The episode begins with an air of disappointment and disgust as the panel anticipates today’s Senate FISA/Telco-immunity bill vote. The topic changes mid-stream to Plum Creek and the raping of the Montana environment. From there, they take up rural land use issues in Washington. The panel revisits the assisted suicide death with dignity initiative, and then switches tracks to a discussion of light rail. Next they reveal the secrets behind the not secret ballot currently in use in some Washington state counties.
This week Goldy was joined by HorsesAss’ and EFFin’ Unsound’s Carl Ballard and HorsesAss’ (and now Slog’s) blogger Will, Seattle P-I columnist Joel Connelly, DailyKos uber-blogger Joan McCarter (mcjoan), and Mr. Tim White.
The show is 61:31, and is available here as an MP3:
[audio:][Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to creators Gavin and Richard for hosting the site.]
Sorry I missed this KLOWN festival.
Had to chase down horses that got out…then varnish some doors.
Have any of you ever used ZAR water-based Polyurethane Varnish??
It’s fantastic stuff.
Highly recommend it.
Much more important than listening to these pencil-necked geeks re-hash the same old hash.
Hey, can anyone explain why the story about the Iraqi government demanding a timetable for the withdrawal of our troops appears on page A10 of the Seattle Times today? Doesn’t that story seem worthy of front-page treatment? I think I remember our president saying something about our forces stepping down when Iraq was ready to step up. We have become an imperialist nation, folks. Once again, the Republican media lends its hand by not emphasizing the most important news story of the day.
I listened to the Montana/Plum Creek part of the podcast. Well-done. As someone with deep Montana roots and who spends as much time there as I can each year (and as someone who really hates Plum Creek), and as a lawyer, can you tell me where to get in touch with a group who could use some volunteer help against Plum Creek’s latest? I liked your mention of Brian Schweitzer. I don’t know that Obama could do better than him for a VP choice, especially now that Jim Webb has bowed out. Yeah, he has a little acknowledged history with drugs (we on the left acknowledge what we’ve done), but I don’t think that matters a whit. Montana lately has gone Democrat at every level but president. Listen to someone like Governor Schweitzer for a bit and the contagion begins.
2 PL
Today, McCain denies that Iraq wants to set a timetable for the American presence. The amount of sheer denial it takes to be a Republican these days must be crushing.
Did you read Dick Durbin would consider supporting opening up new areas for offshore oil and gas drilling?
Is this the first crack in the Donkey house of cards? I guess with 75% of the populace saying drill more, you need to listen to your constituents vs the 16%er crowd.
McCain Record Opposing Healthcare for Veterans
McCain Has Voted To Cut, Eliminate, or Gut Veterans Health Care Funding At Least 27 Times.
HR 4939, Vote #98, 4/26/06;
SCR 83, Vote #70, 3/16/06;
SCR 83, Vote #67, 3/16/06;
SCR 83, Vote #63, 3/16/06;
SCR 83, Vote #41, 3/14/06;
HR 4297, Vote #15, 2/13/06;
HR 4297, Vote #7, 2/2/06;
S 2020, Vote #343, 11/17/05;
HR 2863, Vote #251, 10/5/05;
HR 2528, Vote #242, 9/22/05;
HR 2361, Vote # 165, 6/29/05;
HR 2361, Vote # 166, 6/29/05;
HR 2361, Vote # 168, 6/29/05;
HR 1268, Vote #90, 4/12/05;
HR 1268, Vote #89, 4/12/05;
SCR 95, Vote #40, 3/10/04;
S 1689, Vote #379, 10/14/03;
SCR 23, Vote #81, 3/25/03;
S 2168, Vote #185, 7/7/98;
S 936, Vote #168, 7/10/97;
HR 3666, Vote #276, 9/5/96;
HR 3666, Vote # 275, 9/5/96;
HR 2099, Vote #466, 9/27/95;
HR 4624, Vote #256, 8/4/94;
HR 1335, Vote #97, 4/1/93;
S 2884, Vote #226, 8/4/90;
HR 2519, Vote #132, 7/17/91
5 Pud
Whwther people want or don’t want “drilling” is one thing.
Whether it would do any good is another. It won’t. Drop some portion of our 2% of world reserves into the world market, and it will not affect the global price of oil appreciably.
Nice try.
Daddy NAMBLA Love: There is your “progressive perception” then there is reality. For years the Donkey Progressives have been belaboring the fact of no drilling. When the price rose over $4.00 the little peeps in the city began to say WTF. Now your side is scrambling as this can be the big election changer for the year.
If you go back and read the PuddyChronicles of 2007 when HAs clueless idiot, rudeass, prodofhisfatAsS, nevercorrectnottobright and others were spouting off wait until 2008 you’ll be crushed, gasoline in the tank is a deal changer. Also with truck drivers crying over almost $5.00 diesel and the upcoming winter fuel oil price increases, po peeps will vote by their wallet.
So that’s why peeps like Dick Durbin are ahead of the game. He realizes from Illinois that he and other Donkey will be blamed for this mess and the dithering your Donkey party continues to make especially the whack job comments Obama made over the Iranian missile launch yesterday have already had Progressive people wonder whadddsup.
Daddy Nambla Love: Did you watch the Early Show on SEE BS yesterday? They had a segment on how the high price of gas hurting everyone these days. Families, businesses, and even charities like Meals on Wheels. Many of these organizations that deliver food to the sick and elderly are being hit extra hard.
I remember long ago when my father retired he joined Meals on Wheels. This story brought back memories where my little bro and I would join dad on a run when we were in high school. Sometimes these meals were the only hot meal the elderly received that day. With the high price of fuel and food now they talked about food rationing.
Remember Al Gorebasm was the deciding vote on Corn Ethanol in 1994. When people were saying this would drive up the price of food your progressive friends were naysayers. Now the high food priced rooster has come to fertilize the hatched Ethanol chickens and your progressive friends are trying to change the argument. Too bad people are living the decisions of the 90s now. If the Republicans drive this message home what will your side use as an argument. Oh it’s only 2%.
A North Carolina agriculture department supervisor opted to retire rather than lower flags in honor of Jesse Helms. The 29-year state employee said he could not, in good conscience, honor Helms’ legacy of “negativity, hate, and prejudice.” Good for him!
@6 I copied and pasted that into my archives to make sure the trolls see it again. They will. Frequently. As a Vietnam Veteran, I intend to make sure they remember what McShame and the Anti-Soldier Party stand for. Hope you don’t mind.
@7 Oh, I think it might keep $7 gas from becoming $10 gas for 3 or 4 years, for whatever that’s worth.
9 – Stupes, it’s good to know you’re not voting for Rossi the REPUBLICAN this November. You’re on a veritable progressive roll these days.
8 – Stupes, you’re a silly little man. The oil companies aren’t drilling on 85 percent of what they have. Oh they say it’s of dubious value. We’re supposed to take their word for it. Oh there’s no pipelines near that. There’s no pipelines near any of the other stuff they want either.
Just copying and pasting more right wing bullshit like that “slant drilling” off of Cuba. Not even Mel Martinez wants to sell that crap.
LMAO as always at your silliness and stupidity!!
One of the most amusing parts of this crisis is the desire of the OIL industry ot pass for beign. FWIW BP does not standard for better petroleum, is not owned by Brits .. it is largely Arabian,
So filler up!
8-9 Puddybud
wow, your rambling is a real mes.
But you seem to be saying “gas prices high. Hurt people.” You may or may not also be saying (because I do not uderstand the reamlbing), “This issue will hurt Democrats.” I don’t understand why that would be true, but let’s assume you said both.
I agree with you on the first, and Democrats are working on relief. They passed a bill in the House to authorize $1.7 billion over the next two years to lower fares and expand operations as more riders flock to public transit. They’re pressing one requires that oil and gas companies to drill on the millions of acres of government land and water on which they already own federal leases.
So this is a loser for Democrats–how?
Do you really think this will turn around Republican fortunes in a year of absolutely EPIC Bush-fatigue and GOP-fatigue after 12 years of GOP Congresses and eight years of the Boy Blunder? Are you that self-deluding?
Yeah, Democrats are going to “do badly” this year while McCain’s boy Phil Gramm calls Americans “whiners.” Is that the GOP theme for this year’s election? Will Rossi use it? I hope so!
Just this morning, we were greeted by this news:
“Those damn whiny Americans had better shut their stupid traps about this one,” says McCain advisor Phil Gramm.
If you Dems truly gave a damn about high gas prices, why aren’t *any* of you advocating reducing any of the state or federal taxes imposed on every gallon of gas? The Republicans aren’t either, but if they’re all, as you all like to claim oil men then they wouldn’t. So why don’t you take the lead and provide some real relief, instead of the phony photo opps and sound bites?
Why are the republicans ashamed of Bush? Why do they throw a little old lady librarian off city property for carrying a sign that merely says McCain=Bush? It must suck to be that ashamed of your leader. Tell us Fake Marky why are you ashamed you inbred little cunt?
IBurn how do you know what we Democrats have advanced? You only watch Faux News so you’ll never hear our side. I think we should eliminate all state taxes on gasoline and pass them on to the oil companies. The republicans set the federal tax policy so you’ll have to talk to them about that.
Because, unlike you, I don’t read only left-wing circle jerk sites. And I don’t watch *any* television news at all. I get my news from several different sites every day, so that I can verify what I read.
Your party controls the congress and the senate. So don’t try to lay all of the blame for high taxes on the Republicans. Your side could lower gasoline taxes on both a state and federal level. But that won’t ever happen, and you know it. Why aren’t you complaining, publicly? Because it’s easier to keep raking in the funds, while blaming it on the opposition, that’s why. The Republicans would do the same thing. Idiots like you are just too blind to see that the major parties are mirror freakin images of each other. No matter how much you want to pretend that isn’t the case.
Joel Connelly – who I used to respect – is an incredible blowhard. He says that he wants a respectful debate about I-1000, but he manages to work in references to the Netherlands euthanasia laws (which are far different from Oregon’s Death with Dignity law) and to Nazi Germany (!), and even uses the words “slippery slope” in his little screed against Initiative 1000. He doesn’t want a respectful debate – he knows what he believes and nothing in the world will change his mind. He’s on a moral crusade.
Abbie Hoffman must be spinning in his grave to hear such a self-righteous pinhead quoting him.
Daddy NAMBLA Love: Anything that disagrees with your single celled brain is “rambling” to you.
HAs clueless idiot@14: What cut and paste?
Truth hurts doesn’t it? 75% want additional drilling. Them polls go against moonbat! thoughts.