The podcast starts off with a Democrat-on-Democrat story, as Goldy and his panel discuss politics and campaigning with Washington 11th CD Senate candidate Juan Martinez in his contest against Sen. Margarita Prentice. The topic turns to initiatives. Will increased traffic congestion and elevated gas prices encourage voters to vote YES on Proposition 1? How is Lyin’ Eyman’s Traffic Congestion Initiative doing? Speaking of him, what can be done to repair the initiative process? Oh…and why does the American Chemistry Council hate Seattle? All this and so much more….
Goldy was joined by Seattle P-I columnist Joel Connelly, Alex Fryer, the communications director for Mass Transit Now!, State Senate Candidate Juan Martinez, initiative specialist Laura McClintock of McClintock Consulting, and Lynn Allen of Evergreen Politics.
The show is 55:00 and is available here as an MP3:
[audio:][Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for hosting Podcasting Liberally.]
Fucking lying bitch Sarah Palin continues to lie that Alaska supplies 20% of America’s energy.
I hate people who lie. Don’t you?
i have all these mccain pics and i dont know what to do with them
So if people strapped by $4 gas vote to raise the sales tax to build light rail they will get near-term relief at the gas pump? Outer continental shelf oil may get to gas pumps sooner than light rail will arrive at a station near you — at least 10 years away, either way.
what can be done to repair the initiative process? Are you fucking kidding me? All this talk about ‘Bush shredding the constitution”, but what the fuck do you think ‘fixing the initiative process’ means? It works as intended in the WA state constitution.
@2 Did anyone mention that Alaska charges the same price for oil as OPEC?
The POTUS is in the bag baby. Palin is an unstoppable train bigger than Obama, McCain and Biden combined. We need Palin to help out the repubs running for congress. We can take back the house and even maybe the Senate if we use her right.
@5 How about banning pay-per-signature to remove the incentive to submit fraudulent signatures? For a party that’s foaming at the mouth over “election fraud,” it’s mighty strange that Republicans don’t give a shit about phony signatures on initiative petitions.
@7 Who let the fucking dog into the pot garden again?
Speaking of gardens Rossi is all roses after todays news. You Dems maybe want Logan to start recruiting felons in LA for you to win this one. hehehehehhe
The Zig-Zag Express
Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter has just cited the Straight Talk Express for DUI: “John McCain’s whole campaign is based on the idea that Barack Obama is risky, untested and can’t be trusted to protect the nation in a crisis. But this week it was McCain who seemed unpresidential, as his Zigzag Express swerved back and forth across the median strip. His approach to the greatest financial crisis since 1933 was erratic and off-key. Would his presidency be any different?”
(Quoted under fair use)
@10 Yeah, Rossi’s gonna gives us more roads and better social services for less money. But I wanna see the wizard behind the curtain ‘cuz I’m curious how he’s gonna do that!
Actually, I think I know: Slot machines on every street corner.
Most economists are blaming the meltdown of America’s financial system on deregulation. Just a friendly reminder to voters:
“McCain voted in favor of every deregulatory effort that came up for a vote during his 26 years in Congress.”
(Quoted from Newsweek under fair use)
“McCain opposed bailing out AIG before he supported it, then opposed it again.”
(Quoted from Newsweek under fair use)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sounds like he has a lot in common with his running mate, who was for the “bridge to nowhere” before she was against it. (She didn’t return the money, either.)
Why You Shouldn’t Vote For McCain #1
” … Gramm slipped language into 1999 legislation that essentially deregulated all the fancy new Wall Street products that got us into this mess. His wife, Wendy Gramm, used her position as chair of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission to legitimize the questionable trading practices that led to the Enron scandal.
“Instead of recognizing that Gramm’s radical free-market views were out of step with the realities of the post-Enron world, McCain hired him as his top economic adviser in the 2008 campaign.
“Had Gramm not said that the United States is ‘a nation of whiners’ in a ‘mental recession’ but facing no serious economic difficulty, he would have likely been McCain’s secretary of the Treasury.” — Newsweek
(Quoted under fair use.)
I hear that Republican criminals are pushing for the ‘deregulation’ of bank robbing.
Money is, after all, not even real. It’s a concept — a convenient fiction that holds society together — like religion.
New game.
So now your “bagged up POTUS” has perjured herself in a state court filing.
Hey, didn’t the Republicans impeach Clinton for exactly this kind of behavior?
HARRRRDY har har dogbreath!
Why Obama Will Win Colorado
Barack Obama is certain to win the crucial swing state of Colorado, where he currently leads. Why? Because of Amendment 48.
The brainchild of a home-schooled Baptist, Amendment 48 declares a fertilised human egg is a “person.” This innocuous-sounding language would turn not only abortion, but contraception, into murder.
So how does that help Obama? By mobilizing moderate women voters against it “while drawing attention to John McCain’s and Sarah Palin’s strict views on abortion,” that’s how. “In November it will almost certainly go down in flames.” But that’s not the only thing it will do. It’ll bring women to Colorado’s polls in droves — to vote for Obama.
And Goldy doesn’t like initiatives? Hell, here out west we LOVE initiatives — especially idiotic initiatives written by stupid conservatives that are guaranteed to get people to vote — for us.
(Quotes from The Economist under fair use.)
Palin’s goin’ down…
@18 Oh, that’s rich! Palin claims she fired her state’s top law enforcement officer for making an unauthorized trip to D.C. to lobby for federal funds to combat rape and sexual violence — and now it turns out her office authorized the trip!
Weeeeee harrrrr haaaa hoooo whooooop
I wonder how many of the women voters who swooned over Palin will vote for her after they find out she runs the state with by far the highest rate of forcible rapes … no other state even comes close. And she fired the state police chief for trying to get federal money to fight rape?!!!
Hooooo haaaaaaa whoooooop harrrrrr heeeeee ho
21 You know, it’s got to the point where I don’t even want to watch her doing that.
Palin wanted to charge rape victims for rape “kits” because they contained emergency contraception inside the kit.
18 – Good news!
Couldn’t happen to a nicer gal…
Is Florida In Play?
It might be. A new National Journal/Allstate poll reported on the RealClearPolitics website shows the Sunshine State as a tossup. Here are the poll’s results for several crucial swing states:
Colorado – Obama leads 45% to 44%
Florida – Tied at 44% each
New Mexico – Obama leads 47% to 42%
Ohio – McCain leads 42% to 41%
Virginia – McCain leads 48% to 41%
Roger Rabbit Commentary: RealClearPolitics average of national polls currently gives Obama the electoral vote edge, 273 to 265. Obama reaches those numbers without Florida, Ohio, or Virginia; but in that scenario, he must win Colorado and New Mexico. An Obama win in Florida would be devastating to McCain. It very likely would put the election out of reach. To make up Florida’s 27 EVs, he would have to win both Michigan (17) and Minnesota (10), but is unlikely to win either. On the other hand, if Obama loses in Florida, Ohio, Virginia, and North Carolina, losing in Colorado, Minnesota, or Michigan would checkmate him.
States Bush won in 2004 where Obama leads: Colorado (9), New Mexico (5), Iowa (7).
States Kerry won in 2004 where McCain leads: None.
(Source: RealClearPolitics)
Public Notice
I will be traveling on business for the next week. I’ve been elected by the Western Washington Rabbits Association as their Carrot Quality Inspector! It’s almost harvest time and I need to tour western Washington farms that raise CARROTS to make sure there’s a sufficient supply of high-quality carrots to feed western Washington’s rabbit population this coming winter! YUMMY!!! I LUUUV CARROTS!!! So, I’ll be gone for a few days. Hey fascist traitors! I’ll see you when I see you — unless they hang you first!
As predicted, the Palin bounce is turning into the Palin drag. She sure sounded good at first, but after Americans got to see her continually pushing lies and stumbling on easy questions in a interview, it became very apparent that not only is she not qualified to be VP but she does not have the integrity to be VP. Serial liars like Palin and McCain eventually have the truth catch up to them and bite them in the backside. The bridge to nowher and the Obama will raise your taxes lies of McCain/Palin are now being called out. Seems republicans can’t run on the truth – it scares them.