The Podcast opens with a discussion of the proposed Chihuly “museum,” titled Chihuly at the Needle. The panel discusses whether a for-profit gallery of glass art is a suitable use of an urban space that is currently dedicated to family-oriented activities. Goldy outlines his Really Kick Ass Playground alternative, and (perhaps more importantly) suggests a realistic funding mechanism. The panel considers alternative sites for a Chihuly “museum”.
[29:50] The conversation then turns to the political news of the day: the arrest of Charles Alan Wilson for making death threats against Sen. Patty Murray. Was Mr. Wilson a lone nutcase? Or was he inspired by some larger cultural phenomena…like, say, the violent wingnut teabagger movement and their surrogates in hate-talk media (with an assist from the Republican party)? The panel explores the logical outcome of that second possibility.
Goldy was joined by Peace Tree Farm’s N in Seattle, Effin’ Unsound’s & Horsesass’s Carl Ballard, and me.
The show is 47:25, and is available here as an MP3:
[audio:][Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for hosting the Podcasting Liberally site.]
Somewhere back there, Rabbit ranted about letting good rack go to waste.
Uh huh.