Via Rolling Stone:
Don’t mistake me, I clearly see that Ryan has a whole lotta “rage” in him: A rage against women, a rage against immigrants, a rage against workers, a rage against gays, a rage against the poor, a rage against the environment. Basically the only thing he’s not raging against is the privileged elite he’s groveling in front of for campaign contributions.
— Tom Morello, songwriter, activist, guitarist for Rage Against the Machine
(h/t Joel Connelly.)
David Burge@iowahawkblog
Angry old guy yells at young punk to get off his lawn… #RageAgainstMyThermostat
Nothing really new about this. Morello looks in the mirror and sees Barack Obama.
Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello can’t help notice the similarities between himself and Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.
Read more:
He won’t be any more successful with Ryan than he was with Walker:
“Tom Morello spent Monday at the Wisconsin protests, performing acoustic songs at a rally and delivering a fiery speech to the thousands inside of the capital rotunda who are protesting Governor Walker’s attempt to end the right of state employees to collectively bargain.”
Read more:
Although if he spends time protesting against Ryan in Madison again this Fall, he’ll probably still remember how to find his way around.
Ryan is a prick, a dick and an asshole.
Morello’s whole rant is worth a read. Republicans have a long, sordid history of both missing the point when they embrace pop or rock music (“Born in the USA” and that laughable “Top 50 conservative rock songs” a few years ago being the most famous examples) and expropriating music against the wishes of the musicians. Morello moved quickly to nip that one in the bud. Good for him.
Of course, the all-time worst political appropriation of a song was by a Democrat – sort of. In his stillborn 2004 presidential run Joe Lieberman’s theme song was the Stones’ “Start Me Up,” a song about a guy with a permanent erection. Yes, politicians often are really that clueless.
Little Pink Houses, John Cougar Mellencamp.
“Ronald Reagan wanted to use it as his election campaign song in 1984. John refused, but 20 years later, performed the song at John Edwards’ nomination party.”
You would think that John Edwards would reward such loyalty but Noooooooooooooooooooo. He told Rielle he’d get Dave Matthews to sing at their wedding.
Personally, I’d go with Mellencamp. I mean, who wants a first dance to last 32
The point being that Ryan was asked what his favorite band was, his answer being Rage Against The Machine. A band that’s spent the last 20 years attacking people like Ryan.
3. Lauramae spews:
Ms. PottyMouth!!
Shows the IQ of the far-left.
Paul Ryan is a great family man.
People from both parties really like him.
You’d have to be a real asshole to not!!
“Shows the IQ of the far-left.”
The Klown and IQ. Oh God, that’s too funny!
Yeah, I reckon Lauramae isn’t justified being put out by a wingnut like you or Ryan attempting to control her body and imposing your “family man” values on her. Your “family man”, Ryan, doesn’t even follow the values of his own damned church. This “family man” cherry-picks his own faith, discards what doesn’t suit his real values, the ones he acts out every day, and then forces this half-assed, delusional belief system on our poor hand-maiden Lauramae. Yeah, Lauramae is a “real asshole” not to be thrilled with your plan to control her body, huh, Klown?
@1, 2, 5 The disjointed ramblings of someone who seems to be starting to grasp that there’s an ass-kicking coming his party’s way in less than 90 days. If it turns out that you’re not as oblivious as a dumbfuck Klown, you’ll at least have that going for you.
“Serious questions” being raised about Romney’s 2010 tax return.
Only one complete return, Mitt? Eh, this is Chicago, we work with what we’ve got and make use of what we don’t. “Serious questions”. Heh. I like the ring of that. I wonder what they’ll hit them with tomorrow? I bet it’s another good one.
We already know what it’s like to watch a wingnut Klown’s head explode in November. It’s really, really something. And like a comet, a Klown keeps coming back through the years to deliver show after show.
@7 “You’d have to be a real asshole to not!!’
Children, that is what we call a split infinitive. Shakespear did not write,
“To be, or TO NOT be.”
LOL…. I haven’t read the HA comments in awhile, but I see that Bob (@1, @2, etc) is still trying to propagandize… and still failing. LOL.
@ 6
The point was not lost on me. Really. You think Ryan was unaware of Morello’s activism? I don’t. He likes their music anyway.
Sometimes music is just music.
I don’t like The Boss’ politics. Chris Christie likely doesn’t, either. And yet Christie might be Springsteen’s biggest fan who happens also to be a politician.
It’s music. It doesn’t have to be a political statement. And even if it is, it goes away if you concentrate on the notes and rhythm instead of the words.
@ 9
Wondering about the timing of the closure vs. Ryan’s comments as well.
Think Selma and the naming of Barack by his parents.
Think Sir Edmund and the naming of Hillary by her parents.
Sometimes people don’t get the dates right. For whatever reason.