To start, the panel ponders the political Palinolithic era. Is “pathological liar” too strong a phrase? Would an actuary predict a probable Palin presidency? Did Palin add a punch to the post-convention polls? The panel next takes on some Washington state issues, like who is the real Rossi and would the public really respect (or even recognize) him if they knew him? And with the incredible shrinking media, could that even happen? ’Sup with the Supreme Court and I-960? And what’s the (non-) deal with the Boeing strike?
Goldy was joined by Seattle P-I columnist Joel Connelly, Executive Director of the Northwest Progressive Institute Andrew Villeneuve , HorsesAss and EFFin’ Unsound’s Carl Ballard and Peace Tree Farm’s blogging pioneer N in Seattle. Oh…they even permitted me a few words.
The show is 54:11, and is available here as an MP3:
[audio:][Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for hosting PodcastingLiberally.]
For those HA readers who may actually be literate, it may worth considering the recent book by Michael Chabon on the Palinstein issue faced by Jews who chose after WWII to move to Sitka. Chabon’s picture of Jewish Life in Palinstein is chilling and I find it even more so after readinabout the close raltionship between Ms. Palin’s
Imanand the Jews for<MuhamudJesus organization. ( have yet to hear Gov Palin talk about the issue but,as a Jew, I am concerned about the possibility that a Palinstinian could become POTUS. Moreover, while she has garnerd most of the attention, there is also a third party effort to elect another Palinstinian as POTUS even though this person is not even a US citizen.
While I realize that religon is not suppsed to be a criterion for election, given all the fuss about Barack’s dad’s relligion, is tghe US ready for a Palestinian President?
Palin is on the Tee-Vee as I type. Apparently she was only good for one speech. Boring!
@1 Yeah, by Palinsteinia has oil, so I think we should invade that country and take the oil! Why should we let Palinsteinians have it?
Darryl, do you really think these podcasts need to be 256kbps? 104 MB for 54 minutes of talk audio is probably much larger than necessary. My suggestion would be 64kbps, which would make the file a fifth the size.
Just a thought.
Daniel K,
So, upgrade your internet service already and quit your fricken whining. Sheesh!
Even her name is a give away. Sarah was the Jewish wife of Abraham and the mother of the Jews! Hagar was the mother of the Arabs and here relationship with Abraham was .. well, maybe a bit on the side?
Of course, as a Palinstinian, Sarah claims to be an authentic Alaskan and even claims to have married into one of the original families! Todd Palin, her hubby, has been put forth as a true indigenous citizen of Palinstein but no one seems to know f he claims membership in one of the tribes or peoples registered with the Feds to get THEIR cut of the oil lucre.
Are the Palinstinians Entitled to Affirmative Action?
Under Ms. Palins leadership, ANYONE claiming to be a Palinstinian has received about 2500 in kick backs form oil revenues that raigtfully belong t all Americans.
Only a very few Palinstinians, however, actually have an ancestral heritage in what they call the Great Land.
We need a movement to abolish the Alaska Tax! Thoise of us Americuns living in the lower 48 have no “debt” to people claiming to eb Palinstiains just because they live in Alaska!
NO Tax without Representation: End the Alaska Tax!
They don’t call them lies. They call them ‘opinions’.
And we are all entitled to our own opinion, right? Even if it deviates from the demonstrable truth.
The only thing that will stop this is shock collars on all Republicans. Every time they express an opinion, they get shocked.
John McCain may have been a Navy captain, but he was nearly last in his class that last time he went to any sort of school, and in the intervening 50 years he doesn’t seem to have learned a goddamn thing.
He doesn’t know who’s who in the nations we deal with. He has no understanding of the historical and cultural issues there (meaning more or less anywhere, including the USA).
It’s not just that he’s morally unfit to be president due to his constant, blatant, and insistent lying. It’s not just that he’s temperamentally unfit to be president due to his temper tantrums and frequent uncontrolled outbursts of often offensive nonsense, it’s that he is intellectually and educationally unfit to be president because he doesn’t know diddly squat.
So now we find out that the federal officials in charge of our relationships with oil companies are partying, staying in hotels, doing drugs, and having sex with oil company employees. And these are the people who would oversee that magical offshore drilling that going to send gas prices down tomorrow (or the next day). How can we change this?
John McCain wants you to believe that the way to change this is to elect someone from the same political party, a man who has an inexperienced pro-drilling partner, a man who shares the same close ties to the same oil and gas companies that make the donations that allow them to hire the same political operatives! Yes, that will be just the thing to turn this kind of problem around.
The way I figure it, Palestinians killed Robert F, Kennedy, and they also shot-up the Jewish thingy here in Seattle, killing that lady. And when you consider Rachel Corrie went to Palestine and burned a copy of the American flag in front of some kids, some future Sirhan Sirhans and Naveed Haqs, you have to ask yourself, was she working for peace, or promoting hate?
My point? I don’t really have one. I just like to read my own writing.
Did you know Obama was for a fund to rescue people in danger of house foreclosure before he was against it?
Now that’s one you can take to the back Big Daddy@10.
I’m shocked. You are normally such a cool, reasonable head. Sarah Palin has made you go insane. Why? Anti-Christian attitude most likely. Too bad. Anger & bitterness tend to block lucid thoughts.
The rest of you wreak of desperation. O-blah-blah was a surefire landslide winner a few months ago. Remember your gloating comments?
Not now. O-blah-blah has zero momentum. His negatives are higher than McCain’s.
Your desperate twisting of the truth only makes his defeat more likely.
Today’s Rasmussen:
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday, September 11 shows Barack Obama and John McCain each attracting 46% of the vote. When “leaners” are included, it’s Obama 48%, McCain 48%
Some more good news from Rasmussen:
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
For the first time all year, John McCain has topped Barack Obama in a New Mexico poll. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state shows McCain attracting 49% of the vote while Obama earns 47%.
Although the two-point lead is not statistically significant in a poll with a four-point margin of sampling error, it’s quite an improvement for McCain from August. At that time, Obama was ahead 48% to 44% (with leaners included). Since then, the Republican has gained ground among Hispanic voters and those not affiliated with either major party.
Interesting article I know yelling loser boy and rhp6033 will be too
to read.
Now George Bush has officially endorsed Barack Obama’s recommendations to take military action in Pakistan if we have the intel with or without the permission of the Pakistani government. John McCain has repeatedly rejected this policy. Who’s right? Bush finally admitted that Obama is.
I don’t watch, listen or read much media. I live off the net.
NPR has going on and on about this “lipstick on a pig” thing. It’s that “news cycles” thing.
What wingnut here thinks Obama was referring to Palin? All of you? I thought so. You all do what you’re told.
Even though I only heard the surrounding context yesterday, I knew he was referring to those same old disastrous chimpanzee polices of borrow and squander unilateralism. I know Obama wouldn’t call names like a wingnut calls names.
If everyone knew Obama like I’ve come to know him, you’d shrug that bullshit off like any other right wing noise.
Obama/Biden 2008
16 – LMAO!!! Ken Blackwell is Stupes on Steroids.
Have you heard the audio clip of Obama saying the lipstick line? If so, then did you notice the knowing laughter from the audience? It’s obvious they weren’t just laughing at some corny old lipstick on a pig joke. They got the context. Are you saying that Obama was oblivious to the context, but the audience wasn’t?
Hey you leftist elitists, good article on your “messiah”.
“Despite Mr. Obama’s assertions that his campaign is about “you,” much of his campaign is, in fact, all about him. In the months since the primaries ended, his creation and display of a mock presidential seal with his name on it, his speech at a mass rally at the Prussian Victory Column in Berlin, and his insistence on delivering his acceptance speech in front of fabricated Greek columns in a stadium holding 80,000 chanting supporters have crossed the thin line that separates galvanizing voters and plain old demagoguery.”
Of course this person will be demagogued as not a real liberal. Not progressive enough the HA Moonbat!s will claim.
So if he has nine major policy difference with Bush and this would be #10, how then can you and other HA Moonbat!s claim he’s McSame?
Troll, what yelling loser boy can’t get into his thick “dense as spent unanium skull” with a single brain cell is the pregnant pause Obama employed before he used “the line”. This is where all the people started laughing before he said “the line”.
Of course yelling loser boy is HAs clueless idiot, so it’s lost on him.
yelling loser boy, I knew the article from Ken Blackwell would
So I can truly LMAO at you now. I was pitying you before.
I never read Puddy’s links. I figure if he/she can accurately and coherently state the facts of what he/she asserts and present a conclusion that is supported by those facts, I will listen. But instead one of two things happens:
– He/she wants some link to do the talking
– Or when he/she tries to do it him/herself, it is always a mess of meandering blather unsupported by anything other than references to weeks-old posts he/she apparently assumes we read, and no conclusion ever follows logically from any fact presented.
All in all, not worth paying atention to.
Hey, Pud, the bitch is a Christo-commie-fascist pig with lipstick, get over it. Far more relevant is the massive troll meltdown over the past few days. What’s up with that?
Speaking of the WSJ
Palin got too power-mad for her own good.
Oooops. Typical Republican.
23 – LMAO!!! Right wing bullshit!
Such a loser!
24 – Why should I bother with Blackwell? He’s insane like you’re insane.
Unlike you however, his actions have actually damaged this country.
You could only dream of doing a tenth of the damage that man has done.
You’re so irrelevant Stupes! LMAO!!!
22 Pud
When McCain stated his rejection of going into Pakistan after bin Laden (even though he said he’d “…pursue him to the gates of Hell”), McCain and Bush were in complete agreement on the policy. Bush has changed since. Does McCain STILL think the same thing? Who knows? My guess is he’ll flip-flop to Obama’s position as well, but even more likely is that he will avoid talking about it at all, preferring at present to lie about Sarah Palin’s position on the bridge she wanted to build.
McCain Camp Sees An Insult in a Saying
Washington Post
20 T
No, you’re inventing the “context.”
First, a demand. I don’t like that little eyeball you have up there. It creeps me out. Reminds me of a peeping tom. I want you to take it down and replace it with something else.
Second, you never answered my question from #20. Go back, read it, then answer it.
So where is the insult?
Daddy/Mommy Love: Well, since you don’t “read” my links, I am glad you are so politically well rounded.
So to put this in a perspective even yelling loser boy can comprehend, how can you argue against me then Mommy/Daddy Love? I will from now on I G N O R E your insipid attacks against me because you are from an uninformed position.
Thanks so much for exposing yourself to this scrutiny. You are your own best friend. Your only one too.
I on the other hand read most of the leftist pinhead junk y’all place here. How else would I have know the Bristol-Trig Palin controversy? How else could I ask Pelletizer where he read the about that if he so wrongly “claimed” not to read that tripe on Kurse where it originated from and was perpetuated on other moronic leftist blogs?
So thanks again Daddy/Mommy Love. Whenever I see Pud or Puddy or Puddybud in your belches/farts I can skip over your swill!
I just watched video of John McCain say “lipstick on a pig” on video three times in the last two years (Rachel Maddow Show).
And his acceptance of “How do we beat the bitch?” if you want a littl sexism.
Like during the primaries when obama flipped off hillary. The audience laughed in approval, they knew what he was doing. If it wasn’t intentional, why did it happen twice.
35 Pud
OK by me. And you know very well that I am politically VERY “well-rounded.” Not that you would read or respond to that, of course.
I respond to you; I just don’t read your links. Nor do I watch Web video links, despite their current popularity.
37 MS
Right. You read minds now?
I must say I am surprised the the shallowness of the arguments you all are now clinging to. Troll thinks he knows what a crowd thought the “context” of Obama’s remarks are, and now you sassert that you know what people thought in a video clip. You should start a psychic detective agency.
Troll don’t worry about the yelling loser boy eye. As I stated earlier in the week, if you look closely you see the red neon sign in one eye flashing “Vacancy” and in the other eye “Space Available Here”.
Besides, he likes looking at porn. He told us so. It’s his other release!
Even if there was no intended insult by Obama, he showed a lack of judgement by using the lipstick on a pig line after Palin’s recent lipstick line.
I have a question for Daddy Love and YLB-types. If Obama stays on the track he’s on, and McCain stays on the track he’s on, who do you think will win? And if it’s McCain, what do you think Obama has to do differently to beat him? Does he have to be more aggressive in going after McCain? I’m sincerely interested in how you think Obama’s doing.
Wow Rachel Maddow show. Daddy/Mommy Love is really educating himself now…
So that’s supposed to be him looking through a glory hole or something, seeing if some guy is on the other side?
#38 Riiiiiiiiiiiight – Rachel Maddow.
You figgered it out Troll. He is gross!
Saw Rachel Maddow last night. I had high hopes, but she’s basically just copying Keith Olbermann’s show.
Obama is ahead state-by-state in the race for electoral votes. He still leads in Ohio and Pennsylvania, and has a lead in a handful of other Bush 2004 states. The national numbers don’t matter much; and all of McCain’s bullshit doesn’t amtter much.
Reichert/Burner SurveyUSA poll data:
Yeah, I know each time a new liberal show gets on the air, a coke-sniffing, oil-company banging Republican stooge loses his wings, and another Abramoff crony is indicted.
Crank & Skank portray themselves as “mavericks” willing to take on their own party. In other words, they claim to be running against their own party!
How much sense does voting for them make? I mean, really, if they’re out to “reform” what the GOP has done to this country, then why aren’t they running as Democrats?
These self-proclaimed “mavericks” are as phony as a 3-dollar bill.
So you think Obama should just keep doing what he’s doing? Do nothing different, and he’ll coast in to a victory?
Polls Show McCain – Obama Even
Remember that 10-point lead McCain our wingnut friends were crowing about a few days ago?
According to a new Washington Post – ABC News poll, “Among all registered voters, the contest is now basically deadlocked — 47 percent for Obama, 46 percent for McCain. It is also about even among those who say they are most likely to vote: 49 percent for McCain, 47 percent for Obama. A number of other polls … [show] the race dead even ….”
But note this:
“Only four in 10 voters in the new poll said Obama has done enough to explain the ‘change’ he promises ….”
Quoted from the Seattle Times under fair use.
Fact is, they’ve co-opted the change message (whether they’re really the change candidates or not), and Obama & Co are at a loss at what to do about it.
So far, his only response has been “No you’re not, I am!”
Democrats at work are comparing obama to jesus.
Nothing like campaigning for “jesus” on taxpayer dime.
Did you watch the 2 videos?
Did you notice how he flipped her off at the same point in his speech?
Did you notice how the audience reacted?
Did you notice obama trying not to laugh?
Never mind, that’s asking too much of you.
According to a new Washington Post – ABC News poll, “Among all registered voters, the contest is now basically deadlocked — 47 percent for Obama, 46 percent for McCain. It is also about even among those who say they are most likely to vote: 49 percent for McCain, 47 percent for Obama. A number of other polls … [show] the race dead even ….”
It’s not that new. That’s the poll from 9/5 – 9/7 here:
It covers the identical period as the USA Today/Gallup poll that had McCain up by 10.
18. YLB spews:
I don’t watch, listen or read much media. I live off the net.
“If everyone knew Obama like I’ve come to know him, you’d shrug that bullshit off like any other right wing noise.”
Like you’ve come to KNOW him??? By living off the NET.
YLB, you are a delusional person. You don’t come to KNOW someone off the NET.
Yet another sterling example of why I call you a KLOWN!!
#57: Ouch. Remember, yelling loser boy got to know John Deadwards from the Net too. Unfortunately he missed the cheating coverup which the Net did on purpose.
yelling loser boy did you find your SEIU wife from the “NET” too?
Mr. Cynical – yelling loser boy is very quick to post the latest form Kurse or The Panty Man (TPM) as soon as he reads it. Then leftists people like Daddy/Mommy Love eat it up.
33 – LMAO!!!
The eye stays! Given your posting record here, the fact that it annoys you just makes it all the more sweeter.
Project any meaning you want on the gravatar. That says more about you than it could ever say about me.
As for your question, I don’t take orders from a troll. I’ve said my piece about the stupid lipstick/pig controversy.
McCain clearly got a “bounce” from (a) picking Palin and (b) using the GOP convention to present himself and Palin as “maverick reformers” that’s showing up in all the polls.
But it could backfire.
U.W. communications professor David Domke, a former newsman who specializes in religious politics, says cozying up to religious conservatives often costs a Republican candidate moderate votes.
Writing in the Seattle Times, Domke says “history … indicates that the GOP campaign is in precarious territory.”
Domke says 2008 is “a close parallel” to 1992, when Bill Clinton, like Barack Obama this year, ran “on a message of hope and change” against a Republican hampered by economic troubles and dependent on the votes of religious conservatives skeptical of him.
Domke says Bush Sr. lost that election in part because he decided to mobilize religious conservatives instead of reaching out to moderates. This strategy, Domke says, “came with consequences.” It gave Clinton an opening to “paint Bush as beholden to … zealots.”
Timing was a key factor in Bush Sr.’s political demise, Domke says: “Ultimately, Bush’s highly visible embrace of the religious right so close to election day cost him … the election,” Domke said. “It’s one thing to show love to the core of the party; it’s another thing to do it when everyone is watching, which occurs in each presidential campaign beginning with the party conventions.”
Domke says demonstrating independence from evangelical voters may be just as important to McCain’s chances as distancing himself from his party’s incumbent president.
(Quotes under fair use.)
But daddy/mommy love, when another liberal joins others on the airwaves, you don’t see the clamor of conservatives calling for the Fairness Doctrine to be invoked. We look to the free market to determine if the show flies or dies.
I could be wrong but I don’t recall the groundswell for the removal of Al Franken”stein” from Scare Amerikkka. We called for the removal of Randi Four Gunshots Rhodes. And if y’all remember when she was “mugged” (what happened again libtards) October 2007, it was the libtards who claimed conservatives did it only to have those words shoved up their collective ASSes later…
57 – LMAO!!! What a right wing KLOWN you are!
I guess you’ve come to know Johnny McInsane really well by watching the boob tube or reading right wing publications!
@33 Are you actually so arrogant to think we liberals, here on a liberal blog, will take orders from a lying wingnut troll who pretends to by a Democrat? We don’t take orders, we give them! And I’m ordering you to go fuck yourself!
Red neon sign in one yelling loser boy eye flashing “Vacancy” and in the other eye “Space Available Here”
Besides, he likes looking at porn. He told us so. It’s his other release!
LMAO!!! You said I brought porn to HA. Here’s what I brought:
I know you wingnuts get off on that stuff 24/7. What else could account for your insane comments here?
Yes yelling loser boy. I didn’t know that video existed until you brought it to our attention. Of course when I tracked it down we all found out you learned about it from Daily Kurse. You love that warm white sticky man-juice kool-aid from Markos. it’s the cream of your morning coffee.
Legal cretin@63: You’ve stated ad nauseum this is a libtard blog. Over and over and over and over and…
over and over…
I didn’t know that video existed until you brought it to our attention.
LIAR!! That video is just a stream of Faux News bullshit.
If you’ve watched Faux Noise, you’ve seen it.
All your moronic heroes are on that reel: O’Felafel, Cavuto, Insanity Hannity doing what it takes to reel in right wing dolts like you to pump up their ratings: purveying porn.
I haven’t seen the Rachel Maddow show on TV yet, but I’ve grown to like her quite a bit from her radio show. She’s extremely smart and not too strident. She has the ability to chuckle at the Republican nonsense, which sometimes helps me to relax a bit and not take them too seriously.
62. YLB spews:
“57 – LMAO!!! What a right wing KLOWN you are!
I guess you’ve come to know Johnny McInsane really well by watching the boob tube or reading right wing publications!”
I never said I’ve “come to know” John McCain.
You are delusional. You probably even believe you are a key part of the O-blah-blah political strategy machine.
KLOWN’s like you with your vile rhetoric are why McCain will pull victory out of what seemed like a hopeless situation just months ago.
It’s not because of me….it’s because you have alienated women and moderates with your vitrolic anger.
You are so blinded with rage you cannot see the harm you KLOWNS have done.
State-by-State from Rasmussen yesterday:
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Three new state polls out today move John McCain a bit closer to Barack Obama in the Electoral College. New Mexico moves from “Leans Democratic” to “Toss-Up,” North Dakota moves from “Leans Republican” to “Likely Republican” and Alaska moves from “Likely Republican” to “Safely Republican.” With these changes, the Rasmussen Reports Balance of Power Calculator show Obama leading in states with 193 Electoral College votes and McCain ahead in states with 189 Electoral College votes. When “leaners” are included, it’s Obama 259, McCain 247.
The toss-up states are:
Colorado (9)
NM (5)
NV (5)
Virginia (13)
If the other states hold and O-blah-blah takes NM and NV and McCain takes Colorado & Virginia, it is an Electoral tie.
Pretty interesting.
If O-blah-blah only takes Colorado…he loses.
There are also a number of leaners that appear in play. O-blah-blah has more of those, although Florida has become very tight too.
yelling loser boy calling me a liar?
Hmmm… you need to go back and check this blog when you brought this “news” to all of us. Review the leftist moronic comments around this “video”.
And now that Obama sat down with O’Reilly I guess your testicles are in the Fox “lock box”!
Waaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa
By the way, Troll & Puddy, why don’t you explain exactly what McCain/Palin is going to “change”? Let’s start with the Republican Party and the ingrained culture of corruption there. What have they changed so far, other than their slogans?
Let’s be specific. Are they going to change the policy on Iraq? McCain says we need to follow Bush’s policies, only more so. That doesn’t sound like much of a change.
Are they going to change the Bush tax policies and economic plan which resulted in record budget deficits and record national debt? McCain says he wants to make the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans permanant. That’s not much of a change.
Are they going to reform the enfluence of lobbyists in government? McCain’s campaign continues to be packed by lobbyists, some of them having represented foreign interests. That’s not much of a change from the status quo.
The McCain campaign says that McCain/Palin are going to “take on the oil companies”, but they oppose any windfall profits tax, and their only position is to adopt everything on the oil company’s wish list (unlimited offshore oil drilling rights, drilling in environmentaly sensative areas, elimination of the threat of punitive damages in oil spills, relaxation of emissions regulations at refineries). If that’s a change, it’s heading in the wrong direction.
How about changing the way we discuss political issues, without lies, distortions, and dirty tricks? The Republicans under Karl Rove have made those tactics their hallmark. The McCain campaign is just repeating the Bush campaign tactics in this election. That’s certainly no change.
If McCain can’t even change his own party, why should we take a chance with him with our entire nation?????
Personally, I’d like McCain to take over the Republican Party for the next decade or so – let’s call it a “probation”. After the last twenty years or so of criminal conduct, I think another twenty years of probation would not be too far out of line. After that, MAYBE we could take them seriously again.
(You know, I really miss Barry Goldwater and Howard Baker – those were honerable Republicans with whom you could have a reasonable discussion over political philosophy and government administration. I had a conversation or two with Howard Baker back in the day, and came to respect him quite a bit. They cared about their country, more than their party. But the Neo-Cons took over the Republican Party in the 1980’s, and it hasn’t been the same since.)
rhp6033: Rachel Maddow “not too strident”?
Of course when you are the substitute host for Olbermann’s show you can’t bee too strident.
KLOWN’s like you with your vile rhetoric
LMAO!!! Pot calling kettle.
Sell the rest of your BS at (un)SP like they’ll care even over there.
At the end of the day, people won’t buy 4 more years of the same.
I don’t click on links to sites I don’t know well, certainly not some put up by an anonymous poster on a political blog. I got a nasty computer virus once by doing so, it ended up taking the better part of a week to get rid of it. If you want to make a point, do so in the comments, quoting relevant passages if you like, and then you can link to the source for more information if we wish to go there.
rhp6033: Go back to McCain’s acceptance speech first. After you read it for the first time we’ll hash over your post above.
I listed the differences between McCain and Bush. You ignored them at your debate peril.
See ya.
you need to go back and check this blog
I don’t take orders from you.
What’s that bullshit tally up to?
I’m not saying McCain/Palin are about change. I don’t think he is. I’m saying they’ve co-opted the change message. They cleverly stole it from Obama. It won’t do any good to for us to argue whether it’s true or not. It seems to be working. So now it’s up to Obama to figure out his next move. And he better move quick.
Cynical: yelling loser boy got to know Markos Moulitsas Zúniga through the NET. yelling loser boy got to know Markurse so well he had a USB wine tap converted to deliver the warm white sticky man-juice kool-aid direct from the Net for his morning coffee.
Here is the original version before converted by yelling loser boy:
I guess your testicles are in the Fox “lock box”!
What an ugly second-hand man you are Stupes.
You can’t exist outside the Flush Limpblows/Faux Noise/Wingnut bullshit bubble.
The surface tension is impenetrable. We’ll see happens come November.
Then yelling loser boy how am I a liar unless you validate your claim?
Otherwise you are as always HAs clueless idiot fool.
yelling loser boy was one of the cheerleaders for Obama and others to stay off of Fox. Now that he and his gang failed…
83 – LMAO!! Faux Noise failed to derail Obama during the primaries.
You wingnuts got nothing from the O’Felafel interview.
The economy is going down the shitter. We’ve lost over 600,000 jobs since January.
People aren’t going to buy your worthless bullshit in November.
Notice no rebuttal on #80 or #82, because yelling loser boy knows his place on HA.
85 – I don’t take orders from an insane wingnut.
I do what you do – whatever the fuck I want.
#86 The Prosecution Rests
Good day.
87 – Can’t say I’d wish the same for you – ever.
the Rasmussen Reports Balance of Power Calculator show Obama leading in states with 193 Electoral College votes and McCain ahead in states with 189 Electoral College votes. When “leaners” are included, it’s Obama 259, McCain 247.
The RealClearPolitics data now has the race as an Electoral College dead heat:
Obama: 217 McCain: 216 Toss Up 105
RCP Intrade Market Odds now have it 48.1 50.7 for McCain.
This is all very fluid, but for right now this race is a toss up.
89 DS
No, if you click the “No Tossup States” link, where they just count who’s ahead, it’s Obama 273, McCain 265.
@13 Mr. Cynical
I do not know where you get that idea. As far as I know all four of the candidates profess Christinaity and one of them, Obama, has made rather public and specific commitments to service because of that.
My opinion to Palin is because she is
a. a member of a bizar Christian sect.
One’s beliefs DO matter because they affect the rest of us and the country. Romney’s beliefs in golden tablets and such was, even if real, at most quaint. Reagan ikley had no real religon. Palin does and she acts based on her view of reality.
The US can not afford a Luddite leader who thinks THEIR God actually created the world and wants to teach this to kids. The US can not afford a leader who thinks her friend jesus has endorsed this war .. or any war.
Finally, the US can not afford any person in the top slot until that person has had the opportunity to learn something about world affairs. Palin has about as much qualifications to drive the world as her 17 yo daughter had to have a baby.
Finally, until now, I have been a supporter of John McCain. As a Vietnam vet, I admired him not only for his sevice but for his courageous efforts at reconciliation after the war. His choice of an unprepared, religious fanatic for VEEP can only be explained by incompetence or … to be blunt .. treason. iS he the Manchurain candidate?
He and the Palinistas should be ashamed and should, unlike Ms. Palin, understand that from this point on every unnecessary American job lost and lives, American and other, lost in this manhglked war is amrk on THEIR souls.
Strong enough?
He still leads in Ohio and Pennsylvania
A Pig In Lipstick?
A terrible, terrible thing to call a devout pig eating Palinst8inian Dhimmi female, a pig in lipstick?
She eats pigs? I assume so, isn’t that part of her religion?
She wears lipstick? Yeah she bragged of it. Something abut being a dog with lipstick?
So .. why else and what else would you call her?
How about:
Mandy Moosekiller?
Jesus’ Babe
Big Momma
Annie Oakley
John’s Rotweiler Bitch?
.. or if we just ignore her gender, despite her efforts to parade it as a reason we should select her, how about:
Right Wing Extremist
Radical Religious Republican nut job
God’s Gift
in the podcast goldy and friends mentioned right-wing comedians… I offer WILL FRANKEN, one of the funniest right-wing fire sign theatre types out there.