I’ll be on the John Carlson Show, 570-KVI today at 3:05 PM, talking about whether we should apply campaign finance laws to bloggers. Um… I think I’ll say “no.”
Stayed on for a couple calls. Man… I seem to make these guys angry. Is it something I’ve said?
GOLDY- do not support this bil.
You have every right to accept paid ads on your blog……and that includes political stuff. J U S T like every newpaper.
I agree with you, Goldy. This blogging stuff isn’t anything to merit attention from the campaign finance geeks. It’s an electronic version of a barber shop discussion with Goldy and Stefan being the propiertors of two very different shops.
Of course bloggers should be exempt. Blogging is nothing more than posting your opinions. It’s not like your a PAID commentator like Carlson is. Blogging is free speach in it’s purest form.
Even if you are paid , free speech trumps.
(need RR here)… The US Supremes have ben very clean on several cases that spending money on politics, as in buying ads, is an important extension of free speech.
The town square ideas are great, but in our polital process, we also get to buy politcal medis pathways, – to extend the voices, as it were. Old days, mailings and radio – now TV, radio, cable, phonebanking, etc.
If blogs can sell ads, go for it.
Throw him a curve. Support the bill. Talk about how it’s the right thing and you support it.
Goldie and Carlson toe to toe…..priceless!
Carlson is avoiding the war and avoiding solid polling that Bush is viewed by voters as —
— I N C OM P E T E N T —-
Carlson shoud do a factual report on the success of Gregoire. If even he could be that truthful.
There is a difference between advocacy and coordination (which is what John and Kirby did) and voicing an opinion. When you cross the line (which John and Kirby did), you fall under PDC and should be subject to campaign laws.
Saying that you do not like Rossi or Irons, and here is why is one thing. Recruiting people to go work for a campaign and assiting those who are working for a campaign (Again, what John and Kirby did), means you are a part of a campaign.
Think about it this way. If as part of my job I voice support for a Democrat, that is not campaigning. But as soon as I invite people in to use my phones to call on behalf of the campain, that is campaigning.
You should have stayed with your intial point and not allowed John to flank you and draw a comparison and then back down. What John did was and should be illegal, and is not the same as what you have done.
Or how about Goldy’s mudslinging at daddy Ron’s ‘suggestion?’ Now there is some ‘campaigning’ to be proud of.
A) as has been well pointed out, that is not true.
B) It is not mudslinging if it is true.
A) My recollection is that Goldy did “protest too much.” The only thing that has been proved is that nothing can be proved either way. I believe it quite likely that Goldy dragged out an old story at his big daddy’s ‘suggestion.’
B) Bullshit
8 — There is N O limit to any media using its editorial voice in any way it wishes. Pump pieces, selected letters, editorials, the right or wrong photo, etc.
Let the readers beware. Donating ad space – may be a Disclosure problem.
The rest – do as you wish if you own the ink, or the keyboard.
That is the way it has worked for hundreds of years. Before PDC and modern media – one of the real resons for newpapers was their visible partisan stands. Peole did not read to see what the enemy had to say – but their heros and advocates.
Balanced reporting – so called – is a newer idea. A lot to do with TV trying to get big market share for news – and facing a lot of very mixed regional audiences.
I’ll have to agree with Goldy on this one. Unless there is a some overriding public interest, or abuse of the system, I think we should lean on the side of free speech. I think McCain-Feingold has shown that even well intentioned campaign finance reform can be circumvented.
I’m for less rules, and more full and immediate disclosure. If George Soros wants to give millions of dollars to candidates of his choice, I’m okay with that, as long as I know he’s done so, prior to the election being held. The same would apply to Richad Mellon Scaife.
a) Got any proof?
b) Got any proof?
Hey, you’ve got to give me more time on these things. I have a whole graphic ready (It’s the KVI tower with a horribly cut and pasted picture of you on it labled “Goldy on KVI”). But it’s on my home computer. Is there audio on the interweb?
It would be fun to see where the winger blogs get their money from! But I don’t think the Supremes will let this turkey fly. On the other hand, you never know — I wouldn’t put it past Roberts, Scalia, and their ilk to say right-wing blogs are “discussions” entitled to free speech protections, but left-wing blogs are “broadcasters” subject to neo-FCC regulation … you know $5,000,000 fines for “aiding the enemy.”
The only bullshit I smell around here is in your pen.
Anything that keeps you speaking, publishing, and in the spotlight is good for the GOP, and thus is fine with me. If the GOP is paying you, they aren’t paying you enough.
I see you still don’t have a radio show of your own yet. Don’t give up!
Look, the only way to have truly fair elections is to totally ban all campaign contributions. Let the government run the elections and hand out money equally to all candidates. To get their message out, they can use the money to go through approved outlets such as the New York Times which everyone knows is one of the few papers in the world that is actually fair and balanced.
This might step on the first amendment, but that’s really a bunch of horseshit anyway. There’s really no such thing as free speech, so why kid ourselves?
And that would include banning all blogs too like this one. Gummint could run a giant google of all websites and shut down those which have any political content not approved by the government.
Of course, that would make us just like the ChiComs, but isn’t that really a minor thing when it comes to having “fair” elections?
18 – good for the GOP? Was Irons a Libertarian? What’s Dubya done for the GOP these days?
19&20 – Publicly financed campaigns? What are you redneck – a sosheelist? Just keep hummin’ to yourself: money isn’t speech – money isn’t speech…
CLS – Hold on thar… are you suggesting that McCain-Feingold might be unconstifuckingtutional?
And if money = speech, HTF do the noble poooooooooor get a voice?
You violate Murka with your comments. You are marked for death.
Yawn! What up Doc?
They can pry Goldy’s blog from Mr. Cyn-Ir’s cold dead fingers!
roger……”It would be fun to see where the winger blogs get their money from! ”
it figures that you would have to ask that! hah!
where do we get our money from? we W-O-R-K for it……..
try it sometime….and i don’t mean with your head stuck in the public trough.
“Anything that keeps you speaking, publishing, and in the spotlight is good for the GOP … Commentby Lys— 3/16/06@ 5:21 pm”
Can’t see how. You pukes must be so punch-drunk you think Goldy is doing you a favor by kicking you in the nuts. Hey, don’t let me stop you from going back for more …
“There’s really no such thing as free speech, so why kid ourselves? Commentby Mark The Redneck— 3/16/06@ 5:30 pm”
You’re jumping the gun, Mark. The fascist dictatorship of your dreams isn’t a done deal yet.
“Gummint could run a giant google of all websites and shut down those which have any political content not approved by the government.”
MTR is showing his true colors, altho I don’t think he planned it that way.
“HTF do the noble poooooooooor get a voice? Commentby Mark The Redneck— 3/16/06@ 6:34 pm”
They don’t. That’s why our gummint spends 10 times as much on corporate welfare as it does on sick kids.
“where do we get our money from? we W-O-R-K for it……..
Commentby christmasghost— 3/16/06@ 9:29 pm”
Now that is F-U-N-N-E-E-E-E ! ! !
The whole point of being a Republican is so you don’t have to work and can live off other people’s work!
That’s what I do, when I collect my stock dividends. Well, why the hell not? Why should Democrats have a monopoly on working? We’re generous folks, we’ll be glad to share our work with Republicans, if we can find one who’s willing to do any.
roger…aren’t you “playing” on the government’s dime? doesn’t that cost everyone?
corporate welfare huh? i would just like to see a little less “government welfare”…..you know, all those people that can’t be fired no matter what they do or don’t do.
how about that rog? you up for the challenge?
This right wing myth about how “hard” business owners “work” is the biggest load of crap! If they worked half as hard as their employees, they wouldn’t have time to attend all those GOP fundraisers, much less spend weekdays on the golf course.
Oh, I forgot! They consider golf “work!” It’s called “marketing” or “networking” or something like that, for business expense deduction purposes.
“roger…aren’t you “playing” on the government’s dime? Commentby christmasghost— 3/16/06@ 10:00 pm”
No, I’m playing on my dime. As I’ve posted numerous times before on HA, which you apparently were too lazy to read, when I worked for the gummint, the gummint took money from my paychecks and put it in a “retirement fund,” and now the gummint is taking my money out of the “retirement fund” and giving my money back to me 30 years later. If I live long enough, my money will run out, and then they’ll have to pay me from the capital gains and interest that my money earned during the 30 years the gummint sat on my money, but I might not live that long.
GodSpeed Mr. Rabbit! Long May He Live!
So Say We All!
Not me! We need RR. Haven’t you figured out the Roger Rabbit is Goldy?
1.The whole point of being a Republican is so you don’t have to work and can live off other people’s work!
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/16/06@ 9:59 pm
Nice spin job Roger we all know what your friends are working for in Seattle. It is clean out the middle class pocket books and gives it to those who do not appreciate the effort it took to earn the success. The only trouble with the Robin Hood theory is that you do not give it all to the poor but you keep 90% for the thief. The next thing you have is the education systems keep the poor dumb so they cannot keep what is given to them or earn by their own sweat. Roger how many lotto winners are broke or go bankrupts a year after winning. Today Europe is watching a major adjustment to their socialist systems and others countries other than France will feel this pain.
Students protest France’s new labor law
PARIS (AP) — Students marched, chanted and whistled in renewed nationwide protests of a new labor law Thursday, as the French government tried to maintain a united front for a pivotal test of its direction. Tens of thousands of university and high school students turned out for marches in several cities, many wearing T-shirts mocking the government and waving enormous banners demanding the law be repealed. The escalating protests center on a measure that allows employers to fire young workers within their first two years without giving a reason. This is designed to give employers flexibility, which would encourage them to hire more young people
Klake @ 24
“Yawn! What up Doc?”
Whatsamadder, little klakie? Are you bored here at HA? Then maybe you should surf your sorry little ass over to http://www.RepublicansSniffingEachOthersButts.ORG
Hey Klake.. any quotes from the Nazi’s @ BARNES REVIEW you want to post?
Lys @ 38
“Haven’t you figured out the Roger Rabbit is Goldy?”
Oh brother (*rolls eyes*). Another “brilliant” deduction from a fucking idiot cum oracle wannabe.
Klake, how does it feel to have been outed as a real live Nazi?
HvMfFpLkGy9 XpnStZ0EKhy 5l1sZ9XY2Bt0M2
Goldy you shouldn’t appear with that coward Carlson on the radio. It raises his profile higher than he deserves. He’s a lying punk.
Klake, how does it feel to have been outed as a real live Nazi?
Commentby Donnageddon— 3/17/06@ 12:52 am
Donnageddon did you return a check the last response made?
“Yawn! What up Doc?”
Whatsamadder, little klakie? Are you bored here at HA? Then maybe you should surf your sorry little ass over to http://www.RepublicansSniffingEachOthersButts.ORG
Commentby dj— 3/17/06@ 12:38 am
Dj I really like this Blog and reading all your comments about like in general. The yawn, what’s up Doc is for Roger benefit. When he was a little fellow the was a rabbit cartoon that use that expression
Surely you know by now that we are all Roger Rabbit. In fact, this blog doesn’t exist, but is a figment of Roger’s imagination.
Klake, have any more Nazi propaganda you want to post?
More BARNES REVIEW posts, Klake! They think just like you… with nothing but pure bullshit and hatred!
@ 48:
Quite the imagination Roger has there, huh? This almost seems real.
Are you sure it’s not a figment of my imagination? JCH espouses that I have a vivid imagination.
Look here’s his comments about it:
108, Libertarian, I never attended flight school. Hence, I never “washed out”. All a figment of GBS’s vivid “imagination”. All my training was done in Newport, RI and Coronado, Ca, as well as the old Philadelphia Ship Yard. Then, three WESTPACs of 6 monthe each , one ten month IO cruise, and a tour in Coronado at the NAB. Four years at sea, and two ashore.
Comment by Myron [JCH] Silverstein, ESQ— 2/24/06 @ 3:04 pm
@ 123
JCH: Are you saying GWB served in combat then? Just askin’
Comment by windie — 1/24/06 @ 3:59 pm [No, but, Windie, have YOU ever “buckled up” in a Mach 2 F-106? Not for pussies. I washed out of Naval Air [bad GI] and served Surface Line [1110]. Flying [and training] in military jets are not for the Bill Clintons of the world.]
Comment by JCH — 1/24/06 @ 4:37 pm
Then again, JCH is a liar, and then that would still make this Rogers’s imagination, since JCH’s word can’t be trusted.
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