It’s the Ask Goldy hour for this episode of the Podcast, wherein folks who have donated at least five bucks to the Horses Ass annual biennial fundraiser have purchased the privilege to ask Goldy anything at all. Goldy bares his soul in addressing the spectrum of questions from his love life to his Torah portion, and a few timely political questions, too. In between questions and answers, the panel delves into the political topics of the week.
Goldy was joined by Peace Tree Farm’s N in Seattle, a surprise visit by FakeTedVanDyk, DailyKos Uber-blogger mcjoan, and me.
The show is 1:00:30, and is available here as an MP3:
[audio:][Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for hosting the Podcasting Liberally site.]
I did not ask if Goldy is gay! I did not imply he is! I’m just concerned about Goldy and wanna know he’s okay! Say, does anyone know any cute fluffy voluptuous female bunnies between the ages of 18 and 25 who might go for an older rabbit with a steady income … oh shit, I see Mrs. Rabbit coming, and just remembered I have a doctor’s appointment in Chicago this afternoon …
Hey everybody, I think we should take up a collection to send Goldy on an all-expenses-paid retreat to a Nevada brothel … he deserves it … and man does he ever need it. I might even go with him …
Wow, the real FakeTedVanDyk. Hope they have good scotch on Montlake.
Christ you know it ain’t easy cranking out an unappreciated quality product day after doo-dah day, working gnarly fingers to the bone to get the perfect mix of piquant snark and almost-libelous batshit, suffering insufferable free-riding trolls who suck up my bandwidth to beat me up about being a whiny trustfund baby who can’t get a real job …
so c’mon. Give it up. Give me some overdue respect and a lot of cash.
Thank you, liberals, from the bottom of my barely-beating bleeding heart. For generous donations, I’ll send a slightly used NPR hemp tote bag.
i enjoy Podcasting on my desktop PC. it really helps me share my ideas and thoughts over the internet.:,