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- NowThis: Roe v. Wade—What happened in 2022 & what to look for in 2023
Dobbs lives on in 2023.
Kentucky Governor
Virginia Assembly Senate
Wisconsin Supreme Court
But also hopefully Washington’s Snohomish County Sheriff. If you vote in that county, don’t forget that this elected sheriff is a Q-curious, election denier who huffs horse medicine. Send him to retirement.
@2 He’s losing the competition to be worse than Troyer.
KIRO has reported some sad news. I disagreed with him, but I have a hard time attacking those who just died.
Twitter sued for nonpayment of over $136,000 in rent on its San Francisco office
The platform has allegedly not paid rent on any of its global offices in weeks. The company is also being sued by Private Jet Services Group, LLC, Twitter has refused to pay for two charter flights in October, valued at $197,725.
>> More like trump every day.
Twitter in data-protection probe after ‘400 million’ user details up for sale
The data did not appear to have been copied from an earlier breach in which details were published from 5.4 million Twitter accounts
50 years ago today, King County Metro began operations. Interesting that they had only 100 days from the ballot measure passing, to get it running. Seattle Transit had its problems, but wasn’t as financially strapped as its private suburban counterpart. Seattle Transit had Atlantic, Mercer, and Jefferson bases to maintain it’s fleet. I read that Metropolitan Transportation Co had drivers taking the busses home at night and working on them.
Let’s see, I attacked everyone who ever had compassion for the less fortunate.
I attacked Gays
I attacked Trans people
I promoted a white supremacist view
I promoted White Supremacists
I spread Copaganda far and wide
I was STILL insisting Dino Rossi won
But thanks for being generous. I would not have been.
@3 you are a better man than he ever was.
@3 I was going on at length and just decided to the boil it down:
1) I will NOT miss him.
2) the world is a better place.
If he lived on, he would have just gotten worse.
It’s too bad is wasn’t all you arrogant shits that died.
@9 Dino 4-time Lossi’d.. Initiative 912 fayled. Get over it.
GOP lawmakers push to require age verification to view online porn
Step 1) Require ID to access internet porn.
Step 2) Declare all LGBT content porn, regardless of what it actually is.
Congratulations! You’ve just Don’t Say Gayed the internet!
A corporation being forced to disclose the amount of hazardous waste it dumps into a river is “government overreach,” but every private sexual thought you have is cause for legislation to correct your impurities according to the party of “small government”
This is entirely about gaining compromising information on everyone. If you oppose the American Taliban, your fetishes and proclivities will be used against you. We’re pretty sure this is how Russia grabbed Trump, and very likely how Trump wields so much influence over Republicans. Using someone’s secrets as leverage is the way of authoritarians.
But you want an assault rifle? No problem!
If McCarthy goes too far in letting the hard right push him around, a handful of centrist Republicans could stop that by voting “no.” But they won’t because they’re even more gutless than centrist Democrats.
@3 Yeah, nobody wants that, and he was only 61, that’s too young to go.
@11 “But you want an assault rifle? No problem!”
That’ll change, too, if liberals arm. They want us to be defenseless when they come for us. Doctor Dumbfuck feels put out because I have other ideas.
@7 Don’t hold your breath. There’s a big market for rightwing hate. All this does is create a job opening for another one like him.
We all live longer because we have a much healthier diet.
Somebody should have told you by now, constantly feasting on your own grief and loss is bad for you.
Have an apple instead.
Kevin has been forced to agree to modify the motion to vacate rule to win sufficient votes.
As it currently stands in order to bring such a motion to the floor half the House majority must approve to get to a floor vote in which all members from both parties may then vote.
Under the proposed revision any five Republicans could agree at any time to put the motion before the entire House.
This means that when he takes the gavel any five of the recently elected “QUALITY” candidates like George Santos, or any one of a dozen equally bizarre new Republican members can get together and paralyze him for the LULZ.
How bizarre you ask? Aside from including a handful of J6 Pipe-Bomb rioters and literally dozens of STOP THE STEAL election deniers, (which is tame stuff by these standards) they include members who claim divine consecration into office by the sweet lord baby jesus himself, a few who believe Jewish Space Solar Generators are used to start forest fires in California, a BUNCH of Holocaust deniers, and even one new member who believes that pre-teen incest-rape victims should be granted access to abortion but only after passing thorough review by panels of local realtors, Rotarians, and candle store owners.
Should be a hoot. At least for as long as the poor bastard can hold on!
P.S. Five is a working number right now. A whole bunch of MAGA opponents of Kevin are demanding it be dropped to just one.
@16 When Kevin wishes he was dead, and he will if he gives in to these people, someone should lend him a katana.
Hey Ladies! No honking the horn at your master! He’s libel to shoot and kill you. Ypu don’t want the Hetero Neanderthal Disease.
A 45-year-old woman in the trailer also was arrested for ”five unrelated outstanding warrants.”
Heteros be like we special criminals.
carefull. You might get HN Disease. Your wife, if you are married, and you will not survive it.
Overturning abortion hurt them. Everything else will too. Let them be. Let them die off. Or even better – Arm!
Red Velvet cakes for all!
A little girl from Ukraine is more powerful than Putin.
Because of that, both Putin and our dumbfuck traitor want her dead.
Sing, Amelia.