Goldy and panel ponder the important questions of our time: Was the Sarah Palin choice crazy or simply reckless? (And should the words “Palin” and “choice” ever appear together in the same sentence?) Will the Republicans get any real mileage out of the flip-floppin’, tax-increasin’, book banin’, enemy firin’, ear markin’ half-term Governor? Where was the Seattle media at the Democratic National Convention? And why was The Big Tent such a spectacle? Did anybody show up for the Republican National Convention and, if so, who will be the target of their anger frenzy this year? Is Joe Lieberman a traitor? And why are Washington state Republicans shunning their own Convention?
Goldy was joined by Seattle P-I columnist Joel Connelly, Executive Director of the Northwest Progressive Institute Andrew Villeneuve , HorsesAss and EFFin’ Unsound’s Carl Ballard and HorsesAss, EFFin’ Unsound, and Blog Reload’s Lee.
The show is 48:07, and is available here as an MP3:
[audio:][Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for hosting the site.]
Q- Do you know the difference between a bitch and Sarah Palin?
A- None.
If God is on her side, I’ll have to reconsider my notions about Satan…
The extreme partisanship of the Republican Party evidenced itself once again when a U.S. Attorney chosen for political credentials rather than legal experience sabotaged the FBI and Secret Service by refusing to file federal charges against 3 white supremacists who conspired to assassinate Sen. Obama at the Democratic convention, leaving them to face only relatively minor state charges. Debunks GOP Convention Spin
Republicans were in full-court lying mode last night, and calls bullshit on their speechifying:
“By Viveca Novak, Brooks Jackson and Lori Robertson
“Joe Lieberman and … Fred Thompson both made misleading claims about Obama in their prime time GOP convention speeches on Tuesday. We’ve heard two of them before – many times.
“Lieberman said Obama hadn’t ‘reached across party lines’ to accomplish ‘anything significant,’ though Obama has teamed with GOP Sens. Tom Coburn and Richard Lugar to pass laws enhancing government transparency and curtailing the proliferation of nuclear and conventional weapons.
“Thompson repeated misleading claims about Obama’s tax program, saying it would bring ‘one of the largest tax increases in American history.’ But as increases go, Obama’s package is hardly a history-maker. It would raise taxes for families with incomes above $250,000. Most people would see a cut.
“Lieberman also accused Obama of ‘voting to cut off funding for our American troops on the battlefield.’ But Obama’s only vote against a war-funding bill came after Bush vetoed a version of the bill Obama had supported – and McCain urged the veto.”
(Quoted from Newsweek under fair use.)
Stock Market Crashes After Palin Speech
The stock market is responding to the GOP’s big night by shedding 320 points from the Dow today.
The answers are:
1. Both.
2. No.
3. I couldn’t tell ya.
4. Was it?
5. (a) Just the Blind Faithful, and (b) the media.
6. No.
7. Because they want that shot at being elected that McCain clearly does not.
Palin told the lie again that she opposed the “Bridge to Nowhere” when she based her 2006 gubernatorial campaign on her support for it (among other issues). It was only chronicled in every newspaper in Alaska. But of course, 30 million people hear her lie and maybe only a couple of million know that she was lying. Republicans say, “I like those odds!”
Cynical Republicans don’t mind lying to the American people when they think the public is too stupid to find them out.
I can’t believe that the McCain campaign has the moronic brass balls to try to stick it to the press over Palin. He needs the press to have a chance, but the campaign has decided to antagonize the press just as they were beginning to question the campaign closely. Maybe they think it’s “working the refs” but McCain has had it easy so far, and now they’re going to report and repeat every stupid thing he says between now and the election, as well as dig, dig, dig into Scarah Palin’s closet full of skeletons. I just don’t see how they think that is a net gain.
The current RealClearPolitics polling average has Obama up 6 points, with both Obama rising and McCain dropping. I will be very surprised if McCain’s post-convention “bump” does anything more than level off the drop in his support.
The McCain campaign exits the convention weakened, probably terminally. They have shifted completely from a “we’re kinda moderate” public stance to what seems to shape up to be a “red meat for the base” campaign whose major effect has been, according to what little evidence there is to date, to turn off independent voters without adding any others.
Democrats are now poised to pick up FIVE states that went for Bush in ’04 and Republicans are still ahead in NO state that went blue in ’04. That does not say “win” for McCain. It say big L on the forehead.
Hey, isn’t all the McCain/Palin/advisors/etc. whining about how mean and sexist everyone is about Sarah “McCain won’t last five minutes in the presidency” Palin just playing the victim? I thought big strong Republicans were against that.
Another thing: Obama appeals explicitly to people tired of divisive partisanship. McCain and Palin have just shown that they are all about divisive partisanship. Where do you think more votes lie in 2008?
That is rich…
Executive Director of the Northwest Progressive Institute Andrew Villeneuve.
So a teenage blogger living in his moms basement, going to Bellvue Community college is not calling himself “executive director”.
Is this dellusions of grandeur or does he think a title makes the “man” ?
Heck, community organizer would be a better term for little Andy.
He’s a damn sight more effective than you “dutch”.
12 dutch
What does a community organizer do, dutch? Impress us.
Dutch @ 12,
‘So a teenage blogger…’
Ummm…I’m not sure what Wingding propaganda cesspool you’ve been getting your information from, but Andrew is not a teenager.
I’m guessing that you were still wetting your bed when Andrew turned twenty.
15 Darryl
I’m wetting mine right now, thinking of the statistical chance that a 72-year old man who has survived multitple cancers and years of beatings and torture could survive for four more years.
Hey, isn’t it true that multiple brain traumas (such as from years of torture and beatings) impairs cognitive functioning, becoming more pronounced with age?
I’m just sayin’…
wikipedia seems to think so:
You know what? A lot of that sounds like John McCain! Now we know why at the last minute he recklesly junked the already-vetted VP picks and latched onto the virtually unknown Scandalah Palin.
wikipedia seems to agree with me:
How much of that reminds you of McCain?
No wonder screwed a bunch of other women and THEN divorced his wife when he came back. No wonder he has a famously bad temper. No wonder he recklessly chose an unvetted VP. No wonder he can’t remember how many houses he has.
It’s all clear now. And he’ll just get worse now that he’s older than fucking God.
You are right Darryl…I should have been more specific.
So he is a 21 Year old blogger living in his moms basement, going to Bellvue Community college and is calling himself “executive director”.
But I guess experience and qualifications isn’t really needed for much lately in the Democratic Party.
“You are right Darryl…I should have been more specific.”
Your error was not a lack of specificity. Your error was not knowing what the fuck you are talking about!
sure and I can tell by the corrections you provide. :-) Well done.