I generally don’t like to outright insult media outlets, because I might need their coverage some day, but I just have to say that I’m watching Q13 Fox News right now… and man does it suck.
Not only does it suck… it blows. It sucks and it blows… both at the same time. And that’s some trick. (Go ahead… try it.)
I mean, there’s all these important stories they could be covering, like how I-912 would endanger motorists by defunding hundreds of transportation improvement projects statewide, or the cynical battle between doctors insurance companies and trial lawyers over I-330 and I-336, or gee… I dunno… maybe an in depth piece on the tragic earthquake in Pakistan. But instead, I just spent four minutes watching a segment about how police are looking for some guy who likes women’s feet.
It’s not like he cuts off their feet and takes them home in a bloody sack; I suppose that would be news. He just asks politely, and women take off their shoes for him. Sometimes, they let him fondle their feet. And I know this (as well as the fact that a python ate a cat, and the low-carb craze is apparently over), because for some inexplicable reason, I just wasted the last four minutes of my life watching Q13 Fox News.
And man did it suck.
Just the stuff we need to make informed choices as engaged citizens.
Speaking of I-330 and I-336, when are we going to get a
sandlitterbox in which to discuss those topics? Goldy, are you afraid that Dems and Reps might end up agreeing that both sides of the initiatives are lying, cheating bastards who truly care NOTHING for patients??They had the same story on King5, but it was only 60 seconds max. So I guess Q13’s obsession with it is just the usual winger obsession with anything beyond June Cleaver.
Mark @ 2, wouldn’t that be a nice thing, since you are correct there.
Goldy –
Change the channel next time. I did.
I know I speak for many of your readers when I say that we deeply appreciate the personal sacrifice you made in doing the research for this post.
Goldy should get more friends and allies to listen to talk radio and watch cable news. Until that happens Fox News and righty radio will not change as you would like.
You should watch the local news over here in Tri-Cities. Uhhg.. Of course, there isn’t always a lot of news so there is generally alot of fluff and filler.
Geez, I330 and 336. Lots to be said there.
You mean it was worse than watching Ken Schraam?
Worse than Joel Connelly on KCET?
Goldy, speaking of vigils (why not)….
Seattle Times (dog is now housetrained and my subscription isn’t over yet), had story on engineers saying they could fix the Viaduct for $200mm
When you going to end your vigil?
You mean of course Ken S-H-A-M
And Joel C-O-R-N-H-O-L-E-Y!!!
At least spell their names RIGHT even if they are always LEFT.
So Goldy watches a station for a few minutes and passes judgment.
It took me several whole days to pass final judgment on TASS…..errrrr, I mean the Seattle P-I!!!
I love FOX!! And Rush!! ABC,CBS,NBC,PBS, NY Slimes. LA Slimes. Washington Post, and the San Francisco Cronicle [aka MSM] are liberal suck ups for the DNC. NOONE with any intelligence believes the MSM. Go FOX! Go Tony! Go Brent! Go O’Reily!!
FOX brings on Maxine and Democrat black leaders and exposes them for the fools and “progressive” [communists] that they are. My favorites are Charley “Racist” Rangel [D-Harlem, Zimbabwe], and the leaders of the Black Panthers. BTW, Hillary/Maxine 08!!!
righton — you can cancel your subscription any time, no need to wait.
Yup, that’s why I prefer to spend my leisure time reading about Mr. Cynical’s fascination with homosexuals. Now that’s entertainment!
They had the same story on channel 7, and they spent about the same amount of time on it. Must have been a slow news day.
NEWS? Local news hasn’t done a news story in years!
Funny how FOX’s ratings are growing, while the Democrat’s MSM are in a tailspin. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm??
The only people I know who can suck and blow at the same time are Scottish Bagpipers…
Off topic, but KCJ has excerpts from the Rossi Book.
Sounds like the king of sore losers:
“Had Ms. Gregoire won in a straightforward manner, we would have taken our lumps and gone home. But we couldn’t help thinking her victory was manufactured.”
URL: http://www.kingcountyjournal.c.....tml/219645
Q13 should do four minutes on the strange games that the Supreme Court plays (according to this doctor)…..
Seriously, Q13 is bad, but as Thomas said, if you want news, don’t look for it with local TV.
Holdon– If the guy is nice about it, and not breaking any laws… why are the police after him?
also, why does JCH hate black people?
Comment by Thomas Trainwinder — 10/11/05 @ 8:31 am
I could not agree more – the result was manufactured due to acts of fraud and a general lack of accountability in King County elections department.
If you want better – click on my handle, get a petititon and support the drive for an elected King County Auditor!
Local news is lame on every channel. At least a harmless foot fetish guy is more interesting than the latest gruesome auto accident.
O’Reilly, on the national Fox, is fun to watch ’cause you can see that he’s cynically workin’ it. Probably loved “The Bishop Fulton Sheen” hour when he was a kid. Looks like he internalized it because he’s still delivering “The Bish’s” message
Comment by headless lucy — 10/11/05 @ 9:12 am
At least we have King5.com/upfront
Q-13 chooses not to waste time on issues such as I-912 because they realize it will pass, and that the beating of a dead-horse matter should not continue. You’re bordering on extreme patheticism there Goldy. All the whining and these stupid “vigils” will not change a thing. Next topic please….
Thomas Trainwinder-18 ‘Sounds like the king of sore losers:’
Or, calling it like the majority of voters saw it. If you believe the post-election polls, that is.
headless lucy-22 ‘O’Reilly, on the national Fox…’
With all the blather about Fox from the lefties it is good to see so many watching it. I am sure that O’Reilly would thank you for helping his ratings, as well as Fox’s.
@20, 24 More proof of the truth-challenged nature of the right.
You lost, and the judge found against you. Can you imagine the craziness if Gore or Kerry had tried the crap you righties are pulling?
Either way, get over it. Spinning stories out of spiderwebs and moonlight might be fun, but its not good for you, or for the governance of the state.
Message from PacMan to Racist Enabler Windie:
“Hello Windie. Above you asked “also, why does JCH hate black people?” As a black man, I don’t think he hates black people. But I do think he is bringing up the loony leftist black people and you translate that to hate. Maxine Watts Waters, Charlie Bull Connor Rangel, etc. I will ask him this question to gauge his “hatred of black people” as you say.
JCH: What do you think about Colin Powell, JC Watts, Gary Fredericks, Nigel Innes? Me? Please clarify you position on these blacks. Your answer will set my future discourse with you and windie, whom to this day has not condemned headless lucy’s September rant with racial epithets.
Also last week you said I sent you a message. LIAR. First, I’d need to know your email address. Second, I would have a need to write you. I don’t. Since #two is always true, why would I need to implement #1?” – Message from PacMan
Comment by windie — 10/11/05 @ 11:00 am
Check out and actually read the hyperlinked material to truly understand my perspective.
windie-27 ‘Can you imagine the craziness if Gore or Kerry had tried the crap you righties are pulling?’
Tune into AirAmerica once in a while. The 2000 Florida/Supreme Court and 2004 Ohio conspiricies are blathered almost non-stop. At least the KC elections flubs were proven and displayed.
The fact that a judge decided against Rossi or that Rossi “lost” does not mean he had fewer votes. The failing of our election law became apparent when so many illegal votes were OK to count. Not to mention the thousands of extra ballots that had no voters. The commonfolk knows what that means, yet the Gregoire-must-win-at-any-cost lefties must defend the Queen.
re 30: The “common folk”. Really…. “God must have hated the common man because He made him so damn common.” Phillip Wylie(conservative author)
@27 breaking windie:
You are so hypocritical that it’s comical. You are hardly worthy of any response at all. Get a brain.
I gotta disagree with ya, Goldy. This guy is dangerous. His foot fetish may escalate into something more sinister — like voting for Republican perverts running for Congress.
Hey puddybud:
Pacman emailed me, and says he wants you to stop pretending that you’re relaying messages from him. He’s also mad you’re using his name to protect a racist bastard.
AAR isn’t Gore, and it isn’t Kerry. Both of them were *gasp* graceful… Not like that unmitigated, pansy-assed crybaby Rossi. I’m talking about candidates and parties, not supporters. Nice deflection/dodge tho
Is that the best you’ve got? Can’t even challenge the truth of what I say, so you’re reduced to an ad hominem?
I think this is symptomatic of the state of “mainstream” journalism in general. Few outlets of any stripe are really doing much hard journalistic work, and too many of them are airing relatively unimportant content in an attempt to get ratings. Watch Nancy Grace some time (if you can stomach it), or Rita Cosby on MSNBC, etc. Runaway brides and dead sorority girls trump more important news stories all the time.
I’ve got a lot to say about the generally low level of interviewing skills I see, but that’s another matter entirely.
also, why does JCH hate black people?
Comment by windie— 10/11/05 @ 9:04 am
[WINDIE, How many New Orleans blacks did you take in? How many ended up in Cape Cod, the Hamptons, the Kennedy Compound, or Hillary’s NY home town? I think Democrats use blacks as vote slaves.]
JCH: What do you think about Colin Powell, JC Watts, Gary Fredericks, Nigel Innes? Me? Please clarify you position on these blacks. Your answer will set my future discourse with you and windie, whom to this day has not condemned headless lucy’s September rant with racial epithets. [Puddybud]…….PUDDYBUD……..Let me answer your question this way………Rice/Watts O8!!! I will work and vote for these fine Americans. [I hope the Dems run Hillary/Waters!!]
@36 breaking windie:
You are far too mentally challenged and naive to be worthy of an intelligent mental discussion. That, and you are so fucking left you cannot and will not see any other point of view. I dismiss you. Try the “short-bus”, it’s fitting of you. Goodbye.
windie-36 ‘I’m talking about candidates and parties, not supporters.’
Oh. The only problem is that you actually commented: ‘…had tried the crap you righties are pulling?’ Pardon me for reading what you actually wrote.
If we are only talking about candidates I will agree that Kerry, faced with a relatively large vote deficit, did concede quickly. Gore, however, did anything but. I suppose you do not remember selective recounts, excuses for stupid voters, dimples in ballots, and a string of court cases.
Mark1: How nice of you to concede my point. You have nothing but insults, and you pass it off as debate. I have no idea what I did to piss you off so much, as I’m hardly the most radical poster on here. Its a puzzle, I admit.
Yearight: You may not remember, but people on the left were mad at Gore for giving up so soon. As to your other drivel, you’re still not understanding the meaning of *making sure every vote is counted*. You hate it here, you hated it in Florida. You don’t want people to get their votes, if they might vote against you. Its disgusting. On the other hand, I admit I did use the term ‘you righties’. To some degree I hold to that, as I never heard the constant drumbeat on the left about this, and I never heard the sense of revenge that you guys advocate. That being said, I was clearly speaking in reference to the “Rossi book” @19.
Perhaps black Democrats should not have to register to vote or provide an ID because both would be racist. [hehe]
I think some of your readers are confusing the local Fox affiliate, Channel 13, with the Fox cable news channel. Although the Fox cable channel does beat CNN and MSNBC most of the time, their ratings are actually pretty miniscule compared to local news stations. I think they usually get less than a million voters, which is hardly significant in the nation as a whole.
‘…but people on the left were mad at Gore for giving up so soon.’
And many righties wanted Rossi to appeal the ruling. Your point is what?
‘…you’re still not understanding the meaning of *making sure every vote is counted.’
You’re still not understanding the meaning of ‘making sure every vote counted is legitimate’, regardless of who the vote is for. The left needs to reach deep to justify counting so many illegal votes. I want every legal vote to count, as opposed to every vote. There is a very big difference here in America.
‘…as I never heard the constant drumbeat on the left about this, and I never heard the sense of revenge that you guys advocate.’
The revenge advocated over the WA election is mild. You should check out AirAmerica, DailyKos, MoveOn.org, etc. to sample the truly violent revenge being plotted over the 2000/2004 US elections. Even the Wabbit at HA tends towards violence in his/her vents.
Windie, as useless as a fart: PacMan does email me baka! Keep it up and you’ll be following clueless’ karma. You ahve to be jealous that his commentary about you cuts like a sharp knife!!!What part of counting all the votes does you little mind not comprehend? Al Gore decided to subset count and was busted by the SCOTUS. He even admitted it later. I provided the link.
David T.: Wherever you get your information it is a lousy location. tv.zap2it.com/tveditorial/tve_main/1,1002,272%7C%7C%7Ccable,00.html
yearight@42 I don’t even know what to say… Except what’s it like to live in a world of paranoid fantasy?
Puddy@43 More to my point, theres no reason to believe he’s emailing you at all, and beyond that, its massively bizarre. Whats there to gain for him, or for you even? If he thinks he’s ‘boycotting’, using you as a proxy hardly counts, and…. and…
I”m sorry Puddybud, the whole thing is just too odd. If I missed something that explains it, I’d love to see it :p
PS (to flog the dead horse): Dino Rossi just emailed me~~ He said that he *is* against I-912, but is afraid of offending John Carlson. He knows that he can’t win in 2008 without the help of KVI. So that explains that!
Err, did you just call me ‘baka’? I thought I was geeky!
Channel 13 should do 4 minutes on the weird practices of the Supreme Court (according to this gentleman)
Thomas was right…if you want news, don’t look at local tv!
windie-47 ‘Except what’s it like to live in a world of paranoid fantasy?’
That was my original thought on your allegations regarding the Rossi righties.
I take it you have not checked out the sources I recommended. Do the names Randi Rhodes, Al Franken, Jeanine Garafolo sound familliar? Check out their continuing rants about 2004, and yes, 2000.
The fart known as windie: PacMan is considering answering your charge directly. He would have to go on his word and he values his word highly. He says has nothing to prove to you because you are a racist enabler.
JCH, interesting ticket. That would scramble dem democratic black sheeples. PacMan likes your biting humor.
puddy puddy puddy…
Ya don’t get it. He’s already broken his promise… Presuming you’re telling the truth~ Your excuses are pushing me back to the ‘lie’ angle tho’~
Not posting directly means jack, if he regularly reads it and posts by proxy. Of course its just like you guys to ignore the spirit of a promise… maybe I shouldn’t be surprised.
You calling me a racist is almost a badge of honor. So I thank you.
As to yearight, I dunno AAR is irritating to listen to. I don’t like the ranting. Presuming that you’re accurately presenting this, (by no means a sure thing, given bias and all), I’d criticize it in them just as much as you.
BUT I totally reject your retreat to the same ol’ stupid tactic. Once again, you’re yelling “BUT THE LEFT DOES IT TO!” This doesn’t matter in the least to what you’re doing. If I, myself am doing something wrong, it would be hypocritical to criticize you for it. I’m not responsible for AAR, or Headless Lucy, or Goldy, or anyone else. So, your whining is pathetic, and your desire to trash the state for revenge is loathesome.
There, hows that?
windie-52 ‘If I, myself am doing something wrong, it would be hypocritical to criticize you for it.’
I do not think it is wrong. And sure, you do not necessarily espouse the most radical views of the left, yet when using their arguments against the righties it is hard to distinguish.
‘…your desire to trash the state for revenge is loathesome.’
My desire is to help improve WA, and I am pretty sure that purging the illegal votes is a better path than ignoring them.
The problem with that is the fact that we don’t have ANY proof of illegal votes (except for 3 elderly republicans, and I don’t think anyone wants to prosecute them…) Certain cynical Rep. operatives made the whole ‘fraud’ thing up in order to discredit the election (not saying there weren’t problems, just not fraud). The desire to vote against vital infastructure improvements in order to send a message to Olympia… thats’ what I’m talking about.
crap, filter… Reply coming!
@42 breaking windie:
Shows your lack of intelligence right there. I conceded nothing to you in my comment.
You conceded my point by proving that all you have is insults and attacks. You claim that I’m brainless, stupid, retarded, et cetera… but you’re the one who repeatedly can offer only insults.
Never answered my (implied, I admit) question~~ I’ve never fought you, Mark… whats with the hate?
windie-54 ‘..the fact that we don’t have ANY proof of illegal votes.’
Except for the 1678.
‘The election — decided by an amazingly narrow margin of 129 votes out of 2.9 million cast — included 1,678 illegally cast ballots, Chelan County Superior Court Judge John Bridges found.’
I saw the python-eating-cat story too, on a different channel. I guess Q13 couldn’t let some other channel scoop them on the fast-breaking python story. Boy, would that be embarrassing.
Hey Windie: Did you read the Open Thread? PacMan left you a SPECIAL message. He also left another one on another thread but Goldy stopped it.
Can I just offer a somewhat on-topic non sequitur?
“Not only does it suck… it blows. It sucks and it blows… both at the same time. And that’s some trick. (Go ahead… try it.)”
Didgeridoo players do it all the time. They’ve been doing it for centuries (if not longer). It’s called circular breathing. Hell, even Kenny G (ack!) can do it. (Maybe that makes him qualified to work for Q13?)
How can anything that comes from FAUX media NOT be a steamy pile?
Some years ago at Prudhoe Bay, George, the Athabascan laborer, was in the camp library while the Brown & Root guys were discussing diverting the Yukon river south through the Rocky Mountain trench, and thus to the southwest. Various engineering principles were discussed, including pipe sizes to handle the flows. After a while, george stood up and announced that the Texans would only need a 1/2″ pipe. He was immediatly and roundly derided, but observed that if the Texans could suck as hard as they could blow, they would have all the water they ever needed.
@57 breaking windie:
You better take a look at yourself there sister. The vast majority of the time all you have is insults and attacks. I’ve been calling you a hypocrite all along, and you’ve just proven that you are. Don’t pat yourself on the back too hard there girl, you certainly don’t deserve it.
I agree. These talking “airheads” big story is usually
about a local dog having cute puppies. No meat.
JCH, interesting ticket. That would scramble dem democratic black sheeples. PacMan likes your biting humor.
Comment by Puddybud — 10/11/05 @ 8:54 pm [Best regards and my respects to you Mr. Puddybud. JCH, Pahoa, HI]
“Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace said Friday that since leaving the mainstream networks behind to join Fox he’s noticed an “astonishing” amount of biased reporting on the part of his former colleagues.
“I came from the mainstream media and I didn’t used to feel this way,” Wallace told WRKO Boston radio host Howie Carr.
In radio interviews he does to promote his Sunday broadcast, Wallace said, the questions he gets are almost always slanted against the Bush administration.
“They always ask negative questions about George Bush [like] ‘How much trouble is he in? What’s this mess in Iraq?'”
“I mean, it’s quite astonishing to me.”
Wallace said that the success of Fox News is a direct result of bias in the so-called objective press.
“Fox News wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for this kind of stuff going on in the mainstream media,” he told Carr. “That’s why people are fed up with that and want the antidote to it because they get it and they’ve gotten it for years – the so-called bias in the objective press.”