Normally, I listen to the podcast before writing up these summaries, because… well… I was drinking at the time it was recorded and I want to make sure that I remember events accurately. But apparently, that’s just not the Mike?™ McGavick Way of doing things. So I’ll just write this post to the best of my recollection, and apologize in advance if I’m contradicted by the actual audio recording.
I’m pretty damn sure that joining me in an our sober discussion of the issues were Will, Mollie, Lynn, Nick, Seattle P-I columnist Joel Connelly and TV’s Soleil Moon Frye. At least I think. Topics of discussion may have included Mike?™ McGavick’s alcohol-hazed recollection of his DUI, Mike?™ McGavick’s money-crazed connection to VECO Corp. and their Corrupt Bastards Club of Alaska legislators, Democratic challenger Peter Goldmark spreading like wildfire through WA’s 5th Congressional District, and I think — though I’m not sure, ’cause I don’t really remember anything after I strapped the headset on — I think we talked at length about how Rep. Dave Reichert’s extensive use of steroids have swollen his testicles to the size of small grapefruit. But maybe not.
The show is 51:51, and is available here as a 38.9 MB MP3. Please visit for complete archives and RSS feeds.
[Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for producing the show.]
IF you could see only one film concerning the war on terror, that film should be United 93, which is screening in cinemas. Monday is the fifth anniversary of the terror attacks on September 11 in New York, on the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania. The film is a magnificent re-creation of the events on United Flight 93, the only one of the four hijacked planes that did not hit the terrorists’ target. [………………………………………………………………“Attention: Sit down, everyone! The Muuuuuuuuuslims promised us they will land the plane safely if we are nice to them. We need to trust them! They have human rights and we must not offend their believes! We need to chant, “BUSH NO GOOD! BUSH NO GOOD!” [Democrat Carl Grossman] ]
Carl, what is the Hebrew word for the Jews that helped guard the other Jew “internees” for the Germans? For being traitors to their fellow Jews, they were given food and special privileges by the Nazis. Thanks in advance. JCH
The previous thread was above 150 posts before I posted this, so I wanted to post it again to see if anyone else has run into this problem.
On Labor Day some friends of mine joined us for a barbeque at my house. The weather was nice, the food was good (if I say so myself), and the company was great.
But my friend took me aside, and pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, and asked me to look at it. It was one of those notices from the IRS, saying that taxes were owed, and he had a limited amount of time to contest the determination or pay the taxes.
At first I thought it was the usual stuff the IRS brings up. You know, somebody made a math mistake on their tax return, or they forgot to include some income which came to the IRS attention when a miscellanious income report was filed with the IRS.
But this was completely different. It said that because his employer had not paid his withholding tax to the IRS, the IRS was revoking his tax refund for 2004.
Now, for those familiar with the system as I have worked with it for the past twenty years or so, it works like this. The employer deducts the employment taxes from the employee’s paycheck. The employer then becomes the “trustee” of the money for the government, and is obligated to pay all 941 taxes to the government on schedule. If they fail to do so, the government takes quick action to collect the money, including shutting down the business to avoid incuring additional liabilities, and seizing and selling the assets to cover the debt. If the employer is a corporation, the IRS will issue a “100% Responsible Officer Penalty” against all the officers of the corporation, often including the bookeeper and anyone having signature authority on the payroll checks, which in effect “pierces the corporate veil” and makes it in everyone’s interest to pay off the IRS 941 taxes as soon as possible.
Except in the case of a closely held corporation, the IRS is in no position to know whether the taxes which were deducted from his wages were actually paid to the IRS. Only the IRS, and the employer itself, is in a position to know that. In any event, the employee couldn’t do anything about it. He cannot stop the money being taken out of his paycheck, he cannot compel his employer to write the check to the IRS, and he cannot send in the money directly on his employer’s behalf.
That is why the IRS has always enforced 941 contributions so closely. Up until now, they have always been required to issue refunds, regardless of whether the employer pays the 941 taxes to the IRS.
So this is very new to me. It looks like a MAJOR change. Has there been some change in IRS regulations recently which allow the IRS to collect 941 taxes from the employee, of which I was not aware????? Is this how Bush plans to help balance the budget – by reducing the IRS enforcement budget, and taking the employer’s IRS debt out of employee paychecks instead????
In the meantime, I’m talking with him about getting a tax lawyer to take a look at this. His (former) mployer has a couple hundred employees, I assume most of them are getting similar notices, so it might be worthwhile to batch them together in order to reduce the attorney’s fees they might otherwise have to pay.
Commentby rhp6033— 9
“Except in the case of a closely held corporation, the employee is in no position to know whether the taxes which were deducted from his wages were actually paid to the IRS.
Dear Mr. Iger:
We are advised that ABC is scheduled to air a two-part mini-series entitled “The Path to 9/11” on September 10 and September 11. While we have not yet seen this program, news reports raise serious questions about its accuracy. Therefore, we request that the inaccuracies described herein be addressed immediately and that the program be thoroughly reviewed and revised for accuracy before it airs.
Among our concerns about the program are the following: first, it reportedly contains a scene in which Sandy Berger, the National Security Adviser to President Bill Clinton, declines to give Central Intelligence Agency operatives the authority to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden, and in which those operatives are outside a house where Bin Laden is located. This account has been expressly contradicted by Richard Clarke, a high-ranking counterterrorism official in both the Clinton and Bush Administrations.
Second, the film reportedly contains a scene in which the Central Intelligence Agency declines to share information about the 9/11 hijackers with the FBI and ascribes that failure to the so-called “wall,” limiting information sharing by the Department of Justice in certain circumstances, and established by the Department of Justice in an internal memorandum.
This scene is puzzling at best, and inaccurate at worst. According to a Republican Member of the 9/11 Commission, former Senator Slade Gorton, the “Department of Justice guidelines at issue were internal to the Justice Department and were not even sent to any other agency. The guidelines had no effect on the Department of Defense and certainly did not prohibit it from communicating with the FBI, the CIA or anyone else.”
These two examples alone create substantial doubt about the overall accuracy of this program. September 11th is a day of mourning and remembrance for every American. We do not believe that it is appropriate for it to be tainted by false assertions of blame or partisan spin.
To avoid that occurrence, we urge you to review this film and correct these and other inaccuracies. We appreciate your prompt attention and reply to this time sensitive matter.
Representatives John Conyers, Jr., John Dingell, Jane Harman, Louise Slaughter
A moderate Republican who felt the wrath of the religious right and lost his race as a result has just blasted back at his tormentors. Moderate GOP Rep. Joe Schwarz — who was defeated for re-election in the August 8 primary — has told the Detroit News that “right wing indimidators” are “driving moderates out of the party.” Schwarz adds that some of his friends and supporters have told him that his loss was enough to drive them from the GOP — and that he may follow.
ABC Refuses to Provide Copies of Path to 9/11 to Clinton, Albright, Berger
ABC has been aggressively advancing its inaccurate and politically slanted miniseries, “The Path to 9/11,” to the right wing. Big players like Rush Limbaugh have been provided copies, as have obscure right-wing bloggers like Patterico.
But ABC has refused to provide a copy to President Clinton’s office. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former National Security Adviser Samuel Berger have also requested copies of the film from ABC, and both have been denied. Both Berger and Albright are harshly criticized in the film in scenes that, according to former counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke, are “180 degrees from what happened.”
Iraq — from the good folks who brought you the Great Depression.
“The Justice Department’s congressional lobbying-and-bribery investigation is looking into whether former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay’s wife received money from a lobbying firm for a no-show job, recent FBI interviews indicate.
It’s weird, isn’t it? It’s more like an episode of “The Sopranos” than what you would expect in the American political system.
Those damned Muslim appeasers and their tallk of human rights…
“Key Republican senators have drafted a legislative plan for special military trials of suspected terrorists that diverges from a recent Bush administration plan by granting defendants rights that the White House has sought to proscribe, government officials said yesterday.”
“Under the lawmakers’ plan, any future military trials of the nearly 200 eligible U.S. detainees held in military prisons at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and other locations around the world would be governed by a law that explicitly ensures that defendants have the right to know the evidence against them.”
Daddy Love @ 7
You provide an excellent example of how the media cowtows to the rightwing. Fairness to someone like Clinton is not a media concern. On the other hand, do you remember the miniseries CBS (?) was going to air a couple years ago about the Reagans? Because the Reagans would purportedly be shown in a scene or two in an unflattering, though accurate, manner, the rightwing toads brought so much pressure to bear on the network that it pulled the show. If the media made any attempt to provide balanced news coverage rather than pandering to rightwing zealots, the Republican Party would be in such disrepute that it would have trouble raising lunch money.
Turns out Davey-boy’s testicles ain’t gettin’ any bigger, according to
“Too much testosterone or related substances (e.g., anabolic steroids) prompts the pituitary gland to stop producing the hormone gonadotropin. This in turn also prevents the production of other intermediate substances which leads to testicular atrophy (decreased size and function), lowered sperm count, sterility (reversible), painful, prolonged erection, prostate enlargement, and frequent or continuing erections.“
So when we’ve finally bled our nation dry in Iraq, and China, India, and Russia become the pre-eminent world powers, just what do we think we’re going to do about it?
rhp6033 @ 3,
Yup, another example of the oppressive nature of the IRS and another reason why it should be abolished.
I have no reason to believe it will be different for Muslims, so I would lean towards “yes”, but regardless of that, I think that violating the First Amendment would be very bad for this country. Seems to me that makes further discussion moot.
Clear enough?
Commentby John Barelli— 9/6/06@ 7:51 am
I disagree, but unlike the other liberals here, you had the courage to confront the issue. You are correct about the importance of the First Amendment. I consider Islam to be incompatible with the survival of the First Amendment, and you might take a look at the following:
“In 1998 the Turkish Constitutional Court banned and dissolved Turkey’s Refah Party on the grounds that the “rules of sharia”, which Refah sought to introduce, “were incompatible with the democratic regime,” pointing up that “Democracy is the antithesis of sharia.” On appeal by Refah the European Court of Human Rights determined that “sharia is incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy”[7][8][9] Refah’s sharia based notion of a “plurality of legal systems, grounded on religion” was ruled to contravene the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. It was determined that it would “do away with the State’s role as the guarantor of individual rights and freedoms” and “infringe the principle of non-discrimination between individuals as regards their enjoyment of public freedoms, which is one of the fundamental principles of democracy”. It was further ruled that
[T]he Court considers that sharia, which faithfully reflects the dogmas and divine rules laid down by religion, is stable and invariable. Principles such as pluralism in the political sphere or the constant evolution of public freedoms have no place in it. [……] It is difficult to declare one’s respect for democracy and human rights while at the same time supporting a regime based on sharia, which clearly diverges from Convention values, particularly with regard to its criminal law and criminal procedure, its rules on the legal status of women and the way it intervenes in all spheres of private and public life in accordance with religious precepts.”[10]
“So when we’ve finally bled our nation dry,…….just what do we think we’re going to do about it?” [………………………………………………………….How about deporting the Muuuuuslims and illegal alien Mexicans? That might be a good start!]
WASHINGTON – A trio of oil companies led by Chevron Corp. has tapped a petroleum pool deep beneath the Gulf of Mexico that could boost the nation’s reserves by more than 50 percent. A test well indicates it could be the biggest new domestic oil discovery since Alaska’s Prudhoe Bay a generation ago [……How long will it be before the Democrats find an endangered Gulf of Mexico Kangaroo Rat and demand all drilling must be stopped. That is, American drilling. Note the commie lib “progressive” Dems have not said a word about the Chicomm and Cubans drilling off Florida. Democrats: TRAITORS!!!!!
Yesterday President Bush made a speech to the Military Officers Association in Washington D.C. The transcript can be found in the reading assignments.
One part of the speech is especially interesting. Bush was discussing some of the messages that our intelligence forces have found in captured Al Qaeda documents. Here’s a portion of Bush’s speech where he discusses a letter from Osama bin Laden to Taliban leader Mullah Omar.
Secondly, along with this campaign of terror, the enemy has a propaganda strategy. Osama bin Laden laid out this strategy in a letter to the Taliban leader, Mullah Omar, that coalition forces uncovered in Afghanistan in 2002. In it, bin Laden says that al Qaeda intends to “launch,” in his words, “a media campaign to create a wedge between the American people and their government.” This media campaign, bin Laden says, will send the American people a number of messages, including “that their government will bring them more losses in finances and casualties.” And he goes on to say that “they are being sacrificed to serve the big investors, especially the Jews.” Bin Laden says that by delivering these messages, al Qaeda “aims at creating pressure from the American people on the American government to stop their campaign against Afghanistan.”
So … a question. Are you living up to Osama’s expectations? If you’re a Democrat, or if you’re living in a tree house in Crawford, Texas, the answer is probably “yes.”
“A trio of oil companies led by Chevron Corp. has tapped a petroleum pool deep beneath the Gulf of Mexico that could boost the nation’s reserves by more than 50 percent.”
Of course, there is a maximum estimated reserve of 15 billion barrels of “oil and gas” there, and we’re burning almost 6 billion barrels of oil a year, so that’s really not a lot of oil, is is?
So typical of Bush and Rove to once again blame that favorite GOP stalking horse, the media. It’s because the media is finally waking up and reporting that the Boy Emperor has no clothes. They must be traitors!!
Is anyone still buying this crap? I mean, besides JCH.
Islam and sharia are not the same thing. duh. Another straw man.
“The theme of my post is that libs refuse to even consider limits upon Moslem immigration. I haven’t seen any lib refute that”
Sure, pal. You assert something without offering a shred of support beyond your ignorant opinion, then claim that because no one “refuted” your claim that it should stand as fact. You know, after kindergarten that’s not how it works in the real world. You have to have some facts on your side and to be able to convincingly make a case for your claims. We KNOW you have ignorant and bigoted opinions; it’s up to you to convince us that you have something more. So far it’s been pretty slim pickings.
Commentby Daddy Love— 9/6/06@ 7:29 am
You proved my point, you gutless pompous ass. Feminized libs like you are so terrified of Moslems that you are afraid to even consider the question, much less answer it.
I’m not surprised that you run away from a fight, but I’ll give you another chance to defend your typically feminized analysis of Islamofascism;
20,Islamofascism is one of these tossed-off catch phrases, and one that shows us oh-so-cleasrly the limitations of the conservative brain. They love absolutes, black-and-white situations that one sweepingly simplistic phrase bundles up so neatly that they have to think no further. All wrapped up in the little Islamofascist package are the difficult and stubborn problems of Palestinian aspirations and accompanying resentment of Israel, Sunni and Shiite Iraqi Arab resistance against the US occupier, Shiite Arab militance against Sunnis (and vice versa) vying for control of Iraq, Shiite Hezbollah militance against Israel stemming from their decades-long occupation of Lebanon, the global Sunni-led Al Qaeda franchise and the dangers its outsourced terrorism poses, and the rise in power and influence of Shiite Iraq (leaving out a few other minor ones). These are all each difficult problems, each posing unique challenges, and almost certainly each requiring a unique solution. Yet they present the problem as singular, unified, and monolithic, and the plan for dealing with al of them is, apparently, staying the course of abject failure in Iraq.
It’s a marketing slogan, not a serious analysis, and it shows the bankruptcy of conservative leaership in terms of both vision and solutions. They’ve got nothing but more of the same old fear and inaction.
Commentby Daddy Love 8/31/06@ 11:33 am
Thanks for posting a good example of the feminized lib approach to Islamofascism. Just analyze to find all the nuances, then analyze the analysis. Never reach a conclusion, just criticize those with the guts to do something and claim that they haven’t thoroughly analyzed it.
I have never seen a lib here offer a solution to terrorism, you just whine that Bush is doing it the wrong way. You libs don’t have the slightest idea how to fight back, and you think analysis is a complete substitute for action. If we left the defense of this country up to you you’d still be analyzing while the bombs are going off in Seattle.
Neville Chamberlain was a lion compared to you libs, at least he finally declared war. You feminized libs aren’t even willing to start fighting.
Keep coming up with excuses for Islamofascists, Mommy Love, killing the shitheads that are trying to kill us is just too simplistic to possibly be right. If you keep analyzing long enough I’m sure you can come up with a solution that doesn’t require fighting, maybe you can get some ideas from Oprah.
Comment by americafirst —— 8/31/06 @ 2:14 pm
Have you finished your analysis yet, or are you still pondering the unique challenges before getting around to your uniquely pompous conclusions. You Frenchfucks only know one way to handle terrorism, run away and hide in the corner.
Libertarian: I’m not calling for the abolishment of the IRS. I’m just wondering when the rules were changed so radically that it makes workers the collection agents for the IRS.
What the IRS should have done is shut the company down shortly after the company failed to pay withholding taxes. That way the workers could have moved on to find jobs at other companies which were actually paying payroll taxes. In this case, the purported failure to pay was over two years old, before the IRS seeks to have the WORKERS pay the money.
Now the workers have virtually no chance of recovering any of this money from the employer. They don’t have the collection tools the IRS has. A company which hasn’t paid withholding taxes is probably in its death throes, or is already out of business (in my friend’s case, it is still hanging on by a thread).
In effect, this DOUBLES the tax rate my friend pays, making it equal not only to the amount of taxes he owes, but for the entire amount withheld from his wages.
So, I have to ask: is this a back-door attempt to raise worker’s taxes in order to fund the deficit and the tax breaks to the rich? Another attempt to pass the cost of government (tax collection) onto the working man?
Please understand. This is VERY DIFFERENT from the way tax collections were handled in the past.
Yesterday President Bush made a speech to the Military Officers Association in Washington D.C. [………………………..Sorry, GBS, E-3s were not invited. Now, swap the deck, and then report for mess cook duties.]
Hope you feel like a big stwong man now. And while you’re kissing your biceps, you might pul your head out of your ass and realize that the fucking world is not just your two favorite, manageable shades of black and white, and you’re just going to have to come to grips with that.
But I can cut and paste too…
“Thanks for posting a good example of the feminized lib approach to Islamofascism.”
No, thank you for not only illutrating my point about your team’s ideological blind spots, but also for providing a great illustration of how your propaganda works: you think that by “feminizing” your opposition you paint them as weak. Too bad it’s not working this time around. America’s on to you guys; they know you have failed our nation at every turn that we have been and will be safer with a party who take the business of protecting America seriously enough to DO SOMETHING RIGHT instead of the party of the Gang Who Can’t Shoot Straight.
The TRUTH is that Democrats will rebuild our military, equip and train our first responders here at home; provide the benefits that our troops and veterans need and deserve; fully man and equip our National Guard; promote alternative fuels and reduce dependence on foreign oil; and restore Americans’ confidence in their government’s ability to respond; implement the recommendations of the independent bipartisan 9/11 Commission; FINALLY protect our ports and airports, our borders, mass transit systems, our chemical and nuclear power plants, and our food and water supplies from terrorist attack; and the TRUTH is that the Republicans will do NONE of those things (while claiming that they are doing all of them).
“killing the shitheads that are trying to kill us is just too simplistic to possibly be right.”
That’s true, considering that you guys apparently think that Lebanese civilians, Iraqi civilians, and innocent Muslims the world over are the ones who should die. We can’t afford to have Republicans churning out new terrorists at that rate we are.
We need a change, and it’s pretty clear that America agrees.
Gee, in all the talk about the Chevron oil reserve “find”, has anyone noticed that (a) apparantly this news could have been released months ago, before the summer driving season began, but was not, and (b) the field is quite a long ways out into the Gulf of Mexico – enough to make me wonder if the U.S. even has jurisdiction over those waters. Sure, any oil find is good news for the consumer at the pump, but I’m wondering if the U.S. has any more rights to the oil than Mexico or even Venezuela?
Goldy – What’s your position on the great horse slaughter controversy? It seems to be the most pressing issue in Congress this week. (NO, that’s not a typo. It is indeed “slaughter”, and not “laughter”.)
americafirst, it has been inbred wingnuts like jch, janet s, xmas goat, chardonay, pbj, rufus, puddybud, mtr, antigoldy and yourself that have torn apart this once great society since 1994! Time for all of you koolaid drinking cons to crawl back into your caves for a few generations and let us try and fix your fuck-ups.
Don’t miss the “O’Reilly Factor” today…….Live from San Diego, illegal alien “Democrats-to-be” beat the shit out of a FOX reporter. Bottom line: These illegal Mexicans are sub- human scum and need to be exterminated. 20 million of these human time bombs are in the USA from Mexico, with another 20 million on their way, and all will vote Democrat in the “Land Where Everything Is Free”! California will become a “Baja Norte” Hillary Third World Shit Hole within 10 years. It is half way there, now. The solution: Start killing them. Ship their bodies back to Mexico.
So, I have to ask: is this a back-door attempt to raise worker’s taxes in order to fund the deficit and the tax breaks to the rich? Another attempt to pass the cost of government (tax collection) onto the working man?
Please understand. This is VERY DIFFERENT from the way tax collections were handled in the past.
Commentby rhp6033— 9/6/06@ 1:42 pm
What you describe has been standard operating procedure for the IRS. Maybe not exactly the situation you describe, but the tyrannical behavior of the IRS goes back for decades and decades.
For example, if you remember, Tricky Dick Nixon was a scoundrel about siccing the IRS on his enemies, and he’s not the only prez who did such a thing. Politicians have used the tax code and the IRS as a way to punish enemies and reward friends since income taxes were enacted almost 100 years ago.
The IRS has always been a tyrant. I remember watching “60 Minutes” about 30 years ago, and there was a piece about a trucking company that was seized by the IRS for some petty tax issue. The IRS started driving off in the company’s trucks only to learn that they were guilty of grand theft. You see, the IRS didn’t realize the trucks were leased. In effect, you precious IRS was stealing property from the leasing company. The net result was that this haevy-handed behavior was the poor trucking company was put out of business and about 100 people lost their jobs.
You come across as a liberal to me, and that’s just fine. So, how do you feel about tax court’s concept of justice where you’re “guilty until porven innocent?” If you dispute this, ask a tax attorney about how this abomination of the justice system, the tax court, works. He or she will confirm my words: when it comes to taxes the government wants to collect, the tax court assumes you’re immeidately guilty, and they want your money. If enough money is involved, they’d like to put you in prison for a time. That way they get to terrorize the rest of us to be good little members of the proletariat and pay our exhorbitant taxes so they can keep their cushy government jobs with the nice salaries and benefits packages.
When we talk about reform of the tax code, the first thing that needs to happen is the IRS needs a complete overhaul. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, a conservative or a liberal. The IRS is a government organization that is drunk with power, and it enjoys oppressing “little people” rather than going after real theives.
No, this is not a backdoor attempt to raise taxes to fund some deficit that Bush & Co. have run-up with this Iraq adventure (though I can see why you said that). It’s just another example of an out-of-control government agency that needs to be put in its place.
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