A master of the Senate rules, Byrd learned to use his skills for good rather than evil. Elected to oppose segregation, he soon turned away from hatred, and worked hard to make sure everyone in West Virginia had a fair shake, regardless of race.
Congratulations (NOT) for being the first assholic troll in this memorial posting. I’m sure there will be other vermin to follow in your despicable wake.
With the passing of Byrd we’ve finally witnessed the end of an era in American politics. The end of the time when a conservative losing an argument could trot out Chappaquiddick or the KKK.
Senator Byrd was a true statesman and possibly the last of his kind.
With the passing of Byrd we’ve finally witnessed the end of an era in American politics. The end of the time when a conservative losing an argument could trot out Chappaquiddick or the KKK.
Senator Byrd was a true statesman and possibly the last of his kind.
Fortunately, Byrd’s seat will be filled with an appointment from the W. Virginia governor, who is a Democrat. The appointee will serve until 2013, when Byrd’s term would normally expire. So Byrd’s seat will be in play in 2012.
The maneuvering in W. Virginia will be interesting to watch. The W. Virginia governor had previously already expressed an interest in the seat, in anticipation that Byrd might retire rather than running for re-election in 2012. So will he appoint someone who will have the advantage of incumbency in running for re-election in 2012, or will he appoint a place-holder who promises to NOT run for re-election in 2012, leaving room for the governor to run instead?
Whenever some right-wing poo-flinger brings up Byrd’s onetime membership in the White-Sheet Marching and Chowder Society, I’m more than happy to point out that people like him and George Wallace are actually shining examples of repentent sinners who made better of themselves, as opposed to the current crop of southern Republicans and the likes of Sarah Palin and Jan Brewer who shamelessly stir up their supporters’ once-latent bigotry.
proud leftistspews:
He was a giant. He did great things. The tiresome wingnut mantra that he once was in the KKK, so supposedly could never repent and produce positive change, reflects a very negative view of human nature. If human beings should always be judged based on the sins of their youth rather than on the good deeds of their adulthood, then we’re all rather hopeless creatures. Farewell, Senator Byrd.
The Kleagle gets another thing named after him…a grave stone. The democrat party is and alway has been the party of slavery.
#9. Closed mind. Unable to accept new things. Dinosaur.
proud leftistspews:
Minds like yours belong in the Republican Party. You must feel quite at home there amid the troglodytes.
Another TJspews:
The tiresome wingnut mantra that he once was in the KKK, so supposedly could never repent and produce positive change…
They hate him because he repented.
proud leftistspews:
I hadn’t thought of that angle–they hate him because he became enlightened and left their racist ranks.
Byrd never changed his heart.
Just because he claims to have doesn’t mean it was so. As a Democrat, he continued to bind Black Americans in slavery. Welfare slavery.
Taught them to know their place and vote for him and he would make sure they got a check.
He will be buried in his sheet.
proud leftistspews:
14: “Taught them to know their place and vote for him and he would make sure they got a check.”
You don’t even recognize all the inherent racism dripping from that quote. You are a racist, close-minded pig, who lives in a hellish squalor that is all of your own making.
Not sure how much Byrd was involved in this, but I noted from the map that most of the distressed counties weren’t in West VA.
From parks in New York to creameries in Ohio, all the way down to rock slides in North Carolina and repair projects in Alabama, the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) is a federal agency engaged in an eclectic array of projects throughout the 13-state region it serves – and the agency’s newly appointed co-chair, Eric Gohl, will be overseeing them all.
One in three Appalachians lived in poverty at the time of the ARC’s founding, and the per capita income for the region was 23 percent lower than the nation as a whole. Of the 420 counties in the region, 223 were classified as economically distressed; today, that number is 82.
To all those playing the KKK card check out the following about Elena Kagen’s loudest critic.
We disliked Byrd because of his reckless and selfish spending. He was a crook of the highest order.
We trot out his grand dragon of the KKK role only to show the hypocrisy of the Dems. I agrees its a tired arguement; none of his recent voting is anti minority.
I hope all his fans realize all the money he jammed into West Virginia came as a gift from ourselves and our children.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 See #1, jackass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2,3 — Of course, any real Christian knows that Christ loves a repentent sinner 10 times as much as a moral person. But this aspect of the Christian value/belief system, like all its other aspects, flew over the heads of pseudo-Christianist pretenders.
I fixed your post for you.
We disliked Bush because of his reckless and selfish spending. He was a crook of the highest order.
I’ve posted unkind things about Byrd on here in the past and I stand by those statements, but he wasn’t a crook and his segregationist views were something he live to regret.
crook; let me clarify; i doubt he padded his personal bank account…but over 50 yrs he mooched mightly off the public trough; never lacked for anything (pension, trips, whatever…every perk a senator could possibly get), and, he stole from all of us for the benefit of voters.
so i guess he was not a crook in a legal sense, but indeed was the embodiement of public quasi corruption that runs rampant in america today.
Byrd was a pork barreller of the first order to be sure and much of Byrd’s barreling was first and foremost about Byrd. But, Byrd’s spending did help his people and he was willing to stand up to power every now and again. As apposed to Bush’s and the rights use of the tools of governance, which made the powerful more powerful, made the rich richer, the poor poorer, despoiled the planet, trashed the economy and started two unwinnable wars.
Given the choice between someone like Byrd and someone like Bush I’ll go with a Byrd every time.
Bush has nothing to do w/ Byrd. You might as well compare him to John Adams, Henry Calhoon, Spiro Agnew or Booker T Washington (all as random as comparing him to bush)
Every porkbareller steals from me. They use their entrenched power to steal money from me (either directly via taxes or indirectly by deficit spending).
He did nothing great, save for live into his nineties.
proud leftistspews:
Really? You’re generally better than your performance tonight.
A master of the Senate rules, Byrd learned to use his skills for good rather than evil. Elected to oppose segregation, he soon turned away from hatred, and worked hard to make sure everyone in West Virginia had a fair shake, regardless of race.
Dear “KKK”,
Congratulations (NOT) for being the first assholic troll in this memorial posting. I’m sure there will be other vermin to follow in your despicable wake.
With the passing of Byrd we’ve finally witnessed the end of an era in American politics. The end of the time when a conservative losing an argument could trot out Chappaquiddick or the KKK.
Senator Byrd was a true statesman and possibly the last of his kind.
With the passing of Byrd we’ve finally witnessed the end of an era in American politics. The end of the time when a conservative losing an argument could trot out Chappaquiddick or the KKK.
Senator Byrd was a true statesman and possibly the last of his kind.
Fortunately, Byrd’s seat will be filled with an appointment from the W. Virginia governor, who is a Democrat. The appointee will serve until 2013, when Byrd’s term would normally expire. So Byrd’s seat will be in play in 2012.
The maneuvering in W. Virginia will be interesting to watch. The W. Virginia governor had previously already expressed an interest in the seat, in anticipation that Byrd might retire rather than running for re-election in 2012. So will he appoint someone who will have the advantage of incumbency in running for re-election in 2012, or will he appoint a place-holder who promises to NOT run for re-election in 2012, leaving room for the governor to run instead?
Whenever some right-wing poo-flinger brings up Byrd’s onetime membership in the White-Sheet Marching and Chowder Society, I’m more than happy to point out that people like him and George Wallace are actually shining examples of repentent sinners who made better of themselves, as opposed to the current crop of southern Republicans and the likes of Sarah Palin and Jan Brewer who shamelessly stir up their supporters’ once-latent bigotry.
He was a giant. He did great things. The tiresome wingnut mantra that he once was in the KKK, so supposedly could never repent and produce positive change, reflects a very negative view of human nature. If human beings should always be judged based on the sins of their youth rather than on the good deeds of their adulthood, then we’re all rather hopeless creatures. Farewell, Senator Byrd.
The Kleagle gets another thing named after him…a grave stone. The democrat party is and alway has been the party of slavery.
#9. Closed mind. Unable to accept new things. Dinosaur.
Minds like yours belong in the Republican Party. You must feel quite at home there amid the troglodytes.
The tiresome wingnut mantra that he once was in the KKK, so supposedly could never repent and produce positive change…
They hate him because he repented.
I hadn’t thought of that angle–they hate him because he became enlightened and left their racist ranks.
Byrd never changed his heart.
Just because he claims to have doesn’t mean it was so. As a Democrat, he continued to bind Black Americans in slavery. Welfare slavery.
Taught them to know their place and vote for him and he would make sure they got a check.
He will be buried in his sheet.
14: “Taught them to know their place and vote for him and he would make sure they got a check.”
You don’t even recognize all the inherent racism dripping from that quote. You are a racist, close-minded pig, who lives in a hellish squalor that is all of your own making.
Not sure how much Byrd was involved in this, but I noted from the map that most of the distressed counties weren’t in West VA.
To all those playing the KKK card check out the following about Elena Kagen’s loudest critic.
We disliked Byrd because of his reckless and selfish spending. He was a crook of the highest order.
We trot out his grand dragon of the KKK role only to show the hypocrisy of the Dems. I agrees its a tired arguement; none of his recent voting is anti minority.
I hope all his fans realize all the money he jammed into West Virginia came as a gift from ourselves and our children.
@2 See #1, jackass.
@2,3 — Of course, any real Christian knows that Christ loves a repentent sinner 10 times as much as a moral person. But this aspect of the Christian value/belief system, like all its other aspects, flew over the heads of pseudo-Christianist pretenders.
I fixed your post for you.
We disliked Bush because of his reckless and selfish spending. He was a crook of the highest order.
I’ve posted unkind things about Byrd on here in the past and I stand by those statements, but he wasn’t a crook and his segregationist views were something he live to regret.
crook; let me clarify; i doubt he padded his personal bank account…but over 50 yrs he mooched mightly off the public trough; never lacked for anything (pension, trips, whatever…every perk a senator could possibly get), and, he stole from all of us for the benefit of voters.
so i guess he was not a crook in a legal sense, but indeed was the embodiement of public quasi corruption that runs rampant in america today.
Byrd was a pork barreller of the first order to be sure and much of Byrd’s barreling was first and foremost about Byrd. But, Byrd’s spending did help his people and he was willing to stand up to power every now and again. As apposed to Bush’s and the rights use of the tools of governance, which made the powerful more powerful, made the rich richer, the poor poorer, despoiled the planet, trashed the economy and started two unwinnable wars.
Given the choice between someone like Byrd and someone like Bush I’ll go with a Byrd every time.
Bush has nothing to do w/ Byrd. You might as well compare him to John Adams, Henry Calhoon, Spiro Agnew or Booker T Washington (all as random as comparing him to bush)
Every porkbareller steals from me. They use their entrenched power to steal money from me (either directly via taxes or indirectly by deficit spending).
He did nothing great, save for live into his nineties.
Really? You’re generally better than your performance tonight.