Rod Arquette, the program director who cancelled my show at 710-KIRO, has himself been canceled, according to a report over at BlatherWatch.
Of course I feel empathy for Rod, as I would for just about anybody losing their job, but sympathy… not so much. It’s nothing personal, but the radio biz is as fickle a mistress to program directors as it is to talent, so Rod’s departure is really just a circle of life kinda thing. In fact, considering the station’s sliding fortunes over his tenure, I’m kinda surprised he lasted this long.
When I started at KIRO in 2006, the longtime AM powerhouse was live and local 24/7 (with the exception of Bob Brinker on the weekends), a reliable cash cow, and a local icon, and while my personal schtick was political talk, I was honored to be a part of the station’s broader news coverage. Sitting at home in the cold and the dark with my wind-up radio in the aftermath of the December 2006 windstorm, I knew that there was one station I could rely on 24 hours a day to bring me the latest updates on the ongoing power outage, and for those few hours a day sitting behind the mic in the warmth and light of the studio, I was proud to be the one providing this service to my community.
And today, I can’t even find KIRO on the dial anymore.
Under Arquette’s watch, 710-AM reformatted to sports talk, while the venerable news/talk franchise moved somewhere in the FM band. The newsroom suffered a series of cuts, ceding the lead in that market to KOMO-1000, while the station abandoned its longtime commitment to live and local, replacing me and other hosts with syndicated fare. I feel a perhaps misplaced degree of loyalty and affection toward KIRO for giving me an opportunity I hadn’t really earned, but these days, given a breaking news event, even I tune in to KOMO. I know where they are on the dial, and I know they’ll never be broadcasting some syndicated crap.
And that’s kinda sad.
I was awfully disappointed when Arquette let me go, though not bitter. I never had much interaction with him, but he always seemed like a pretty nice guy, even while axing me. So I wish him all the best.
But I wish even better for KIRO under new management.
Wah, wah, wah….Poor Goldy; fired, Times won’t hire him, chronically unemployed, Ditzy Darcy won’t put out, bald with a pre-pubescent voice, and the poor sap couldn’t even get laid in a whorehouse with a hundred dollar bill. Perhaps you should start drinking heavily Goldy, there’s little hope. Good luck! (And I mean that sincerely)
I listen to KOMO for news now, and they’re pretty good. Even while other stations are airing comercials, and that is a phenomenon that I often find across all stations at once for some reason, I can usually find KOMO giving out even nmore news.
Outside of that I flip back and forth from political talk (KVI and KPTK AM1090) to sports talk (KJR and KIRO).
Do I miss, look for, or indeed EVER listen to the former AM KIRO talkers over on FM 97.3 (Dave ROss, Dori Monson, whoever)? Nope. They were convenient, not good, and now that they’re not convenient who the heck cares? Dori Monson: to miquote an episode of Friends, every time he starts talking, I just wanna pull my arm off just so that I can have something to throw at him.
Oh, and Darcy Burner is kind of busy nowadays as the executive director of the American Progressive Caucus Policy Foundation, testifying before Congress to get health care reform passed (which it will). Right now she’s liveblogging the health care summit at HuffPo:
Darcy is married; of course she doesn’t “put out.” She never did — she’s someone else’s wife and mother. Some things in this world still are sacrosanct, such as other people’s marriages (even if your own is a failure), and the magical workings of the free market: If you run your company into the ground by making bad business decisions, in the end you lose your own job.
#1 is typical of the crude comments we’ve come to expect from the Ignorati underclass.
you’re a vindictive little inbred anyway
I am so tired of syndicated national talk radio. I won’t listen to it anymore, left or right. Here’s hoping Goldy gets back on the air. We need more local talkers of all ilks. I was happy to see KVI put on some local guys. Now we just need a few from the left too.
– TT
#1 That’s the kind of adult policy oriented intelligent discussion I always expect from Republicans on here, vapid name calling, completely missing the POINT of the story as always. I assume you’re actually an adult, act like one.
I never could listen to the stuff.
Well, it’s happened again. Three police shot in Fresno.
Dori is un listenable. I’m appalled at how mean spirited he is. The thing is, I often agree with his message of fiscal and social responsibility, but the way he says it, I just have to turn off the radio. He’s vile.
@8 – I am just a slow learner :).
Yeah, I was wondering whatever happened to KIRO-AM. Thanks for the update. As to KOMO, yes, I listen to them a few minutes at a time, and then when they repeat a story (item, really, no “stories” there), I punch the button.
Why can’t a local news station, AM or FM, do it like NPR can and does? NPR gets huge ratings, so you’d think the local for-profit channels would try to emulate. But sadly they don’t.
I basically stopped listening to 710 when they lost the Mariners. I think they’ve actually done a pretty damn good job now that the M’s are back. Their local sports talk is good, with Brock and Salk and Collaboro. Their Hot Stove League coverage has been must-listen radio for me…Shannon Drayer is awesome on the M’s.
But the political side…yeah, no interest. It’s all AM 1090 for me when it comes to that. They really need at least one local show on there. I’ll put in a good word for you if you like, Goldy.
If you can fake sincerity you’ve got it made. All the rest is easy.
Radio Goldy sounded like a screechy whiney sniveling castrati prepubescent, but at least he sounded like a sincere screechy whiney sniveling castrati prepubescent. Miss him.
Still say KIRO missed the big boat by not doing the Goldy Jumps the Shark Show after Burbank got bounced. Now we’re burdened with smarm meister Shiers who is the least sincere radio faker ever.
Mostly agree with Fakin’ Frank, agree with goldy that Mr. Shiers may be a nice man, but he’s so busy trying to impersonate a Limbaugh impersonator that he makes me mainline oxycontin.
Speaking of, I really can’t imagine bellying up to a bar to share a controlled substance with fat Rush. But with Stephanie? Bring her on.
Miss Congeniality award in the radio fake sweeps goes to Scott Simon of NPR. He’s probably the only person there who isn’t a flaming left loon communist (a few months ago when Obama admitted that Obama was utterly and abjectly undeserving of the Nobel, Simon said it would be bad manners to not take the president at his word), but as a sincerity faker Simon totally sucks.
Listening to Simon simulate laughter is a fate wrose than being married to goldy. (Years ago Sherman Aleksie wrote a story in which some cretin shames himself with cretinous laughter: Ha HAW ha HAW ha HAW … Mere weeks later NPR’s Saturday Giggles Simon laugh track du jour was … Ha HAW ha HAW ha HAW.)
Where the Fox is GBS? You’ve got mail. proud leftist, too.
@ 10: I would listen to Dave Ross if I get the chance, but that seldom occurs.
As for Dori Monson, I think it was in 20005 or so, when he devoted an entire show to insisting that anybody who was willing to work could own multiple properties (thereby proving in his own mind that there was no need for social services for those less fortunate). He held up as an example one immigrant who called in who claimed to be in the construction trades and after only a few years in the U.S., owned several houses.
Of course, I realized that Dori Monson was being a complete jerk (as usual), and that there was no way an immigrant who arrived penniless in the U.S. and knew only the construction trades could, within a handful of years, get sufficient financing to buy several houses without gaming the banks in some way. Yet Dori took the claim at face value and held this guy out as an example of what “every American is capable of accomplishing”.
Of course, only two or three years later thqat listeners who tried to do exactly what Monson was encouraging them to do ended up losing everything in the 2008 crash of the real estate and banking markets.
So do you hear an apology from Monson???? Nope. He’s off on a tear about how it’s all the fault of people who shouldn’t have been buying houses they couldn’t afford in the first place, using “liar’s loans”, and blaming Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton for not keeping them from causing the problems which occured well into George W. Bush’s watch.
Republicans can be such jerks.
By the way Goldie, you should know that in the radio business there are two types of radio stations: the ones from which you have already been fired, and the ones from which you haven’t yet.
Dori is vile? The second bravest man in America is a conservative with a microphone in Seattle.
The bravest man in America is a black conservative at HA or on the Supreme Court.
Dori is a Republican jerk? That will be news to him, so you better give him the news. In his previous life as a moderate who bashed Medved and who bashed Lott and Lott’s wife for old Strom’s birthday party, and in his current vile life, Dori was not and is not a Republican. He says it often.
When Dori’s good, he’s very very good. Too much of his programming, though, is about kinky sex, about animals, and about kinky sex with animals.
Fresno correction: The bravest person in America is a policeperson anywhere.
@14 I love how Moderate is the new “Flaming Left Loon Communist.” NPR wouldn’t allow a real Communist anywhere near a microphone, but milquetoast DLC Democrat sellouts and sureptitious Republicans (re: Mara Liasson) are always welcome.
The right has managed to define “far left” to where it’s actually right of center at this point. That’s why their base won’t even accept their own goddamn ideas on health care reform any more.
You miss nothing by missing Ross.
After 9/11 he was obsessed with giving free publicity to Jeff Sediqui (sp?) of CAIR, and with the alleged inconveniencing of a shopkeeper on the South End who shared a shop with someone laundering money for a terrorist charity.
Then Ross MovedOn to the demand that we as listeners and as a nation grovel to al Jazeera. We must beg forgiveness, said Jihad Dave.
(Al Jazeera … maybe they can give goldy gainful employment. Either Al Jazeera or Al Gore or Al Franken, weird Al’s every one.)
Check out Doc ‘Bama over on the left side (what else?) of the HA mainpage.
How’s that hope’n’change Obamacare working out for you, BNW? Enjoy your Obama procto exam?
Is BeerNotWar sort of like Draft Beer Not Students from the glory days of the Lunatic Left?
Yeah, it’s getting crazy.
It seems to me that radio is about 23 1/2 months behind the newsmedia in the search for obsolescence.
As I type this I am listening to a webcast of guitar music .. wonderful!
The only argument for radio seem to me to be the real time aspect .. call in radio, sports, news reporting.
The trouble I have with Goldy’s efforts is that he keeps trying to pain himself as some sort of charming extremist rather than Dave Ross with a less mellifluous voice.
In real life Goldy and Dave are pretty much the same .. rational and witty in a radio waste land where hosts seem either to be nutty or boring.
Huh!!! Seattle’s been drenched in batshit insane right wing talk radio for years. Since shortly before Clinton.
And during all that time, who was on the other side? Dave Ross? KUOW? There was one guy who tried to scream back. Used to spar with Carlson. Can’t remember his name now. He died a while back.
Mike Webb was pretty much closeted until 1997/98 IIRC..
Not much else…
What say you HNMT???
To repeat: Years ago Newton Minow said that television is a vast wasteland. Talk radio is a half-vast wasteland.
I say bring back Erin Hart. Give Frank Shiers a hart attackackackack.
The radio down here in Olympia is great (no snark). We have one of the most genuinely left-wing PBS radio stations in the country (KAOS), along a semi-legitimate pirate radio station (Free Radio Olympia) because the KAOSites are a bunch of lack-witted corporate sell-outs. There’s also KBRD, which plays wonderfully obscure oldies, and KPLU with jazz, without too much in the way of commercials. And of course there are the usual talkers on the right if that’s your bag. One place where it bizarrely falls down is Husky football. I miss Bob Rondo.
And ditto BeerNotWar’s comment about “Communists”; I would wager that 95% of the people who toss around that label have never even heard or read anything by an actual Commie.
Remember this, little twisted sister. Listen only to Mormon radio, and change your holy underwear at least twice a day.
Van Jones is a Commie. Glenn Beck says so. So there.
The only time I listen to the radio is when I’m in the car. And, I’m spending less and less time in the car.
I don’t get it HNMT. What have you got against Mormons? Woudn’t you vote for Romney? He’s the darling of El Rushbo and the Coulterbeast.
I’m sure Mittens is quite the johnny on the spot with the most magical words to right wingers: “cut taxes”..
But alas may not be quite as nimble with the most thrilling words to you HNMT: “All traitors to the left of General Pinochet – kill them all!”
What Goldy is basically saying with the whole sympathy/empathy thing is that he understands what Arquette is going through, but he doesn’t necessarily feel bad that he’s going through it.
@7 “I assume you’re actually an adult”
Don’t assume anything where trolls are concerned.
@10 “fiscal and social responsibility”
The fiscal and social responsibility of our government is that of our people. Remember, we are a democracy, and the congressmen and senators are the politicians that our people elected to represent them.
In recent years, the fiscal and social behavior of our citizens has mirrored that of our government. How many families were actually financially prudent in their saving and spending over the last 25 years? How many Americans actually have a social conscience, and empathy for their fellow citizens? Conservatism has thrived in this country because it reflects the selfishness of the prevalent American mentality.
The ugly truth is that America is not a very nice country, and Americans are not very nice people. Our culture is money-driven like no other on earth. The constructive rugged individualism of our forebears has morphed into a destructive indifference toward our contemporaries. We now use our freedoms to practice a vicious politics of personal destruction.
The Founding Fathers — you know, those slave-owning and Negro-raping bastards — would be appalled if they could see us. This country is nothing like it once was, when the pioneers who settled the untamed wilderness gunned each other down in bawdy saloons as if violent death was nothing. Our country … oh, never mind; Americans have always been assholes, and the more things change, the more they stay the same.
@16 “Republicans can be such jerks.”
Well, yeah, jerkiness their hallmark.
@18 “The bravest man in America is a black conservative at HA or on the Supreme Court.”
There are no brave black conservatives at HA, only some idiot who’s too stupid to realize he’s an incoherent jabbering fool.
@22 Yeah, Obama’s concept that ordinary hardworking Americans shouldn’t be bankrupted by medical bills is a “commie” idea, alright.
Here’s the Republicans’ idea: I’ve got mine, so pull up the ladder, and fuck you.
It’s emblematic of Republicans’ mindset that they harp on malpractice lawsuits, which account for 1/200th of health spending, and refuse to regulate insurance companies, which scoop a third of our health dollars off the top without adding any value to the health system.
Let’s stay on-topic, please.
If GOPers are serious about so-called “tort reform” then I have a suggestion.
A century ago we replaced a contentious, litigious, and unpredictable system for taking care of injured workers with a government-run system of no-fault insurance. If you get injured on the job, your medical bills are paid, and a portion of your income is replaced while you’re unable to work. It isn’t perfect, but it’s vastly better for both employers and workers than what existed before; and there’s no reason why a similar system couldn’t work for injured patients, too.
So, how about it, righties? Are you willing to replace malpractice lawsuits with a system modeled after L & I? I’ll support that.
But don’t expect it to make everything copacetic in health care. It’ll have negligible impact on costs, so we’ll still have to address that. It won’t affect abusive insurance company practices, so we’ll have to do something about that, too. It won’t cover the uninsured, improve quality of care, or rein in runaway premium increases, so we’ll continue to need separate legislation to address those issues.
However, if you want to get rid of lawsuits against doctors and hospitals, I’ve suggested a way. How about it?
@41 Kiss this.
@32 “The only time I listen to the radio is when I’m in the car. And, I’m spending less and less time in the car.”
That’s an interesting thought … with U3 unemployment at 16% a LOT fewer people are commuting which means a LOT fewer people are listening to the likes of Rush and Glenn … I mean, how many people even own a radio that isn’t part of a car?
@33 “Woudn’t you vote for Romney? He’s the darling of El Rushbo and the Coulterbeast.”
He is? My, how quickly things change.
@34 Who appointed you to be Goldy’s spokesman, child?*
* See #35.
“Fuck you, Troll” is always an on topic statement.
Wasn’t Romney the guy that warned the country about liberal-neo-monarchists? We need that guy, now more than ever.
Rabbit @ 36: “The constructive rugged individualism of our forebears has morphed into a destructive indifference toward our contemporaries.”
Great post, for a bunny. Contemporary conservatives have forgotten (okay, more accurately, they never learned) about the social contract. “All for one, and one for all”? Not these people. It’s “fuck you and I’ll go fuck myself.” Yet, they talk about patriotism . . .
So the next time I exercise some fiscal and personal responsibility by riding my bike to the store instead of driving my car, the guys with the big trucks with the NoBama bumperstickers, they’re going to really cool and helpful. ‘Cause that’s what they’re all about, right?
I love the looks on those guys faces when I flip them the bird right back and can keep up with them in traffic.
Well well, the conservative British newsmagazine The Economist reports that Rupert Murdoch’s British media routinely wiretap prominent people, including royals — and lie to parliament about it.
A rightwing media mogul running his own “plumber’s unit” — who wudda thunk?
Private fascism, anyone?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wonder if he’s doing it in the States, too?
@49 Rugged American individualism was never about “fuck you, I’ve got mine.” If they want to know what it really means, they should observe the Amish.
What would Rush Limbaugh, or Cynny for that matter, say about the Amish?
@ 53
Rush would be like the redneck with the yellow baseball cap in this scene:
I have much admiration for the Amish. These are people who truly try to find God through the portal of the human heart. Or do they try to find the true human heart through the portal of God? It might take a lifetime with them to figure that out.
So Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny… Why do you incessantly brag about stepping out on “Mrs Rabbit”?
Add this to the long list of Dumb Bunny statements over the years.
And this from a human who claims he’s a rabbit, engaging in bestiality, stepping out on his “wife”.
@57, 58. Puddybud, do you EVER post anything of value? All you do spew insults. Try facts and logic, it will get you farther. As it is, your posts make you seem pretty stupid.
The ugly truth is that America is not a very nice country, and Americans are not very nice people. Our culture is money-driven like no other on earth. The constructive rugged individualism of our forebears has morphed into a destructive indifference toward our contemporaries. We now use our freedoms to practice a vicious politics of personal destruction.
There seems to be some truth to this.
However, I’d love to discuss if we were always like this, or did we change? And if we changed, what caused the change?
What went wrong in our cultural mentality, that caused us to lose our minds and our compassion?
when reactions and feelings are the bulk of “news”
gut dominates mind and heart
Go back and look at other threads. Oh Pudy’s inner city posts blow right over your head don’t they BlewJohn?
You think Puddy gonna take a worthless Dumb Bunny attack and not respond? Of course he gets a pass no matter how stupid his comments are. Puddy understands why you never attack the arschloch. Why do progressives hate blacks who leave the reservation?
You see BlewJohn you don’t have much of a grasp on American history… Progressives are NOT NICE PEOPLE.
When did this country change… Every point below has PuddyLinks previously posted to HA. Ask ylb arschloch for the HA links. He has the whole Goldy HA blog backed up on his personal system.
1) Salvation Army study… San Francisco wealthy location vs South Dakota poor location. South Dakota gave 30% more in donations vs. San Francisco even though San Francisco had a 17% more affluent population base. Libtardos want to use other people’s money. Conservatives give from the heart.
2) Libtardo MSM. They have a slobbering love affair with anything Dummocraptic. When a conservative does wrong the second or third word in the sentence is conservative or Republican. When a Dummocrapt does wrong you have to read the whole article and then you wonder what party he’s from.
3) Progressives of the 1930s. – They loved Hitler’s theories until he started killing the Jews. Go back and read the statements of Oliver Wendell Holmes and others.
4) Progressives believe in class warfare. It’s always one class against the other in their commentary. Ever read Keith Olbermann? He’s posted front and center on this blog every week.
5) Progressives took over the school systems in the 1960s. We now have an education system near the bottom of industrialized nations.
6) Progressive indoctrination. Socialism good, capitalism bad. You see all these libtardo kids wearing Che Guevara & Mao T-shirts. These men were brutal thugs and killers.
7) Progressives be ignoring the inner city because they knew that vote was theirs. Read all the Puddy commentary. Ask ylb arschloch for the links. THERE ARE MANY BlewJohn.
Need more BlewJohn?
Honestly, if you use words like “Dummocraptic” and “libtardo” and “BlewJohn” I’m not going to read your post. Any post that mixes in insults is probably covering up that they don’t have facts or logic. You consistently come across as a foul mouthed bully and fool. (or like the ugly drunk guy spewing crap at the end of the bar at 2 am cause he didn’t get laid.)
RR @ 42: What drives the price of malpractice verdicts? The rightwingers would have you believe it’s outrageous attorney’s fees, punitive damages, and unwarranted compensantion for “pain and suffering”. It’s a nice talking point for them, but it’s utterly false.
Malpractice lawsuits are among the most difficult to win of any lawsuit in the civil courts. It requires finding other doctors with impeccible credentials to agree to get on a stand and swear under oath that one of their colleagues screwed up badly, and should pay for it. The public has no idea how extraordinarily difficult it is to make that happen. On the other hand, there are usually plenty of doctors willing to support their colleague, come hell or high water, under the belief that all doctors should stick together. Most attorneys are all to familiar with being told, over and over again, “Don’t quote me on this, but this guy screwed up badly. It’s not the first time. But if you want someone as an expert witness, look elsewhere, I’m not going to risk being ostracized within the medical community by being the wistle-blower here. We prefer to deal with these things behind closed doors.” Attorneys call it the “conspiracy of silence”.
Because of those difficulties in proving a case, no attorney in their right mind would take a medical malpractice case unless the stakes were very high. Often death is not the outcome which results in potentially high damage awards. It’s the people with severe and permanant injuries requiring a lifetime of medical and personal care which results in the high damages which justify the effort to take on a medical malpractice case.
Let me say that another way. It’s the high cost of medical care for people injured by malpractice which results in large medical malpractice settlements. Even if the person’s injuries are covered by insurance, the victim’s insurance company will make sure they get repaid from the doctor’s malpractice liability insurance in any medical malpractice lawsuit (it’s called the right of subrogation).
So what happens if you have a true system of no-fault national health insurance, without any right of subrogation? The amounts at stake in medical malpractice lawsuits goes down dramatically. We have greater efficiency in medical insurance and court systems, because so much effort isn’t wasted trying to transfer the same money back and forth among the different insurers.
You insult Puddy above and now you are “taken aback” by the same tone?
What a progressive dunce!
Goldy sez: “I was honored to be a part of the station’s broader news coverage”
Yeah, I know what you mean. I was honored to be their janitor. That was back when I was working my way through school. All kidding aside, it was kind of a fun and interesting job. Janitors get to go everywhere and see everything. It was back in KIRO’s glory days of Lloyd E. Cooney, Sandy Hill, Cliff Kirk, JP, Gertrude and Ron Forsell. I got a kick out of entering the radio broadcast rooms when the on-air light was on and banging the wastebasket around while the radio jock freaked out, reduced to mouthing his cusswords at me. I never got in trouble for doing that. Maybe Lloyd got a kick out of it too.
A teacher was shot and killed in Tacoma this morning.
So rhp6033,
You supported the methods and actions of John Edwards?
As soon as the Democrats get dumped in 2010 and 2012…there will be plenty of opportunities in the radio business for you. The minority party will always have more opportunities as American’s pretty much hate whoever is in charge.
Just look at your guy Obam-Mao.
It just keeps getting worse & worse for the already Brain-dead Progressive Movement.
Friday, February 26, 2010
This includes 1/3 polled after the Summit.
We should see some bounce by Sunday…shouldn’t we???
If Obam-Mao cannot get it to negative single-digits after his so-called listening summit…where he personally blabbed more than all the Republicans COMBINED…he’s screwed.
Watch for Sunday’s numbers.
You can count on me posting them.
So Goldy…
Here’s your Radio Career problem. The vast majority of folks are sick of hearing Obam-Mao 24/7. The last thing they want is to listen to some Atheist Progressive a$$hole tryin’ to defend him.
I’m just sayin’.
8. Michael spews:
Then how come you quote Olberman and MadKow??
18. Monson Family Values spews:
That is 100% the truth!!
Praise God for real thinkers like Puddy and Clarence Thomas!!
Sj spews:
Actually they are quite different.
Goldy is a vulgar Atheist. Dave is not.
Goldy’s vulgar rants have really pigeonholed him in the media world.
No one would hire him as they would have to defend all the vulgarity.
Free Speech is wonderful.
When you push it for no apparent reason, the consequences are a bitch!
I do? Olberman, I do hear clips of every now and again on the web. Something might slip in. Madkow? I don’t even know who you’re talking about.
LOL… I haven’t listened to commercial radio, of any kind, in over 20 years (right now I’m really digging Pandora) and I haven’t had a television in a decade.
Michael @ 75–
I rarely listen to talk radio…and usually after I do, I regret it.
Television is like a drug…
We live in a beautiful place where outdoor activities are vast. Seems like the best use of time.
Just more evidence of the Tea Party progress.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
This Democrat Congresswoman was absolutely untouchable until the past few months.
Hey Goldy–
Here’s a good joke for your next Radio show (if it ever happens). This ought to get you somewhere with the humorless jacka$$es who would have the time & inclination to actually listen to you.
Our dog sleeps about 20 hours a day. He has his food prepared for him. He can eat whenever he wants, 24/7/365. His meals are provided at no cost to him. He visits the Dr. once a year for his checkup, and again during the year if any medical needs arise. For this, He pays nothing, and nothing is required of him. He lives in a nice neighborhood in a house that is much larger than He needs, but He is not required to do any upkeep. If He makes a mess, someone else cleans it up. He has his choice of luxurious places to sleep. He receives these accommodations absolutely free. He is living like a king, and has absolutely no expenses whatsoever. All of his costs are picked up by others who go out and earn a living every day. I was just thinking about all this, and suddenly it hit me like a brick in the head, Holy S#!t, my dog is a HorsesAss Progressive!
You insult Puddy above and now you are “taken aback” by the same tone?
I responded in kind.
I think that if you cannot craft a paragraph without resorting to name calling, it’s an indicator of bad judgment and not thinking like an adult. All of us indulge in posts like that once in while, but puddy almost never stops.
A perfect example that conservatives have no sense of humor and why they do not have an equivalent to John Stewart.
It wasn’t even clever.
# 78: Actually that sounds a lot like John McCain. Except he has too many houses to remember how many he owns, and every once and a while he gets up to bark at someone.
Come to think of it, by adding the occassional barking to the equation, it sounds like quite a few Republicans I know.
But even at his advanced age he probably remembers how many states are in the union. His 2008 opponent, who sneers now that the campaign is over, probably wants the campaign to be over so nobody reminds him that there are not 57 states with two to go.
Nothing against Mormons, YLB. That’s why I endorse Mormon radio. And Mexican Radio.
Our Steve told us almost two years ago that he’s Jack Mormon. I’ll drink to that, although voting for Romney … ? Not so much. Not because Mitt’s Mormon, but because he’s too Massachusetts.
BlueJohn, You are too funny
First, tell your leftist friends to practice these “points”.
Apparently you don’t read much from your leftist friends.
Me thinks someone is jealous of John McCain…
Personally John Effin Kerry comes to mind @78. Remember his going green brouhaha over his Suburban, Scaramouche and Gulfstream II private jet. If you need to look up a Scaramouche (~$700K base price) then you have a faulty memory! Yet he could afford all this on a senator’s salary!
It took a while and two tries, but he finally learned the art of marrying up.
@84 “Our Steve told us almost two years ago that he’s Jack Mormon. I’ll drink to that”
I drink to that myself. Jack Mormon. That’s something I learned about my heritage, such as it is, that summer I spent in Beaver, Utah long ago.
Drinking JD in Beaver. That’s as good as life gets.
my cousin is a militia member down south. he doesnt tell me everything, but one thing he’s told me in the past is, kind of like burlington vermont that voted to have an arrest warrant for george bush and dick cheney, in the event of our nations collapse, the militias have arrest warrants for lots of liberals who they feel were part of our country’s destruction. i wouldnt want to be a pony tailed liberal if that happens.
February marked THREE YEARS since Bonneville has taken over KIRO.
Can someone name ONE THING positive that has occurred on their watch?