“Mitch McConnell is the one who has had his foot on the neck of this country’s economy….And the polls are now showing that Americans understand that Republicans are willing to sacrifice the health of our economy to have political advantage.”
Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA-07) to MSNBC’s Chris Jansing.
Other wierd news of the day:
A Tea Party freshman Congressman was caught on video ranting to constituents that he didn’t want to hear any more complaints that corporate interests were causing the economic problems. (lost the link, trying to find it again).
Bachman wants to have Calvin Coolidge carved on Mt. Rushmore, he’s her ideal of the perfect president. You know the guy who allowed corporate self-interest to run the economy up until a few months before it tanked, albeit leaving Hoover to take the blame? (Gee, sounds familiar, doesn’t it?)
Bachman wants to put Calvin Coolidge on Mt. Rushmore
An industry trade group pushed for a fifteen cent fee on each Christmas tree sold, which would be used to promote the sale of natural Christmas trees in worldwide markets. But the right-wing trumpeting it as Obama’s Christmas Tax. It has since been abandoned, but don’t expect the right wing nuts to drop the subject as long as it appeals to their base, no matter how inaccurately it is portrayed.
@1 That’s Joe Walsh, the teaparty wacko from Illinois who owes $110,000 of child support arrears.