The podcast makes a brief return from its summer vacation for a special interview with Darcy Burner. Goldy and Darcy discuss her new position as the Executive Director of The conversation turns to health insurance reform, and Darcy explains why the House will pass a plan with a “robust” public option, and why the public option will not go away during the reconciliation process. The final topic of discussion is the energy bill and the cap and trade provisions now before the House.
The show is 25:09, and is available here as an MP3
[Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for hosting the Podcasting Liberally site.]
Once again..
Goldy’s left hand missing from photo and left arm in a very suspect position.
Goldy==No Morals so he can’t be a hypocrite!
Mr. Cynical,
I don’t see either of your hands.
Fucking pig!
I’m happily married Darryl..and not a creepy pervert like goldy.
Okay Cynical, that was a cheap shot dude. Puddy gotta say that. We know Goldy worships the Darcy Moonbat!
Now from the picture it looks like Goldy has goofy eyes.
Mr. Cynical,
I’ve known Goldy for quite some time now, and I’ve never observed anything remotely resembling “creepy” or “preverted”.
I’ve also “known” you for as long through this blog. I have to say…you’ve unloaded a lot of creepy and perverted shit in these comment threads!
Finally, we do have acquaintances in common (I shit you not–I visit your WA “home town” fairly regularly. Indeed, I was there yesterday.). While I’ve never heard anything about you being “creepy” or “perverted”, you do have quite the reputation as being a flaming asshole. Bearing “false witness” against Goldy is, quit clearly, another manifestation of that trait.
re #5…
That’s a big shock.
Just go away Darcy, ya loser……..
No wonder Goldy can’t get laid; what an unattractive man, I must say. Jeez! But I guess Goldy’s viagra is working….pulling his pud to a dead horse twice loser like the almighty Ditzy Darcy, who went down in flames, and is and remains totally irrelevant to anything whatsoever. Give it a rest limp dick. And Darryl, make sure you tell your other brother Darryl same. Good day all.
Mark1 @ 8
“And Darryl, make sure you tell your other brother Darryl same.”
Ooooohhh…that’s a good one. I’ve never heard that before. Well…not from anyone over the age of 12, anyway.
Chickenshit pussy you are; no defense on your part for the rest of my post. And you do have a stupid name, this from someone well over 12 dipshit. 12 year olds wouldn’t know WTF Newhart was anyway.