Did Sen. Hillary Clinton win the Pennsylvania primary in any meaningful way? Does cutting a fighter jet into little pieces make for good art? And who is the single most conservative member of the house on foreign policy? These questions and more are raised, pondered, re-examined, synthesized, refined, interrogated, beat to death, waterboarded, and stacked on the floor in neat little pyramids by Goldy and friends.
Yes…it was another evening of Podcasting Liberally.
Joining Goldy was a panel of the blogosphere’s finest: Will, Ray, mcjoan, and Daniel .
The show is 50:07, and is available here as a 47 MB MP3.
[audio:http://www.podcastingliberally.com/podcasts/podcasting_liberally_april_22_2008.mp3][Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to creators Gavin and Richard for hosting the Podcasting Liberally site.]
Any art that makes you to see familiar things in new ways, leading you to fresh perspectives and changes in your thinking, is good. For example, I like Wingnut Chainsaw Art.*
* Hey, just kidding! Ann Coulter humor.
Since there is a good chance that the democrat race will come down to the super delegates will the democrat national committee offer protection to those who vote for the winner?? This is a serious issue.
Protection from Clinton supporters?
O-blah-blah ain’t applying to be a Wal-Mart Greeter you lunatics~!!
Hillary, Terry McAullife & her other supporters have been all over Fox News doing interviews.
UNITER O-blah-blah and his band of KLOWNS have been dodging folks who challenge him.
Uniter my Ass.
If it were between that phoney Chicago-thug and Hillary…I’d choose Hillary.
There is just too much we now know about O-blah-blah that we should have known earlier but the MSM annoited him rather than do their jobs. However, Hillary has done a great job of exposing the ugly underbelly of this phoney, unqualified pretender.
“Roger Rabbit hasn’t attended DL since January because of illness. He was diagnosed last month with an incurable respiratory disease and hasn’t been feeling well lately. However, you wingnuts shouldn’t get your hopes up that I’ll soon be the late Roger Rabbit. This ailment doesn’t kill you very fast. A car, a peregrine falcon, or old age will probably get me first.”
Say it ain’t so Rog!!
My father died of Emphasema 10 years ago @ 66.
It was a progressive (ironic, huh) disease.
He was joyful & happy to the end because he trusted in the Lord and kept busy. He socialized & even exercised. Great guy. Blue collar..worked his ass off Republican!
So Rog, if I might ask, what is your illness?
My wife & I will pray for you…although she might think it weird to pray for a guy named Roger Rabbit.
Best wishes always Rog.
Your right, she will just run as a third party candidate. Ah but the fireworks if Obama loses….WHOOOHOOO!
@4 You know what, Cynical? A dead rat would make a better president than anyone the GOP has! And the rest of the country thinks so, too. Your party’s approval rating is now down to — what? — 28%? Something like that. So prattle on about Obama, my boy, prattle on!
Rasmussen Poll on Favorable /Unfavorable Ratings of Candidates—
But look at the Unfavorable Ratings–
Still think this election is a slam-dunk??
We already proved that a monkey can beat a democrat (rather convincingly by the way)for POTUS why not a dead rat. hehehehee
@6 Tell your wife not to worry because Roger isn’t my real name and I’m not really a rabbit.
@5 not #6
Newsweek: Limbaugh Democrats Voted For Obama
Contrary to myths being circulated in the aftermath of the Pennsylvania vote, Obama was the primary beneficiary of Republicans switching party registration to vote in the Democratic primary.
According to Newsweek, 9% of those who voted in the Pennsylvania primary changed their party registration this year, and 20% of Obama’s total vote came from these switchers, who previously were about 50-50 Republicans and independents.
Your (and Newsweek) math is faulty. Obama consistently gets some cross over votes. This number was UNDERestimaed in A because their system makes cross over hard to do.
Hillary normally does not get this vote. So, the net effect of Limbaugh’s effort MUST have been to help Hillary.
One can argue how big the effct was.
Of course the Bush regime lies about this stuff. You can bet your ass they’re lying about KIA – just like Nixon did in Nam. You can bet they’re lying about civilian deaths and wounded as well. That’s what they do – they’re GOP!
By the way – for the unaware – Rasmussen is to polls what Fox is to news.
Ummm Dear KLOWN, Rasmussen is acknowledge as the most accurate.
Rasmussen Reports’ Election 2006 coverage has been praised for its accuracy and reliability. Michael Barone, Senior Writer for U.S. News & World Report and co-author of The Almanac of American Politics, mentions, “One clear lesson from the Republican victory of 2004 and the Democratic victory of 2006 is that the best place to look for polls that are spot on is RasmussenReports.com.” And University of Virginia Professor Larry Sabato states, “In election campaigns, I’ve learned to look for the Rasmussen results. In my experience, they are right on the money. There is no question Rasmussen produces some of the most accurate and reliable polls in the country today.”
Rasmussen Reports was also the nation’s most accurate polling firm during the 2004 Presidential election and the only one to project both Bush and Kerry’s vote total within half a percentage point of the actual outcome.
During both Election 2004 and Election 2006, RasmussenReports.com was the top-ranked public opinion research site on the web. Rasmussen had twice as many visitors as our nearest competitor and nearly as many as all competitors combined.
Your comment:
“Rasmussen is to polls what Fox is to news.”
was like everything else you spew…pulled out of your ass with NO basis for your spew.
You just don’t like the results KLOWN.
So lying piece of shit cynical – you must be admitting that Fox News is bad – only a moron as big as you could be that stoooopid. More proof you’re just a janitor at the sex offender unit.
And how fucking stoooopid besides – you quote Sabato – Faux News Channel regular when they need a talking head to bash the Clintons.
No wonder you guys are looooosing. You’re the best the right has to offer LOL!
Stephanie Miller update: A PA caller this morning sang the same old sweet song: voter suppression, not enough polling places in black-afro neighborhoods, not enough ballots, a clear concerted conspiracy to disfranchise voters in the ‘hood.
And who were the conspiratorial villains of this perennial opera … Republicans in Ohio? Rebpublicans in Florida? Ken Blackwell? Katherine Harris?
Why, no. The villains depriving the poor, possessed, and dispossessed of their semi-sacred right to vote were Clinton Democrats flipping off Obama Democrats in Philadelphia.
And it seems like only yesterday, and probably was only yesterday, that Bill Clinton was accusing Obamaniacs of duppressing the votes of Clintonistas in Nevada. And it was only this morning that we got the news: the Kucinich lawsuit, charging Clinton and Obama with suppressing the great silent Kucinich majority in New Hampshire, is headed for the big time.
This is all waaaaaaaaaaay too funny!