Wow. Things got a little wild at Drinking Liberally last night. 43rd LD candidate Dick Kelly showed up with a marching band, and The General stopped by to party righteously. And Dave Neiwert — perhaps the nation’s leading authority on right-wing extremists — actually lost his virginity.
Of course, I’m talking about his Podcasting Liberally virginity, as Dave joined me, Will, Mollie, Carl, and Lynn for our usual mix of inside politics, witty banter, and tedious, technical legislative deconstruction sage analysis. Topics of discussion included Net Neutrality Internet Freedom, Sen. Maria Cantwell’s problems with anti-war Democrats, Joni Balter’s boner for allegedly moderate Republicans, Porter Goss’s boner for hookers, plus hate crimes, the Sonics’ bluff, and of course, right-wing bloggers.
The show is 56:23, and is available here as a 36.2 MB MP3. Please visit for complete archives and RSS feeds.
[Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for producing the show.]
I’d also like to thank Reporterward for stopping by, introducing himself, and joining in. He may have disagreed with nearly everything we said, but I doubt he came away thinking any of us are evil. Except maybe Will.
GOPers To Students & Single Moms: Screw You!!!
In today’s news, Republicans in Congress reportedly have reached agreement on $70 billion of tax cuts for the wealthy, the centerpiece of which is a 15% tax rate on capital gains and investment income (which many Republicans believe is 15% too much) — to be paid for by slashing over $50 billion of spending on student financial aid and funding for enforcing child support.
In yesterday’s threads, HAers had a discussion about ethics and morality (primarily the ethics and morality surrounding the abortion issue). Well, let me ask you right-wing philosophers something:
How moral is it to tax wage earners at two-thirds again the rate paid by lazy do-nothings who sit on their fat asses collecting dividends earned by the sweat and labor of others while producing nothing themselves?
Republicans have been hostile toward student financial aid programs since at least the 1960s, when I was a student. For all their mouthings about “hard work” and “bootstrapping,” they don’t believe people who weren’t born with a silver spoon should have the opportunity to get an education and raise themselves up. You see, they don’t want their lazy stupid kids to have competition.
Wingnut liars often say the Democratic Party is out of ideas and has no plan. BULLSHIT!!! The Democrats have always had ideas and a plan. For 75 years, it’s been the same idea and plan, and it’s just as good today as it’s always been:
I’ll show you someone with no ideas or plan! Dave Reichert has been a benchwarmer for two years now, and still have no plan to solve the unhugged rabbit problem.
Darcy Burner has already hugged a rabbit! Reichert doesn’t even have a plan to hug a rabbit.
Let’s see, what’s the marginal tax rate paid by most middle class families? Around 25%? And what do millionaire investors pay? 15% — and they’re bitching about it. Poor little picked on millionaires!! Sometimes I wonder if WE aren’t paying taxes to educate THEIR kids.
For those of you who may have forgotten (or not read) by posts a few days ago about my Republican friend, Bob the Barber, I’ve known Bob for over 10 years and every time he trimmed my fur Bob railed about taxes. Now Bob has closed his shop and disappeared because the IRS is after him. Typical Republican — for years I listened to Barber Bob bitching about TAXES HE NEVER PAID.
Republicans like bitching about taxes other people pay even more than they like building sports stadiums and arenas with other people’s money.
I think we can all agree that people who do not pay income taxes [about 50%] [Democrats] think those who do [Republicans] [about 50%] should pay more. This is the “Rule of the Parasite” or the “Free Lunch Rule”.
Hey Stefan, you useless twit — when are you going to write something on your vapid blog about people who complain about taxes they never paid? That’s a widespread problem (especially in YOUR party), you know. When are you going to investigate THAT? Get off your ass and do something useful instead of spinning your wheels in the loose sand of an election your side lost despite your cheating.
wow! this thread is already up to a Baker’s Dozen* posts! That’s more than Stefan’s useless, vapid blog gets in a week!
* If you go to a Democrat bakery, a “baker’s dozen” is 13 donuts, but if you go to a Republican bakery you only get 11 donuts! Figures. Fucking Republicans want all the donuts for themselves.
Thanks for having me. It was either do this on Tuesday night, write articles, or defecate in people’s vegetable gardens while molesting garden trolls with RR.
I decided on the first choice.
Get the Alehouse to serve hard pear cider (my drink of choice) and I’ll be there again for certain. I think I’m going to have to throw down with you folks on the podcast.
You’ve got it all wrong. I eat his GARDEN and shit on his LAWN. I’m not so stupid as to shit where I eat … I’m not a Republican, you know.
re 6: You’d be surprised , Roger. Many underachieving scions of the wealthy receive tax-free tutoring at their Ivy League colleges from their more gifted classmates because , if they are in need of remedial education, to charge them for it would be, “reverse discrimination.”
I’m not kidding. It’s true!
If the top 1% has their money offshore, why not finish the job and ship them off too? We’ll then enact protective tariffs and they can all play, Go Fish, for all I care.
“Many underachieving scions of the wealthy receive tax-free tutoring at their Ivy League colleges from their more gifted classmates because , if they are in need of remedial education, to charge them for it would be, “reverse discrimination.”
I’m not kidding. It’s true!
Commentby Apache Fog— 5/10/06@ 12:11 pm”
I hate to break this to you AF, but the majority of those “free-loaders” in Harvard are LEFTY’S!!!!!!!
Would be curious to get your take on the make-up of the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS and their attitudes. They would probably be on their best behavior with you analyzing them!
I’ve never felt Goldy and any of the KLOWNS are evil. Frankly, I used to think they were just joking about some of the Socialist/Marxist boneheaded brainfarts that they regularly regurgatate here on HA. When it finally dawned on me that they were actually SERIOUS about these beliefs, I felt like Mr. T often did when he said “I Pity the Po’ Fools”!!
Mr. Cynical,
I don’t know. I was too busy most of the evening chatting up the pretty, blonde gal who was left alone with no one talking to her at the end of the table while 90 percent of the males in attendence were being nerds blathering about politics.
Median age was about 50. Everyone apparently bathed and no one stunk of patchouli. My drink wasn’t spiked and no parasites jumped from them onto me. So that was a victory.
As far as being evil, if everyone at drinking liberally was a country, I’d probably categorize most of the folks as mid-80s Albania.
All in all, I had a fun time laughing at (and even with) them and I’m sure I surprised the heck out of them.
1) They bathed because you were coming….and Montlake Pub said NO BATHEE, NO DRINKEE!!!
2) They ignore pretty gals because they are Homo’s. Their overwhelmingly favorite American Idol candidate was Clay Aiken!
3) They TALK about politics because talking is cheap and easy.
4) “Mid-80’s Albania”—-I presume you mean mid-1880’s as these Luddites & pretend Hippy’s are willing to spend other people’s good hard-earned money to attempt to turn back the hands of time!
Did all the “fanny-slappin” make you a little squeamish??
Finally, GBS is exposed as the lossssssssssseeeeeeeeerrr of HA.ORG. What nutcase!!!!
And for those of you who don’t think some of the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS have lost their alleged minds, I offer up this post by one GBS. I can picture this Pencil-necked geek sitting in his one-romme rented hovel on Capital Hill dressed in army fatigues as he furiously pecked out the following warning!!:
“Donnageddon @ 54:
Hey, man don’t let assholes like JCH get you down. Skip over them like TheDeadlyShoe said.
Leave the Konservative Krime Klown bashing to me and Roger Rabbit. JCH is my blog bitch. I’m his Alpha male on this blog and he knows it. JCH lacks the testicles to tell everyone on the (un)SP blog that he lied about his military service. Why is that?
Because he’s ashamed of himself that’s why. People with low self esteem, low mental IQ’s, jealously and hate tend to be conservatives. Clearly, you are the opposite of them.
There are less than 6 months to go before we reclaim America, and believe me it will happen. We need you in the fight, here and now. Don’t be discouraged by the Bozos like JCH, that’s their game plan.
Think of this blog like any other community. There are good people and bad people. You talk with the good people and you leave the shitheads to Roger Rabbit and me. We like a good fight, although, this fight is a bit unfair because there are only two of us and there are thousands of the Krime Klowns. They need to get a few thousand more of their ilk to make it a fair fight.
Commentby GBS— 5/10/06@ 1:36 pm”
Are you taking Testosterone Shots???
Your comment makes it sound like you take this Blog very seriously and you have deluded yourself into believing you are “converting” folks or something. What a sick bastard you are!!!! It’s a Political Blog called HorseAss you loooooooser! Even Rog Rabbit understands it’s a dumping ground…a sport. Rog has always expressed a desire to have opposing viewpoints…NO MATTER HOW OFFENSIVE!!!!! Most of the KLOWNS desperately want to shut down opposing viewpoints that fight back. Donnageddon is quick to complain….but is actually much worse than what he claims to abhor!
GBS, I can only imagine what a pathetic nightmare your life has been and currently is if you look at HorseAss as a “battlefield” and you are going to “fight” arm-in-arm with a guy named Roger Rabbit!!!! Snap out it you KLOWN!!!!!!!! Get a reaaaaal life…..quick!
GBS–Look outside. Those nice men in the white coats pushing that gurney with leather straps on it are Howard Dean’s pals. They are nice men who want you on their team. They are so impressed with you GBS, that they are going to give you a 1st class ride on a gurney to meet and advise Howard. Enjoy the ride and be sure to eat all the little candies they give you! They may look like medicine pills but they are real yummy!
Liberals always optimistic even in the face of the most criminally corrupt government in the history of America.
Commentby GBS— 5/10/06@ 1:40 pm […………………………………Nancy, Harry, Uncle Teddy, Queen Bitch Hillary, and John Fucking Kerry “optimistic”?? GBS, not your finest day!!]
Mr. Cynical, winner of the “POST OF THE DAY”!!!…….Congrats.
Another bad idea comes to us today…courtesy of Michigan Congressman John Conyers. This leftist dinosaur has been warming his seat in Congress for an absolute eternity…some 40 years. He’s the one that came up with the idea that we should impeach George W. Bush. So what’s his latest cause?
Slave reparations. That’s right…that old loony idea is making a comeback. He wants hearings to determine if reparations should be paid to black Americans for slavery. He even went so far as to compare the slave trade to the Holocaust: “Just as we’ve discussed the Holocaust, and Japanese interment camps, and to some extent the devastation that the colonists inflicted upon the Indians, we must talk about slavery and its continued effects.” Uh huh.
Here are a few undisputed, undeniable facts for Congressman Conyers and the reparations crowd:
1.) There is not one person alive today that is responsible for owning, trading or keeping slaves.
2.) There is not one person alive today that was ever held as a slave.
But, that’s never stopped nutcases like Conyers from pursuing the idea. By the way…I wonder how that probe into Conyers using his official staff to baby sit for him is going? Perhaps they need to be paid some reparations!;emc=rss
Nice poll
By better than two to one, Democrats were seen as having more new ideas than Republicans.
If somebody ran over and killed your father (God forbid), you sure as hell could sue the negligent motorist. However, in the case of slavery, I’m not sure they’d sue, as all the potential defendants are dead. I suppose they’d go after Uncle Sam, meaning all of us taxpayers. Wait, nobody pays taxes anymore, Bush and the GOP congress will just put the judgment on a credit card.
Even if Democrats didn’t have a single new idea, there’s nothing wrong with the old one:
But Dave Reichert is a man of no ideas. Why, after two years in office, has he still taken no action on the rabbit hugging issue?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 5/10/06@ 4:14 pm [……………………………………………………………………You mean like the Kerrys, Kennedys, and the Democrat Hampton, NY liberals??]
Do you believe in the Bible?
Do you believe the Bible is the true word of God?
Do you believe that God’s Law supersedes man’s law?
If so, what part of ‘Thou SHALT lie’ don’t you understand?
Do you believe that God’s Law supersedes man’s law?
Commentby GBS— 5/10/06@ 5:08 pm [……………………………………………….Not for us Kennedys. We do as we please, and you Democrat sheep will shut the fuck up and vote for us. Got it?]