Oops… almost forgot! I’m filling in all week for Frank Shiers, Monday through Friday, from 9PM to 1AM on Newsradio 710-KIRO.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
by Goldy — ,
Oops… almost forgot! I’m filling in all week for Frank Shiers, Monday through Friday, from 9PM to 1AM on Newsradio 710-KIRO.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Thanks, Goldy. Good to talk to you and the General.
But Goldy, did you think my IM about the Vikings was meant to take the General seriously?
Sheesh. And you’re an Eagles fan. The shame!
O\’Reilly says FUCK YOU and the horse you rode in on.
WEDS., AUG 1, 2007
CNN KING 3,099,000
FNC GRETA 2,740,000
CNN COOPER 2,604,000
CNN 11 PM BRIDGE 1,883,000
FNC 11 PM BRIDGE 1,799,000
CNN 8 PM BRIDGE 1,635,000
FNC SHEP SMITH 1,502,000
MSNBC 9 PM BRIDGE 1,003,000
CNN DOBBS 970,000
MSNBC 10 PM BRIDGE 954,000
FOX NEWS = 13 MILLION 166 Thousand
CommieNN = 10 mil 191 thou
MiserableSapsNBC = 2 mil 896 thou
Spin that fuckers: 10+ MILLION viewer difference.
Conservative apostate John Cole has “collected” some questions for the current crop of Republican losers vying for the White House:
Hugh Hewitt- Mr. Romney, how much worse than Osama bin Laden are the Democrats? A lot, a whole lot, or oodles?
Red State- Mr. Giuliani, if Obama is elected, will he declare defeat in Iraq and withdraw our troops before surrendering to Iran, or will he surrender to Iran first?
Michelle Malkin- Mr. Romney, if Hillary is elected President, how long do you think it will be before she institutes a policy of forced abortions and mandates the Quran be taught in schools?
Dan Riehl- Mr. Thompson, have you always had such strong shoulders and a chiseled jaw? And if elected, will you find out what happened to Natalie Holloway?
K-Lo- Mr. Romney, are you busy this weekend? As a follow up, you are aware Michelle is not the only one with a cheerleader outfit, aren’t you?
Dean Barnett- Mr. Paul, how long have you been a racist? Have you stopped attending anti-Semitic rallies? Why do you challenge George Bush, who is clearly the greatest thinker of our generation?
John Hindraker- Mr. Thompson, in the past I said the following about President Bush:
Demonstrate to me that you possess the same level of brilliance- please spell CAT.
@3 13 million lemmings running over a cliff doesn’t make a single one of them right.
Brad Larssen. Learn the name. Say it on the air. King County Council.
I’m not sure I understand this whole ratings argument with respect to news programs. So, a lot of people who watch Fox Noise believe they’re getting good news coverage, and a lot of people who watch Fox Noise still believe that Saddam Hussein had something to do with 9/11. How, exactly, does the number of people who believe the bullshit on Fox Noise change the fact that most of the stuff that Fox Noise broadcasts is, indeed, bullshit?
10+ MILLION viewer difference
You don’t add each hour, dumbass.
OlbermanCries says:
I can not spin the numbers a lot of people watch FNJ. By and large it is better produced and mo0re entertaining than the real news.
Hiwever, I would like to see a different analysis. WHO watched FN? Who watches the other channels. Hannity and O’Really are portrayed as arrogant stuperficial charactures. Really NOT very different than the Stephen Colbert character. I find it very difficult to beleive that many high level administrative folks get THEIR news from sources like this.
The contrast with MSNBC and CNN … both of which have increased their entertainment approachyes a huge amount, is clear. The only O’Reilly/Hannity clone on other nets is Oberman and he at least never falls into the cheap tricks and innuendos of the two dumb irishmen. BTW, does anybody ever ask WHY the leading FaucClowns are portrayed like my old neighborhood Irish bullies? Is there a sterotype here?
From the More Manure feature at SeattleJew:
A Zogby poll shows just 3% of Americans approve of how Congress is handling the war in Iraq; 24% say the same for the President. Hmm ..3% is likely in the margin of error. What would the “people” WANT Congress to do?
More Manure from SeattleJew
Dinesh D’Souza, a swarthy intellectual of consevative bent, is engaged to Laura Ingram, a harpy of the blondde Faux persuasion The mind boggles at this pairing. On inspection, however, I wonder if there is not an intentional effort here at miscegenation of a 50s TV star with
More Manure from SeattleJew
Dinesh D’Souza, a swarthy intellectual of consevative bent, is engaged to Laura Ingraham
Laura received her Juris Doctor (JD) degree from the University of Virginia.
She worked as a speechwriter in the Reagan Administration.
She worked as criminal defense attorney in the mid 90’s.
Her talk radio show “The Laura Ingraham Show” is broadcast on over 300 stations as well as satellite radio.
Her radio show is one of the top ten among national talk radio programs.
She was once engaged to popular author Dinesh D’Souza.
Her popular 2000 book The Hillary Trap was updated and re-released in paperback.
While in college, she became the first female editor of the Dartmouth Review.
Laura was Notes Editor of the University of Virginia School of Law, Law Review.
She worked as a law clerk for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.
She attended Dartmouth University.
By the way Jewboy, sitting in your perch criticizing… what\’s your resume look like?
Didya graduate from Seattle Community College yet or are you still flippin burgers to make tuition?
@12 “Laura received her Juris Doctor (JD) degree from the University of Virginia.”
This is a credential? Everyone is a lawyer these days. I’m a lawyer, and I’m just a fucking rabbit! Hell, even Ann Coulterbitch is a lawyer, although I wish I could find out which state licensed her, so I can get her disbarred for felony voting fraud.
But ya gotta give Ingram and Coulterbitch credit for being clever enough to figure out how to lift money from the pockets of the rubes who buy their books.
But even if the 13 million figure is legit, the big story there is the 287 million plus Americans who DON’T listen to the Bullshit Network.
Roger Rabbit says:
But even if the 13 million figure is legit, the big story there is the 287 million plus Americans who DON’T listen to the Bullshit Network.
Yeah, and many many millions MORE don’t watch that SportsCenter host masquerading as a serious journalist. What does that say about PMSNBC?
Great job last night with J. C. Christian. Classic!
3 Eat shit….how could 100,000,000,000 flies be wrong?
#10 – SeattleJew says: A Zogby poll shows just 3% of Americans approve of how Congress is handling the war in Iraq; 24% say the same for the President. Hmm ..3% is likely in the margin of error. What would the “people” WANT Congress to do?
Do something besides raise minimum wage (which benefits their union voters) and rename post offices. Earn the ridiculous salaries and generous benefit that we the people pay for. In other words, do something besides distribute sound clips for the tin-foil brigade.
SeattleJew says:
More Manure from SeattleJew
Dinesh D’Souza, a swarthy intellectual of consevative bent,
Don’t hide behind words like swarthy, just use dark-skinned. You’re a liberal, we will know what you mean.
@14 Roger Rabbit says:
Another stellar example of how the educational system is failing. A rabbit with a law degree is spending his days & nights on an extreme left blog.
How do I know it’s extreme left? Hate speech- “Coulterbitch” “Bullshit Network” “FaucClowns”
Those left of center are tolerant of other viewpoints, the extreme left isn’t.
@20 Whatsamatter, is the minimum wage too high for you CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES? Why do you try running on a platform of a $2.13 an hour minimum wage? Ask Roadkill McGavick how that worked out for HIM.
Where Do All These Damn Republicans Come From?
Well, um, er, ah … they fuck like rabbits!
“Arkansas Couple Welcomes 17th Child
“Posted: 2007-08-03 08:55:01
“LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) – It’s a girl – again – for the Duggars. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar welcomed their 17th child, and seventh daughter, into the world Thursday. … Less than 30 minutes after giving birth, the Duggars already were talking of having more.”
Jim Bob is a real estate agent and former GOP Arkansas state representative. He and his wife are “politically conservative fundamentalist Christians.” He uses photos of his family in his campaign literature.
Cripes, their family photo looks like a small town.
#23 Roger Rabbit says:
I consider myself more libertarian than conservative. (see Ron Paul)
I don’t feel the government should be dictating the value of someone’s worth to an employer. That’s the responsibility of the employee. Be dependable, work hard and you will have more value to your boss, thus a higher wage. If you can be replaced with a pimply faced teenager how much value do you bring to the job?
@22 Where did I say “FaucClowns”? Cite, please.
@22 (continued)
“A rabbit with a law degree is spending his days & nights on an extreme left blog.”
So? You don’t expect me to spend my days & nights on an extreme right blog, do you? No thanks, I’ll leave warmongering, torturing, lying, and stealing to others.
Why shouldn’t I spend my days & nights on a moderate blog? You don’t expect me to work, do you? I’m a capitalist; capitalists don’t work — that’s the whole fucking point of being a capitalist! I live on my retirement savings and investments. What’s wrong with that?
@22 (continued) Why do you care what I do with my time? It’s none of your business.
We have a couple of new troll names here. That doesn’t necessarily mean we have new trolls. Our resident trolls frequently change names. Probably because they’re on the run from the law, ex-spouses wanting their child support, or maybe just because they’re embarrassed when acquaintances find out they’re republicans.
Anyway, just in case we have one or more new trolls here, I’ll post the ad hoc HA posting rules:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of you unpatriotic, America-hating, troop-despising, lying fascist pigfuckers.
5. No mercy for wingnuts.
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender.
7. klake is a nazi.
Any questions?
JT @ 22
By your reasoning, then you must believe that uSP is an extreme right-wing site. Do you?
#32 Don Joe-
I went to usp.com and nothing loaded. Maybe the site is being blocked by my ISP.
#28 Roger Rabbit says:
@22 Where did I say “FaucClowns”? Cite, please.
#9 by seattle jew. If you took it personally, sorry, I was referring to the political slant of this board.
More government ineptitude, not money the cause of the bridge collapse.
“Dorgan said there was enough money in the agency’s budget to pay for construction work on the underside of the bridge.”
AV @ 27
I don’t feel the government should be dictating the value of someone’s worth to an employer.
Neither do I. In fact, neither do any other proponents of a reasonable minimum wage, because a minimum wage doesn’t dictate the value of labor across the entire spectrum of wages. That should dispense with your lame attempt to characterize a minimum wage as something other than a floor.
With that, let’s consider the concept of a minimum wage from a macroeconomic point of view rather than the rather myopic microeconomic view. The problem with the micro point of view is that it loses sight of the distribution effects of a minimum wage.
You see, labor has value both to the firm and to society as a whole, because working people take those wages and go out and purchase other goods and services. If too many people are receiving wages below the poverty line, then we run into what Keynes referred to as “effective demand failure”. The euphamistic term for that is “a recession”. That’s when firms fire the people producing the goods and services that bottom wage earners would be buying if they made a minimum wage.
This class of phenomena is generally referred in the literature as “income distribution effects,” and James K. Galbraith has done some very ground-breaking research into this area. You should read is results. They’re quite fascinating. Use “the Google” to find it.
Another spending bill, John Murtha leads the pigs (pork) with 150.5 million worth of earmarks.
Until both parties realize they’ve been hoodwinked by their elected leaders this country is doomed.
Oh, Jesus. Maybe your mind is blocked by your cerebral cortex.
@31 Roger,
For the umpteenth time: Klake cannot possibly be a nazi. They have minimal standards which, while low, prevent klake from membership. HE’S A FUCKING MORON. Nazis don’t admit people who need help feeding themselves.
Puddy, on the other hand…..
22 Why should we tolerate someone who goes around talking about putting liberals in “concentration camps” and “executing” us?
Wingnut logic:
1. Wingnuts engage in hate speech against liberals.
2. Liberals respond in kind.
3. This makes liberals “intolerant.”
Well, try this on for intolerance: Go fuck yourself.
@37 A wingnut complaining about earmarks is like Ted Bundy complaining about crime.
Maybe I was too hasty. I assumed you were a sock puppet, whereas you might actually be a new visitor. We have a very high population of resident sock puppets.
Usp, our name for SoundPolitics. Try soundpolitics.com
@36 Let’s cut to the chase. Minimum wage labor is subsidized labor. At $5.15 an hour, employers are getting labor for about half of what it costs to provide the labor. The other half is paid for by taxpayers.
Let’s say you own a business that makes widgets and your cost structure looks like this: Plant and equipment $0.25, labor $0.25, materials $0.25, marketing $0.25. Then someone comes along and says you should sell your widgets for $0.50 each. I’ll bet you’d tell him he’s fucking nuts.
But that’s exactly what CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES expect workers to do — sell their labor at half of what it costs them to provide it! Workers can’t live on nothing. They have costs for food, shelter, clothing, transportation, and medical care. When you do the math, what actually happens is minimum wage workers get only half of their subsistence from wages. The other half comes from government programs, i.e., from taxpayers! What it boils down to is taxpayers subsidize businesses employing minimum wage workers to the tune of half their labor costs. Why?
Why should I, as a taxpayer, help pay for a privately owned for-profit business’s labor costs? To me, it makes more sense to pass laws requiring these businesses to pay their labor expenses themselves, so taxpayers like me don’t have to. Minimum wage laws are actually taxpayer protection statutes.
But what if a business can’t afford to pay its workers subsistence wages? What if that would make their product or service unprofitable?
They should go out of business, that’s what. If a product or service can’t command a high enough price in the market to pay the costs of producing it, using public dollars to subsidize its production is economically inefficient, which lowers living standards and makes everyone poorer.
Our laws should mandate a minimum wage level based on what it takes to meet each worker’s subsistence needs, which today is about $10 an hour. Businesses that can’t pay their workers $10 an hour shouldn’t be in business, period. Their products and services just aren’t valuable enough to continue supporting them with tax dollars.
Looks like that AWOL coward Bush is planning to keep Congress in session until they sign his wiretap bill. I say, Dems should ignore Baby Bush. He won’t respond to subpoenas. Why should Congress respond to him? What can he do about it? Go get his daddy like he did during Nam?
Thankfully all my federal representatives are Dems. I am calling each of them to encourage them to ignore the Bush regime. It’s an illegal regime and accordingly, Congress has no responsibility to it.
The first product that should be eliminated is FOOD! Farmers get subsidized at both ends of the production cycle. They get crop subsidies, subsidized loans, tax breaks, and a plethora of other government handouts. They also get cheap labor — labor so cheap, we have to import illegal immigrants from Mexico to do it, because farmers can’t get American citizens or even legal immigrants to work for farm wages! Anybody with a green card can do better by moving to town and working in construction or even for a McDonald’s!
Since it’s impossible to produce food without government subsidies and illegal immigrant labor, we should eliminate food! Food is a commodity that can’t support itself in the marketplace, and its production is a drag on the economy. The economy will be more efficient if we eliminate food production!
Another benefit of eliminating economically inefficient food production is, after all you humans starve to death, we rabbits are gonna run this place — and I’ll be their king!
@34 Fyi, I’m not SeattleJew, and SeattleJew is not Roger Rabbit.
2$$ You don’t understand, obviously:
If Bush is not allowed to tap your phone, Osama will kill you.
That’s been clearly proven at the time the weapons of mass destruction were found.
And if you don’t understand who 2$$ is, too bad. It’s covered by executive privilege.
re 3: 23 million people view internet porn on a daily basis. I guess that means internet porn is more informative than the O’Reilly Report.
How do you know you aren’t, Rog…
With trollsock puppetry, you can be!
@34 What’s wrong with the political slant on this board? I like it (except for the troll posts). It reflects my views. For example, I’m against letting POTUS arrogate to himself a power to arrest American citizens and throw them in jail for years on end without charges, proof of guilt, trial, or conviction — or to secretly ship them off to some foreign country to be tortured.
Wingnuts think letting POTUS do this is a good idea, even though it’s prohibited by our Constitution and laws. They seem to think terrorists have got it coming. Well, I think terrorists have got it coming, too, and as far as I’m concerned you can do whatever you want to terrorists and I won’t say a thing, if you ever catch one. My only objection is to what you’re doing to the innocent people you fuckwads have arrested by mistake because you have your heads so far up your asses you can’t tell a terrorist from a baby in a cradle. So you shoot the baby at point-blank range, and if someone criticizes you for doing it, your rightwing blogs post death threats against him.
I like our blogs better than your blogs. I like our opinions better than your sick, twisted, psycho opinions. I may be only a fucking rodent, but I say that if you humans can’t do any better than that, you should just go away and let us rabbits run this place!
@44 “Looks like that AWOL coward Bush is planning to keep Congress in session until they sign his wiretap bill.”
Well, then he can’t make any recess appointments, can he? Let him keep Congress in session forever — that’ll work out just fine!
@47 This wouldn’t be a problem if Bush would simply catch Osama, but, unfortunately, that’s not a priority:
“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority. I am truly not that concerned about him.”
– George W. Bush, March 13, 2002
You’re not a rodent, Roger, you’re a lepidopterus.
Trolls are rodents, and low order ones, at that.
So there.
@49 I have a feeling the people viewing internet porn and the people watching O’Reilly are the same people.
Betcha O’Reilly could up his ratings by flashing his audience now and then.
Betcha the Busheviks running the FCC wouldn’t do anything about it, either. “Regulation” is something they do only to people they don’t like.
E.g., non-white pop singers.
I thought O’Reilly WAS pornography…
@54 You’re right! I stand corrected! I forgot that from my college biology class. I’m gonna run and tell Mrs. Rabbit right now!
… and the Joneses across the street thought they were hot shit …
@50 You have to take my word for it.
Looks like the trolls have cleared out of here for now. The kitchen got too warm for them again.
Another Publican traitor gives U.S. intelligence secrets to our enemies. http://tinyurl.com/37s53o
Jeff @ 22:
I wasn’t aware that the use of rough language and taunts made someone far left. It just means they use rough language and taunts.
I equate “far leftism” with Marxist economic theory and Hegelian notions of historical inevitability. We don’t have any Marxists here. But maybe you have a different definition.
Can you explain your logic a bit please?
Hey Dingbats! Your water boy’s popularity is sliding even farther down the slippery slope. http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/.....-usju.html
There are two kinds of Republican liars: Those who will tell you that they have never masturbated, and those who will tell you that they have masturbated one time, but they will never do it again.
I say they stay in session but don’t even think about the wiretap bill. They can start passing legislation that people actually want instead of legislation that Bush wants.
Which reminds me, I wonder whatever happened to the guy who used to post with the handle of “The Socialist”? He was pretty high on the sixth Marx brother. (You know. Chico, Harpo, Groucho, Gummo, Zeppo and Karl.)
Hey, he disappeared about the same time JCH did. You don’t suppose . . . ??
Come to think of it, did anyone ever see Socialist and JCH in the same room together? Huh? Huh? Did they? Hmmmmmm???????
How long has that vicious backslash creature been around and how many dozen names does it post under?
11 Dinesh D’Souza was at one time engaged to Laura Ingram. He’s now married to some other lady who reportedly is–guess what?–a willowy, suntanned blonde. At least the man’s consistent.
Among the “conservative harpies”, I find Laura Ingram at least has enough of a sense of irony and comedic timing that she make even people who don’t agree with her laugh.
Besides, she’s actually good looking.
Caught a few minutes of the geek’s act … heard him yammering and stammering about mean Mr. O’Reilly, then I went to O’Reilly who was ripping the ugly guts out of Kos and Chris Dodd. Bill’s right: The Southern Law Poverty Center should monitor you Kos-tards as a hate zone.
Phone Sex Bill would be more compelling if he hadn’t written deathless dialogue like this: Hey, baby, put that crack pipe down and c’mere. You need to get my pipe … UP.
So a left-wing reality check was useful last night. Peroxide punditette, Liese Wiehl, UW emerita, emphatically agreed that you Kos-tards are hateful and disgusting. So there.
66 Let’s see who screams first about how the Christian Science Monitor’s a despicable left-wing anti-American seditionist rag.
For the record, I’m not SeattleJew either. Nor am I Goldy, Roger Rabbit, Ayn Rand or Zippy the Pinhead.
Maybe if you googled the right Laura, Ingraham, not Ingram, you’d come to the right conclusion: She’s so stooooopid, as Pepina of the Real McCoys used to say. Or she’s “stuck on the stupid,” as Laura Ingraham used to say.
Listened to her interview an ACLU geek a few years ago. She asked what his ridiculous gang has ever done for conservatives. Well, said ACLU Man, we defended Nazis at Skokie. OK, said Laura. That’s one. Anything else?
(Dinesh & Laura were engaged? Not a word about that in a recent and excellent review of the Dartmouth Review.)
re 76: What have conservatives ever done for anyone besides the rich?
Newsbreak: Something that helps rich people does not automatically help everyone else.
Wingnut Follow-up question (instead of answering the original question). What is your definition of rich?
Answer: Anyone who had enough tax savings in the Bush Administration to buy government bonds.
Hard to say. The most famous name it posted under, of course, was “Anti Liberal.” It called itself that because by being ignorant, nasty, spiteful, humorless and traitorous, it defined everything liberals aren’t.
Basically, I just ignore pretty much anything it says, unless my meds wear off and I feel like responding to an obvious troll.
44 again
Here’s Phoenix Woman’s take on Bush’s bright pink detention slip (from Firedoglake):
headless lucy says:
re 76: What have conservatives ever done for anyone besides the rich?
Oh, invested in new companies that employ people…., ending cold wars, reducing crime rates, lowering middle class taxes……just to name a few.
He must otherwise he would be posting more. Thankfully he doesn’t have any children that he’s ignoring.
8:58 am