The panel is joined by Mike Lux of Open Left to discuss his new book The Progressive Revolution: How the Best in America Came To Be. Some introspection about bloggers, journalists, and progressive politics happens.
Next, the panel collectively holds their nose and looks at the “situation” in California. Has Prop 13 lived up to its promise? What does the California situation tell us about the future in other states with pending TABOR-like legislation? Would a successful I-1033 turn Washington state into a dysfunctional disaster, à la California?
The conversation turns to pork. And how did your state’s Senators vote on the F-22s that both Obama and the Military didn’t want? At least we received money for ferry system infrastructure. Speaking of transportation infrastructure, Seattle’s light rail service started this week. Will people ride it and actually enjoy it? Or is there a telling (one-day) trend toward low ridership?
Goldy was joined by Seattle P-I columnist Joel Connelly, Mike Lux of Open Left, and Effin’ Unsound’s & Horsesass’s Carl Ballard
The show is 48:41, and is available here as an MP3:
[audio:][Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for hosting the Podcasting Liberally site.]
State senators didn’t vote on the F-22 – United States Senators did. Your positions on issues are confusing enough, so please do what you can to get the essential facts right.
The Piper
Ease up, Pipes. It was inartfully worded, but each state does have two Senators, at least since Frnaken has been seated.
Who’s Frnaken?
Each state has two United States Senators who serve in Washington, D.C.
State senators, on the other hand, serve in Olympia.
Since most of the HA Happy Hooligans can’t think or reason their way out of a wet paper bag, it’s important to not unnecessarily add to their confusion.
The Piper
Piper Scott,
“State senators didn’t vote on the F-22 – United States Senators did.”
Thanks…that was a helpful suggestion.
What…have you been drinking or something?
I will not argue that the general level of ignorance regarding government is appalling in the general population. Folks blaming King County government for the Mercer Mess or the South Lake Union Trolley. Lack of understanding of State v. Federal v. County v. City responsibilities is worse than my keyboard skills.
But I do not doubt Darryl knows the difference. And the US Senators are senators from their respective states.
Piper spews: “how did your state’s Senators vote”
That is exactly how it should have been written. The context was federal lawmaking, and Darryl gave “Senators” the capital S. That is as U.S. Senators should have it. Sorry, m’lad, you’re wrong on this one–and I’m a bit anal when it comes to matters as important as punctuation and grammar.
As an aside, why don’t you ever give the civics lessons to those on your side of the aisle who don’t know the executive branch from the legislative from the judicial? Sarah Palin, for instance, comes to mind.
darryl loses another one.
I wonder how many jobs are going to be lost with the f-22 project ending.
I’m not speaking for Piper but I’m guessing because darryl posts on this blog and palin doesn’t.
Marvin Stamn,
“darryl [sic] loses another one.”
Loses another what?
Marvie @ 7 and 8
Shoot, man, you don’t come off looking so good after that round. Thanks for playing, though.
proud leftist @ 6,
In fairness to Piper Scott, I left off the possessive on “state’s” and plural on “Senators” so Piper Scott was quite right in pointing out the typos.
It’s correct, now. Was it not when first posted? I have been accused of being the “punctuation police,” so I hate to accuse Piper, my friend, wrongly. I do know, despite his Pleistocene Era views on politics, that the guy can write coherently. If I owe him an apology, here it is.
I understood what he meant. You are just too used to dealing with your ‘base’.
No wonder you feel so superior with your breezy little criticisms. ‘Firing Line’ was a long time ago. Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity are the best you’ve got now.
proud leftist @ 12,
It was wrong as originally posted and I corrected it to what it is now in response to Piper Scott’s comment. Sorry about the confusion.
It’s a shame that this blog which usually has substantive stuff on it attracts such silly comments. “Spews” is right.
If only they could learn to just mindlessly parrot what’s scribbled in National Review they’d be all set..
for a hack’s job at EFF anyway.
you all look like idiots — like you have no life — worrying about details of grammar.
shut up and get back to the issues.
{PS — grammatical error included deliberately to make you all point it out and confirm you look like idiots who have no life!]
The issue here is we all yap about pork but hey the senators from the states building the damn wasteful plane voted for the damn wasteful plane.
Get back to the subject, ok?