The podcast makes another surprise return from its summer vacation, giving Goldy and his panel of bloggers a chance to attack the political issues of our day over beer and nachos. The panel takes delight in the splendidly bewildering surrender of Gov. Sarah Palin. After a brief sojourn into rumors about imminent indictments, the panel delves into the big question of whether Palin has spoiled herself politically.
[14:01] It was a big day as Senator Elect Al Franken shortened his title to just Senator Al Franken. Goldy finds in this great hope for foul-mouthed politicos everywhere. The panel wonders when the sobered former satirist will again be able to get his humor back on.
[24:01] Finally, the panel examines Initiative 1033 that would limit future state spending to inflation plus population growth. Two major flaws of the initiative are discussed—the downward ratchet from economic dips and use of the wrong inflation index. If passed, will I-1033 cause Washington State to follow in the dreadful fiscal footsteps of California? A raucous debate ensues over whether angry scare tactics are the right approach for fighting the initiative.
Goldy was joined by Group News Blog publisher Jesse Wendel, Peace Tree Farm’s N in Seattle, and Horses Ass’ Will Kelly-Kamp.
The show is 47:04, and is available here as an MP3:
[audio:][Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for hosting the Podcasting Liberally site.]
Franken was a half assed comedian as well as a loser on talk radio. He wrote a book Rush Limbaugh is a Big fat Idiot, so incoherent that my kid could have done better in the 3rd grade it will pass!
Sarah may be your next pres… should treat her better because Obama is lost in himself.
As far as Eyemans petition
It will pass and the state will be better for it.
Thanks for those oh-so-deep insights, Chuck.
Barack Obama got out of the shower and was drying off
when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to
the top of his head.
In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start
working for a living, he called his doctor and told him of his problem.
The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately. After an
examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to
Barack, and told him to drink it all.
Barack drank the concoction and replied, ‘That tasted like bullshit!’
The doctor replied, ‘It was, you were a quart low.’
Better be careful Klynical. I understand the sheep are laughing. And the goats are downright pissed. You MAY soon realize that you need the assistance of a dildo just to satisfy small livestock.
X’ad, you are now on the livestock kick?
Who knew another libtardo came out of the barn!
Remember Rick Santelli and CNBC?
Yeah Rick that was Joe BigMouth Biden. Butt Joe Biden outdid himself. “”We misread how bad the economy was” Butt Joe, it was the worst since the depression. So how can it be worse than that Joe?
Now the Dummocraptic congress critters are debating sumtin Puddy said back in February…We’ll see another Porkulus bill later this year! Will “the messiah” help write this one?
Here’s a shocker…One link says John Henry owns it while John Duesler is president. John Henry contributed to the IBEW Union.
Liberal Seattle: Murder someone, get 8 years in prison.
Talk radio host Mike Webb’s killer to be sentenced to only 8 years in prison for murder because a liberal therapist said he may not have had the ability to “pre-meditate” the crime.”
@8: It was Puddy and the republicans who claimed the economy was “sound” just last summer.
How quickly they forget how wrong they were.
Biden was right and Puddy was wrong – thanks for the post Puddy – how is that dementia doing?
@5: Thanks for the racist little attempt at a joke Klynical.
I sure you were very amused. It was a stupid racist joke I heard when I was ten years old – it was racist and stupid then and it has not changed. Even the “working for a living” line that implies black people don’t work.
Puddy loves jokes like that.
NutsTooTight: You all are in charge. Why do you keep going backwards? Why NutsTooTight? why? You and other HA Libtardos told us whom think right “the adults are in charge”.
“It’s the worst economy since the depression”
@12 Yup, an old racist joke. Even Ohio Republicans considered it a racist joke. At the time, Jesse Jackson was the target.
I’m sure Marvin will be here any minute to take Mr. Klynical to task for his racial insensitivity. Of course, we all know Mr. “50% + 1” has nothing to say on the subject worth reading.
Steve, Sometimes Cynical steps over the line. Since Puddy has Cynical’s personal email address and we’ve broken bread together, what Puddy says to Cynical is private between Puddy and Cynical. I mention my dismay to Cynical time to time.
Butt, since you brought up the 50% + 1 when are you joining the 50%?
@15 “when are you joining the 50%”
Fuck your “50%”. Anybody that calls a black man the “N” word is condemned. What headless wrote four years ago was contemptable, no matter his or her intent. The joke Mr. Klynical repeated above is racist. Sure, keep it private, Puddy, just you and your bestus racist bud, while demanding that others here publicly condemn racism. My, what a soulless twit you are.
Maybe we go back in time because the recession started during the entire last year of the idiot Bush (your friggin’ hero).
While the recession was occurring, the clueless Bush and the idiot McCain kept going on and on about how “sound” the economy was.
The 8 years of Bush killed our economy and bankrupted our country – yet you and the republicans cheered for him. Bush bailed out the banks. Bush wasted 1 trillion in Iraq.
Maybe your amnesia allows you to forget all those terrible mistakes. Obama is just trying to fix the load of crap that Bush got us into. It will take time and a lot of effort – but we real americans will pull out of this dismal Bush hole.
Surely you don’t expect any better from him?
Seek treatment
Steve, Steve, Steve:
Really? Only 11 out of 70 and you think it’s condemned? Darryl and Lee condemned it while the rest of the crew never did. Soooooooooo what now Steve?
Okay Steve so it’s not okay to make a joke about “the messiah” while you and others can make jokes about Sarah Palin’s femininity? Her being trailer trash? That’s racist. About her Down’s Syndrome child? Strange, Puddy sees these attacks by progressives as equals.
X’ad, of course Steve needs treatment, he treats farm animals in strange non-normal ways.