N in Seattle took a look through candidate filing lists from the Secretary of State and King County today. As he expected, some of the usual suspects showed up—like perennial candidate Mike the Mover.
The real surprise is that Richard Pope turns up as a candidate! It really shouldn’t be a surprise, given that Mr. Pope, like Mike the Mover, is a perennial candidate. But I was surprised because Pope, when asked by Wayne in an HA comment thread if he was running against Chambers (last Friday at 12:47 pm) replied that he “won’t be travelling to Olympia today (i.e. Friday, July 28, 2006).”
Wayne astutely observed that “[y]ou can file on-line now, so you don’t have to go to Olympia. Not that I am trying to give you any ideas, but your non-denial was not necessarily a denial.”
Another way to interpret Richard’s statement is that he had already gone to Olympia (i.e. Thursday, July 28, 2006) and filed. I would be shocked, shocked(!!), I tell you, if Richard had intentionally mislead all of his friends here.
In any event, Richard Pope is running for Position No.2 in King County District Court’s Northeast Electoral District against incumbent Mary Ann Ottinger.
Judge Ottinger received some media attention recently because she was censured by the State Supreme Court:
The state Supreme Court censured a King County district court judge and suspended her without pay for 30 days.
The court’s unanimous order, disciplining Judge Mary Ann Ottinger of Issaquah, came on the recommendation of the state Commission on Judicial Conduct. In May, the commission found a pattern of improper conduct by Ottinger concerning defendants’ rights to be advised of their legal rights.
Why was Pope being so coy about his candidacy last Friday a few hours before the deadline to file? It could be that Wayne’s comment did set off a light bulb in Pope’s head, and he filed over the internet at the last minute. But I suspect that Pope had already filed. He believed that this race would be a cakewalk and didn’t want anyone else to get the same idea. Given Ottinger’s recent bad publicity, Pope felt the race would be his for the taking if he were Ottinger’s only opponent.
In the end, it is not clear how important Ottinger’s censure will be to the outcome of the election. Her violations happened several years ago, and the Commission said that since 2005, Ottinger has run a “model courtroom.” She just needed a little remedial training.
Unfortunately for Richard, a third candidate, Frank V. LaSalata, also filed for this position. There is good news and bad news for Richard Pope about this other opponent: If, as N in Seattle points out, this person is the very same Frank V. LaSalata, it means that both of Richard’s opponents have prior judicial experience. The good new for Richard is that Judge LaSalata also committed errors in discharging his duties as Judge.
Perhaps Richard’s chances will improve if he can get another endorsement like this from Goldy :
For Position 4, I’m standing by my man: perennial candidate and HA regular Richard Pope. Sure, Richard’s a little nutty, and he’s probably unqualified for the job, but he’s got a couple good points to make about the Port being a drain on taxpayers, and what the hell… he doesn’t stand a chance of winning anyway. If you really don’t want to throw away your vote, Jack Jolley’s your man… but I’m voting for Richard.
My question for Richard is this: will you follow McGavick’s lead and promise to run a positive campaign?
I mean, you won’t be going all negative on your opponents now, will you?
Aha, a mention in the main article! I knew Richard couldn’t resist. However, if he by some chance wins the job, please don’t blame me. I’m sure he planned it all along.
Go Richard Go!! About time! We need a good judge who will review the case merits and not legislate from the bench!
Actually, I think Richard was being coy by mentioning Olympia. I believe King County district court judges file in King County.
Now that Pope is officially a public figure, he’s fair game and boy do I intend to play. Lamar, you are going to regret all the right wing shit you spew on these boards. I am going to make a nice long document showing just how batshit crazy you are and give it to both the media and your opponents. There’s no fucking way a moron like you ought to have the power of a judge, not that I think you’d ever get elected, but just to be safe, I will be dogging you every step of the way using every single legal method available to me to shut you down. Let the games begin!
I don’t agree with Richard much of the time, but he is generally not abusive. If JCH (or whatever he is calling himself), Mark the ignorant or ProudAss was running for office, I would probably join you. However, I think you are going overboard promising a vendetta against Richard. He has certainly put himself out there by posting publicly under his full name, and it is likely someone will pull up his posts to review, but please don’t sink to the level of SP or freepers.
I agree with you, wayne. Richard’s just a knee-jerk PDC filer … he can’t help himself.
I should note that I’ve changed the link to his pathetic history of perennial filings, so that you can actually see them all. The link now goes to this file on my site. Nine previous filings since 1996, including two different positions in one year (1997), and one filing as a Democrat.
By the way Darryl, I would save the Major Renault quote for the next time Mike! criticizes a GOP proxy’s attack ad on Cantwell.
Perhaps Richard could explain to us why he wants to be a judge. The impression I’ve gotten is that he REALLY enjoys the black arts of electoral propagandizing. He has a special flare for the “gotcha” posting, where he takes a mundane piece of information and presents it in the most negative light possible. Even by winger standards he has a remarkable penchant for taking shades of gray and turning them into stark white-and-black, partisan dichotomies: Republicans, good; Democrats, evil.
Just given those qualities, I am perplexed as to why he would enjoy being a judge, because he could no longer do partisan dirty work. Just as importantly, he might not have the right attributes in the courtroom. For example, he has never shown any capacity for listening to others, weighing competing evidence, and showing a shred of empathy. He’s a pitbull, not a steward of justice.
In short, if Richard wants to get elected to a position in the judicial system, he would seem better suited to being a prosecutor. Of course, if he has no hope of winning perhaps it doesn’t matter what office he runs for. Perhaps, in the end, all he wants to do is show us once again that he’s a nutcase in search of a microphone.
Wayne clearly you need education regarding Lamar’s posts, positions and points of view. He IS abusive, mean, a racist, a bigot and a fool. That’s my Constitutionally protected opinion and I intend to voice it loudly no matter who likes it.
And for the record, I’ll be working against ALL right wing republcan judges and politicians. It’s just in Pope-A-Dope’s case, he’s provided more than enough ammo to sink himself and I see no reason not to push it to all interested parties. People need to know some of the things this fool stands for if he’s going to run for office. He’s usually just regarded as a joke but the voters but you never know, he could have a friend on the inside who’s planning to help him steal the election so we can’t take chances.
The report says Gibson then launched into a barrage of anti-Semitic statements: “F*****g Jews… The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.” Gibson then asked the deputy, “Are you a Jew?” [……………………………………………OK……Why is it bad for Mel Gibson to call a cop a “Fucking Jew”, but it’s OK for Hillary to call Dick Morris a “Fucking Jew Bastard”? Goldy?………. Bueller?………… Frye?……….. Anyone? Anyone? hehe, JCH
Herman, remember to take your pills. It’s one green one and TWO of the red ones. Otherwise you lose coherence and look like a retarded twelve year old.
Wayne: It’s no use with Left turn. He is way over the edge in moonbat land. He claims to give up his “job” to work against Republican causes. I wonder which King County employer would hire a bi-polar moonbat such as him?
The nice thing is while left turn is on his berating Richard Lamar Pope kick we can start the transmission of the left turn missives to all major news networks. When the local MSM views the moonbat shit from this lefty, he’ll be discredited with his won words.
We on the right can thank Puddy CG, SGMMAC, John Herman and others for bringing out the best in left turn. Yes left turn, Richard is a public figure and you will be shown to be the jerk you are to the whole world!
Example: see #10.
Also, if left turn displays his real name we can trace it back to news organizations by comparing their notes.
Yes, Left Turn, and PLEASE don’t sink to the level of Wingnut Obsession Sucks aka MWS or that character in 14 and 12(probably the same person).
3 Capitol Hill churches damaged
Three Capitol Hill churches suffered thousands of dollars in damage when a Seattle man hurled rocks and bricks through windows, overturned a container of baptismal oil, threatened a person with a knife and threw his bicycle at a police officer before he was arrested Thursday morning.
The man is suspected of breaking four stained-glass windows at Capitol Hill Presbyterian New Church Development at 1729 Harvard St., according to a police report. He is also suspected of shattering two stained-glass windows, four glass doors and a glass window at Trinity Lutheran Church at East Highland Drive and 10th Avenue East. And police say he broke a large, glass, decorative container of baptismal oil inside St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral at 1245 10th Ave. E.
The man was booked into the King County Jail on suspicion of malicious mischief, assault and felony harassment.
Geeesh.. You liberals are out of control. Killing Jews and vandalizing churches. What is next.
Have a little sympathy RUFUS, the man is obviously deranged, just as you are and deserves our compassion (although that might be stretching it a bit in your case.)
Geeesh. . . . Rufus is showing us that he will stoop at nothing in his continuing efforts to take cheap ideological shots. He probably has an autographed picture of himself and Lee Atwater on his wall.
Hey, Rufus, in a comments ranking system No. 16 would get washed out pretty quickly. Looking forward to hearing you whine about “freedom of speech.”
You’re God Damned right Bush is no Patton. I’ll pit Clinton’s war record in Kosovo against Bush’s in Iraq any day of the week. Dipshit. Clinton and Clark learned the war lessons of the passed and created military history. Never before has a nation been forced to surrender without boots on the ground. War plan executed flawlessly. Combat deaths ZERO. UN resolutions ZERO, UN objections NONE. Purely a demonstration of superiour LEADERSHIP on the world’s stage as the leader of the free world. Commentby GBS— 7/28/06@ 3:49 pm
Thanks for making my point; you feminized libs only want to fight if you can do it without getting your hands dirty. Clinton sucks up to the Saudis and blows some Serbs who can’t fight back to bits and you call it a great victory. Clinton, like most libs, was too cowardly to take on the Islamofascists.
Clinton and the military just didn’t mix. Clinton hated the military and the military hated Clinton. Of course you dont find to many libs serving so it make sense. In todays world you need a republican to effectively lead the military.
Gee Darryl — I find it interesting that you quoted from a brief wire service article in the Tacoma News Tribune in an effort to minimize the severe disciplinary action recently taken by an unanimous Washington Supreme Court against Judge Mary Ann Ottinger.
First of all, to put matters in perspective, Judge Ottinger is the only district court judge that has been suspended by the Washington Supreme Court since January 1, 1982 — the date when the Commission on Judicial Conduct online database starts.
Second, the July 20, 2006 suspension order (implementing a discipline recommendation entered on May 5, 2006 by the Commission on Judicial Conduct in Case No. 4475) was not the first disciplinary action taken against Judge Ottinger. (The AP wire blurb from the Tacoma News Tribune did not mention the earlier disciplinary action.)
Judge Ottinger was previously censured in Case No. 3811 by the Commission on Judicial Conduct on June 18, 2004. This censure was for exactly the same kind of conduct that Judge Ottinger was later suspended for. In spite of being warned by the CJC back in 2002 (and being dressed down by King County Superior Court Judge Glenna Hall on December 12, 2001), Judge Ottinger knowingly persisted in the same egregious misconduct for another three years.
I will make another post, and link some detailed Seattle Times articles that discuss some of the more egregious misconduct of Judge Ottinger and the devastating consequences suffered by some of her victims.
Thousands and thousands of civilians died in the Kosovo bombings. There were US Military deaths during the conflict also. They didn’t die in actual combat though, because their Apache helicopters though deployed were never used in direct conflict. They just sat across the border in Albania waiting and waiting………
Gen Clark’s advice was NOT listed to by President Clinton and he was forced to retire shortly afterwards.
Here are two excellent articles by Seattle Times reporter Maureen O’Hagan. The first one was published on June 19, 2004 and the second one was published on October 17, 2005:
The most egregious unlawful misconduct by Judge Ottinger (at least from what has been publicized to date) were her actions against Sara Totten.
On June 12, 1999, when Ms. Totten was 17, she was caught drinking by a King County Deputy Sheriff. Not drinking and driving — just drinking (alcohol), which is a criminal offense for persons under 21 years of age. Ms. Totten submitted to a breath alcohol test and blew a 0.071.
Ms. Totten had no prior criminal record of any sort when she was charged with this offense — not even a traffic infraction (which would be merely civil, as opposed to criminal).
(To show some of my own judicial thinking, I think Ms. Totten should have been charged — if she was ever going to be charged at all — with this offense in Juvenile Court before she turned 18 on October 8, 1999.)
However, Washington law allows prosecutors to charge juveniles in adult court, if the prosecutor waits until the juvenile turns 18 before filing charges, and the statute of limitations has not expired at the time of filing. In such event, the person receives adult sentences (and adult convictions) for offenses committed as a juvenile.
The King County Prosecuting Attorney filed charges against Ms. Totten on December 27, 1999 in the Issaquah Division of King District Court, Case No. 99183992A KCP. Ms. Totten first appeared before Judge Ottinger without an attorney for arraignment on these criminal charges on January 18, 2000.
In case anyone didn’t know this already, the U.S. and Washington Constitutions guarantee anyone charged with a crime to have the right to an attorney, if conviction of the criminal offense could possibly result in a jail sentence. If the defendant cannot afford an attorney, the court is required to appoint an attorney. Defendants must be advised of these rights in clear and certain terms. If a defendant wishes to waive the right to an attorney, the court must talk with the defendant on the record and make sure the defendant clearly understands the rights and is knowingly, voluntarily and intelligently waiving them. In Washington, there are court rules which expressly require judges to perform these constitutional duties in every single case.
In any event, Judge Ottinger never complied with these constitutional and court rule duties with Ms. Totten, despite numerous appearances in court.
On January 18, 2000, Judge Ottinger accepted Ms. Totten’s guilty plea at arraignment, in violation of her right to counsel. In numerous other sentencing and probation revocation proceedings, Judge Ottinger proceeded against Ms. Totten, even though she was not represented by counsel, had not been properly advised of her right to counsel, and had not properly waived her right to counsel.
As of September 7, 2001, Ms. Totten had already served 25 days in jail as a result of being sentenced by Judge Ottinger in violation of her right to counsel.
On September 7, 2001, with Ms. Totten still unrepresented, and again in violation of her right to counsel, Judge Ottinger sentenced her to another 350 days in jail. (This also made a total of 375 days of jail sentence, even though the maximum sentence for Minor In Possession, RCW, is only 365 days in jail.)
Ms. Totten finally learned — from talking to other inmates in King County Jail — that her right to counsel had been violated. Ms. Totten was able to contact the King County Office of Public Defense, which assigned counsel to her and investigated the matter.
On November 7, 2001, Ms. Totten, through SCRAP (a public defender agency), filed a habeas corpus lawsuit against Judge Ottinger in King County Superior Court No. 01-2-31442-4SEA, to challenge her jail sentence and obtain her release.
Normally, when habeas corpus lawsuits are filed against judges, the King County Prosecuting Attorney comes to court and defends the actions of the judge. But in this case, the KCPA agreed with Ms. Totten’s position after investigating the case, and agreed that Judge Ottinger had acted illegally.
Ms. Totten was released from jail by a King County Superior Court judge in mid-November 2001, after having served approximately two months of the additional sentence imposed on September 7, 2001.
On December 12, 2001, King County Superior Court Judge Glenna Hall entered the final decision on Ms. Totten’s habeas corpus lawsuit against Judge Ottinger. Among other findings against Judge Ottinger, Judge Hall specifically found the following:
“Conclusion of Law No. 9. Petitioner’s [Ms. Totten’s] right to due process and her right to counsel were violated at the September 7, 2001 review hearing. The court finds that these violations were egregious.”
Judge Hall remanded the case to the district court for further proceedings. On December 19, 2001, the King County Prosecuting Attorney moved to dismiss the criminal charges against Ms. Totten, and a dismissal order was entered the following day.
As a result of Judge Ottinger’s illegal actions and egregious misconduct, Ms. Totten spent approximately 90 days in jail for a crime that was allegedly committed when she was 17 — and for which she is now considered to be legally innocent of and wrongfully imprisoned for.
I have to admit Richard does seem to be picking the low hanging fruit by challenging Judge Ottinger. This is the type of stuff that frequently gets judges bounced. I just don’t know if the rest of us are ready to hear the words “Judge Pope”.
So Richard, does that mean the answer to my first question is an emphatic “NO?”
Now that Pope is officially a public figure, he’s fair game and boy do I intend to play. Lamar, you are going to regret all the right wing shit you spew on these boards. I am going to make a nice long document showing just how batshit crazy you are and give it to both the media and your opponents. There’s no fucking way a moron like you ought to have the power of a judge, not that I think you’d ever get elected, but just to be safe, I will be dogging you every step of the way using every single legal method available to me to shut you down. Let the games begin!
Comment by LeftTurn — 7/29/06 @ 9:19 pm
I agrea with Left Turn on this GO GET HIM GUY !!!!
Of course Richard won’t run a clean campaign. Slinging mud is his great joy in life. Notice how many of his little ditties for HA were written at 2am. This is someone who truly LOVES his work!
My still unanswered question: Why Richard thinks he is temperamentally suited to being a judge. It’s not enough to say that an incumbent has problems — you have to be able to articulate why YOU are a better choice. And in Richard’s case, he also needs to assuage voter concerns that he is too prosecutorial, too partisan, and too lacking in fairness and empathy to be a decent judge.
While Richard is finally answering unanswered questions, here’s another one: Why would he even enjoy the life of a judge? How would he satisfy his partisan urges when he has to stay above the fray and be impartial? Or would Richard end up leading a double life; by day a judge; by night a closet partisan? Would we still see his attack-dog missives, except under the name “A.J. Incognito”?
Yes I see us hard working Democrats are up at the crack of dawn working for a better future for our children and country men and woman .
While the lazy mean spirited republicans are probably passed out around the pool in a pile of imported beer and man coulter drag queen escorts. What a pathetic mess they are.
daryl and goldy
wow; a terrorist attack in Seattle and NOTHING by the hosts of horsesass???
what are you afraid of ?
…like Times, afraid to mention this tied to Hezbollah?
….or by son of a mosque president?
…or against Jews,making Israel seem more need of help?
What terrorist attack ?
I know if someone farts in down town seattle it’s a terrorist attack to you buttnutz
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now thats a terrorist attack
So there is consensus. Experts on the Right AND the Left agree – RICHARD POPE IS A BAFFOON!!! Can he become even MORE of a laughing stock to this community?
Interesting how Pope-A-Dope files as both a republican and a democrat. Part of his dual personality disorder? Anyway, after 14 tries at public office (Way to go Dickie, you’re batting 100 that is 0 for 14) Dickie has in his usual ugly, manipulative, petty way, angled for a race where he actually thinks he has a chance. That’s why I am working with a local web designer to build a NOPOPE site. We’ll collect all the various rantings and ravings from HA and other boards where Lamar posts and put them up for all to see. I’ve also found an old classmate of Dickie’s who has some interesting stories to tell. This will be a fun campaign!
So there is consensus. Experts on the Right AND the Left agree – RICHARD POPE IS A BAFFOON!!! Can he become even MORE of a laughing stock to this community?
Im sure he has just goten started lol
oh and bye the way Official Confirmation: Mel Gibson Did Spew Anti-Semitic Slurs In DUI Arrest; No Cover-Up By Authorities…
It’s a good thing I don’t have any political ambitions :-)
The one God decided to skip giving clues wrote: “Yes, Left Turn, and PLEASE don’t sink to the level of Wingnut Obsession Sucks aka MWS or that character in 14 and 12(probably the same person). Commentby For the Clueless— 7/29/06@ 10:56 pm”
I have been carpet bombed by the genius of the clueless one. Didn’t HowCan write you are aptly named? You demonstrate such goodness and compassion everytime your fingers hit the keys. You dislike me because I evaluate your words and show how useless your thoughts are. For instance, liberals like LostHisTurdLeftHisBrain want moonbats as judges from his Richard Pope attacks above. What is the difference in his attacks than those following:
skinny wrote this:
aexia wrote this:
jamie wrote this:
typical crap from LeftMyTurdInHisBehind:
John wrote this:
Looks like same crap different day to us on the right. Please clue us in clueless?
When you left wing nuts drop the Kos attitude and display a real sense of what’s happening in the world, maybe you’ll make some headway. When we identify Seattle liberals running amok you can’t stand the truth.
why does Mel Gibson look like he woke up in some box car some were.
Or does he think he is Moses now?
To answer the above question from clueless one. You’ll never know if Moonbats are disgusting (I would have chosen clueless) and Mike Webb Sucks are the same person. Different styles different thoughts except when it comes to stupid moonbats like yourself.
I thought it was funny how Puddy demonstrated killatroll and Tree Frog Farmer were the same entity. Same writing style and name calling.
I thought it was funny how Puddy demonstrated Truth Teller and Roger Rabbit were the same entity. Rabbit admits it and blames the name on his “wife”. Yeah, that’s the ticket (Jon Lovitz)
The liberal or is it librul can’t change his attitude spots or writing style. The abject innate hatred of GWB oozes from his fingers everytime he/she/it writes entries. This hatred translates to seeing red everywhere. Isn’t commie colors red? I like to find where a moonbat says we don’t write that and prove him/her/it a liar here on the GoldyDome
Mike Webb Sucks your that stalker guy huh?
Isn’t commie colors red…… yes they are and I wish you dame republicans would stop useing it!!!!!!
I think yellow is more your color
Socialist: The only stalking you may accuse me of is going after moonbat liberals and idiots such as yourself. I notice your side (you are lumped in with the moonbats) never attack the message just the messenger. People with a brain see through those attacks. Keep it coming. You do us a real service.
LostHisTurdLeftHisBrain: Please attack Richard with all the vitriol you have. We will continue to compile the LostHisTurdLeftHisBrainisms against Richard Pope and display to the general public the types of people who lurk in the Seattle area environment.
Did I read Fort Clueless compare me to Mike Webb Sucks? It’s an honor to be in the trenches with MWS attacking Fort Clueless. I see his corporal Left Turn (I have to think of my own great name for him) left Fort Clueless and is leading the loony battle.
i was talking about this Mike…………….As pointed out by MountOlympus, Mike Webb is out of control. So much so that Michael Hood at blatherWatch has gotten a restraining order against him
Richard Pope – a judge! When pigs fly.
No matter what he says about whomever he is running against, there is now way this craven publicity seeking fool is qualified to be any kind of judge.
The guy creates controveries where there are none, wastes tax dollars doing it, and has no kernal of personal integrity – always erring on the side of his own silly stunts.
Have I touched a nerve? In all the spew did I see any denial that Wingnut Obsession Sucks and Mr. 46 aren’t one and the same?
All I know is that there’s definitely an obsession going on and as any person with any intelligence knows:
Wingnut Obsession Sucks!
When all is said and done, we’ll be seeing you losers in November. That is, strangely missing from HA.org nursing your wingnut hangovers.
terrorist attack…
Iran/Hizbollah call for killing jews
Paki living in US, heads to Jewish Center and shoots, killing one, others in critical at hospital
Said its anti jew
What do you want, have him blow up a car in order to call it terrorism?
You dislike me because I evaluate your words and show how useless your thoughts are.
What? You mean I just merely dislike you? I thought I was supposed to hate you. You’re getting soft WOS.
And by the way, WOS, please continue to spew here on HA.org.
Your unhinged obsession with the liberal-leftie posters here are good field study material for an aspiring mental health professional.
Thank you for that.
Fort Clueless: Touch a nerve? Hardly! Obsession? What a joke! The problem Fort Clueless, you left a preposition dangling on MoonbatAss. I had to retrieve the dangling preposition and close the book on it.
For you to immediately retort demonstrates how simple your argument was (it needed further clarification) and how stupid it was to write it.
clueless one: You are really off the deep end now. Long ago, you wrote you hated Puddybud bacause he named you Karma Klueless. What citation do you have writing you “hate” me? Did I miss that memorandum of insecurity?
51 – still no denial. Waiting…
52 – I’ve really got your attention now – guy(s). LMAO!
Provide a citation where I stated that I “hate” anyone. Oops – you can’t. Go ahead try it anyway Mr. Obsession.
Moving on so my last comment clueless one. You wrote this:”What? You mean I just merely dislike you? I thought I was supposed to hate you. You’re getting soft WOS.”
I never said it! You inferred it.
Oh my.. Wingnut obsession Sucks – I’d go further into it but I’m running out of time. I’ll gladly take it up with you guy(s) later – maybe during Goldy’s show. I know you’ll be here – you’re obsessed after all.
Yes, clueless one Cover Your Ass.
“terrorist attack…”
Ummm, righton, hate to rain on your parade, but terrorist attacks are normally understood to be perpetrated by organizations (i.e. conspiracies), not by whacked-out individuals (with no affiliations to such organizations) acting on their own.
MikeWebbSucks I ran your boyfriend off this board. Puddybutt is gone. As for letting the general public know what I say here. Please do. I want my words spread far and wide. I am not running for any office. I don’t care what people (least of all right wing cowards like you) say about me.
And yes I will continue to go after your fellow LogCabinRepublican Lamar since he deserves it. Thank you for the encouragement.
When will you righties start distancing yourselves from your religious hero Mel Gibson the anti-jew? Where are all the righties decrying Mel’s DUI and anti-jewish feelings?
Cluesless has mental deficiencies. I wonder if the amyloid proteins are attacking Cluesless’ brain synapses?
Wingnut Leftturdy ran me off the board? Now that’s funny. I was busy this week and didn’t have time to blog here. Now I do for a few. You are too stupid to know anything.
I did like the catch of you not knowing JCH had military experience. DUMBASS! You missed GBS attack. DIPSHIT! It shows you don’t even have half a brain let along have part of it tied behind your back like the piss you drink from Rush LImbaugh’s cup!
LostHisTurdLeftHisBrain: Amazingly you drop sexual innuendoes like most people drop a turd in the toilet. You lose the debate and you jump into a sexual frenzy. Amazingly you are making sexual references to issues you are clueless about. I am not giving you te time of day like Puddy does. You are a dumb Goldy lacky and full of it.
When did I say I was fond of Mel Gibson? You on the other hand love Kos and Muckracker. You quoteth from them too much. Kos has a Jewish problem and you haven’t denounced his politics.
MWS it should be LeftHisTurdLostHisBrain. No matter though. I understand his problem as short penisitis. He wasn’t born black. Thank God I’m a black man! His 3 inch dick can’t fill out his hand so he has masturbatory issues. He translates them to sexual attacks. He really likes Ann Coulter but understands he can’t have the tall smart blonde lawyer!
We just found out that MikeWebbSucks and Puddybutt are one in the same. I knew as soon as I mentioned Puddybutt Webb would take the bait. Webb/Puddybutt your wife is really mad at you for not having the stones to file a C&D against me so she’s gonna continue sucking my dick. And please show just one link Webb/Puddybutt where I quote Kos. I’ve never even been to his site.
Now hurry up and ask your God LimpDickLimbaugh what your comeback should be. I’ll wait.
Puddy: #63 is funny!! Ha ha ha ha ho ho ho ho he he he he
Back to the original topic, Why do moonbatnuts like to take threads off the tracks? Maybe when they are confronted with facts the only thing left to them is deflection tactics.
Hey leftturnstile: Wrong again. Man you are reaching this Sunday morning. Keep trying though.
Bait LostHisTurdLeftHisBrain? You don’t know anything about me. I haven’t told you anything for you to blog against. Me and Puddy? I thought you were Puddy’s evil twin!!!!!!!!!!! Ha ha ho ho he he
Now THIS makes sense. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/.....t30ww.html
Turns out that the shooter at the Jewish Center was a baptized Christian, just like most of the right wingers on HA. Makes you wonder. Hey, isn’t Lamar a baptized Christian? Hey Lamar, looks like you and the shooting subject have something in common. Put that on your resume.
Now the true nature of PuddyButt/MikeWebb comes out. The mental disorder displays itself as the two personalities type (one post after another) defending each other. Oh yes, THAT sure fooled us PuddyButt/Webb. I think your sister’s calling me so I gotta go now.
Looks like Left Turn is Seeing BS again. From the article he quoted from: “Yet Haq was frustrated at his lack of friends and female companionship. He told friends he felt alienated from his own family, in part because his career had disappointed his father and also because he had disavowed Islam last year, converting to Christianity.
Haq had begun studying the Bible, attending weekly men’s spiritual group meetings, only to stop coming a few months after his baptism.
He had told the group’s leader that he seen too much anger in Islam and that he wanted to find a new beginning in Christianity.
Yet in the midst of his shooting spree in Seattle Friday, he declared himself an angry Muslim.”
I call BS on Left Turn. If you convert to Jesus Christ, through baptism you throw away your past. Since you don’t understand that you have to be a child of Satan.
BTW Left Turn, if you had any friends you could lay off your “3 inch dick”!
My my – we see a lot of “attacking the messenger”,i.e. from Wingnut Obsession Sucks and Puddybud. I don’t remember a single instance where Wingnut Obsession Sucks didn’t “elevate” the debate by hurling insults.
Take threads off the tracks? We see NONE of that from JCH or other wingnuts. LMAO at these hypocrite basket case wingnuts!
I’m gone. See y’all at 1900.
Clueless I thought you were Cya?
That’s it about Left Turn; he’s bipolar like Haq: “And he said Haq talked about suffering from bipolar disorder.” from the article posted by Left Turn. Thanks for this article Left Turn I can see through your BS so clearly now!
he sees the tag team attack from Puddy and MWS and his disease overtakes his “mind”!
Left Turn: One stop shopping for the Kos in all of them.
Left Turn: How can one post as two people with the built-in delays Goldy has on his blog unless they have multiple computers always on HorsesAss? You are a brainless-twit. When attacked, all you see is BS! At least some other lefty posters make some sense. All you post is BS!
Leftturdy wingnut extraordinaire!
Please Leftturdy, don’t hurt my wife too much. With a 3 inch dick I am not worried. Hehe.
The report says Gibson then launched into a barrage of anti-Semitic statements: “F*****g Jews… The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.” Gibson then asked the deputy, “Are you a Jew?” [……………………………………………OK……Why is it bad for Mel Gibson to call a cop a “Fucking Jew”, but it’s OK for Hillary to call Dick Morris a “Fucking Jew Bastard”? Goldy?………. Bueller?………… Frye?……….. Anyone? Anyone? hehe, JCH
As America entered the 21st Century it was the undisputed leader of the world. Yet that leadership proved increasingly difficult to maintain because of deep divisions within the nation. This was a new event in American history. In the past, foreign policy had generally been fashioned by bipartisan concensus.
Polls began to show greater polarization regarding the Iraq conflict than even during the Vietnam war. Debate between those who were for and against the continued occupation of Iraq often degenerated into tawdry name calling.
Looking back on that time, I think it fair to say that many are not proud of the way they treated each other. Yet one can point to a few exemplary people whose high-mindedness helped to lead the nation out of the woods.
One of the greatest thinkers of that era was Puddybud Michael Kennedy. Even when he participated in the veritable wild west of the blog Horse’s Ass, he displayed extraordinary civility and thoughtfulness. He often single-handedly elevated even the most chaotic and vile debate. His ability to see the good in everyone was truly saintly.
I see that Mr. Puddybud’s name has just been listed in St. Peter’s book, and am very much looking forward to shaking this man’s hand.
Larry Patterson, a former Arkansas state trooper and bodyguard to Bill and Hillary Clinton who related a series of lurid accusations about the couple, then said he heard the couple use anti-Semitic slurs “10 to 20” times. He asserts that he has heard Hillary use the term “Jew Bastard” and called President Clinton a “Jew Boy” and a “Mother Fucking Jew.” [6] [……………..This must be OK because Hillary is a DEMOCRAT. hehe, JCH]
Still, we know from VietNam that it is difficult to “win their hearts and minds” while we are bombing their asses off.
Commentby killatroll/saveablog [……………………………………………………………………………………..Wrong, VietNam proved that B-52 Linebacker strikes [Arc Light], done hard enough and long enough, work EVERY time they are used.]
Turns out that the shooter at the Jewish Center was a baptized Christian, just like most of the right wingers on HA. Makes you wonder. Hey, isn’t Lamar a baptized Christian? Hey Lamar, looks like you and the shooting subject have something in common. Put that on your resume.
Commentby LeftTurn— 7/30/06@ 10:13 am
Haq calls himself a Moslem as he does the shootings and moonbats claim he was really a Christian. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Commentby Alistair Cook
The name Alistair Cook – The Ali Cook – Official site from star of Channel Four show Dirty Tricks.
The name Alistair Cooke – the veteran broadcaster best known for the BBC radio programm Letter from America has died at the age of 95.
Which one are you moron?
Such coarseness is unbecoming of you, Mr. Puddybud. St. Peter was rather taken aback. Is this how you want to be remembered?
Alistair Cook: Since you won’t answer my question, why should I bother with you? “St. Peter” doesn’t decide who enters the Gates of Heaven with streets of solid gold. But this individual has the keys of Sheol, your next stop, in His hands.
Since you are such a biblical scholar, please tell me without looking on the Internet, How did “St.” Peter die?
It is so interesting in the Judging Pope thread, libruls judge everyone for their fitness to legislate from the bench. If a moonbat doesn’t get his way, the moonbat has to evaluate their credentials to make laws from the bench.
Pud — in my opinion, “legislate from the bench” is a largely meaningless phrase coined by the right-wing propaganda machine to cast aspersions on judges who fail to rule along the lines that conservatives would have them do. Since you assert that judges do have the power of creating new laws, can you cite specific examples? We could then submit your evidence for review by the in-house legal experts on this blog.
Puddybud, that is a complete misreading of what has been said. Do you have reading comprehension problems, or do you purposely distort what people say for crass partisan ends?
Dr E. You missed the point. The judiciary’s job is to evaluate laws and declare them constitutional or unconstitutional. If unconstitutional, the legislature is to redo the law. They are the only people voted in by the people for the people. Federal judges appointed for life are not to make laws. But your side wants judges who will make laws. MWS twice placed URLs from moonbats on this blog who want laws made from the bench as stated by them.
“Federal judges appointed for life are not to make laws. But your side wants judges who will make laws.”
Pud, I didn’t miss the point at all, insofar as there was one to miss… I’m taking issue with the idea that judges actually do “legislate from the bench”. What I’d like to see are specific instances where judges created new laws. That would substantiate the phrase, which otherwise is empty rhetoric. I don’t need evidence of posters saying they want laws made from the bench, because that’s not the issue.
Dr E.
How about the right to privacy and abortion?
Puddybutt/Webb your wife says goodnight!
“How about the right to privacy and abortion?”
What exactly are you talking about?
Actually, judges have always made law. The common law, which was inherited by the US from the English legal system, is a judicially made system of law. That law has changed over time. It is not static.
The legislature has the power to substitute statutes for the common law. The tort reform act is an example of the legislature displacing the common law. If the legislature acts, the court has to interpret the legislation and determine whether it violates the constitution. The common law still applies where the legislature has not acted. Therefore, judges still have to make policy choices.
Dr. E
Is a right to privacy in the Constitution? Is abortion in the Constitution?
No, they are NOT. We have them because of the Judiciary and decisions they made years ago.
You can find thousands of issues where a Judge has created a law where none existed before.
LeftHisBehindTurnLostHisBrain: Anyone who disagrees with you is lumped together. You accused many of us as JCH or Kevin Cairns, etc. Keep up the worthless work. We’ll be laughing.
3ID (3 inch dick) AKA Leftturdy: I just realized whom Mrs. Puddybud is in your schizophrenic mind. It was that blow-up doll purchased in June that you had to resort to when the hookers turned you down in the Rainier Valley. You named the doll Mrs Puddybud. Only thing is you ordered a white doll by mistake. Since the doll is soiled now you’ll need to buy another.
BTW, you probably could sell it to one of you moonbat friends here. Since your 3ID only protrudes so far past your beer belly the doll holes aren’t too abused so far. HA ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
He he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he
Hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe
You are a hoot 3ID. I laugh at your ignorance. I laugh at your incompetence. I laugh at your impotence. I laugh at your insignificance. Goodbye!
I’ll join in the laughingfest at Left Turn’s expense! He’s so stupid, he’s funny.
Did someone say Left Turn is funny? Laughable? I totally disagree. Left turn has delusions of grandeur. He thinks he can affect change. He’s working to ensure Richard Pope doesn’t get elected. That’s his quest! To follow that star! (Man of La Mancha) I would blame his mother for his issues. She didn’t spend too much time with him in those formative years. He’s unstable. He Sees BS all the time. Even Green Thumb called him out!
“Is a right to privacy in the Constitution? Is abortion in the Constitution?”
Jeez, mac, you’ve gotta educate yourself a bit. The absence of the word “privacy” from the Constitution is pretty simple: first, the concept was more or less assumed (which we can determine from the other writings of the framers of the Constitution), and second because, in the 18th century, the word “privacy” was a euphemism for going to the bathroom (as in “I need a moment of privacy”).
As for abortion, both surgical and herbal forms of abortion were apparently available to women in the 18th century, and the issue must not have been pressing enough to the framers of the Constitution — who had much greater issues to deal with — to warrant inclusion. We do know, however, that Jefferson, when asked whether the Constitution were to be immutable, or rather should change over the years, was completely unequivocal in stating that it should be the latter. I’m paraphrasing, but he essentially said that the dead have no rights, and thus the laws should be determined by the living, based on their concerns and needs (he further considered this generational shift to occur about every 19 years).
So, I don’t see how either of your points above would constitute “legislating from the bench”.
Of you believe that the constitution is a living breathing document subject to changes then you wouldn’t see them as legislating from the bench. Lots of Constitutional scholars don’t agree with that assessment and those two items are the two most frequently cited as Judges making up rights where they didn’t previously exist.
Well, to that I can say that if you believe the Consitutuion is an immutable document, then we are to live entirely by the late 18th-century precepts contained within. That might not be an entirely bad thing, save for the fact that the world does change and evolve, and so do the needs and concerns of its citizens. This is, at least in part, the idea behind the amendment process. And we do know, as I said above, that the framers of the Constitution did not intend for the document to be an unchanging set of precepts.
I still, however, wait to see proof of your so-called process of “legislating from the bench”. I refuted the two common talking points you posted above, and you didn’t respond in substance to their refutation, nor did you offer any substantial counterargument.