They didn’t get results and they put the blame on somebody else. It’s another day in the unproductive life on the Republican Congress where they bring bills to the floor that are going nowhere and they blame other people for their lack of success. As I say, another day in the amateur hour of the Republican Congress.
— House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi after the G.O.P. Farm Bill went down in flames, prompting infighting and finger pointing among the House Republicans.
Maybe they should be taking a wider stance on the issue.
The ONLY THING those idiot losers House RETHUGS have successfully passed is ever more restrictive bills against women and non whites.
BUTTPUTTY the IDIOT BOY should be pleased.
He is not the only IDIOT RETHUG.
All those Republican congress critters are millionaires. Every last one of ’em. So if they don’t need food stamps, nobody else needs ’em either. Besides, giving people free food undermines their incentive to work 16-hour shifts in turkey slaughterhouses for $65 a month.
Compare & Contrast 2 Washington female representatives to our federal legislature –
– Senator Patty Murray
– Congresswoman Cathy McMorris-Rogers
Hilarious.. A battle between the aggie greedheads who want more farm subsidies versus the suburbanites whose Faux Snooze/Hate talk radio constituents want the “socialists” to “keep their grubby mitts” off their food stamps!
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch!
Speaking of amateur hour.
The problems with “conservatives” (really, they’re merely solipsistic luddites) is they think they can snap their legislative fingers and make shit happen, when they have already had it explained to them in small simple short sentences, that scientific discovery doesn’t work that way, and science is not a magical process.
They are magical thinkers. They believe that all they need to do is legislate something and it’ll happen. Considering the fact that 34% of this Nations population is outright demanding a theocratic plutocracy to replace our Constitutional government, this is not surprising.
The fact that so many legislative bodies around the country including the United States Congress are a direct reflection of that simple-minded thought process, and do not even deign to pretend to consider the broader effects of the legislation they claim as being the solution to the problems they themselves have created, the fact that they believe that they can believe something hard enough and pray for it to happen and it happens!
What it is, is throwing shit against the wall until something sticks, and the mess it makes is of no concern until it gets them in trouble and in the end, they still get their lifetime pensions and free medical care.
This is why religion has no place in citizens politics, nor in a citizens government. It creates an illusion of performance, rather than actual progress. There really needs to be a screening process for people who want to become members of those legislatures. Screen for real, verifiable understanding of the basics of the scientific process, the necessity for peer review, and the foundations of our government institutions.
Perhaps there should be a peer-review process for legislation of all types before it is voted on and submitted to the executive for signing into law.
Right now, all we have are a bunch of ignorant “wishers-for-things-to-get-better” imbeciles. Fuckers who have absolutely no desire to actually learn anything, except how to chisel off more for themselves and their owners. It’s a wonder that these guys were able to graduate High School, much less from a University. I’d be willing to bet that there was a lot of cheating and scamming going on when they were students. Thats what Fraternities and Sororities are all about. They aren’t about supporting education, they’re about doing everything they can get away with to support their brothers and sisters jumping through another hoop to get the sheepskin on their wall. George W. Bush is a primary example of that. He never really even attended classes at Harvard, choosing to drink like a fish and party his ass off, but he still managed to graduate with a degree in history without actually learning anything about it. It makes one wonder who actually wrote his term papers.
That’s got to be the best quote of the day, or year. Indicates the stupdity of the bunch.