The podcast returns to the Montlake Alehouse after a long winter vacation. And just in time for Goldy and friends to offer fond farewells to King County Executive Ron Sims who is on his way to the other Washington. His former spokesperson, Sandeep Kaushik, offers insight into Sims as number two at HUD.
The Seattle P-I is up for sale with an uncertain fate. A recent analysis puts the PI in the top 20 for online readership nationally. Will a robust on-line P-I arise from the ashes of the printed product? The panel reflects more generally on the fate of print media and online journalism. Can an online publication support strong local reporting and in-depth investigative journalism?
The panel notices a new administration in D.C. With Change™ come appointments, replacements, and confirmation votes. The panel chews over and through the issues…right down to local repercussions.
Finally, it was election night in King County. With the first ballot drop, the faceless technocrat holds a strong lead over the crazy gun nut and the black belt mother-beater. Apparently the voters prefer professional competence in an Elections Director. And Goldy proclaims this the closing chapter of the 2004 election saga.
Goldy was joined by a reluctant Sandeep Kaushik of PubliCola, Seattle P-I columnist Joel Connelly, Effin’ Unsound’s Carl Ballard and Peace Tree Farm’s N in Seattle.
The show is 47:08, and is available here as an MP3:
[audio:][Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for hosting the site.]
Those were the days, me and Horowitz scoring phony passports and black tar heroin from Eldridge in Algeria so we could sneak past Gitmo and cut Vienceremos cane with Che. Good times. Chancho, I said (Che was like a brother to me, so I called him Chancho), the only way this could be better is if we had running dogs Goldstein, Rabbit, and YLB right here, face to face, machetes at ten paces. You, me, and Horowitz, Chancho, we’d cut those capitalist roaders down to size el quicko. Then we’d dump their bodies at Langley as a warning. …
Sandeep’s in charge of the “corrections” section of Publicola, right?
Weary from a long glorious day of cutting cane and dealing C-4 to campesinos, Ayers and Dohrn went to their tent. Look at them, said Chancho with disgust. Rodeo Drive revolutionaries. Fidel despises them. They seize the day for fifteen minutes, then throw it back and go back to sleep.
Chancho, Horowitz, and I lingered in the Maestra twilight, savoring Robustos, passing from brother to brother a bottle of Spanada that glinted in the firelight.
HNMT my brother, said Chancho (he called me HNMT, which means Honored Nord’Mericano Tigre), this thing you want us to do. This thing with the reactionary roaders and the machetes. I cannot do this thing. I am a doctor. I took an oath. I am on Obama’s short list for HHS.
I must save my strength, my brother, for the dialectic with Howard Dean. He is also on the short list. He is worse than a reactionary roader. He is a Trotskyist. I must ice-pick his brain as heroic guerrillas did to Trotsky in Mexico.
But this YLB you mention, this YLB … is it true that he was abandoned by Republicans and raised by rodents? Perhaps for him I can make time to water the tree of liberty with blood.
LMAO @ the HNMT..
So bitter after all these years. You got the wrong website idiot. We’re liberals here, not communists.
Poor man, harboring ancient grudges formed during a sadly mispent youth. Grudges you project on thoughful people like Roger Rabbit who’s more full of life and good humor than you can ever dream of.
HNMT, you bore me!
Love you too! Madly! Too bad you’re a capitalist imperialist pig … and we all know what fun-house Rabbit, the good humor man, does to pigs.