say that Gregoire is doing any worse than Bush, when it comes to MANAGEMENT?
I have the solution to the “mismanaged” state government. Put the Republicans in charge! We all know how competent they are; how devoted to good, honest, smooth-running and efficient government agencies that effectively serve those in need.
I have never been a supporter of Bush..nor am I a Republican.
I am a Conservative with a strong Libertarian soul.
Just because Bush is a horrible manager doesn’t mean we should tolerate the same or worse from Gregoire.
I believe the government should provide Infrastructure & Public Safety….
Gregoire and the 28 years of Democratic Party rule in the Washington Governor’s Mansion is responsible for the mess in DSHS, Transportation et al.
And the underfunded State Retirement Fund.
The buck stops at the Governor’s Mansion. She stinks.
And the alternative is Rossi.
@45 I gotta cry BULLSHIT!. You are a BIAW Shill, pure and simple, simpleton. A Wingnut through and through trying to ride a busted pony in the person of Dino Lossi to implement your failed antigovernmental policies.
53% for Gregoire. Stick a fork in that turkey Rossi, he’s done.
Mr. Clinically Insane you are such a liar, I’ll have to check with your “friends” in Port Townsend to verify you have actually left the state.
And FYI, DOT isn’t “mismanaged.” They bring their projects in on time and on budget.
They are extensively audited. You may have an opinion about them, but it doesn’t match the facts.
Turns out tht DSHS is also extensively audited:
And they certinly file all of the required reporting on their performance (you know, as in “performance audit”) in critical areas to the Government Accountability agency:
With all this oversight, you know, like, how “mismanaged” can it be?
@3 “ANOTHER republican crook. Jeesh – can’t these idiots find ONE halfway honest motherfucker to represent their side?”
But that would be self-defeating! After all, theft is their whole purpose for getting elected.
@45 “Just because Bush is a horrible manager doesn’t mean we should tolerate the same or worse from Gregoire.”
Cynical, if you’re comparing Gregoire’s management (good to excellent) with Bush’s (horrible), you’re flaming nuts.
@32 Finally you’re showing some potential, crackpiper. Goldy should hire you as his manager — and find you a source of hashish to keep the ideas flowing.
I am Republican – I lie, cheat and steal when I’m not being a family man (fat whore) or sucking dick.
Hey, Rabbit! That affair you had? Was it with your right or left hand?
The Piper
Cynical, … you’re flaming nuts.
Talk about belaboring the obvious.
Troll @ 36:
I’d substitute “One Toke Over The Line” for the Beatles’ “Revolution”. OTOTL doesn’t sound political to me at all. And on the other hand, I’d suggest just about any song from Rage Against The Machine for such a list, but even I (this board’s resident metalhead) can only tolerate them in small doses and by ignoring the vocals, mostly because vocalist Zach de la Rocha is a whiny little anarchist bitch. And while guitarist Tom Morello is a card-carrying Socialist, he’s also an innovative enough guitarist to make RATM worth listening to. Audioslave (RATM with Soundgarden’s Chris Cornell replacing de la Rocha on vox) was much better, and generally non-political, though they did play a show in Cuba.
BTW, congrats on getting back on the air, Goldy. I can hear the assholes imploding from here in Reno.
Discussion Of Rabbits As Pets
February 21, 2008
WINDSOR LOCKS — – The Windsor Locks Public Library is hosting the House Rabbit Connection, a group dedicated to finding homes for unwanted rabbits.
The House Rabbit Connection’s ambassadors will be at the library on March 1, at 10:30 a.m., to talk about owning rabbits and to allow children and adults to see pet rabbits up close. All are welcome to attend.
Mr. Cynical.
I see your blind rhetoric clouding your judgement again.
Read Forbes magazine and see why they are calling Washington State the “darling” of business friendly states since Gov. Gregoire took over. You know, Forbes magazine of that “Liberal’s Liberal” fame, Steve Forbes.
All you have, all you ever had as a conservative are empty ideas that “sounded” good, but in reality — sucked.
So GBS, you are admitting your vote for Gary Locke-box was a waste? Come on now your talking to Puddy…
Locke – Most incompetent Guvnur? Can someone name his “accomplishments”?
you’re… not your
Clueless Idiot: Why don’t you improve your female lot in life and try for Amy Winehouse? She’s your style!
Now that we have Johnboy McCain’s own words in a sworn deposition proving at least PART of the Times’ story – how will the right wingers spin that? Say John was lying? This is RICH!
Hey Returning Radioman:
Why not ask the Seattle P-I why they didn’t run the McCain hit piece?
Since your head is buried in the P-I why not? That could be filler “news” around the Piper Suggestions.
Or Goldy could interview PETA people – You know People Eating Tasty Animals. Catch the Seattle elite coming out of Brooklyn Seafood, Steak, & Oyster House, El Gaucho, Ruth’s Crist, Metropolitan Grill or Daniel’s Broiler. Ask them why McDimwitt voters are meat eaters?
Goldy says: Sure, I’d prefer my own show, but if they’re still letting me sit in for Dave, I suppose I must not suck all that much after all.
Nah Goldy, you still suck don’t worry.
@55 re 52: Truth hurts, huh?
@56 My apologies for belaboring the obvious. He realized he was nuts when he didn’t buy NOV for 29 (split-adjusted). It closed today at 64.85 — that’s $35.85 per share of FREE MONEY!! Cynical just doesn’t have good judgment, nor does he listen to good advice. If he did, he would have bought NOV when I told him to, and would vote Democrat.
I realized he was nuts …
@66 The fact they invited him back to do fill-in work after eliminating his show is conclusive evidence you don’t know what you’re talking about. But then, you never know what you’re talking about — you’re one of those clueless wingnut sheep that bleats aimlessly in the meadow.
puddy @65 democrats like gettig there meat eaten just ask larry sinclair
If you ever get out of the 8th grade, maybe you will have mastered 6th grade spelling. Have you worked hard at being a clown?
congrats goldy, hopefully they’ll wise up and realize that they need to keep you on the air. always nice to be able to give our whining wingers somethin to cry about too. bonus!
Stupes – why don’t you vote for a guy to the left of both Hillary and Ted Kennedy?
Barack Obama
@74 sweet!
You don’t suck at all. Since KIRO cut you and the other weekend personages, I have cut KIRO. They are a second or third rate radio station as far as I am concerned. To get rid of political content in an election year is scandalous!!!!