In teasing the Seattle Times about its recent spate of noncontroversial and/or opinion-free editorials, I jokingly asked:
What’s next? A bold, sharply worded editorial arguing that puppies are cute?
Well today, in a rare signed editorial, Lynne Varner comes pretty damn close, pushing the edge of civil discourse by editorializing in favor of Camp Fire Girls. I’m almost tempted to write a scathing, profanity-laced attack on the entire Camp Fire movement, just out of sheer boredom.
Jesus Christ folks, throw me a bone here, before I’m reduced to reading (shudder) Crosscut.
Now that they are the only paper paper, they don’t have to try anymore.
Crosscut still exists?
Funny Goldy..
Is your kid a Campfire Girl?
Great organization.
And don’t forget: Support America’s youth by buying Girl Scout Cookies.
Well…unless you’re a vegetarian.
Hey Darryl,
Been flying much lately? Great weather..
If you are so bored, here are two suggestions.
1. Employment
2. Volunteer
Right Stuff,
Yes…a bit. Friday Harbor on Saturday, Sekiu the weekend before, and a little mountain flying on Memorial Day.
How ’bout you?
Finally, yellow puppies are getting some of the media coverage they richly deserve!
Goldy, you could always write about the Supreme Court decision about judges, their campaign funding and what cases they will need to recuse themselves on. I would think that’s going to throw a bit of a wrench into the planned takeover of the Washington Court system by the BIAW…..
Cool pictures.
I’d rather vote for a yellow pup than a…
Nah, no such luck. I’m on a forced grounding.
Young kids and work keeping my feet on the ground. I’ll get back in a couple of years.
Not to mention those supported by the SEIU and other thugly pressure groups.
Read the dissent in that case to grasp the can of worms this opens up.
The Piper
The DJIA is up 10% since Obama took office.
Suddenly the w-nuts are no longer spewing about how the awful stock numbers are proof that Obama is failing.
I’m going to thread jack, since the pace of topics has ground to a halt.
Boy, Big Ed is on fire over health care today.
How much better would the country be, if we all had health care that was not tied to our jobs?
The DJIA went up under FDR…before it went down again. Ditto unemployment.
Henry Morgenthau, FDR’s longest tenured Secretary of the Treasury, wrote in his personal diary in, I think, 1937 that after several years of New Deal spending, all the country had to show for it was no change in unemployment, but a massive (by the standards of the time) debt.
Consider also that the DJIA might be up a lot farther if BHO wasn’t trying to hose the business community and renege on the Chrysler bondholders in order to suck up to the UAW.
The Piper
If we all had heath-care that wasn’t tied to our jobs a hell of a lot of under-employed folks could quit their crappy jobs and do something more worthwhile.
Blue John–
BAD! Once the government controls healthcare, it controls the economy. Once you take away people’s incentive to provide for themselves & their families…more freeloaders.
Does your plan include Health Care for illegals??
Look at California…a disaster.
Look at the recent European Union votes…moving strongly Conservative. WHY?? Socialism doesn’t work. Creates mediocrity.
You asked the question Blue John.
That’s what I believe.
And how about Biden’s latest gaffe!
This KLOWN is a heartbeat away dontchaknow–
From AP today–
What a M-O-R-O-N!!!
This guy has set a record for gaffes…and I fear he is just getting started.
Biden makes me hope Obama stays healthy!
Having an idiot for a VP must be like an insurance policy.
Hey Michael, got older parents? What if they were told they can’t have that operation cuz it’s a rationing system? How would you feel? Puddy bets you’d be pizzed. Well it’s coming to a country you live in dude. Puddy placed many anecdotal stories of peeps in rationed countries where if they received the care when they needed it the problem would have been corrected, now they have the disease issue for the rest of their life. But then again Michael forgot those stories.
Maybe Soylent Green will refresh Michael’s memory. Michael please tell Puddy you stopped drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution?
Hey Cynical, it’s okay, he’s their moron! Pelletizer said he likes their morons.
How insecure must the obama be to select someone like biden as the veep.
16 PS
None of that is relative to my point. Personally, I do not think that the perturbations of a weighted average of a few carefully selected stocks has much, if anything to do with approval or trepidation vis-a-vis the president.
However, we had wingnuts galore in here telling us that because stocks were down on a particular day, or since the inauguration, ist constituted PROOF that the markets were spooked by/people now hate/total failure on the part of, Barack Obama. And now their hypocritical mouths are shut tight.
22 MS
How weak was Bush to allow his VP search head to thrust himself into the role of VP?
13 PS
Yes, how awful it would be if judges who had a fiduciary interest had to recuse themselves from a case. The very foundations of justice will shake.
Excellent suggestion Marvin. Now again, what were those organizations that seek to alleviate youth (black) violence in inner cities to which you volunteer your time?
Couldn’t you come up with anything orignal so you don’t have to steal “calling out on volunteerism” from me?
So Diddled Luvr has no issues with the seemingly intertwining of clueless wonder’s “wife’s” SEIU and ACORN?
leftist tool@26: Which organizations that seek to alleviate youth (black) violence in inner cities do you volunteer your time? Do you know how to get to the inner city? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahaha
Puddy will wait while you name them…
Now again, where is the check for my time?
@14 “The DJIA is up 10% since Obama took office.”
Today’s Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll has the Presidential Approval Index at +8, up 700% over the past few days. I somehow suspect that this news pains our Mr. Klynical greatly.
Hey Puddy…
The less funny something is, the more in need of a laugh track it is.
Ha, Ha, Tee, Hee, Guffaw, titter, ROTFL, ho-ho, hoo-hoo, ha, stop it you’re killing me, ha, too much, what a riot, ha, ha, ha
Nice yellow pup, the big guy looks goofy.
Why does Goldy hate dogs with no muzzles? Why is this not a picture of a Pug or Pekingese?
Goldy hates dogs with cute, pushed in faces.
Repent, Goldy.
Elvis Pupsley
Pekingese and proud
czechsaaz your comment @31 proves to Puddy you ain’t much into helping your fellow man. That’s okay, being a libtard you get a pass.
Keep dope alive…
MLF@32: Dude, how is Houston? How’s da ticka doing?
We had a Pekingese growing up. His name was Pug. He loved to be brushed and have that space above his nose rubbed with your thumb. If a dog could purr… Unfortunately he got out of our fenced yard one day and was hit by a car. My sister cried for two weeks. She likes them big sheep dogs now.
Once you take away people’s incentive to provide for themselves & their families…more freeloaders.
So the only thing that is keeping a large number of people at their current job, is the health care they can get? If they could get that health care anywhere, they would gladly quit and be homeless? That doesn’t make sense. I know 3 acquaintances who would start their own small businesses but cannot because they need the health care they get from their current job.
Does your plan include Health Care for illegals??
Look at California…a disaster.
What does that have to do with this discussion? they don’t have universal health care. Stop trying to distract.
Look at the recent European Union votes…moving strongly Conservative. WHY?? Socialism doesn’t work. Creates mediocrity.
Facts don’t seem to support that.
I know see everything through your hated anything that hints of socialism but it seems the people were upset with corporate welfare giveaways. The parties that won big were anti-immigrant. The people still wanted “socialized medicine”, “labor rights”, “women’s rights”, just not foreigners driving down wages and taking jobs. Heck. I’d support that. Let’s jail the illegal employeers and get rid of the H1B visas. I’m all for being protectionist of American jobs.
You asked the question Blue John. That’s what I believe.
That’s why I ask. To have a discussion. I think you are quite wrong, but I’m glad you answered.
Yet the headless lucy clone wants me to provide proof I help people as he laughs off your question about his lack of help for his fellow man. Very telling.
No free passes. Call them out on their bullshit.
What has czechsaaz done to help anyone besides himself.
@3 As usual you totally missed the fucking point.
@6 Why would anyone want employment?
“GARNER, N.C. (June 9) – An explosion at a … meat products plant Tuesday injured at least 41 people, including four who suffered critical burns, and left a toxic cloud around the facility as authorities searched for three people still missing.”
Believe me, getting blown to Kingdom Come is a hassle! These people could have avoided this by not working! I don’t work. Why should I? The government taxes wages 3 times as much as it taxes capital gains, so I live off capital gains. I made $1,100 in the stock market today, and didn’t lift a finger for a penny of it! All I did was shrewdly calculate that oil prices will go back up when President Obama’s economic rescue program kicks in, and buy more oil stocks! Boy, was I ever right — $100 bbl. oil, heeeeere we come!!! I hope all you rightwing saps driving SUVs and pickups to work are looking forward to four-buck gasoline again, because I sure am!!! I’m gonna be a rich fucking bunny! You won’t catch me working in any meatpacking plant. There’s easier ways to make money than getting the fur blown off your ass by some cheap labor conservative who pays $2.13 an hour, keeps the tips, and doesn’t maintain his refrigeration system. I don’t want my butt to look like Goldy’s knob.
My parents are in their 70’s and are on Medicare… I wish I had the kind of care they have.
@33 & 36
I’m not the one who got called out (that would be you Marvie!) and refused to provide proof.
Marvie. You’ve claimed to be from L.A. Blue Palms, h’wood Blvd. Thursday June 18, 5pm. I figure I’ll be there for at least 2 hours. Bring your proof, It’s not too late to collect $100 for the youth charity of your choice. Hell, I still have the number and could probably get a hold of the CEO of “After School All Stars” and get her to join us. Then you can get $100 AND a chance to sign up as a volunteer.
Like most righties, Puddy jumps into an arguemnt without knowing any history. Should I add a totally irrelevent series of upper case HAs now to make me feel like I had a point. Oh, wait, that’s your lame M.O.
If somebody called me a worthless scum who isn’t willing to lift a finger to alleviate but will complaign about a social tradgedy in order to make political hay, I’d react in one of two ways. Laugh at the dumbass making the accusation or provide proof. Getting all defensive and refusing to provide proof smacks of guilt.
(In the same thread Marvie claims the military recruitment shooter was a left-wing nut. How’d that work out for you big guy?)
Puddy says:
First, why must Puddy use the third person when refrring to himself? that is just strange.
Second, Puddy thinks anectdotal stories compare with the actual facts about how rotten, overpriced and underwhelming our “world class” health care is.
That says it all – Puddy stupid stories trump the actual facts….facts be damned, full speed ahead for the health care denialists.
Just like your supposed “experts” on global warming who either didn’t say what you claimed or weren’t experts.
Credibility? You ain’t got it.
But Puddy doesn’t care about the poor or racial minorities or those who have lost their jobs not having any health care…he is worried that rich people may have to wait for elective procedures with “socialized” medicine.
Keep those great “anectdotes” coming – they are bunch of BS as is your argument.
I will after you pay me for my time.
I typed that slower so you could read it.
I understand that low income people have to wait in long lines at government health facilities.
But to imply that racial minorities can’t afford health care is the first step to believing that all racial minorities are poor. Which is exactly what the liberal media has conditioned you to think. Anytime a republican talks about welfare reform the liberal media trot out a black family that is going to be hurt. Since the FACTS are that there are many many more poor whites on welfare, why does the liberal media always pimp out a black family on welfare. Whatever the reason, you fell for it.
Do you have health insurance?
How would you rate your personal health care? Are you happy with your coverage?
Why does a senator deserve great health coverage but a burger flipper does not?
Why does a person working for a large corporation get health coverage, but a person working for a small mom and pop company does not?
Why does a CEO for a wall street firm deserve great health care but the janitor contractor for the wall street firm does not?
Seems they all should have some form of good health care, not just the powerful, the important or the well paid.
Are you saying only the upper class rate health care?
That is not the American dream.
And yet, I may have found a flaw in my argument.
Why does a senator deserve a big house but a burger flipper does not?
Why does a person working for a large corporation deserve a big house, but a person working for a small mom and pop company does not?
Why does a CEO for a wall street firm deserve deserve a big house but the janitor contractor for the wall street firm does not?
Seems they all should have some form of a big house, not just the powerful, the important or the well paid.
Are you saying only the upper class rate a big houses?
Is access to decent Healthcare the same or different as access to property and things?
czechASS@40: Yep Puddy remembers thread #16534. You attack Marvin while you provide no proof of “your good deeds”. That’s why Puddy came in on your latest insipid attack.
Puddy does more for poor peeps in one year than you do in 10 fool! I’ll put my charitable contributions against yours any year since 1978 fool! I’d go back to 1972 but I lost most of those records when I moved twice.
NutRight stupidly axks (Jesse Jackson pronunciation)
Puddy explained this long ago NutRight. Still got libtard memory disease?
No fool. Puddy described actual cases of people from rationed health care nations now living with chronic ailments that could have been corrected if their cases were addressed when first discovered.
Regarding the global warming issue, even more scientists are questioning Al Gorebasm. He runs when challenged on “the debate is over” comment.
But NutRight Keep Dopes Alive!
Stupido NutRight farted:
Care to offer a link fool where Puddy said that?
Blew John asked:
Puddy agrees. Why do dem senators get such great coverage?
Marv, Puddy
My parents have “government health-care”, it’s called Medicare. Under Medicare my parents don’t wait in lines, they see who they want, they’ve never been denied care that they’ve needed.
You’ll never come up with any system anywhere for anything that is error and problem free. Medicare does a pretty good job and could be expanded to cover more people.
As for Employer based health-care, my employer and plenty of others would rather not be in the business of providing health-care. We have a full-time employee just to work on insurance issues. That person could be put to much better use for the company.
The flaw is using the word “deserve.”
Everyone deserves the best.
The word you should use is “earn.”
Everyone is free to “earn” as much as they can.
Hummm. interesting take on that. In your world, it only matters on what you can earn (and keep). It’s a very Darwinian world view you have.
Only the rich and powerful and the talented “earn” the health care, the rest have to get by. (like now, only more so)
What if you cannot earn enough?
Children shouldn’t have any health care at all, since they have not earned any yet. Maybe children should be allowed to leech off their parents, but orphan kids definitely should not have health care.
Anyone who was not smart enough to earn health care shouldn’t have it.
Anyone who is not smart enough keep their wealth, like losing their money with Enron, can cheerfully be denied healthcare.
What’s the time period for if they have “earned” it? Does an elderly person, who worked for 40 years for a company, have they earned their continued healthcare? After all they are not contributing any more to the company?
Does an elderly soldier, who was in the army for 20 year, have they earned their continued healthcare? After all they are not contributing any more to safety of the country?
If a dockworker becomes a quadriplegic from an industrial accident at at 22, should they be denied further healthcare because they cannot earn any more?
Should senators, once they are no longer in office, be stripped of their healthcare, because they are not longer in the position?
I can see an interesting and cruel dynamic evolving in your world, the people without healthcare, begging for it from those who would bequeath it on them, like the kings of old. “I’ll sleep with you, if you pay for healthcare” or “You can take my son, if you pay for my cancer treatments because I want to live.”
Feel free to come up with your vivid examples of what Marvin’s health care world would be like.
Isn’t that what the country is based on? How did it work so well in the last “20 centuries” since the constitution was signed. How did America become the greatest country on the planet without free healthcare?
Do you personally have health care? Which are you, the rich or the powerful?
If you can’t earn enough you better get some job skills that are wanted/needed. Should we also give everyone a free place to live if they don’t earn enough? And what about food? Where does the free ride end?
This is a childish example.
If you say so. That’s not what I said, is it. Why do you have to put words in my mouth if you believe you are in the right. Explain your point if you can.
Cheerfully? Why do you view everyone that doesn’t agree with you as hateful? Why do you assume that people will “cheerfully” deny someone healthcare. You sure do have a piss poor view of life and your fellow humans. Say, if it was a democrat working at the job that denied health care would a democrat still be cheerful about it?
Depends on their contract with the company. If the company said it would pay for health care for life then they should keep their word.
If the agreement was free health care for life then they earned it.
Strange how you would talk about servicemen not getting healthcare when the federal government is under democrat control, but I see why you fear that.
Obviously you aren’t aware that there are many quadriplegics that are earning a living. Again, why do you always see the worse in people you don’t even know.
Fuck politicians. They should get NOTHING. Politicians (both partiess) have screwed we the people over so many times, that in a just and fair society politicians would be hung in the public square.
As said by someone that believes stupid people can’t become rich. That quadriplegic are useless to society. That kids aren’t the responsibility of their parents.
Excellent. You want others to tell you how I view health care.
Isn’t that what the country is based on? How did it work so well in the last “20 centuries” since the constitution was signed.
(chortle) I think you meant 2 centuries. America has not been around since 0 AD.
In the old days, people were lucky to live to 60. Do you want to back to that?
Do you personally have health care? Which are you, the rich or the powerful?
Yes, and my company would drop our healthcare in a heartbeat if it wasn’t for the union. How about you?
Do you earn your healthcare?
If you can’t earn enough you better get some job skills that are wanted/needed. Should we also give everyone a free place to live if they don’t earn enough? And what about food? Where does the free ride end?
Great, so not only do you advocate no health care, you advocate homeless and starving people in the streets, if they are not smart enough or lucky enough to stay employed.
“Children shouldn’t have any health care at all, since they have not earned any yet.”
This is a childish example.
Maybe, but it’s the logical extension of your world view. You do think that some people deserve health care they have not earned? That’s not consistent.
“Anyone who was not smart enough to earn health care shouldn’t have it.”
If you say so. That’s not what I said, is it. Why do you have to put words in my mouth if you believe you are in the right. Explain your point if you can.
You said “If you can’t earn enough you better get some job skills that are wanted/needed.” What if a person cannot? Are you telling me that every out of work auto worker is going to be able to shift over into nursing, and be able to be smart enough to pass the classes or rich enough to afford the classes, even if there was enough classes available? No. Some people won’t able to find work to earn the health care, then what?
I should not have used “Cheerfully”. I’ll take it out.
Anyone who is not smart enough keep their wealth, like losing their money with Enron, should be denied healthcare.
“What’s the time period for if they have “earned” it? ”
Depends on their contract with the company. If the company said it would pay for health care for life then they should keep their word.
Then you opposed the auto unions losing their health benefits?
“Does an elderly soldier, who was in the army for 20 year, have they earned their continued healthcare? After all they are not contributing any more to safety of the country?”
If the agreement was free health care for life then they earned it.
Strange how you would talk about servicemen not getting healthcare when the federal government is under democrat control, but I see why you fear that.
What does that have to do with anything? I’m on the side of the military. We should pay for their medical. And VaWatchdog documented lots of republican abuses of the the VA medical system.
Obviously you aren’t aware that there are many quadriplegics that are earning a living. Again, why do you always see the worse in people you don’t even know.
All of them? They are all living functional productive lives, earning enough to cover their medial expenses? I doubt it. How does your plan cover the ones that don’t earn enough? those freeloaders?
Fuck politicians. They should get NOTHING. Politicians (both partiess) have screwed we the people over so many times, that in a just and fair society politicians would be hung in the public square.
That’s one way to shrink government.
As said by someone that believes stupid people can’t become rich.
No, I think stupid people don’t STAY rich. I also think that it’s very easy to be wiped out by random luck, bad management, a sickness in the family, greed, theft.
That quadriplegic are useless to society.
I didn’t say that. I said that I don’t think
that all quadriplegic can earn enough to cover their medical bills.
kids aren’t the responsibility of their parents.
I didn’t say that. I said kids are at the mercy of their parents situation. Sucks to be be a kid with parents who lost their jobs because management made bad decisions.
you sure do misunderstand what I say a lot.
And I find your Darwinian future for America to be a hellish one.