Now that’s got to be a fun comment thread. I’m sure everybody is polite and moderate, in a very Times kind of way.
Critics of Oemig like to whine incessantly… If he’s so bad, then how’d he put away a top notch GOPer like Toby Nixon? I don’t think it’s Toby’s fault; folks just wanted some progressive change.
Either way, in 2010 the folks in the 45th LD will get to have their say. The idea that impeachment is going to hurt him somehow is a GOP precinct captain’s wet dream.
I bet that Bull Pooper is going off – leftist this, hard left that, blah, blah, blah…
The GOP has precinct captains? Mine quit I think. In the last election there were 14 total republicans out of 400 voters
The impeachment issue will not hurt Oemig. It will be a rallying cry for a handful of Republican activists who would have opposed him anyway, but by 2010, only the most rabid wingnut will want to remind the voters at large about Bush. Certainly, the next Republican candidate in the 45th won’t want to bring that up.
It’s not what you have, its how you use it.
I don’t think impeachment is viable, frankly, in such a short time span and with such a timid set of Democrats leading our portion of the Congress. That said, I think what’s more important is an accurate, thorough tabulation of just what Our National Bastard, George W. Bush, his minions, cronies and flying monkeys did during these almost eight sad years in office. (Same goes for our Second-Rate National Bastard, Richard Cheney.)
Why? Because, first, while I don’t believe you can go through impeachment proceedings after the person in question has left office, you can, I believe, still put them through censure charges.
And, if you’re smart, and have accumulated and condensed your data well, and can turn it into a timeline of events that’s compelling, you get some good media out of it.
Done right, you have the “bloody shirt” to end all “bloody shirts”, proof positive that the Republican Party has nothing to give this country now and forever more.
Some wanna get Bush and Cheney. That’s small potatoes.
Let’s put the national Republican Party out of business.
Let’s put the abusers of wealth and privlege under a microscope.
Let’s put a generation or two of their successors under a magnifying lens that sets them afire, if we’re lucky.
Palamedes farted:”Let’s put the abusers of wealth and privlege under a microscope.”
Yes, let’s get all those rich CEOs who contributed to Hilary’s campaign. You know the ones Pelletizer hops around on this blog decrying how many working stiffs it takes to equal their salary. Rupert Murdoch, Paul Allen, etc. I know many of you dislike Paul Allen over the comments placed here on the stadium (Results 1 – 10 of about 35 from for Paul Allen stadium.)
Since you missed the Puddygram here it is again:
Hmmm ….
Why nhot vote on something we .. the Wastaters, CAN do?
In the tradition of HA, I propose the following initiative, amendments welcome:
Be it resolved that the execution facility at Washington State prisons be named the GW Bush Memorial House of Justice.
too harsh ??? how about:
Be it resolved, that Mt. St Helens be renamed the GW Bush natural Disaster Site.
too harsh ??? how about:
Be it resolved, that West Point, location of the King County Disposal site, be renamed Bush Point.
too harsh ??? how about:
Be it resolved, that Lou Guzzo be named to the newly established, GW Bush chair of Goovernment at Evergreen State College.
too harsh ??? how about one Seattle could pass?
Be it resolved, that a memorial stature to President GW Bush be erected on the traffic island in Freemont.
Damn .. none of this is good enough!
You bet I am – taking delight in smiting the heathen hip and thigh!
Given that I LIVE in the 45th District and I’m an elected Precinct Committee Officer and the father of a soldier and a Marine, I have more dogs in this fight than you can shake a stick at.
And crawling out from under the rocks where cockroaches generally hide, the shriek freaks in the pro-impeachment crowd are in full-blossom delusional mode. One thing’s for certain after reading some of the screeds, mental health professionals ought to be licking their chops since now they have ample evidence of the abundance of clients with massive need for their services!
Still, the simple fact remains: Not only ain’t gonna be no impeachment, ain’t gonna be no hearings held on it or progress made toward it! Harry and Nancy are in enough trouble now, they don’t need no (double negative intentional – don’t want to speak above my audience) additional grief from what they’ve dumped upon themselves!
Here’s a thought! Since all the pro-impeachment hot air leaves no carbon footprint, couldn’t you get all the impeachment imps – the imp imps – together in a room and productively channel their gaseous blather as an energy resource? How many homes could you heat with their output? How measurable in terms of btu’s is their sulferic spew? How green is my thinking???
I cannot tell you how entertaining it all is! the imp imps, monkeys in the zoo, clowns at the circus, nude mud wrestling…all in the same category!
The Piper
7 – Skin in the game? Dogs in the fight? You must mean this one:
#2: Seven people, including two policemen, were wounded when an improvised explosive device (IED) went off in central Baghdad on Tuesday morning, police said. The IED, planted by unidentified gunmen on the main road in the central Baghdad district of al-Karrada, went off as a police patrol was passing by on Tuesday morning, wounding seven including two patrol policemen and causing damage to another civilian vehicle,” a security source, who preferred not to have his name mentioned, told Aswat al-Iraq – Voices of Iraq
#3: Around 8:30 a.m. two roadside bombs exploded near the national theater in central Baghdad. The first bomb targeted civilians injuring six civilians. The second bomb targeted police patrols that rushed to the place injuring two police officers.
#4: The head of a neighbourhood police unit in central Baghdad’s Fadhil district was killed and six people were wounded in clashes with insurgents, police said.
#1: Police and a concerned local citizens patrol killed a man who was wearing a vest packed with explosives in Shirqat, 300 km (190 miles) north of Baghdad, police said.
#2: In a separate incident in Shirqat, a bomb on a truck carrying onions killed one policeman and wounded eight others, police said.
As security forces rushed to the scene, another suicide bomber driving an explosive-laden truck approached the checkpoint, but the policemen opened fire on the truck before reaching them and blew it up, the source said. The second attack resulted in the killing of a policeman and the wounding two others and six civilians, he added.
#1: A police major was injured when an improvised explosive device detonated near his car in Kirkuk’s southwestern district of al-Huweija,” an official source from Kirkuk’s operations room, who requested anonymity, told Aswat al-Iraq- Voices of Iraq-
#1: The Kirkuk police operations room chief survived an attempt on his life when his motorcade came under attack with an improvised explosive device (IED) in central Kirkuk, an official police source in the province said on Tuesday.
#1: A police force in Ninewa detonated a car bomb in eastern Mosul and set fire to a vehicle loaded with explosive devices and mortar shells in the eastern part of the province, police said.”Policemen detonated a car bomb parked in a street in the neighborhood of Nablus, western Mosul, with no casualties reported,” Col. Abdul-Kareem al-Juburi, the Ninewa police operations room chief, told Aswat al-Iraq – Voices of Iraq – (VOI) on Tuesday.
#2: Also, Iraqi policemen opened fire at another vehicle loaded with explosive devices and mortar shells, setting it on fire at al-Mithaq neighborhood, eastern Mosul, without any casualties reported,” said Juburi.
Mental Illness? Project much there Pooper?
(double negative intentional – don’t want to speak above my audience)
Crackpiper, you never need to worry about this. You sound like a trained seal who worries that his act will be too deep for the people who come to Sea World.
Check out the “Billy” Kristol neocon (and war cheerleader) editorial today in the Seattle Times. Kristol is the op ed “writer” for the liberal NY Times (hahaha).
If I was as wrong as often as Kristol – I could get a job as a Seattle area weather forecaster (the only job where being right 50% of the time makes you brilliant – whereas Kristol is just constantly wrong):
Kristol has been wrong on:
1. WMDs in Iraq
2. trusting GWB on Iraq “intelligence”
3. The cost of Iraq (the invasion would pay for itself in oil revenues)
4. Bremer and the “no Baathists” rule – now revoked
5. The great democracy in Iraq after the invasion
6. How the democrats were wrong about the reiligous and ethnic strife in Iraq (sunnis and Shias can live happily together)
7. 9/11 and Iraq (sorry billy – no connection despite the constant drumbeat from Bush and the right wing neoconservative media lackeys like Kristol)
8. How Iraq was going great in : 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007 (now longer than WWII)
9.Not to mention the lack of electricity (still) the ethnic cleansing of Baghdad and other cities and millions of refugees and over 150,000 civilian deaths.
10. and now we are supposed to trust this idiot Kristol when he says the “surge” is working when Petreus himself said the surge would only work if there was political reconciliation.
11. Oh- and 2007 had the highest death toll for American troops yet. since the al Sadr truce the death toll has been down – but that is ending (the surge has been in place for almost 9 montths and things got much worse for the first three months until the sadr truce and we starrted buying off the sunnis to fight al qaida.
so – do we trust this guy that everything in Iraq is rosy and things are working great?
Just more republican press shills for Bush, prognosticators that can’t predict anything right because they are too busy lying and covering up for Bush.
Impeachment is too good for Cheney and Bush.
What Atrios wrote about that was pretty funny:
“Punch’s son hires Abe’s son who hires Irving’s son. Hilarity ensues.”
In other news, the latest from Michigan:
Go Slick Willard!!!
Mitt! Mitt! Mitt! Mitt! Mitt!
6 “Be it resolved, that a memorial stature to President GW Bush be erected on the traffic island in Freemont.”
And displace Waiting for the Interurban? FUCK no!!!!!
13 Well, maybe we can fit him next to them. But nobody put any clothes on the sumbitch.
@13: Wating for the light rail….(interurban)….
We could call it “waiting for WMDs to be found” or waiting for democracy in Iraq” or waiting for Justice at the Justice department” or “Waiting for Godot to be tortured” or …..
But I thought the lesson of the Republicans in 1998 was “If you have the votes then the charges don’t matter.”