Wherever tyrants suppress free speech, free association, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, the people will revolt. It’s happened again today.
No…it isn’t another revolution in the Middle East. This time it’s that other tinderbox of a region known as the Midwest where the people’s fight against tyrannical despots has spread to another state (via Politico):
In a move straight out of the Wisconsin playbook, Indiana Democratic lawmakers fled the state today in a bid to kill a proposed right-to-work bill ahead of a vote.
Citing a source, the Indianapolis Star reported that Democrats “are headed to Illinois, though it was possible some also might go to Kentucky.”
Wisconsin’s Democratic senators have been in Illinois for days, depriving Republicans the quorum needed to vote on Gov. Scott Walker’s legislation to roll back collectively bargaining rights for state workers.
No word yet from Gov. Mitch Daniels about activating the National Guard….
Update: Has Gov. Walker (R-WI) killed the Internet for protesters? What will Mitch Daniels (R-IN) have to do to top that? Declare that he’ll die a martyr?
Update II: Another all-out assault on public employees! And the protests spread to another State in the unstable Midwest region of America. This time it’s Ohio.
The, completely awesome, Drop Kick Murphy’s have released a song supporting the strikers in WI.
“the Indianapolis Star reported that Democrats “are headed to Illinois, though it was possible some also might go to Kentucky.””
WTF? Illinois? Have Democrats no sense? I’d be heading down to Pebble Beach.
“…Indiana Democratic lawmakers fled the state today in a bid to kill a proposed right-to-work bill ahead of a vote.”
Fearing a vote by popular elected officials, tyrannical Democrats fled from democracy. Their only interest was filling the union coffers.
We obviously need better trolls. The dumbfucks who show up here are the dregs of humanity.
Our collection of trolls really has become tiresome. None of them even have a sense of humor, let alone the capacity to engage in reasoned discourse. I wonder if better trolls are available or if, sadly, what we see here is all the right has to offer anymore.
“We obviously need better trolls.”
No kidding! Back in the days when HA had a few good trolls, someone would have immediately accused WI and IN Democrats of fleeing to Chicago to stuff ballot boxes for Rahm Emanuel.
The trolls hanging out these days are just as paranoid and delusional…but a hell of lot stupider!
I caught a piece in DailyKos that postulates that the current shenanigans in Wisconsin are merely cover for an even more sinister objective. The author says to watch for some eleventh-hour compromise as the situation in Madison threatens to get really ugly, in which Walker agrees to relent on collective bargaining if the Democrats agree to come back and pass the budget bill with no other changes.
Seems that buried in said bill is a clause allowing for sale of public power facilities in a manner that circumvents any bidding process or agency review–of course to raise “emergency funds”. This would allow someone (presumably the Koch brothers) to buy up all publicly-owned power generation and distribution systems in the stage for ten cents on the dollar.
@4 “I wonder if better trolls are available or if, sadly, what we see here is all the right has to offer anymore.”
I suspect this is the best they can throw at us.
@6 “Back in the days”
Oh, how I wish I’d been around back in the old days. Alas, I arrived during the era of Puddy and the goatfucking Rasmussen Klown. And it’s been downhill since even then. It’s truly a sorry state of trolldom these days.
So John @3, whose coffers are being filled by your “popular elected officials” with this no bid deal?
How about selling the public power facilities to the public unions with a no bid contract?
Using the National Guard to kill strikers and their wives and children is a time-honored rightwing tradition.
I’m waiting for Scott Walker to take a page from Ghaddafi’s playbook and order the Wisconsin Air National Guard to strafe the Madison protesters and, for good measure, the University of Wisconsin campus to kill some of those goddamn long-haired student hippies.
Republicans are resentful of anyone who enjoys sex. That’s why they hate college students and everyone else under the age of 25.
@3 Sorry, bub, we’re behaving like Republicans from now on.
@12 Who knows…if he waits a bit until similar festivities begin in Ohio Walker might pocket a few extra bucks by making a deal with Kaisch for Wisconson’s planes to take a little side trip and drop some bombs on Kent State.
If these idiots had even a passing familiarity with the issues they say they care about it would be sort of OK…but they all get their talking points from Dori Monson. Bad move.
Rabbit @ 12, Yeah, and then the retards will bestow him with the ‘Defender of the Constitution’ award at next year’s CPAC.
I heard a great description of the Repbulican party on Ring of Fire from Bobby Kennedy:
Picture a neon colored VW bug pulling up to the curb with 300 clowns spilling out honking, tweating, riding bicycles and slipping on banana peels.
Fire the damn teachers if they can’t show up for work!
Hows those stocks workin for you today Roger? Glad that pension is still buying enough carrots, oh damn, they are up in price too…
I willdo my best to ignore the yapping of the lap dogs.
Now that it’s coming to light, can the theft of the power plants be stopped?
And to complete the Trifecta, The Koch Brothers, though their marionette, Walker, want to gut Medicare in Wisconsin:
Sounds like the Koch Brothers and their minions seem to believe in color-blind slavery and ensuring many of their fellow Americans starve to death.
We tend to call such people traitors to the nation.
In the past, HA has denounced loud and angry partisan groups who assemble and voice displeasure at the government.
But for some reason, HA isn’t doing that with these angry union teabaggers. Is it because they are Democrats?
I’m looking for the “We need better trolls” thread.
@3 “tyrannical Democrats fled from democracy”
@18 “Fire the damn teachers if they can’t show up for work!”
@21 “But for some reason, HA isn’t doing that with these angry union teabaggers.”
Yup! Found it!
Right on cue, Id responds @ # 18 to a 200 or so drop in the stock market, caused almost entirely by the prospects that oil might be disrupted due to the civil war in Libya.
Forget for a moment that the stock market has been rising steadily since it dropped below 8,000 at the depth of the Bush Depression, and now is at about 12,200. Did Id admit that investors weren’t buying into Republican forecasts of gloom and doom under Obama? No, of course not. Id remained silent as the stock market racked up several months of steady gains, only to jump in at the first relatively minor correction.
Or note that the correction is occuring because of the internal rebellion against a dictator that Reagan tried to start a war against, and who closed down all of Libya’s nuclear facilities to avoid an invasion under Bush II.
Nope, he still wants to blame Obama for the stock market taking a dip today.
When the sun sets tonight, he’ll blame Obama for that one, too.
@21: It’s because they’re striking for a real reason, and understand why they’re doing it.
The problem with the Tea Party wasn’t that they were angry and passionate, it was that they were angy and passionate but the average member hadn’t the faintest idea why.
Heh. I read that if the Republicans are successful and cut 100 billion of spending this will result in a loss of 625,000 federal jobs and a further indirect loss of 325,000 jobs.
Nearly a million jobs – that’s a recipe for a double dip recession.
But anything that makes the economy worse helps Republicans politically.
Heh.. They absolutely had the clearest idea why:
There was a black guy in the White House from Chicago taxin’ and a spendin’…
They got the spending part not even half right and the taxing part they mostly hallucinated.
I’d post this elsewhere, but since Goldy’s busy on his “day job”, I’ll take up the mantel of keeping the Seattle Times editorial board honest (if that’s possible).
I won’t disect it here, but on the front page of Sunday’s edition, above the fold, the Seattle Times expresses all sorts of alarm that having Bill Gates’ charity fund TV programs about it’s work is “blurring the lines between journalism, advertising, and editorial content”.
This is front page news??????
Funny how the Times didn’t think it was worthy to point out their own self-interest when they published an editorial saying that it was “long past time” that the state close down it’s printing office. Did they really think that we wouldn’t notice that out-sourced print jobs might give them an opportunity to bid for the business? Or their complaints that any attempt to allow legal notices to be published on-line, instead of published in the paper, would be “inadequate”, because in their opinion everyone reads the legal notices in the daily newspapers, but nobody ever searches their name on the internet?
@27, Goldy’s still stickin’ it to ’em over on Slog, rest assured.
re 3: Just because a Republican was elected by the voters of his district does not mean that he/she was elected to specifically attempt to enact into law every dipshit notion that crosses their twisted minds or that they were elected to oppose and obstruct every political expression that does not emanate from the bowels of the Republican party..
Can you process that?
re 27: Not to mention the years of support Fox Propaganda got from right wing billionnaires and the very fact that the MSM media in the U.S. is owned lock stock and barrel by corporate interests who shamelessly promote their own narrow interests over that of the people.
No. The Seattle Times is worried that Bill Gates’ efforts to eradicate disease may be receiving unwarranted praise from public TV because of Gates’ donations to PBS.
Uh, oh!!! What are them thar computer guys up to with ther disease eradication????
Blackwater/ XE are the new Pinkertons.
Well, I’m glad everyone here agrees with me that Goldy was full of shit. We all agree, mobs of people angrily protesting against government is patriotic.
How? by getting a job and working for a living?
koch brothers! bawk bawk! koch brothers! bawk bawk!
@29, He’ll be recalled on one his one-year aniversary. So he can be unelected just as easy.
@ 7
Seems that buried in said bill is a clause allowing for sale of public power facilities in a manner that circumvents any bidding process or agency review–of course to raise “emergency funds”.
I posted this comment in the “Big Plans for Wisconsin” thread yesterday. That links to one of the original posts on the subject. I’m particularly fond of:
Yup. It’s disaster capitalism writ large; the destruction of democracy in the name of crisis management. Has me going back to Naomi Klein’s book, The Shock Doctrine.
“We’re broke!” says Gov. Walker and Speaker Boehner. Intellectually, yes. Completely broke.
rhp @ 27
You should be blogging (vs commenting). Why aren’t you front page?
re: Gates Foundation funding journalism
I have zero problem with it. Providing everyone declares their sources of funding.
Troll @ 32
Government of the people, by the people, for the people.
WI’s protesters are defending working people against corporatists.
In this case, Walker and the Koch brothers.
@38: Don’t bother. He’s not even trying, as we should have figured out from the name.
Hi Xar.
He spreads his memes, I spread mine. :) Like I once told tienle, this is just batting practice.
Good point. When I first started reading this blog I thought that some of the Trolls were interested in an honest debate . . . I guess they showed me.
Fire away.
Good point. When I first started reading this blog I thought that some of the Trolls were interested in an honest debate . . . I guess they showed me.
Fire away.