From the floor of the U.S. Senate:
I look back in history, in some of the worst governments that we had, you know the first thing they did, go after unions, Hitler didn’t want unions, Stalin didn’t want unions, Mubarak didn’t want unions, these autocrats don’t want independent unions.
— Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
Update: You knew this was coming….
Reagan didn’t want ’em either.
“Reagan was told that he didn’t want ’em either.” Fixed it for you.
You have to understand the issues to have a position on them. Reagan didn’t.
Like Hitler, Stalin and Mubarak, Republicans have no interest in governing, they want to rule.
It was a union that brought down the communist government in Poland.
There’s a general rule that whenever someone invokes Hitler in an argument they’re on the losing side…
However, I think this may be the exception that proves the rule.
Poor Saint Raygun – he was all for the collective bargaining rights of the Solidarity Union..
@5: When they do so glibly, maybe. When it’s an honest comparison of actions, not so much.
Raygun: “cut and ran” from Lebanon.
Traded arms for hostages with Iran (on the books with the State Department as a state sponsor of terrorism)..
Started the right wing master plan to run the country into the ground.
Basically history will judge him as a disaster for this country.
Raygun: Head of Screen Actors Guild (union) –
This bears repeating. Reagan was a fascist, as were Nixon and Ford. Every President we’ve had since, has been a fascist. The current President, is a lily-livered cheesedick who had no political juice going in, and is only now building up a political support system. He may or may not be a fascist, but he certainly is doing everything he can to avoid upsetting them too much.
I may vote for the man again, but it’ll leave a bad taste in my mouth. There is nobody who would truly represent my ideals, so I swallow my pride.
All this certainly describes the GOP and the Tea Pottiers perfectly.
Right-wing use of Hitler and Stalin comparisons = unacceptable.
Left-wing use of Hitler and Stalin comparisons = acceptable.
I don’t think Gerald Ford was a fascist: he was just a guy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Also, he pardoned Tricky Dick, and that was not a good idea. Nixon should have done some jail time for his shenanigans.
Yes, if Nixon had been put in jail for his crimes, the Republicans wouldn’t have the “The president is above the law, if he is a Republican” mindset that they do now.
@11: Imagine the GOP shitstorm if Clinton had been impeached, found guilty, and then pardoned by President Gore.
I’ll bet the GOP would have invoked their 2nd Amendment rights and watered a few of liberty’s trees.
But when the GOP does it….well, that’s just politics…”get over it” they tell us.
Why do conservatives hate America?
They hate us for our freedom.
PS Thx Xar @2…I knew that…LOL
“Freance and Peance”