Stephen: Трамп even made pardoning turkeys about Obama.
Jimmy Fallon with some #ThanksgivingFails.
Sam Seder and Janeane Garofalo: Don’t try to win a Thanksgiving debate, just plant a seed.
ISS Expedition 53: Thanksgiving memories.
Happy Thanksgiving from Tony Robbins.
Francesca Fiorentini: Should we pardon politicians instead of turkeys?
WaPo: A brief history of turkey pardons.
Nova: When turkeys attack.
Stephen: Ivanka Трамп’s Thanksgiving centerpiece.
Three strategies to get you through Thanksgiving.
Mark Fiore: Happy Трампsgiving.
WaPo SATIRE: Hanksgiving is a … holiday? (Warning: Totally Satirical Satire).
Thanksgiving: What you need to know.
VOX: Nine charts to be thankful for—humanity is getting better.
Late Night: The Трамп family’s first Thanksgiving.
Young Turks: Did Трамп screw up the turkey pardon?.
Thanksgiving Classic: Sarah Palin’s Thanksgiving Day Massacre (with a big ol’ side of word salad):
Stephen: Thanksgiving and Трамп’s (lack of) giving.
Short takes: What do kids know about Thanksgiving.
Late Show: Thanksgiving tips.
Sam Seder and Janeane Garofalo: How to deal with your MAGA uncle over the holidays.
TYT Politics: Thanksgiving in Puerto Rico—Feeding the hungry.
Happy T-Day HA HEROES!
Crazy uncle trolls: keep f-in’ that turkey, chumps!
Look on the bright side – Hillary Clinton is NOT in the White House!
On behalf of my turkey friends, go vegan!
How Republicans celebrate Thanksgiving.
In Jacksonville, Florida, there are 28 different pedestrian laws. The police say prolific ticketing of pedestrians is necessary to save lives. But analysis shows most of the tickets have been issued to blacks in poor neighborhoods, not where accidents occur, and haven’t reduced the incidence of accidents involving pedestrians at all.
“Blacks … were nearly three times as likely as whites to be ticketed for a pedestrian violation. Residents of the city’s three poorest zip codes were about six times as likely to receive a pedestrian citation as those living in the city’s other, more affluent 34 zip codes.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This sure looks like exploitive racial targeting, similar to St. Louis. Let’s face it, America is a racist country where black citizens are routinely abused by those who have sworn to protect them. This should’ve been cleaned up long ago, but it’s harder to do when Puddy keeps voting for people who want him dead.
So why do black residents of Jacksonville jaywalk, knowing the cops are out to get them? This is why:
“[In] Jacksonville, built in the 1960s automobile boom and largely unchanged since, … [h]ighways and expressways … carved through low-income communities ….
“Communities along those arterial roads were left with treacherous four-lane thoroughfares that stretch for a half-mile or longer before offering crosswalks. Along Beach Boulevard, for instance, there’s one stretch where crosswalks are 1.3 miles apart. …
“Those who travel on foot in Jacksonville are faced with a disconnected network of sidewalks, which are often in disrepair. … And while Jacksonville is the country’s largest city by land mass, its public transportation system has consistently been found wanting …. People who rely on the bus system can put themselves in danger just trying to access their rides. The Jacksonville Transportation Authority … has 321 bus stops on roads without sidewalks and 993 bus stops not within 300 feet of a crosswalk …. ”
The sheriff defends his practice of ticketing pedestrians. But it’s pretty hard to avoid jaywalking when sidewalks and crosswalks are nonexistent. Not to mention that,
“Billy Hattaway, considered by many to be the foremost expert in the state for pedestrian design, said that if one wants to cut pedestrian deaths, any proposed solution has to focus not on pedestrians but on motorists.”
Which calls into question the police emphasis on ticketing (black) pedestrians instead of motorists who run red lights or blow through “Walk” signs. What’s the cops’ motivation? As an excuse to “stop and frisk” black people, of course. The Jacksonville cops use alleged pedestrian violations as an excuse to search (black) people they deem “suspicious.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So, what is one to do? Call the ACLU? My suggestion is don’t live in, or visit, Jacksonville. Unless, of course, you’re white.
@5 On the voting thing that is a false dichotomy. The citizens of Jacksonville, Florida vote for their city council. Same is true for the environs of St Louis. Neither you nor Puddy had anything to do with selecting those local leaders. Whether or not those local leaders would string Puddy up or yourself both of you have an equal amount of power in the equation, and that is zero,
While the numbers suggest a racial motivation, it’s just as likely the issue is these people being ticketed are poor Are unlikely to fight the ticket. Cheaper to pay it if they can afford to pay it. The man got and they has got to pay,
After all it takes a cop ticketing the owner, coach or manager of a visiting sports team to put light on the ticketing of pedestrian’s That is something people in Seattle are aware of.
PS Your turkey friends were delicious down at the mission today. They gave their lives so the poor could have a holiday meal, Very noble of them.
Ok so no reluctance on the part of HA participants in creating sparkling Thanksgiving day debate around the dinner table, Or televised events of the day.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
PS May I suggest using plastic utensils, paper plates and cups. May ease the cleanup afterwards. Still a full emergency aid kit is advised.
Don’t go to Jacksonville, Piddles. They want you dead there. In the name of public safety, of course.
@7 You ate at a mission today? I’m sorry. I hope your next Thanksgiving is better than this one.
@8 “using plastic utensils, paper plates and cups [m]ay ease the cleanup afterwards”
Have you no environmental consciousness? The last thing we need is more plastic crap in our landfills. It all ends up in the ocean, where it chokes sea life, you know.
@10 Maybe. Maybe not. I could be the SOB who shot your turkey friends and gave them to the mission. Maybe or maybe not. Have you given any time to your local mission sir I’m better than you and am a great Capitalist?
@12 “I’m better than you”
That’s an accomplishment? It doesn’t take much to be better than me. I’m only a feral rabbit, greedy capitalist, Democratic party hack, and liberal propagandist.
Reflecting upon Judge Ray Moore and Senator Al Franken I must agree with Lewis Black. Politicians of both parties are pricks.
Bot political parties do a poor job of vetting candidates. Piss poor with both of these guys, though the original vetting would have been done by Democratic operatives on both of them.
Now citizens should be willing to help out in these matters. Odd how some of these citizens seem to come across as supporting one party or the other. As the original complainer knew about the abuse before Al Franken ever ran for the Senate, Seems the complaint and photo should have been part of the Democratic primaries that year. If it didn’t wash and he became the Senator from Minnesota (I recall it was a close race.) then it would be a done and dead issue today. If the citizens of Minnesota have no problem with electing someone to the Senate with that photo out there and these accusations, perhaps they have more of a sense of humor, but we should be just fine with it. Same thing should have occurred 40 years ago with Moore, as these accusations should have come out then in his first election, or at least when he ran for the Supreme Court of Alabama. Rather than it coming out today in such a dated way.
Both of these guys are grade A pricks. I don’t think Franken should resign. I don’t know if he should plan on running for reelection, but that is 5 years from now, so this will have blown over. Lucky prick. Voters in Minnesota have about the same memory as voters in any other state, but they can at least use beer as an excuse.
Unfortunately American voters are ignorant, and our politicians like it that way; pricks. European voters are generally less ignorant, because parties there actually have to educate their voters and members. They even have to actually investigate their candidates before they run for office. True they don’t have as much of a history of independents. Still in England when the voters vote in an independent they generally know the guy is a crook. Long live the Pirate party. Yet they still have plenty of politicians who are pricks.
Yes politicians of both parties are pricks.
PS I wish to thank my rabbit editor in chief before hand for checking for my spelling, typing errors, and flagrant abuse of various archaic rules of writing. Thank you RR, not that it matters as I cannot correct the spelling errors as you never get on it quickly enough I could make corrections. How very odd. You want to play editor, but the errors always make it into the papers. Guess that makes you a shitty editor, or something worse like a person trying to score political points on a political blog. .
PSS Should I have ruined anyone’s thanks giving dinner please let me know on here. While that was not my goal I will just have to put it down to a job well done.
Uh-oh, this could spell trouble for Trump …
“Michael Flynn’s lawyers recently informed President Donald Trump’s legal team that they are not able to discuss the investigation by the special counsel anymore, four people involved with the case told The New York Times. The Times reported Thursday that the change could be ‘an indication that Mr. Flynn is cooperating with prosecutors or negotiating … a deal.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump doesn’t understand how loyalty works. It’s either a two-way street, or it’s a no-way street. When you demand loyalty, and give none back, you usually end up on a dead-end street.
@15 It could also be a ploy to shake out a Presidential Pardon. Or that Flynn is just tired of the whole thing and would like to get back to making money. That he’s being recalled to duty is also a vague possibility. One of those James Bond deals where he goes somewhere undercover. In his Presidents service so to speak.
Of course we could all sit back and wait and see what happens. Should be soon though so have the popcorn ready.
Real and effective excuses for politician and CEO caught up in the current furor. Of course there is Titties and Beer…very true but is not going to help.
@15 “Politicians of both parties are pricks.”
Yes, it’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it. Reputable people are repelled by it, so who’s left? The politicians.
Something Abigail and Drumpf have in common – threatening to sue people.
What better turkey to comment on turkey day than Abigail.
“Bot political parties do a poor job of vetting candidates. ”
Nah, maybe both parties just have men that are pigs. Plain and simple. Is not a politician thing. Get over it – men are pigs.
“Though the original vetting would have been done by Democratic operatives on both of them”
Yup – that’s the ticket. As Repukes let’s not do anything to set Moore straight because you know them Democrats let a screw ball through. See that runaway train, nothing we can do about it, just let it crash.
Way to go Dumbfuck the Second.
Ha’s trolls – dumb and dumber. Can describe Doctor Dumbfuck and Abigail in plural. Or in singular it can describe one or the other as being dumb and just getting dumber in life.
That’s what republicans do – lower the bar. If one of them goes dumb the other goes even more dumb.
Don’t go to Jacksonville, Piddles. They want you dead there. In the name of public safety, of course.
Been there twice Roger senile idiot wabbit! BTW you completely missed what libtard Mark wrote above.
Typical and so sad your senility is getting worse by the second!
Till Next Time!
The Wisdom of the PissCan is so easily flushed these days. Maybe shitstain steve can decipher any of those posts above! And that NYC FOOL calls Puddy an ape?
How quaint!
Till Next Time!
Mark Adams,
Do you really think Roger senile idiot wabbit will be seen in the Pioneer Square area or just east of it at any time? The silly senile wabbit would need to look up the street addresses on Google!
Till Next Time!
Oh Roger senile idiot wabbit…
Seems Jacksonville, FL is another of those DUMMOCRETIN bastions like St Louis, Cuyahoga County (Cleveland), Stafford Cty, VA, etc. etc. etc.
Didn’t Jacksonville city proper go #CrookedHillary in 2016? Soooooooo if those laws are anti-black, the DUMMOCRETINS want to continue attacking their own constituents! And you are tooooooooooooo stooooooooooooooooooopid to see it!
Another EPIC DAYUM from the senile frail mind of HA’s imbecilic wabbit! Sad so sad even libtard Mark Adams figgered it out while you couldn’t in all that hate you spew here!
Wait for it… shitstain steve will ride in to the rescue of the senile wabbit! Will cry about hate with no regards to what the senile wabbit entered about. That’s why we like to laugh at the shitstain. Using raw story is what its all about, eh?
Till Next Time!
Maybe Al Franken will hope people will like hime again as Stewart Smalley! It seem Fauxcohantas still does.
Till Next Time!
Oliver North he ain’t.
And what if Michael Flynn has nothing new to add Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom? There goes your next hillbilly explosion!
Till Next Time!
Seems the SNL ladies love a groping Franken too…
Till Next Time!
You’d have to be a tremendously stupid Hillbilly Traitor Pedophile to believe that Mueller gives immunity deals in exchange for “nothing”.
But don’t worry. Affluent, well educated, healthy, coastal, elite, non-treasonous America is standing by, mounds of popcorn at the ready, to initiate the nuclear level mockery when the President Russian PeePee shitshow rains down on the wailing mobs of hooting mouth breathers.
I hope all you HA loyal Americans had a wonderful thanksgiving.
As for you Putin-loving traitors, go fuck yourselves and give the goats a damned well deserved break this holiday season.
I don’t respond to Mark Adam’s comments for one simple reason. I don’t read his worthless fucking tripe.