Was yesterday’s election a “game changer?” (No…not that one…the one in Mississippi-1, won by Childers.) And what are the implications for Dave Reichert and Doc Hastings? So…let’s say you attend a $33,100 per plate fundraiser. What kind of meal would you expect, and how should it be served? Goldy offers some disturbing possibilities. In any case, is John McCain violating the letter, or just the spirit, of the McCain—Feingold law? Who is to blame for Central Washington losing its nuclear waste to Idaho? Goldy and friends ask the tough questions so that you don’t have to…put down your beer to ask ‘em yourself.
Goldy was joined in political merriment by McCranium’s Jim McCabe, Executive Director of the Northwest Progressive Institute Andrew Villeneuve, Seattle P-I columnist Joel Connelly, and EFFin’ Unsound’s Carl Ballard (in the role of Goldy’s Ed McMahon).
The show is 47:08, and is available here as an MP3.
[audio:http://www.podcastingliberally.com/podcasts/podcasting_liberally_may_13_2008.mp3][Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to creators Gavin and Richard for hosting the site.]
Darcy’s gonna win! I just know it! I feel it in my bones! Reichert? He’s an oaf who doesn’t even hug rabbits. Darcy hugs rabbits! Darcy (heart) rabbits! I (heart) being squeezed by Darcy!
You guys should talk about why FlipFlop McCain and the Bullshit Express wants to work so hard to keep POW records from the public! Could it be he’s worried we’ll find out just how much he helped the enemy? New evidence suggests he wasn’t tortured at all. That he just caved the second they grabbed him. Typical GOP punk!