Polls don’t close in Wisconsin for another 15 minutes, but early exit polls already suggest a good night for Obama. That said, I wouldn’t trust the early exit polls as far as I could spit.
I don’t think there were any early exit polls in WA’s Republican primary, because frankly, nobody cares.
UPDATE [6:01 PM]:
That was fast. Within seconds of the polls closing, the networks called Wisconsin for McCain. No surpise there. They haven’t called the Democratic primary yet, but acknowledge exit polls suggesting an Obama lead.
UPDATE [6:14 PM]:
I’m listening to McCain’s speech now. Man he lives in a scary world. Did you know there are monsters living underneath your bed? Monsters! And McCain promises to win the War on Scary Monsters. Good for him.
UPDATE [6:19 PM]:
Thank God McCain kept tonight’s speech to under 15 minutes. McCain came out against deceiving Americans with eloquence. No chance that happened tonight.
UPDATE [6:24 PM]:
The networks just called Wisconsin for Obama. Again, no surprise, but I am curious why it took them 22 minutes to call Wisconsin for Obama, based on exit polls, whereas it only took them a few seconds to call it for McCain. Makes Obama’s victory seem less decisive than McCain’s, even though it is likely they’ll both get around the same percentage of the vote. I’m just sayin’.
UPDATE [6:30 PM]:
Hillary Clinton is speaking now from Youngstown Ohio. She’s putting on a pretty good face despite having lost her 9th primary/caucus in a row. She wants to get America back to work, and apparently “the best words in the world aren’t enough.”
UPDATE [6:37 PM]:
Clinton’s audience is putting on a good face too, but they just don’t sound genuinely enthusiastic. MSNBC is about to interrupt her speech to air Obama’s. I think that tells you everything you need to know about the state of this race.
UPDATE [6:47 PM]:
That was a power play, Obama knocking Clinton off both CNN and MSNBC. And he made a point of mentioning the “twenty thousand” people in the audience in Houston TX. And he’s just spent most of the first five minutes delivering a call to action. Honestly, if I knew absolutely nothing about this race, and just happened to flip the TV on at 6PM tonight, I’d just assume that Obama was by far the front runner.
UPDATE [7:05 PM]:
This is not only Obama’s 9th victory in a row, it is his 9th victory in a row by double digit margins. Currently, he leads Clinton in Wisconsin from 56% to 43% with 22% of precincts reporting, a 13-point margin. By historical standards, that’s generally considered a landslide.
UPDATE [7:12 PM]:
Obama “wants to end a politics based on fear.” Was he referring to McCain’s speech tonight? If so, I just don’t trust him to fight the War on Scary Monsters.
UPDATE [7:19 PM]:
“Hope is the thing with feathers.” I keep hoping Obama will say that, but he never does. And just curious, but the networks do realize that Obama is delivering his standard stump speech to the crowd in Houston, rather than a relatively brief victory speech, and that this thing is likely to go for a good 50 to 60 minutes?
UPDATE [7:26 PM]:
Obama closed a little early; only 45 minutes. The one new thing that I take away from this speech is that he’s now running against McCain not Clinton. The folks on CNN are complaining that Obama’s speech was too long, but when you have 20,000 people packed into an arena, waiting for hours, you don’t cut the show short.
UPDATE [7:44 PM]:
60% of the vote in and Obama still leads Clinton 56% to 43%. Meanwhile, over at (u)SP, Eric “feels dirty“, Stefan is “unenthusiastic” and Jim was reduced to quoting Sylvester Stallone in support of McCain. You can just feel the excitement.
UPDATE [8:18 PM]:
18 minutes after the poll closed, none of the networks have bothered calling the Washington state primary for McCain. Or even mention it. That’s because, I’m guessing, they didn’t even bother to pay for exit polls. Turnout, by the way, is projected to be very low.
UPDATE [8:34 PM]:
When the night is done, Obama will record more votes in Wisconsin than McCain, Huckabee and Paul combined. And, um… so will Clinton. Wisconsin, FYI, is usually considered a swing state.
UPDATE [9:36 PM]:
After their drubbing in the Washington state Democratic caucus, the Clinton folks had been hoping our beauty contest of a primary might at least provide some sort of moral victory. I’m not so sure it’s gonna work out that way. With 53% of the vote in, Obama now leads Clinton 50% to 47%… but that’s with only a few percent of King County precincts reporting. Obama should do better in King County than much of the rest of the state, and I’m guessing his margin of victory will spread as more votes come in. For whatever that’s worth.
Meanwhile on the Republican side, where the primary results will actually be used to apportion delegates, McCain is winning by a comfortable margin, but is still garnering less than 50% of the vote. Hell, Mitt Romney, who dropped out weeks ago, is still getting 20% of the vote. I think that says something about the disaffection amongst rank and file Republicans for their putative nominee.
UPDATE [10:00 PM]:
In the most significant race of the night, Obama now leads Clinton 59% to 41% with 96% of precincts reporting… an 18 point margin. Still no word out of the Hawaii caucus, and I’m not sure I’m gonna stay up late enough to follow it.
UPDATE [7:26 AM] (from Geov):
According to the Honolulu Advertiser (it’s a newspaper) Obama wins Hawai’i 76% to 24%, all precincts reporting.
I hope Huckabee wins the Washington primary. Then we can tell voters Dino Rossi is supported by people who voted for a guy who sprung a rapist from prison who used Huck’s gift of freedom to murder 2 women. We should also tell them Dino Rossi gets the votes of people who supported a guy who fired Arkansas’ state police chief for refusing to cover up the lynching of a dog by Huck’s son.
If you’re a 16-year-old girl related to Bill Clinton, Mike Huckabee thinks you deserve to be raped.
Obama Is the right choice right now .
-A vote cast by Senator Hillary Clinton, which no one in the mainstream media is talking about: Cluster Bombs-
Senator Obama of Illinois voted IN FAVOR
Senator Clinton of New York voted AGAINST
Oh, common Hillary- bring on the flag burning amendment!
Clinton camp mantra- the overriding imperative was survival against massive odds, often with a hostile public, press or both. Like an animal caught in a trap that chews off its leg to wriggle away, the Clinton crew by the end of its tenure had hardly any limbs left to propel an agenda.
If Mike Huckabee becomes president he’ll appoint Reichert director of the FBI so if Huck’s son becomes a serial killer it’ll take 20 years to catch him.
@3 Obama is for cluster bombs?
@5 -no, against.
Was that a vote on the Cluster Munition Coalition’s proposed treaty?
Obama projected winner in Wisconsin.
Big score!
If you are a 16 year old girl related to the Clintons you probably have been raped by Bill. hehehe
McCain, what a shlep.
McCain’s got Bushy Stink Finger!
“We’ve actually had a very good economy for the last 25 years.” — Haley Barbour, former RNC chair, quoted in Business Week http://tinyurl.com/23h3jf
@13 So shaddup and pay your credit cards already!!!
“I’m just sayin’.” – Lets let Bushy’s cousin call it early.
Where does this all stand now? Is Obama our candidate? Does Clinton still have a chance to secure the nomination? Does any of this make any difference when we factor in the SuperDelegates?
You have your preconceptions, but McCain was nothing like you reported. Why can’t political junkies like you at least report accurately — stating your preferences for the good reasons you have…instead of purposely falsifying the remarks of those politicians you don’t support?
In the end, it adds a lot less credibility to your views (and doesn’t do much for the process).
McCain gave a good speech…clearly differentiating himself from Obama — without painting those picture you suggest.
Shame on you for being as unfair and unbalanced as Fox.
When rich Republicans tell us things are great, it’s time to sell your stocks.
@17 “purposely falsifying the remarks of those politicians you don’t support” is what Republicans do daily.
TacomaRoma: The spew is void of the the everyday rhetoric stump speech- It’s McCains stance on issues and close ties to the Bush leg, McCains got a red hot poker all over it!
“having lost her 19th primary/caucus in a row”
…Er… make that 9th, not 19th. A few more losses to go before we get to 19.
Just read the Huffington Post and now it’s clearer. There are still several more states to go, although Obama is ahead for the time-being.
This thing is far from over.
TacomaRoma:”This thing is far from over.” -Against pretty bad odds, care to wager follio?
That doesn’t give Goldy any excuse to do the same. Actually, just lumps him with them in this regard. Totally partisan liars who use missatements and fabrications as fact to try and prove their point.
Wisconsin: Obama 56%, Clinton 43%, and Obama is getting 1/2 the female vote. (KING 5 TV, 6:44PM)
Obama could get a DUI between the peoples vote and the Super Dele’s- NOT!
@25 Go fuck yourself, wingnut hypocrite! I’ve never once seen you criticize any Republican for the daily spew of lies and smears from the GOP noise machine.
Obama, I hope lives up to his putting the smash on Washington lobbyists.
“I think that tells you everything you need to know about the state of this race.”
I think the race is almost over. Obama carved out a chunk of Clinton’s constituency in Wisconsin. Plus her campaign tactics have hurt her. Although I voted for Clinton, I’d much rather see Obama wrap up the nomination than have it go to a party-splitting convention fight. Our enemy is the GOP, not the other Democratic camp. Let’s not any of us lose sight of that.
@ 28 -Word!
Whoever the prez is, gotta give ’em props for trying, they got one hell of a republican mess to clean up, AGAIN!
Obama- “My faith in the American people has been vindicated”
I want to thank you moonbats for cleansing us of The Smartest Woman In The World. I sure as shit don’t want Comrade Hussein to be preznit, but the sooner we can send the clintons to the shitcan of history where they belong, the better.
One of the best finishing speeches I’ve seen yet from Obama,
-addressing Wisconsin.
@34: Don’t you have some other blog you should be reading? Are are you just in need of an outlet for your turrets blogging syndrome?
Those of you hoping for an “Obamanation”… apparently international trade was a big issue in Wisconsin.
Do any of you have any fucking idea what he would “do about it.”
Trade barriers? Undo NAFTA? Revalue the dollar? Outlaw imports?
Didn’t think so…. fucking idiots…
#4 Almost as long as it took Hillary to find her Rose law firm records, OR, not as long as JOHN KERRYS MEDICAL RECORDS
What could they be hiding? Anyone but Hillary 08.
MTR is eloquent as usual. An angry little man. Pitiful
@38- still looking for the Bush national guard records
(1.) trade barriers: republicans have historically demanded trade barriers. Currently we have reduced trade barriers that impact factory workers, but used the government to protect doctors, lawyers, accountants, Bill Gates, and the drug companies. The effect is to redistribute income upward. This is socially irresponsible.
(2.) Obama is critical of NAFTA. Go see it for yerself on his web site.
(3.) Revalue the dollar? You fucking nitwit. The dollar cannot be ‘revalued’ after the reckless policies undertaken by the Bush regime. In order to ‘revalue’ the dollar we would have to raise interest rates to new highs. Ain’t gonna’ happen. God, you are a stupid ignorant bullshitter.
(4.) Tarrifs do the same thing. Republicans traditionally support tarrifs. Refer also to point #1 above.
You sir, are the fucking idiot. Parading your mendacious stupidity here can only raise the optimism of those who foresee the iglominious decline of the wingnut party of racists, loons, and fascists that currently calls itself the “GOP”, because if dumb shits like yourself are symtomatic of republicans in general, then baby, you ain’t got a chance this fall and for many falls hereafter.
K says:
@38- still looking for the Bush national guard records
02/19/2008 at 7:20 pm
Well Rather found them before he didn’t find them. hehehehe Early retirement baby.
Thomas @ 17: Yes, he gave a speech saying we should wet our beds in fear. This you call ‘inspirational’ and a ‘good speech’?
I call it fear mongering.
He said we should lower taxes to reach economic nirvana.
I call that irresponsible, unrealistic, reckless, and fucking ignorant.
I watched that speech. Goldy misrepresented nothing. You, on the other hand, appear to be deluded or you were tripping on acid at the time.
Don’t crash, baby.
This just in. Jeb Bush for VP McCain Bush 08 Keep the
dream alive. Once we take back the House and Senate hell
the dream team could cancel all government pensions, school
lunch programs and welfare to fund military strikes against
the whole world. We could take over the world. ALL the oil is ours. America FUCK YEAH.
Rather was duped. Where are the real records dog?
Take your meds mark. If you think the name “Bush” will appear on a national ticket you are crazy.
Obama has moved from “Just words?” to “More than words!” Can Clinton and McCain keep up?
So simple, the oldies just don’t get it.
BTW, Obama is ahead of McCain by percentage. Why was McCain declared first? And why are the Dems the party in disarray?
Oops one more:
Language: “If you are _really_ ready for change…”, “Are you _really_ ready for change?”.
Damn, Obama is stealing his wife’s words!
Plus he uses the salesman tool of “little yeses”. Getting his supporters to buy in to his message is very effective. Every salesman knows this.
So how bout that Hillary Care Gang! :)
@28…that’s because you don’t pay attention.
The extremes on both camps (that’s Goldy and Stefan) are equally bad when it comes to lying and hypocrisy.
I’ve only said it a million times….but you use ad hominem attacks that only suggests you speak not from factual basis (clearly not when you are talking about me), but also shows that you don’t even have enough belief in your own lies to keep a civil discourse going.
Goldy..it’s not too late….tell the truth — be firm in your convictions, point out the differences but from now on pledge to not pump falsehoods about the other side. Stefan should do the same…and we’d all be much better off.
McCain is winning big in Washington too. 47.91% for McCain, 21.02% for Romney, and 20.99% for Huckabee. Incredible — the Huckster could finish up third in this state, behind someone who dropped out almost two weeks ago. And the Democratic turnout is higher here, in spite of the fact that the Democratic primary is only a beauty contest. Obama is looking just slightly cuter than Clinton — 49.64% to 47.25%.
K says:
Rather was duped. Where are the real records dog?
02/19/2008 at 7:32 pm
Let me see, not in this one… and not in my left sock. Well I don’t have em.
@43…hogwash. I watched the speech..your suggestion of his invective is so colored by your desires to paint the other side evil, it’s transparent.
Note…if you bothered to watch on C-Span, you would have seen the expert — unlike Goldy, a non-partisan follower, comment exactly the opposite of what you and Goldy suggest.
Prop up your own guy..that’s fine. Don’t lie about the other guy..that’s entirely what’s wrong with politics, on both sides.
Roger and Proud and Goldy:
What you did here like Bush saying electing Obama will give the terrorists free ride with the US.
It’s exactly the same.
Now stop it and earn some respect.
Okay, Huckabee just opened up a 28 vote lead on Romney — 59,159 to 59,131. I wonder if Romney and Huckabee will meet the 20% threshold statewide to share in the 10 at large delegates, when all the absentee votes are counted?
Washington is close with Obama leading Clinton 50% to 46%, but both got more votes than McCain, who is trouncing Huckabee 47% to 21% with Romney also getting 21%. Looks like America’s first black president will get our state’s electoral votes.
@34 Pay your gambling debt, you putrid pot of pigeon piss!
@38 You might as well bring up Rose Law Firm or Kerry’s medical records, mark. You losers ain’t got nuthin’ else.
One marxist or another. Does it really fucking matter?
McCain will slaughter whoever you losers pick. Neither marxist has any fucking experience doing anything. Their resumes are blank. I disagree with McCain on a lot of things, but at least he’s done something.
@38 (continued) You sure as hell don’t have any military victories to point to.
@39 angry little boy is more like it
Hey Rabbit – Howzit going getting your neighbors to give you money for your “free” healthcare. Any takers yet?
You better hide behind hillary’s skirt and have her point a gun at ’em.
Fucking loser…
@44 “McCain Bush 08”
That’s the bumper sticker I want to see! Yes dear God please yes yes YES YES YESSS !!!!!!!
Dear God please let the ’08 GOP ticket have the name “Bush” on it yes yes yes yes YES YES YESSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!
@46 We can hope, can’t we?
The next best thing would be a McCain – Huckabee ticket.
But I’ll bet McCain picks Romney. Two flip-floppers for the price of one.
@50 Not half as dead as your party. Our losing candidate gets more votes than your winning candidate.
Roger @ 62- Little boys can grow up. Our angry little man is stuck with who he is.
@55 How’s your “war on terrorism” working for ya, wingnut? Caught Osama yet?
@60 “McCain will slaughter whoever you losers pick.”
Like he’s slaughtering Obama and Hillary in Wisconsin and Washington tonight? You’re as stupid as that dog. Pay your gambling debt, loser!
@63 I have health care, and it isn’t free, I worked for it.
Unlike Republicans, I was a worker for most of my life.
@70 Must be hell to still be stuck in diapers at age 50. I’ll bet he gets laughed at a lot.
You have to hand it to Mark The Retard Redneck.
He has the lack of self awareness to come in here spouting wingnut clap trap, when everybody here knows he is a bet welshing loser.
Yeah, you got to hand it to that bet welshing, pull tab paycheck blowing, Mark the Retard Redneck.
He has a real lack of self awareness. That’s good. Auburn don’t need anymore drunken suicides.
Roger Rabbit says:
@50 Not half as dead as your party. Our losing candidate gets more votes than your winning candidate.
02/19/2008 at 9:20 pm
We are not worried. A donk will never get over 50% of the popular vote for POTUS. We just need to win the right states. See ya.
Dream high Sandy Docs! But best prepare for the worst.
On the other hand, you might win Arizona.
Thomas @ 55…Here’s what McCain said tonight:
“The most important obligation of the next President is to protect Americans from the threat posed by violent extremists who despise us, our values and modernity itself. They are moral monsters, but they are also a disciplined, dedicated movement driven by an apocalyptic zeal, which celebrates murder, has access to science, technology and mass communications, and is determined to acquire and use against us weapons of mass destruction. The institutions and doctrines we relied on in the Cold War are no longer adequate to protect us in a struggle where suicide bombers might obtain the world’s most terrifying weapons.”
Bedwetter. Then later, this:
“…to make our tax code simpler, fairer, flatter, more pro-growth and pro-jobs”
Translation: More taxes on the lower orders, less taxes for the ‘producers’. Less taxes on rich people ‘creates growth and jobs’.
I rest my case.
I find it interesting that Sucky Politics’ Eric Earling is using the occasion of these primaries to express regret that he fucked a fat girl after getting drunk while in college. Having thought about it for a number of years, he apparently now wishes she had been skinnier.
Hey dingleberry liberals with 70% in McCain is blowing away Huckabee while Clinton only trails Obama by 3%
@77 Reword that as “we just need the right software” and you might have some credibility.
@79 It’s now been over 35 years since America’s workers got a raise, and there’s still no evidence that trickle-down economics trickles any money any farther down than the CEO’s wife and kids.
Yeah, Proud, I saw McCain’s speech. If he thinks he is gonna win with fearmongering, and lower taxes for the wealthy he doesn’t stand a chance.
America sees through that same old Bush Bullshit now.
It seems he is now the Republican’s sacrificial
sheepVan Helsing.Li’l Markie @60: “McCain will slaughter whoever you losers pick.”
How much would you like to wager on that? Oh, that’s right you never pay off your wagering losses do you? Hey, have you found an acne medicine that works yet?
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator… says:
Hey dingleberry liberals with 70% in McCain is blowing away Huckabee while Clinton only trails Obama by 3%
Stop! Stop! I’m laughing so hard my side is splitting. LOL. What great satire!
@81 Yeah, I noticed — and I also noticed that Obama is getting almost as many votes as McCain and Huckabee combined.
Eat shit, righties! You’re all done.
@85 Based on past experience, I think you should require him to pay the wager money into escrow.
DonkeyProud: “Bedwetter.” Lib Speak…
“Translation: More taxes on the lower orders, less taxes for the ‘producers’. Less taxes on rich people ‘creates growth and jobs’.”
Decoder Ring – Class Warfare reigns supreme in that little mind of DonkeyProud
@89 We definitely have class warfare in this country, but in a few more months we’re going to put a stop to that.
I love the Repub candidate, Sen. “dorf” McCain, calling Obama an amateur because he says we will bomb Pakistan. Note to the Senator from Sun City:
We already have!
Let me offer kudos on the way you’ve magnanimously acknowledged where the Democrats are going. You wanted Hillary, but you know that ain’t gonna happen now. So, gracefully, you support Obama. This race has been difficult. My wife, in the heart of Hillary’s demographic, has gone to bed early tonight. We will not be producing progeny tonight. She thought it was a female’s time. She has waited a long time. Nonetheless, she will be making calls, writing checks, and singing praises for Obama by summertime. Democrats, as well as almost everyone else, understand, at bottom, that this nation cannot handle another 4 years of a Republican presidency.
Have you ever thought about writing in English, instead of some indecipherable code that only the farthest margins of the rightwing understands?
@92 Tell your wife there’s only one disagreement in this country and it’s defined this way:
We’re Democrats, and they’re Republicans.
#93: Let me say it again DonkeyProud so maybe the little cranial orifice can get the full meaning…
C l a s s – W a r f a r e – r e i g n s – s u p r e m e – i n – t h a t – l i t t l e – m i n d – o f – D o n k e y P r o u d.
Our only regret is not seeing what Bill would do when Queen Heilary would travel on “official” bidness. Maybe she would have taken Princess Pelosi to visit Bashir in Syria again (a laffer)!
Oh well that’s good!
Rabbit @ 94
She understands that. She was raised in Orange County, CA. She says her parents used to say they were the only Democrats in the whole county. At that time, 30+ years ago, they were probably right. Now, she knows that internecine battles between people who essentially agree with each other are probably counterproductive. Still, I’ll give her credit, any loss feels bad.
@ 102 ME, you need a spell checker. You misspelled RETARDED as RETIRED.
Glad to help you out buddy.
So many of you tout primary election and caucus numbers as lock-step indicative of the November general election. Oh really? Don’t confuse a nomination process with a general election campaign. November is a long way away, and anything can happen.
If you look back over the Presidential elections of the last 40-years, you can find only one where an unabashed liberal was the winner: 1976 and Jimmy Carter, and he was unceremoniously bounced in a landslide after one pathetic and failed term.
Bill Clinton ran as the triangulation king of the DLC taking time out to kick Sister Souljah to the curb. Whenever he tried to tack left while President (such as when he put Ms. Competence in charge of health care), it was a fiasco. He was never more popular than when he adopted Republican initiatives and ideas such as welfare reform and made them his own.
Remember, Bill was the Prexy who signed NAFTA, which even Jimmy Carter supported.
Puddy keeps reminding the HA Happy Hooligans that they’re part of the 16% crowd, and he makes an excellent point. While it’s OK in a free country to be on the extreme of the political spectrum, it’s delusional not to recognize the fact. It’s even more delusional to persuade yourselves that your extreme liberal and left-wing ideology is anywhere near the mainstream of American political thought; this is not a country populated by those who see life through the Marxist dialectic.
So don’t count your comrades before they’re purged.
Curious, though…how many of the HA Happy HooliHavanasmokers draped their framed pics of Che Guevara in black crepe upon hearing the news that the patron saint of leftist orthodoxy and socialist workers’ paradise, Fidel Castro, is taking his ill-fitting warm up suit that covers his skin and bones self off the world stage.
Adios, Fidel! Satan is preparing your room even as I write! Have a wretched retirement!
The higher your hopes, the greater will be your disappointment…no matter who gets elected. When you’re a liberal, reality always bites.
The Piper
@ 104 – True, Dukakis and Kerry both got smeared as liberals – and if the republican playbook posted at Politico is true, that’s part of the ploy they’ll be using with Barack if he is the nominee – “rated #1 most liberal senator”.
What a pathetic exercise in denial!
Still hiding behind your kids, Piper?
Hawaii now shows Obama with 77% of the caucus with 8% of the caucuses reporting. If this holds, then my estimate is Barry O will move ahead another 21 votes in the delegate count. These are really astounding numbers. And yeah, he got almost twice as many votes as McCain and Huckabee combined. Hell, Hillary got more votes than the two of them combined.
Sorry rageneck, puddyprick and crackpiper…the free ride is over.
Get used to it assholes. You jerks shit where you ate one too many times.
Ha, ha, ha.
Ah, c’mon people! Quit piling on. You can tell from Poopers last post that he is about to start crying.
@95 The only class war in this country is the one being waged by the rich against the middle class and poor.
@99 Hey stupid — Earling only said she was fat; he didn’t say she had long ears.
104, 105 – To the average American the word “liberal” sounds better every day.
@109 I definitely believe in kicking wingnuts when they’re down to make them cry even harder.
Obama now has 1,156 delegates to Clinton’s 1,014. More significantly, Obama is drawing votes from Clinton’s base. I think it’s all but over.
Roger, we have yet to see the Clinton’s implode in a supernova of negativity.
It was amusing tonight to hear Randi Rhodes repeat the old saw that negative campaigning works. Earlier today I saw a comment on Daily Kos to the effect that when the stink of losing permeates a campaign, negativity only accentuates the stench and the downward spiral.
Next round of Hawaii results just announced. Obama has 5,436 (74.4%)caucus delegates to Clinton’s 1,875 (25.6%). Rough estimate would be Obama gets 15 convention delegates to Clinton’s 5 — a net gain of 10.
If going negative helped Hillary, what did it do? Raise her up to 41% of the vote in Wisconsin from what?
My old College Room-mate says that at Kahaluu they ran out of everything, registration forms, ballots, etc. and had to resort to yellow tablets by 6:31 PM Hawaii local time. At Manoa there were approximately 4,000 in line to caucus. They were prepared for 4 times the turnout last time. . .seems to have exceeded that. . .
7.6 mag. earthquake strikes Indonesia
Piper blames the Democrats.
The reports I’ve seen on predicted turnout indicated they were expecting 10-12,000 — a bit more than double their previous record of 5,000. Now it looks like the actual turnout is in the neighborhood of 30,000. Six times the previous high is staggering. The republicans are in seriously deep trouble if (ok, when) Obama gets the nomination. My guess is he’s going to have powerful coattails for progressive candidates. When do we start taking bets on how many seats the democrats pick up in the House and Senate?
71% reporting in Hawaii as of 1:20am.
Obama – 16,244 – 75%
Clinton – 5,174 – 24%
yep randi rhodes’ “conventional wisdom” proved to be crap if wisconsin is any indication. the desperate Hillary camp went aggressively negative on Barak in the last two days and it only pushed her farther back. they should realize that negative campaigning only actually “works” on the lowest common denominator — like wingnut republicans.
and speaking of supernova of negativity: just wait to see the escalating whining, name calling, and increasingly pathetic attempts at mischaracterization of the issues by our resident wingnuts (and the larger wingnut community) in the next couple of months as they slowly realize they dont have a ghost’s chance of getting ANYONE elected this fall.
Mike_The_Moron_In_Seattle: Randi “Four Gunshots to the Microphone” Rhodes has convention wisdom of negativity?
Oh… satire… it only works on Republicans. Wait until the general campaign starts and watch the liberal based TV and newspapers go negative on McCain all by themselves.
See the liberal mind set in TV is proven:
Hey 16%ers, looks like DustinJames was right to a point:
Hillary Clinton 243,306 46.90 %
Barack Obama— 259,323 49.99 %
Only 3.9% separated Cliton from Obama! His sister was disenfranchised by the party elite.
Looks like 9,081 other Clueless Idiots voted for John Edwards. Some of the rabid 16%ers here who still can’t vote find it in their “hearts” for Obama (headless lucy and his no seventeen identified alter egos. Imagine 18 voices living in that small cranial space.
Yet, we see McCain
Mike Huckabee 82,253 21.50 %
John McCain- 187,051 48.90 %
Mitt Romney– 75,548 19.75 %
spanked Huckabee.
So again Goldy went out on a limb attacking Esser and looks like his “boss” argument went down the toilet hole.
Looks like Esser was/is right. So Ed Rollins what do you do now?
So libbies who are only for caucii, why did you support the disenfranchisement of po peeps like DustinJames sister? Why did their voice or vote not count?
This is not an endorsement of DustinJames’ lame politics.
Erratum: 3.09%
John Kennedy was an unabashed liberal.
Lyndon Johnson was an unabashed liberal.
But if you choose your endpoints carefully enough, you can claim any statistical point you want, can’t you?
The real dynamic in presidential elections since 1965 was not that “liberals” lost, but that Lyndon Johnson and the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act did exactly what he predicted it would: lost the South to Democrats for a generation. A generation just ending. So it’s not that “America rejected liberals,” even though that is today’s meme of choice for the GOP, but rather that the GOP successfully adopted the mantle of Southern racism and rode that to electoral college victory for 40 years, punctuated briefly by two Southern Democratis presidents.
Thank you, George W. Bush, for bankrupting our country, engaging in a pointless and unpopular war, wrecking the economy, allowing the usual GOP real estate interests to loot and pillage (remember Bush I S&L scandals, and Reaganites looting HUD?), and pitting your own party’s interests against one another. You have single-handedly reversed the course of electoral history.
President Barack Obama.
John McCain, currently the presumptive nominee for the Republican Party in 208, can’t even get 50% of the Republican vote in Washington state.
BTW, let’s not assume anything from the results of the Democratic primary vote in this state. It is a meaningless exercise and most people knew it. To try to assign meaning to the results would be like saying that Hillary Clinton “won” the Michigan primary when Barack Obama (and I think Edwards as well) was not even on the ballot.
Wisconsin, on the other hand, DID count, and Obama won handily. Also, the losing Democrat in Wisconsin, Hillary Clinton, received more votes that all of the Republican candidates combined.
@104 Piper Scott
Join me in founding the NGOP?
I have had discussions with a very wealthy individual about a proposal to transform the Republican Party into the New-Republicans, Inc.
The NGOP will be a profit making corporation, traded on NASDAQ, with 51% ownership by holders of non voting stock and 49% ownership available to all American Citizens. Only citizens will be aallowed to vote their shares. The non voting shares will also be traded but these are to be held largeely by two large, unnamed, for now American corporation.
Unlike other parties, the NGOP will be fully regulated by the invisible hand of the free market. Instead of members, we will have shareholders.
The NGOP intends to assume the name, trademarks, and leadership of the existing GOP. In addition to marketing candidates, the NGOP will .. along with its as yet unnamed partners, develop a world-wide brand name in political intelletual property.
Currently the executive committeee of the NGOP is looking for founding members. These members will work with a world class team of entreprenuers to devise the stategy for taking over the existing party.
Corporate Plan:
2008 We expect t6o “go public” by endorsing John McCain next summer. By that time we will have a tentative set of officers with branch officers in every state and territory. The parent corporation will announce that the NGOP is a subsidiary of Mic%^$#&*^).
We expect the value of the GOP to be at its nadir by late November. At that point the NGOP will make a public offer of $10 billion dollars to purchase all rights and properties of the existing party.
The stated goals:
“American Politics has become an endless treadmill of fundraising contaminated by lobysists. The NGOP will replace this with a free market model. We will be capitalized sufficiently t support all campaigns out of NGOP funds, initially 10 billion dollars. As a subsidiary of ____ we will share profits of business and gaming software with our parent corporation.
In addition the NGOP will launch “Partyline,” a novel form of social networking software recently developed in China in collaboration with Faux News. Subscribers to Partyline will be free to use their computers to obtain information on the full rain of ideas they need to fucntion as good citizens in the second millemium.
How is McCain going to beat Obama when he runs second to Hillary?
How can McCain run on “the Iraq War is teh Awesome” when the American people feel a little differently, and in fact continue to turn against Bush’s “Glorious Little War?” http://www.rasmussenreports.co.....withdrawal
Um, whatever “the mission” is.
wow the wingnuts are really worked up about the obama deal. pooper and pudbutt both raving about fidel and imaginary 16%’s and spittin the schoolyard names and so forth. they so wanted hillary, but now they get to lose large instead, and theyre understandably upset. watchin em all come unglued over the next few months is gonna be fun!
hi mike.
was watching mc*cane*’s speech last night an i’ll be durned
if the theme muzak wern’t good old BTO’s
“Takin’ Care of Business”
pretty much sums it up.
@125: Puddy – the democratic primary is meaningless in Washington state. I didn’t even vote. I went to the caucus where Obama whupped clinton and Obama has won 10 states in a row. clinton is left gasping for air needing wins in Texas or Ohio to stave off the inevitable.
Her politics of attack are wilting and Obama is going to take the nomination. She will be ready on day one to go back to the senate.
McCain has had pathetic showings for a candidate that is the putative nominee. He is getting fewer votes, looks old and has a record of incompetence ranging from the Keating 5, to being shot down over vietnam to crashing his boat. Whenever he has been in charge – bad things have happenend. He graduated seond from last in his class at the naval academy – Obama was Magna cum laud, Harvard Law review president, professor of constitutional law, state senator and US senator – there is NO CONTEST and the empty suit was the guy on the flight deck proclaiming mission accomplished when it wasn’t. If you listen to them speak there is no comparison- I have yet to hear McCain give a rousing speech. He can be sarcastic or asleep – but not much else. Where is his “vision” besides trying to emulate bush in Iraq? Where does he want to take the country – besides making us “safe” – but not saying how.
The line about bombing Pakistan is pure fabrication (Obama never said that) – but I agree with Obama – we need to actually go after al qeada whereever they are and not give platitudes like McCain. I don’t know if bush is scared, inept or just to stupid to pursue al qaeda – but we are not safer letting them rebuild. We need to get out of Iraq and take out al qaeda – what we should have done in the first place.
That would be too stupid above.
“to being shot down over vietnam…”
Let me get this straight…You’re criticizing John McCain’s service as a naval aviator because his plane was shot down? As if somehow that demonstrates unfitness for office or incompetence.
Remember PT-109? Sliced in two by a Japanese destroyer?
And you contend being on the Harvard Law Review is a qualification?
Dude…you’re stretching as you pass on looney left talking points.
The Piper
wow mccain has to go farther and farther back in the catalog to be able to use a song. first mellencamp told him to knock it off, then last week it was boston. i bet if the BTO dudes are still alive he’ll be getting another phonecall. at this rate by november he’s gonna hafta bring pudge with him for musical accompaniment!
“In December 1965,[30] he had his third close call when a flameout over Norfolk, Virginia led to his ejecting safely, and his plane crashed.[21] McCain grew frustrated with his training role, and requested a combat assignment.[20] In December 1966, McCain was assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Forrestal, flying A-4 Skyhawks with the VA-46 “Clansmen”;[31] his service there began with tours in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.[32] By this time, McCain’s father had risen in the ranks, making rear admiral in 1958 and vice admiral in 1963.[33] In May of 1967, his father was promoted to four-star admiral, and became Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Naval Forces, Europe, stationed in London.[4]”
Three near death crashes in training? His Dad was a commander in the Navy (so he is not exactly self-made). Finished 6th from the bottom of his class in the naval academy.
His ship also exploded, “By then a Lieutenant Commander, McCain was again almost killed in action on July 29, 1967 while serving on Forrestal, operating at Yankee Station in the Gulf of Tonkin.”
Quoted from Wikipedia, ,fair use.
Followed by being shot down ovwer Vietnam – the guy has a history of problems and bad events following him (maybe not all his fault but he has bad karma). Bad marriage, divorce, keating 5 etc.
But the real kiss of death for McCain is the pandering to Bush and to the right wing evangelicals – showing that straight talk went out the window to get the republican nomination.
@138: McCain should try and AC/DC song: It’s a long way to the top (unless you pander away).
And Puddy:
I am comparing Obama’s education and intelligence to McCain’s – and McCain comes up on the very short end. 6th from the bottom of the naval academy (from a naval family for McCain) compared to Obama’s record as the first African american president of Harvard law review?
Hmmm- is that even close?
McCain’s worst karma is having people like Piper as supporters.
John McCain spent 5 years as a POW, enduring torture, solitary confinement, and who knows what other awful treatment.
I would dare say he has done more for this country, in the name of this country than any of the other candidates combined…..
Disagree with his ideology, but give the respect earned.
@143: Respect earned for being a prisoner of war. No respect for saying he is against torture and then voting for it.
No respect for divorce, for pandering to the evangelicals after straight talking against them, for aligning with bush, for supporting an unnecessary war, for going to Baghdad in a flak jacket and claiming it was safe, for his poor academic record and poor associations in the Keating 5 scandal.
No free pass on all issues just for being a prisoner of war.
@143: then I suppose you voted for Kerry (medal recipient in Vietnam) in 2004 over bush who used family connections to avoid Vietnam.
You gonna go back and examine BHO’s Kindergarten essays too? Just like HRC’s operatives did?
You are seriously stretching if you go back to undergrad class rankings to justify support for a candidate. What that tells me is that you haven’t got anything more current and probative upon which to base your judgment, so you have dig so deep in the well that instead of water, you bring up a lot of sand and grime.
When Bill Clinton ran and people sought to use his school record and shenanigans against him, he dismissed it out of hand.
You speak almost contemptuously of how John McCain was almost killed in action as if that bespeaks incompetence on his part.
Would you mind explaining that reasoning to both active duty military and veterans who were themselves almost killed in action? And let’s not forget the families of those who were killed in action; just how incompetent were they?
Or you can switch gears and respect John McCain’s military service, including the six and one-half years he spent in the Hanoi Hilton.
If you want to have a straight up debate on poicy, fine – have one. But if all you can do is completely demonize a candidate for everything under the sun, moon, and stars through and including his breakfast cereal preferances, then all you’ve done is become part of the politics of silly.
HRC, a prime practitioner of the politics of silly, is seeing those chickens come home to roost, and it ain’t pretty, with prospects for increasing ugliness just around the corner. Suits me fine, BTW, since the more Dems diss each other, the more blood they draw among themselves and cripple their prospects come November.
And you wonder why the ceiling is at 16%!
The Piper
Hillary seems to be bottoming out, she is making foolish mistakes.
I she can not control Mark Pen nor her husband, her credibility as President is pretty poor.
@ 46
I am not fan of HRC either, but dissing here w/o data, is asinine. Unless you know more than appears, claiming that HRC had something t do with he Washington Times, Mooniac mumblings diminishes YOUR credibility.
Speaking of chickens coming home to roost…you’d better develop a taste for birdshit.
re 143: “Disagree with his ideology, but give the respect earned.”
Always ready to wave the bloody flag when it suits your purpose.
@146 “almost killed in action”…while killing north vietnamese civilians.
he’s lucky they didn’t skin him alive.
Y’know, I’ve got to side with Piper on this one and I can’t tell you how much it pains me to say that. McCain served honorably in Vietnam, endured something most of us couldn’t even imagine, and came back and made something of his life.
That deserves our thanks, regardless of what any of us thought of the Vietnam war or the Johnson and Nixon administrations that prosecuted it.
Besides, McCain has given us plenty of rope to hang him just since 2000.
Here’s a Kwik Kwiz, kids:
Who was the godfather of Robert F. Kennedy’s daughter Kathleen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K.....y_Townsend), born on the 4th of July, 1951?
[] A. Marlon Brando
[] B. Progressive politician Henry Wallace
[] C. Progressive politician Adlai Stevenson
[] D. Paleo-progressive politician Henry “Scoop” Jackson
[] E. Newsman Edward R. Murrow (Good night!)
[] F. Eleanor Roosevelt
Winner gets an extra heaping helping of Slacker Rabbit stew.
Last night I watched, soon-to-be-president-elect Obama gently push HRC aside with what looked to be a practice run on his acceptance speech this summer.
His speech inspired me to switch from supporting HRC to his camp. He has the vision, the ideas, the knowledge, and experience the lead this nation out of the cesspool the Republicans have dragged us into.
What is refreshingly different about him is that he is positive and, if he wins the presidency, he asks ALL Americans to join in our common struggle. Because we are all in this together. In 1980 Ronald Reagan the modern day conservative movement ushered in the policies of negative, divisive politics and the politics of personal destruction. It culminated with the George W. Bush, Karl Rove, Alberto Gonzales, Tom DeLay, and the likes of Jack Abramoff.
After 28 years of this type of politics brought on by the Republicans the plurality of the nation no longer embraces it. The voters spoke forcefully in 2006, but that was a whisper compared to what will be we will say collectively as a nation in 2008. This is truly a historical moment in American History and we have the privilege of watching it unfold. We will elect our first African-American president this year. This will bring another tipping point to the very fabric of our nation that was hoped for by George Washington; “I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.”
Oh, and McCain having his Monica moment won’t help with their hypocritical, image either.