After a brief hiatus, the Podcast is back—and with a special guest.
Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels starts the conicnversation on Seattle “inside baseball ” politics Sound Transit’s Prop. 1 ballot measure and mass transportation. The conversation then turns to the piles and piles of money dumped (sometimes illegally) into in the Washington state gubernatorial race. Will Rossi and surrogates succeeded in unifying the haters? And why hasn’t the BIAW been enjoined from spending more money on the race? Goldy laments the lack of editorial outrage from the traditional media over flagrant violations of election financing laws. The panel chit-chats about other races, like the presidential race and the Burner–Reichert race. Goldy, in response to the PI’s endorsement of Reichert, offers the proposition that the Seattle media establishment suffers from mediocrity. With two journalists on the panel, the comment triggers something of a group therapy session….
Goldy was joined by Chairman of the Sound Transit Board of Directors and Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels, Seattle P-I columnist Joel Connelly, Publisher of the Group News Blog, Jesse Wendel, HorsesAss reporter Josh Feit , and Seattle blogging pioneer N in Seattle.
The show is 65:16, and is available here as an MP3:
[audio:][Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for hosting the site.]
Greg Nickels is the one guy I thought was going to be a good politician who gave a damn about the poor and middle class.
Boy, was I wrong!
First he talks me into supporting the monorail, which was completed last year, right Greg?
Then, he does everything but load the moving van for the Sonics.
Never, never, never will I vote for that guy again. He will just have to get a job at Vulcan with all the other good democrats turned capitalists.
He’s Nickels, not Nickles.
God…what a horrible person I am!
Barack Obama brings down the house!
Cry wingnuts. Wingnuts.. cry…
Podcasting = Fishing for Aliens
Nickels should be put in jail for his wholesale assault on the homeless, the most vulnerable of our society. His attacks on their ability to eke out a survival on public land are simply cruel and negligent.
Last winter there were over 2,600 homeless people on the streets on a night when shelters were full. Now that the homeless are building their own shelters, he’s harassing them even on private church property! Fact is, Nickels won’t take care of people who have lost their jobs in this shit economy, who have been foreclosed on and can’t afford rentals in this town. He’s embarrassed because they’re working hard to take care of themselves and it makes his inaction look bad. So he destroys their shelter, drives them out into the rain, the hail, the snow, and the cold. What savagery!
How have we not swept NICKELS out of town?